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Doc No.

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Issue No. 00
Criteria for Hazard Identification & Risk Analysis Revision No. 00

Scale Severity Probability Duration
The consequences of hazard may Work should not be started or continued until the risk has Repetitive instances. Once in a
have risk to the entire factory or been reduced or eliminated. month or more. Permanent
5 Intolerable
even outside the factory. It is not possible to reduce the risk even with unlimited Previous history shows very Not recoverable
resources, work has to remain prohibited. high likelihood of occurrence
The consequences of hazard may Work should not be started until the risk has been Frequent instances. Previous
pose a risk to more than one reduced or eliminated. data shows happening of
4 department or in the most part of Substantial Considering the resources may have to be allocated to impact between once in month Impact is More than one month
factory area reduce the risk. Where the risk involves the work in to one quarter.
progress urgent actions should be taken.

Efforts should be made to reduce the risk, but the cost of

prevention should be carefully measured and limited.
Risk reduction measures should be implemented within a
Infrequent event. The
defined time period.
Consequences of hazard may pose possibility of occurrence is Impact is more than 1 week butless
3 Moderate Where the moderate risk is associated with extremely
a risk to entire department or area between quarterly to half then a Month
harmful consequences further assessment may be
necessary to establish more precisely the likelihood of
harm as a basis for determining the need for improved
control measures

No additional controls are required. Consideration may The possibility of occurrence is

The consequences of hazard may be given to a more cost effective solution or unlikely. The event between
Impact period is about ond day to one
2 be on one station or in some area in Tolerable improvement that imposes no additional cost burden. has not happened for more
a deptt Monitoring is required to ensure that controls are than two years.
maintained. Happened once in three years.
The possibility of occurrence is
The consequences is limited to No action is required and no documentary records need
1 Trivial rare. The events has not taken Less than one day
maximum one station / machine to be kept.
place for more than 3 years.
Incase the product of S+S+P+D is more than 12 of the maximum rating Hazard & associated risk is treated as significant
Incase the hazard / risk is covered under the legal requirements irrespective of S+S+P+D rating it will be treated as significant

Prepared By: Safety Officer Approved By: Management Representative Issued By: Safety Officer

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