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March 9

The first day of our deployment

where we were introduced to our
future Critic Teachers and school
principals along with our prmsu
professors. Then we drew lots for our
chosen critic teacher and we were
sent home.

March 10
We went to the school to introduce
ourselves to our future students and
we watched them, we were also given
a topic for Grade7 and Grade9 that
we will teach this coming Monday.
After that we arranged our things for
our future faculty of student teachers.

March 13
Today is Monday this is also the first
day of our teaching my first class is 7
30am - 8 30 am in grade 7 Neptune.
At first I was nervous and now I can
touch them, I discussed about the
Philippine Folk dance which they
followed. After discussion I did an
activity where I divided them into
three groups and they will do the basic
steps in folk dance the 2/4time
signature. After we watched grade 7,
we went to my next class in Grade 9
They were 8 30am - 9 30am where
they had a role playing about the first aid kit. I was made a judge by Mam Julie
(CT) along with Buena and we graded her, including the comments and
suggestions for her performance. In the afternoon, Mam made me fix the test
papers, including printing and stapling because they have an exam tomorrow.

March 14
Today is Tuesday, I watched over
my students because they have a
regional exam, Grade 7 Neptune at
7:30 - 8:30 am. They were silent
while taking the MAPEH test. After
graduation, Grade 9 followed from
8:30-9:30 in the subject MAPEH.
When the afternoon came I went
home, because I felt bad because of
my cough and cold.
March 16
Today is Thursday in my first
subject 7:30 - 8:30 in Grade 7
Neptune we checked their exam,
after that we did trial and errors the
highest they got in the exam was
30 /50. What I did in my second
subject MAPEH in grade 9 They
taught about Badminton about the
basic skills/stroke and rules. After
that I had them do a performance
where they would choose a piece of
paper with badminton strokes
written on it and perform on the field.
March 20
Today is Monday in my first
subject 7:30 - 8:30 in Grade 7
Neptune we had a class about
Kulintang and I made an activity
where they will sing their own beat.
From 8-30 to 9 30 everyone taught Grade 9 Silang about the Romantic Period in
March 21
Today is Tuesday I taught Grade 7
Neptune 7 30 to 8 30 and our
topic was The Bamboo Ensemble,
after that I made them write an
essay about the importance of
studying the music of Mindanao.
From 8 30 to 9 30 I taught Grade
9 Silang about the performance
during the romantic period and I
made them write an essay about
the importance of studying the
Romantic period in today's times.
March 22
Today is Wednesday I taught
Grade 7 Neptune about Islamic
Music and Mindanao Culture.
After graduating in Grade 9, they
talked about the composers of the
Romantic Period. As before, I
always do a quiz after the

March 23
Today is Thursday in my first
period 7:30 to 8 30 in Grade 7
Neptune I discussed about non
Islamic music and I reviewed
them in past topics. In Grade 9,
Silang made me do written works.
March 27
Today is Monday I just observed
my Co-teacher in his teaching and
I helped set up the projector and
presentations he will use.

March 28
Today is Tuesday I just observed
my Co-teacher in his teaching and
I helped set up the projector and
presentations he will use. And I
have also started answering my
Internship Book.

March 29
Today is Wednesday I just
observed my Co-Teacher in his
teaching and I helped set up the
projector and presentations he
would use. And I have also started
answering my Internship Book.

March 30
Today is Thursday I taught grade
7 and our topic is about Mindanao
Arts the Architecture, Metal
Crafts and functional arts. After
that I taught Grade 9 Silang about the artists in the Philippines of Neoclassicism
and Romanticism.

March 31
Today is Friday I taught Grade 7
Neptune. I made them dance
about the basic fundamental
steps of folkdance. And I just
watched Grade 9 Silang.

April 3
Today is Monday I taught grade
7 Neptune about Tinikling in its
history and dance steps. And in
grade 9 we did a dry run about
my future mock demo. After
finishing, I watched the mock
demo of my colleagues.

April 4
Until Tuesday, I got ready for a
mock demo the next day, my
Co-teacher checked my lesson
plan. And I have also fixed my
visual aid.

April 5
Today is Wednesday, I was a bit
nervous about the mock demo,
but I finished it. There are good
comments and they will be fixed little by little. And the next thing we will
prepare is the final demo.

April 11
Today is Tuesday I taught grade 7
Neptune where we learned about the
steps of tinikling, we finished part 1
and 2. In Grade 9 Silang I taught
about the background and nature of

April 12
Today is Wednesday I taught
Grade7 Neptune still about the steps
of Tinikling and my Co-Teacher
was with me. In Grade 9 Silang, I
taught them about the Fundamental
Skills of volleyball.

April 13
Today is Thursday, this is the third
day of my teaching about the steps
of Tinikling, and little by little they
are getting it. In Grade 9 Silang, I
played volleyball.

April 14
Today is Friday we did not teach
our class, because they had an
activity about Romeo and Juliet. I just returned their index card to record the
activities they did.

April 15
Today is Monday, I just reviewed
Grade 7 and Grade 9 for their exam
for the next day.

April 17
Today is Monday I taught Grade 7
Neptune and Grade 9 Silang for
their 3rd Quarter examination

April 18
Today is Tuesday they are still
reviewing for their 3rd Quarter

April 19
Today is Wednesday I watched
Grade7 Neptune and Grade9 Silang
for their 3rd Quarter Examination.
April 20
Today is Thursday we checked
their 3rd Quarter examination and
we also did the frequency of

April 21
Today is Friday 2nd day of our
check on their 3rd Quarter
examination and frequency of
correct. We also cleaned because
there was a guest from Angeles
City for the CLARAA Meet.

May 2
Today is Tuesday I taught Grade7
Neptune and Grade9 Silang about
the Festival. I also watched videos
about their steps and dance

May 3- May 15
We are no longer taught the
subjects we have, because we are
getting ready for our Final Demo
on May 16. Everything we have to
organize and finish, such as the
Lesson Plan, Visual Aids and
things like testing the projector and laptops. We are also reviewing for each of
our topics.

May 16
Today is Tuesday, this is the day
of our Final Demo, we are all
ready. I organized my feed to my
students and panel, including my
visuals to use in the Final Demo.
My schedule is 10:30 am to 11:30
am by the grace of God me and
my companions passed and we
are all very happy.

May 17
Today is Wednesday I came in to
thank the students who
participated in my Final Demo.

May 18
Today is Thursday I watched the
dance practice in Grade 9 Silang
for them to make it into a Festival
Dance Competition.

May 19
Today is Friday we prepared for what we will feed the entire Amungan National
High School teachers as we thank them.

May 22
Today is Monday I watched the
practice of Grade 7 Neptune for
their Festival Dance Competition,
because they were also there.

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