Letter DMV Traffic Data

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The John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C. 20004

Christina Henderson Committee Member

Councilmember, At-Large Hospital and Health Equity
Chairperson, Committee on Health Judiciary and Public Safety
Transportation and the Environment
June 12, 2023

Director Gabriel Robinson

Department of Motor Vehicles
95 M Street SW
Washington, DC 20024

Dear Director Robinson,

The Department of Motor Vehicles (“DMV”) plays a major role in the District’s response to
dangerous driving and traffic violations. I know that we both share a commitment to the safety of
the District’s residents, workers, and visitors by ensuring drivers’ records are updated in a timely
manner and are accurate. In light of recent incidents and the revelations regarding the dissonance
between the system that D.C. Superior Court uses to transmit traffic-related conviction data to
the DMV and that which the DMV uses to add convictions and corresponding penalties to a
driver’s record, I would appreciate responses to the following questions:

DUI Convictions
1. Please provide a breakdown of the FTEs in the division of Adjudication Services as of
June 1, 2023. Please include position numbers, titles, vacancy status, the number of days
a position has been vacant, employee type (i.e. regular, term, or temporary), and FTE
distribution (i.e. 1.0, 0.5, etc.).
2. Within the Adjudication Services division, which staff positions are authorized to enter
convictions or points into the DESTINY system?
a. How many individual staffers, and corresponding FTEs within Adjudication
Services are authorized to enter convictions into the DESTINY system?
b. Are there any other staff within the Department of Motor Vehicles who are
authorized to enter convictions or points into the DESTINY system?
c. How many hours per week do staff spend entering convictions into the DESTINY
system? How many of these hours are paid in overtime?
3. Provide a breakdown of how many convictions for DUI and other crimes that resulted in
a license being suspended or revoked were received by the Department of Motor
Vehicles from DC Superior Court for calendar year 2022? Please provide the data by
month and by charge code, including the charge codes listed below.

Charge Charge Code
Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or 50DC2206.11
Driving Under the Influence – Commercial 50DC2206.12
Driving Under the Influence – Watercraft 50DC2206.31
Operating While Impaired 50DC2206.14
Operating While Impaired – Watercraft 50DC2206.33
Negligent Homicide 50DC2203.01
Leaving After Colliding – Personal Injury 50DC2201.05c(a)(1)

4. Please provide the number of convictions for DUI or other crimes that resulted in a
license being suspended or revoked that were successfully entered into the DESTINY
system by month for calendar year 2022.
5. Please provide the number of convictions for DUI or other crimes that resulted in a
license being suspended or revoked that were successfully entered into the DESTINY
system by month from January 1, 2023, to date.
6. As of today, how many convictions received from DC Superior Court are waiting to be
entered into the DESTINY system?
a. Please provide the date of the oldest conviction that has yet to be entered into the
system. Please also indicate the charge or charges.
7. During calendar year 2022, how many times did DMV management offer overtime for
data entry related to convictions or moving violations?
a. How much was paid in overtime in calendar year 2022 for the purpose of data
entry related to convictions or moving violations?
8. Between January 1, 2023, to date, how many times has management offered overtime for
data entry related to convictions or moving violations?
a. How much has been paid in overtime in calendar year 2023 to-date for the
purpose of data entry related to convictions or moving violations?

Moving Violations Issued by Law Enforcement

9. Please describe how points received from moving violations issued by law enforcement
are entered on a person’s driving record.
10. How many calendar days does a law enforcement agency have to submit tickets to the
DMV after they were issued?
11. What happens if a law enforcement agency does not submit a ticket to the DMV within
the required timeframe after the ticket was issued?
12. Approximately how many tickets and points were dismissed by DMV in calendar year
2022 due to law enforcement’s failure to submit required information timely?
13. Approximately how many tickets and points were dismissed by DMV between January 1,
2023, to date due to law enforcement’s failure to submit required information timely?
14. On average, how many days does it take for DMV to enter points on a person’s driving
record after the ticket has been properly received by DMV?
15. How many moving violation tickets from law enforcement are awaiting to be entered into
the DESTINY system?

DESTINY Replacement Project (KV0-MVS16)
16. When did DMV (via the Office of Contracting and Procurement) issue a Request for
Proposal (RFP) for a new application software for the motor vehicle system?
a. Has a vendor been selected?
b. What is the timeline for major milestones of the project?
c. When is the project anticipated for completion?
17. According to the Capital Improvement Plan, $16.35 million has been allocated to this
project and approximately $8.58 million has already been spent. Please describe what
these funds were used for, including a detailed breakdown of costs by vendor and
18. The FY24 capital budget allocates $2.5 million in FY24 and $3.2 million in FY25 for the
DESTINY Replacement Project. How does the agency plan to spend those funds?
19. How will the new application software be able to seamlessly communicate with the
system at Superior Courts, and integrate the transmitted data into the DMV system to
alleviate the need for convictions to be manually entered on a person’s driving record?
20. Will the new application software be able to communicate with the system at
Metropolitan Police Department to alleviate the need for tickets and points to be
manually entered on a person’s driving record?

Thank you in advanced for your attention this matter. I look forward to receiving your responses
by June 23, 2023. If you have any questions, please contact my Legislative Director Gabrielle
Rogoff at grogoff@dccouncil.gov.


Christina Henderson
Councilmember, At-Large

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