Science7 Q4 W4 D1-1

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Section and Time: Date:

Learning Recognize that soil, water, rocks, coal, and other fossil fuels are Earth Level 7
Competenc materials that people use as resources. S7ES-IV b-c-3
y Quarter 4th

Learning Knowledge: Differentiate renewable from non-renewable sources of Week 4

Objectives energy. No.
Day 1
Skills: Classify energy into renewable and non-renewable sources of

Attitude: Cite practices of energy conservation.

Topic Energy Resources: Renewable or Non-renewable Duration: 60

Resources Learners’ Manual pages 298-300
Needed Pictures of different energy resources, manila paper, scotch tape, manila paper
Activity Sheets

Element of
Suggested Activities
the Plan
Awareness Introductory Activity:
Discuss that the Philippines is still dependent on imported oil for our domestic and
industrial needs. But the presence of geologic structures or specifically the presence of
volcanoes and trenches in the country and our tropical climate also provide several
possibilities to get clean and cheap energy.

Ask the following questions :

Why do we need energy?
What are our energy sources?
Where do we get energy for electricity? Or for running buses, jeeps, tractors and cars?

Activity The class will be divided into 5 groups.

Each group will be assigned to report the different energy resources.
FUELS (coal, natural gas, crude oil)
Guide questions.
1. Identify the energy source as renewable or non-renewable.
2. Advantages and disadvantages.
3. Purpose/Uses
4. Places in the Philippines where this type of energy is used/utilized.
5. Ways of conserving this source of Energy.

RUBRICS in scoring the group performance will be posted or given by each group before
the discussion.

(The teacher may provide a handout of the assigned energy resources but this will not
limit the students to research and to use other references.)
Analysis 1. Based in our activity, What are the renewable sources of energy? What are the non-
renewable sources of energy?

2. What is a renewable source of energy?

3. What is a non-renewable source of energy?

Abstraction 1. Differentiate renewable from non-renewable sources of energy.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages in the use of renewable sources of

3. What are the advantages and disadvantages in the use of non-renewable sources of
Application What are some ways of conserving our energy resources?

Assessment I. Classify the ff. as renewable or non-renewable resources of energy. Write R if its
renewable and NR if non-renewable.
________________1. Solar energy _______________2. Coal
________________3. Natural Gas _______________4. Geothermal Energy
________________5. Wind Farm
Assignment Make a poster showing conservation of our energy resources.
(Enrichment) Use ¼ size of white cartolina.


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