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Fluid Mechanics

: Mechanical – Previous Year Questions :

Q.1 Kinematic viscosity of air at 200 C is given to be 1.6 × 10 − 5 m 2 /s . Its kinematic viscosity at 700 C will be
varying approximately :
(A) 2.2 × 10− 5 m 2 /s (B) 1.6 × 10− 5 m 2 /s (C) 1.2 × 10− 5 m 2 /s (D) 3.2 × 10− 5 m 2 /s
Q.2 An incompressible fluid (kinematic viscosity 7.4 × 10−7 m 2 s , specific gravity 0.88) is held between two
parallel plates. If the top plate is moved with a velocity of 0.5 m s while the bottom one is held stationary,
the fluid attains a linear velocity profile in the gap of 0.5 mm between these plates the shear stress in
pascals on the surface of top plate is
(A) 0.651× 10 −3 (B) 0.651 (C) 6.51 (D) 0.651× 103
Q.3 In a simple concentric shaft-bearing arrangement, the lubricant flows in the 2 mm gap between the shaft
and the bearing. The flow may be assumed to be a plane Couette flow with zero pressure gradient. The
diameter of the shaft is 100 mm and its tangential speed is 10 m/s. the dynamic viscosity of the lubricant
is 0.1 kg/ms. The frictional resisting force (in newton) per 100 mm length of the bearing is _______.
Q.4 Consider fluid flow between two infinite horizontal plates which are parallel (the gap between them being
50 mm). The top plate is sliding parallel to the stationary bottom plate at a speed of 3 m/s. The flow
between the plates is solely due to the motion of the top plate. The force per unit area (magnitude) required
to maintain the bottom plate stationary is _____ N/m 2 .
Viscosity of the fluid μ = 0.44 kg/m-s and density ρ = 888 kg/m 3 .
Q.5 Two immiscible, incompressible, viscous fluids having same densities but different viscosities are
contained between two infinite horizontal parallel plates, 2 m apart as shown below. The bottom plate is
fixed and the upper plate moves to the right with a constant velocity of 3 m/s. With the assumptions of
Newtonian fluid, steady and fully developed laminar flow with zero pressure gradient in all directions, the
d 2u
momentum equations simplify to = 0.
dy 2
If the dynamic viscosity of the lower fluid μ 2 is twice that of the upper fluid, μ1 , then the velocity at the
interface (round off to two decimal places) is ______ m/s.

m1 m2 = 2m1
m2 1m

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Q.6 In given figure, if the pressure of gas in bulb A is 50 cm Hg vacuum and patm = 76 cm Hg, then height of
column H is equal to



(A) 26 cm (B) 50 cm (C) 76 cm (D) 126 cm

Q.7 An inverted U-tube manometer is used to measure the pressure difference between two pipes A and B as
shown in the figure. Pipe A is carrying oil (specific gravity = 0.8 ) and pipe B is carrying water. The
densities of air and water are 1.16 kg / m3 and 1000 kg / m3 , respectively. The pressure difference
between pipes A and B is _____ kPa. Acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m/s 2 .

80 mm

200 mm
A 100 mm B
Oil +

Q.8 The force F needed to support the liquid of density d and the vessel on top (figure) is
Tube of area = a

Vessel h


F Frictionless piston
of area = A
(A) gd [ha – (H – h) A] (B) gdHA (C) gdHa (D) gd (H – h) A
Q.9 Consider a frictionless, massless and leak-proof plug blocking a rectangular hole of dimensions 2𝑅 × 𝐿 at
the bottom of an open tank as shown in the figure. The head of the plug has the shape of a semi-cylinder
of radius R. The tank is filled with a liquid of density ρ up to the tip of the plug. The gravitational
acceleration is g. Neglect the effect of the atmospheric pressure.


Sectional view A-A A
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The force F required to hold the plug in its position is

 π  π π 2
(A) 2ρR 2 gL 1 −  (B) 2ρR 2 gL 1 +  (C) πR 2ρgL (D) R ρgL
 4  4 2
Q.10 A cylindrical body of cross-sectional area A height H and density ρs is immersed to a depth h in a liquid
of density ρ and tied to the bottom with a string. The tension in the string is



(A) ρghA (B) (ρ s − ρ) ghA (C) (ρ − ρ s ) ghA (D) (ρh − ρs H ) gA

Q.11 A spherical balloon with a diameter of 10 m, shown in the figure below is used for advertisements. The
balloon is filled with helium ( RHe = 2.08 kJ/kg K) at ambient conditions of 150 C and 100 kPa.

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Assuming no disturbances due to wind, the maximum allowable weight (in newton) of balloon material
and rope required to avoid the fall of the balloon ( Rair = 0.289 kJ/kg K) is ______.
Q.12 The large vessel shown in the figure contains oil and water. A body is submerged at the interface of oil
and water such that 45 percent of its volume is in oil while the rest is in water. The density of the body is
______ kg/m3.
The specific gravity of oil is 0.7 and density of water is 1000 kg/m3.
Acceleration due to gravity g = 10 m/s2.




Q.13 A cube of side 100 mm is placed at the bottom of an empty container on one of its faces. The density of
cube material is 800 kg/m3 . Liquid of density is 1000 kg/m3 is now poured into the container. The
minimum height to which the liquid needs to poured into the container for the cube to just lift up is ______
Q.14 The Newtonian fluid has the following velocity field :

V = x 2 yiˆ + 2 xy 2 zjˆ − yz 3 kˆ

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The rate of shear deformation ε yz at the point x = − 2, y = − 1 and z = 2 for the given flow is
(A) − 6 (B) − 2 (C) − 12 (D) 4
Q.15 For a fluid flow through a divergent pipe of length L having inlet outlet radii of R1 and R2 respectively
and a constant flow rate of Q, assuming the velocity to be axial and uniform at any cross section, the
acceleration at the exit is
2Q ( R1 − R2 ) 2Q 2 ( R1 − R2 ) 2Q 2 ( R1 − R2 ) 2Q 2 ( R2 − R1 )
(A) (B) (C) (D)
πLR23 πLR23 π2 LR25 π2 LR25
Q.16 A leaf is caught in a whirlpool. At a given instant the leaf is at a distance of 120 m from the centre of the
whirlpool. The whirlpool can be described by the following velocity distribution,
60 ×103 300 ×103
Vr = − ms and Vθ = ms
2πr 2πr
Where r (in meters) is the distance from the centre of the whirlpool. What will be the distance of the leaf
from the centre when it has moved through half a revolution?
(A) 48 m (B) 64 m
(C) 120 m (D) 142 m

Common Data for

Questions 17 & 18

The gap between a moving circular plate and a stationary surface is being continuously reduced, as the
circular plate comes down at a uniform speed V towards the stationary bottom surface, as shown in the
figure. In the process, the fluid contained between the two plates flows out radially. The fluid is assumed
to be incompressible and inviscid.

Moving circular plate V

Stationary surface

Q.17 The radial velocity Vr at any radius r, when the gap width is h, is
Vr Vr 2Vh Vh
(A) Vr = (B) Vr = (C) Vr = (D) Vr =
2h h r r
Q.18 The radial component of the fluid acceleration at r = R is
3V 2 R V 2R
(A) (B)
4h 2 4h 2
V 2R V 2h
(C) (D)
2h 2 2R2
Q.19 In a hand operated liquid sprayer (figure shown below) the liquid from the container rises to the top of the
tube because of :
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(A) Capillary effect.

(B) Suction produced by the air jet at the top end of tube.
(C) Suction produced by the piston during the backward stroke.
(D) Pumping of the air into the container.
Q.20 A siphon draws water from a reservoir and discharge it out at atmospheric pressure. Assuming ideal fluid
and the reservoir is large, the velocity at point P in the siphon tube is



(A) 2gh1 (B) 2gh2 (C) 2 g (h2 − h1 ) (D) 2 g (h2 + h1 )

Q.21 Figure shows the schematic for the measurement of velocity of air (density = 1.2 kg/m3 ) through a constant
area duct using a pitot tube and a water tube manometer. The differential head of water (density
= 1000 kg m3 ) in the two columns of the manometer is 10 mm. Take acceleration due to gravity as
9.81m s 2 . The velocity of air in m/s is
Flow 1

10 mm

(A) 6.4 (B) 9.0 (C) 12.8 (D) 25.6

Q.22 A tank open at the top with a water level of 1 m, as shown in the figure has hole at a height of 0.5 m. A
free jet leaves horizontally from the smooth hole. The distance X (in m) where the jet strikes the floor is

Free jet
0.5 m

(A) 0.5 (B) 1.0 (C) 2.0 (D) 4.0
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Q.23 A frictionless circular piston of area 10−2 m 2 and mass 100 kg sinks into a cylindrical container of the
same area filled with water of density 1000 kg/m 3 as shown in the figure. The container has a hole of area
10−3 m 2 at the bottom that is open to the atmosphere. Assuming there is no leakage from the edges of the
piston and considering water to be incompressible, the magnitude of the piston velocity (in m/s) at the
instant shown is______ (correct to three decimal places).
g = 10 m/s 2

100 kg

0.5 m

Q.24 For a fully developed laminar flow through a pipe, the ratio of the maximum velocity to the average
velocity is _______ (fill in the blank).

Common Data for

Questions 25 & 26

A syringe with a frictionless plunger contains water and has at its end a 100 mm long needle of 1 mm
diameter. The internal diameter of the syringe is 10 mm. Water density is 1000 kg m3 . The plunger is
pushed in at 10 mm s and the water comes out as a jet.
10 mm s 100 mm
F 10 mm
Water Jet

Q.25 Neglect losses in the cylinder and assume fully developed laminar viscous flow throughout the needle.
The Darcy friction factor is 64 Re . Where Re is the Reynolds number. Given that the viscosity of water
is 1.0 × 10− 3 kg s-m , the force F in Newton required on the pluger is
(A) 0.13 (B) 0.16 (C) 0.3 (D) 4.4
Q.26 Assuming ideal flow, the force F in Newton required on the plunger to push out the water is
(A) 0 (B) 0.04 (C) 0.13 (D) 1.15
Q.27 Consider steady, viscous, fully developed flow of a fluid through a circular pipe of internal diameter D.
We know that the velocity profile forms a paraboloid about the pipe centre line, given by :
 2 D2 
V = −C  r −  m/s,
 4 
where C is a constant. The rate of kinetic energy (in J/s) at the control surface A-B, as shown in the figure,
is proportional to D n . The value of n is _______.
Not to scale
r Velocity Control
Diameter = D
profile volume

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Common Data for

Questions 28 & 29

Consider a steady incompressible flow through a channel as shown below,


U0 Vm H

The velocity profile is uniform with a value of U 0 at the inlet section A. The velocity profile at section B
downstream is
 y
 Vm δ , 0≤ y≤δ

u =  Vm , δ ≤ y ≤ H −δ .
 H−y
Vm H −δ ≤ y ≤ H
 δ
Q.28 The ratio Vm U 0 is
(A) (B) 1
1 − 2(δ H )
1 1
(C) (D)
1 − (δ H ) 1 + (δ H )
p A − pB
Q.29 The ratio (where p A and pB are the pressure at section A and B, respectively, and ρ is the
1 2 ρU 02
density of the fluid) is
1 1
(A) (B)
[1 + (δ H )]2 [1 − (δ H )]2
1 1
(C) −1 (D)
[1 − (δ H )]2 1 + (δ H )
u π y
Q.30 The velocity profile inside the boundary layer for flow over a flat plate is given as = sin   , where
U∞ 2 δ
U ∞ is the free stream velocity and δ is the local boundary layer thickness. If δ* is the local displacement
thickness, the value of is
2 2 2
(A) (B) 1− (C) 1+ (D) 0
π π π

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: Civil – Previous Year Questions :

Q.31 Group-I contains the types of fluid while Group-II contains the shear stress-rate of shear relationship of
different types of fluids, as shown in the figure.
Group-I Group-II

Shear stress
P. Newtonian 1. Curve 1
fluid 4
Q. Pseudo plastic 2. Curve 2 2

Yield stress
fluid 3

R. Plastic fluid 3. Curve 3

S. Dilatant fluid 4. Curve 4 1
Rate of shear
5. Curve 5
The correct match between Group-I and Group-II is
(A) P-2, Q-4, R-1, S-5 (B) P-2, Q-5, R-4, S-1
(C) P-2, Q-4, R-5, S-3 (D) P-2, Q-1, R-3, S-4
Q.32 The figure shown a U-tube having a 5 mm × 5 mm square cross-section filled with mercury (specific
gravity = 13.6) up to a height of 20 cm in each limb (open to the atmosphere).

50 cm

20 cm

If 5cm3 of water is added to the right limb, the new height (in cm, up to two decimal places) of mercury
in the left limb will be _______.
Q.33 A three-fluid system (immiscible) is connected to a vacuum pump. The specific gravity values of the fluids
( S1 , S 2 ) are given in the figure.
To vacuum pump

S1 = 0.88
Fluid I
1.5 m
patm S 2 = 0.95 patm 1.0 m
Fluid II 0.5 m
Fluid III : Water
Unit weight of water, g w = 9.81kN/m

Atmospheric pressure, patm = 95.43kPa

The gauge pressure value (in kN/m 2 ) up to two decimal places of p1 is ______.
Q.34 The force F required at equilibrium on the semi-cylindrical gate shown below is

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2m Water Hinge

(A) 9.81 kN (B) 0 (C) 19.62 kN (D) None of these

Q.35 For a body completely submerged in a fluid, the Center of Gravity (G) and Center of Buoyancy (O) are
known. The body is considered to be in stable equilibrium, if
(A) O does not coincide with the center of mass of the displaced fluid
(B) G coincides with the center of mass of the displaced fluid
(C) O lies below G
(D) O lies above G

Common Data for

Questions 36 & 37

The laminar flow takes place between closely spaced parallel plates as shown in figure below. The velocity
profile is given by u = V . The gap height h is 5 mm and the space is filled with oil (specific gravity =
0.86, viscosity μ = 2 × 10 N-s/m 2 ). The bottom plate is stationary, and the top plate moves with a steady
velocity of V = 5cm/s . The area of the plate is 0.25 m 2 .
h u

Q.36 The rate of rotation of a fluid particle is given by

(A) ω y = 0; ωz = − (B) ω y = 0; ωz = −
2h h
(C) ω y = ; ωz = (D) ω y = ; ωz = 0
h h h
Q.37 The power required to keep the plate in steady motion is
(A) 5 ×10−4 watts (B) 10−5 watts (C) 2.5 ×10−5 watts (D) 5 ×10−5 watts
Q.38 A horizontal jet strikes a frictionless vertical plate (the plan view is shown in the figure). It is then divided
into two parts, as shown in the figure. If the impact loss is neglected, what is the value of θ ?

Q1 = 0.25Q0 Q2

(A) 150 (B) 300 (C) 450 (D) 600

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Q.39 A frictionless fluid of density ρ flows through a bend pipe as shown below. If A is the cross-sectional
area and V is the velocity of flow, the forces exerted on segment 1-2 of the pipe in the x and y direction
are, respectively
1 2

V , r, A V , r, A

(A) ρAV 2 , 0 (B) ρAV 2 , 2ρAV 2 (C) 0, 0 ρAV 2 (D) 0,
Q.40 A tank and a deflector are placed on a frictionless trolley. The tank issues water jet (mass density of water
= 1000 kg/m3 ). Which strikes the deflector and turns by 450 . If the velocity of jet leaving the deflector is
4 m/s and discharge is 0.1m3 /s , the force recorded by the spring will be




Spring Deflector


(A) 100 N (B) 100 2N (C) 200 N (D) 200 2N

Q.41 For a steady incompressible laminar flow between two infinite parallel stationary plates, the shear stress
variation is
(A) Linear with zero value at the plates. (B) Linear with zero value at the center.
(C) Quadratic with zero value at the plates. (D) Quadratic with zero value at the center.
Q.42 An old pipeline which has relative roughness of = 0.005 operates at a Reynold’s number which is
sufficiently high for the flow to be beyond the range of viscous influence and the corresponding f = 0.03
. If through further aging, the relative roughness is doubled and the corresponding f = 0.0375 , the power
increase required to maintain the same rate of flow would be about
(A) 25% (B) 50% (C) 75% (D) 100%
u π y
Q.43 Velocity distribution in a boundary layer is given by = sin   , where u is the velocity at vertical
U∞ 2 δ
coordinate y, U ∞ is the free stream velocity and δ is the boundary layer thickness. The values of U ∞ and
 ∂u 
δ are 0.3 m/s and 1.0 m, respectively. The velocity gradient   (in s −1 , round off to two decimal places)
 ∂y 
at y = 0, is ________.
Q.44 A thin flat plate 0.5 m × 0.7 m in size settles in a large tank of water a terminal velocity of 0.12 m/s. The
1.328 0.072
coefficient of drag CD = for a laminar boundary layer and CD = for a turbulent boundary
RL ( RL )1/5
layer, where RL is the plate Reynolds number. Assume μ = 10−3 N-s/m 2 and ρ = 1000 kg/m3 . The
submerged weight of the plate is
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v = 1.12 m/s

0.7 m

0.5 m
(A) 0.0115 N (B) 0.0118 N (C) 0.0231N (D) 0.0376 N
Q.45 A river reach of 2 km long with maximum flood discharge of 10000 m3/s is to be physically modeled in
the laboratory where maximum available discharge is 0.20 m3/s. For a geometrically similar model based
on equality of Froude number, the length of the river reach (m) in the model is
(A) 26.4 (B) 25.0 (C) 20.5 (D) 18.0
Q.46 A 1:50 model of a spillway is to be tested in the laboratory. The discharge in the prototype spillway is
1000 m3 /s . The corresponding discharge (in m3 / s up to two decimal places) to be maintained in the
model, neglecting variation in acceleration due to gravity, is _______ .
Q.47 Three reservoirs A, B and C are interconnected by pipes as shown in the figure. Water surface elevations
in the reservoirs and the Piezometric head at the junction J are indicated in the figure.
EL.180 m
EL 200 m Piezometric
Head = 160 m

EL.140 m

Discharge Q1 , Q2 and Q3 are related as

(A) Q1 + Q2 = Q3 (B) Q1 = Q2 + Q3 (C) Q2 = Q1 + Q3 (D) Q1 + Q2 + Q3 = 0
Q.48 A triangular pipe network is shown in the figure
Q = 70
r =1 r=2
Q = 30

Q = 100 A C

The head loss in each pipe is given by h f = rQ1.8 , with the variables expressed in a consistent set of units.
The value of r for the pipe AB is 1 and for the pipe BC is 2. If the discharge supplied at the point A
(i.e., 100) is equally divided between the pipes AB and AC , the value of r (up to 2 decimal places) for
the pipes AC should be ________ .
Q.49 Two water reservoirs are connected by a siphon (running full) of total length 5000 m and diameter of
0.10 m, as shown below (figure not drawn to scale.)

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m th
00 ng
2 0 le
= leg

The inlet leg length of the siphon to its summit is 2000 m. The difference in the water surface levels
of the two reservoirs is 5 m. Assume the permissible minimum absolute pressure at the summit of siphon
to be 2.5 m of water when running full.
Given : friction factor, f = 0.02 throughout, atmospheric pressure = 10.3 m of water and acceleration due
to gravity g = 9.81m/s 2 . Considering only major loss using Darcy-Weisback equation, the maximum
height of the summit of siphon from the water level of upper reservoir, H (in m, round off to 1 decimal
place) is ______.
Q.50 Three reservoirs P, Q and R are interconnected by pipes as shown in the figure (not drawn to the scale).
Piezometric head at the junction S of the pipes is 100 m. Assume acceleration due gravity as 9.81m/s 2 and
density of water as 1000 kg/m3 . The length of the pipe from junction S to the inlet of reservoir R is 180
Diameter = 30 cm
Flow velocity = 1.98 m/s
Reservoir Reservoir
10 m

109 m S 106 m

Diameter = 30 cm 90 m
Flow velocity = 2.56 m/s Reservoir
Length = 180 cm R
Diameter = 45 cm


Considering head loss only due to friction (with friction factor of 0.03 for all the pipes), the height of water
level in the lowermost reservoir R (in m, round off to one decimal place) with respect to the datum is
: Chemical – Previous Year Questions :
Q.51 For turbulent flow of an incompressible fluid through a pipe, the flow rate Q is proportional to ( ΔP ) ,

where Δ P is the pressure drop. The value of exponent n is

(A) 1 (B) 0 (C) <1 (D) >1
Q.52 A cylindrical vessel with hemispherical ends is filled with water as shown in the figure. The head space
is pressurized to a gauge pressure of 40kN/m2. The vertical force F (in kN) tending to lift the top dome
and the absolute pressure p (in kN/m2) at the bottom of the vessel are ( g = 9.8m/s2 density of water =
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1.5 m

1.5 m


(A) F = 83.6; p = 64.5 (B) F = 83.6; p = 165.8

(C) F = 125.7; p = 64.5 (C) F = 125.7; p = 165.8
Q.53 A storage vessel exposed to atmosphere (absolute pressure = 10.3 m of water) has a diameter of 3 m and
is initially filled with water to a height of 2 m. The pump draw water from the vessel and is located at an
elevation of 5 m above the bottom of the vessel. The frictional head loss in the suction pipe is 2 m of
water. If the vapour pressure of the liquid at the temperature of operation is 3 m of water, then the available

r = 10.3m

5.0 m

2.0 m

(A) 2.3 m (B) 5.3 m (C) 6.3 m (D) 8.3 m

Q.54 An incompressible Newtonian fluid, filled in an annular gap between two concentric cylinders of radii R1
and R2 as shown in the figure, is flowing under steady state conditions. The outer cylinder is rotating with
an angular velocity of Ω while the inner cylinder is stationary. Given that ( R2 − R1 ) << R1 , the profile of
the profile of the θ - component of the velocity υθ can be approximated by

R1 W
R2 R1 £ r £ R2

(r − R2 ) (r + R1 ) (r − R1 )
(A) R2Ω (B) rΩ (C) RΩ (D) RΩ
( R2 − R1 ) ( R2 + R1 ) 1 ( R2 − R1 ) 2
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Q.55 An open tank contains two immiscible liquids of densities (800 Kg/m) as shown in the figure. If
g = 10m/s2 , under static conditions, the gauge pressure at the bottom of the tank in Pa is


1m r2 =1000 kg/m3

(A) 23000 (B) 22000 (C) 24000 (D) 26000

Q.56 A vertical cylindrical vessel has a layer of kerosene (of density 800 kg/m ) over a layer of water (of density
1000 kg/m3). L – Shaped glass tubes are connected to the column 30 cm apart. The interface between the
two layers lies between the two points at which the L – tubers are connected. The levels (in cm) to which
the liquids rese in the respective tubes are shown in the figure below.




The distance (x in cm, rounded off to the first decimal place) of the interface from the point at which the
lower L – tube is connected is __
Q.57 A venturi meter is installed to measure the flow rate of water in a 178 mm diameter (ID) pipe. The throat
diameter is 102 mm. The differential pressure measured using a manometer is 154.3 kN/m2. The data
given are: discharge coefficient = 0.98; water density = 1000 kg/m3.
The volumetric flow rate of water (in m3/s) is _________.
Q.58 A free jet of water of cross-sectional area 0.01 m 2 and a velocity of 20 m/s strikes a plate and then flows
in the plane parallel to the plate as shown in the figure below. The horizontal component of the force on
the support is

0.01 m2 Plate
Free jet
of water
v = 20 m/s


(A) 200 N (B) 400 N (C) 2000 N (D) 4000 N

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Q.59 A centrifugal pump is used to pump water through a horizontal distance of 150 m and then raised to an
overhead tank 10 m above. The pipe is smooth with an ID of 50 mm. What head (of water) must the pump
generate at its exit (E) to deliver water at a flow rate of 0.001 m /s ? The Fanning friction factor f is 0.0062.

150 m 10 m

(A) 10 m (B) 11 m (C) 12 m (D) 20 m
Q.60 A dam of width 50 m is used to hold water in a reservoir. If the water height is 10 m from the bottom of
the dam, what is the total force F acting on the dam due to the water? Assume g = 10 m/s 2 , and the fluid
density is 100 0 kg/m 3 .
(A) F = 12.5 × 106 N (B) F = 25 × 106 N (C) F = 50 × 106 N (D) F = 5 ×106 N
Q.61 The pressure differential across a venturimeter, inclined at 450 to the vertical (as shown in the figure) is
measured with help of a manometer to estimate the flowrate of a fluid flowing through it. If the density of
the flowing fluid is ρ and the density of the manometer fluid is ρm , the velocity of the fluid at the throat
can be obtained from the expansion


45 2 h

V22 − V12 h(ρm − ρ) V22 − V12 hρm

(A) = + H sin 450 (B) = + H sin 450
2g ρ 2g ρ
V22 − V12 hρm V22 − V12 h(ρ m − ρ)
(C) = (D) =
2g ρ 2g ρ

Common Data for

Questions 62 & 63

A siphon tube having a diameter of 2 cm draws water from a large open reservoir and discharges into the
open atmosphere as shown in the figure. Assume incompressible fluid and neglect frictional losses (g =
9.8 m/ s 2 )
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Q.62 The volumetric flow rate (in L/s) of water at the discharge is
(A) 3.11 (B) 3.67 (C) 30.77 (D) 42.99
Q.63 The velocity (in m/s) at the discharge point is
(A) 9.9 (B) 11.7 (C) 98 (D) 136.9

Common Data for

Questions 64 & 65

A free jet of water is emerging from a nozzle (diameter 75 mm) attached to pipe (diameter 225 mm) as
shown below
Point A

Nozzle tip
diameter = 225 m


Point B
The velocity of water at point A is 18 m/s. Neglect friction in the pipe and nozzle. Use g = 9.81 m / s 2 and
density of water = 1000 kg/ m3
Q.64 The gauge pressure (in kPa) at point B is
(A) 80.0 (B) 100.0 (C) 239.3 (D) 367.6
Q.65 The velocity of water at the tip of the nozzle (in m/s) is
(A) 13.4 (B) 18.0 (C) 23.2 (D) 27.1
Q.66 Water (density 1000 kg/m ) is flowing through a nozzle, as shown below and exiting to the atmosphere.
The relationship between the diameters of the nozzle at location 1 and 2 is D1 = 4 D2 . The average velocity
of the stream at location 2 is 16 m/s and the frictional loss between location 1 and 2 is 10000 pa Assuming
steady state and turbulent flow, the gauge pressure in Pa, at location 1 is
Exiting to the

1 2
V2 = 16 m/s
(A) 122500 pa (B) 142500 pa (C) 102500 pa (D) 137500 pa
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Q.67 Water (density =1000 kg m −3 )is pumped at a rate of 36 m 3 / h . From a tank 2 m below the pump, to an
overhead pressurized vessel 10 in above the pump. The pressure values at the point of suction from the
bottom tank and at the discharge point to the overhead vessel are 120 kPa and 240 kPa, respectively .
All pipes in the system have the same diameter. Take acceleration due to gravity, g = 10 m s −2 . Neglecting
frictional losses, what is the power (in kW) required to deliver the fluid?
(A) 1.2 (B) 2.4 (C) 3.6 (D) 4.8
Q.68 Under isothermal condition, a vertical tube of length L = 100 m contains a gas of molecular weight equal
to 60. The pressure and temperature at the top of the tube are 100 kPa and 25 0C respectively. Consider
the universal gas constant and acceleration due to gravity as 8.314 J mol–1K–1 and 9.81 ms–2 respectively.
If the gas is ideal, the pressure (in kPa) at the bottom of the tube will be ____________ (rounded off to
third decimal place).
Q.69 A centrifugal pump is used to pump water (density 1000kg/m3 ) from an inlet pressure of 105 Pa to an
exit pressure of 2 ×105 Pa. The exit is at an elevation of 10 m above the pump. The average velocity of
−3 2
the fluid is 10 m/s. The cross-sectional area of the pipes at the pump inlet and outlet is 10 m and
acceleration due to gravity is g = 10m/s . Neglecting losses in the system, the power (in Watts) delivered
by the pump is ________ (rounded off to the nearest integer).
Q.70 Liquid water is pumped at a volumetric flow rate of 0.02 m3s −1 from Tank to Tank II, as shown in the
Tank II


Tank I


Both the tanks are open to the atmosphere. The total frictional head loss for the pipe system is 1.0 m of
In addition, use the following data and assumptions
• Density of water of 1000 kg m −3
• Acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m s −2
• Efficiency of the pump if 100 %
• The liquid surfaces in the tanks have negligible velocities
The power supplied (in W) by the pump to lift the water is _____ (round off to 1 decimal place).

: Production – Previous Year Questions :

Q.71 A 2m × 2m square opening in a vertical wall is covered with a metallic plate of the same dimensions as
shown in the figure below. Consider the acceleration due to gravity to be 10.0 m/s 2 . The force (in kN)
exerted by water on the plate is ________.

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p atm

p atm
Water vertical wall

2m ´ 2m
square plate

vertical wall

Q.72 A manometer is used for the pressure measurement in a closed tank. The three fluids f 1, f 2 and f 3 have
specific weights γ , 2γ and 0.5γ respectively. The schematic arrangement with manometric readings and
other dimensions are shown in the Figure. In order to ensure zero gauge pressure in the tank at the mid-
height level (h / 2) , the height of tank h (in m) is ________.



0.6 m
1.2 m

0.2 m

Q.73 A pipeline with variable cross – section contains water with specific weight 104 N/m 2 . The flow conditions
at two points 1 and 2 on the axis of the pipe are:
P1 = 3bar, V1 = 10 m/s
P2 = 1bar, V2 = 20 m/s
Consider frictional losses to be negligible. For no-flow condition between points 1 and 2 (as shown in
Figure). If the height z1 from the datum is 1m, then the height z2 (in m) is _______ ( g = 9.81m/s 2 )

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Q.74 In a vertical piston – cylinder arrangement the force applied to the piston, pushes water through a nozzle
as shown in the figure. The water flows out from the nozzle, and reaches the top of its trajectory The
kinetic and pressure energies at points (1), (2) and (3) respectively are


(1) gravity


(A) (small and large), (large and zero) and (zero and zero)
(B) (small and zero), (large and large) and (small and zero)
(C) (large and zero), (zero and large) and (large and zero)
(D) (large and small), (small and zero) and (small and large)
Q.75 In water jet machining, the water jet is issued through a 0.3 mm diameter orifice at a pressure of 400 MPa.
The density of water is 1000 kg/ m3 . The coefficient of discharge is 1.0 Neglecting all losses during water
jet formation through the orifice, the power of the water jet in kW is
(A) 25.3 (B) 50.6 (C) 75.9 (D) 101.2
Q.76 A linear programming problem is shown below.
Maximize 3 x + 7 y
Subject to 3x + 7 y ≤ 10

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4x + 6 y ≤ 8
x, y ≥ 0
It has
Q.77 A large tank with a nozzle attached contains three immiscible, inviscid fluids as shown. Assuming that
the changes in h1 , h2 and h3 are negligible, the instantaneous discharge velocity is

h1 r1

h2 r2

h3 r3

 ρ h ρ h 
(A) 2 gh3 1 + 1 1 + 2 2  (B) 2 g (h1 + h2 + h3 )
 ρ3 h3 ρ3 h3 
 ρ h + ρ h + ρ3h3   ρ h h + ρ2 h2 h3 + ρ3h1h2 
(C) 2g  1 1 2 2  (D) 2 g  1 2 3 
 ρ1 + ρ2 + ρ3   ρ1h1 + ρ2 h2 + ρ3h3 
Q.78 In a steady state and adiabatic flow of air through a horizontal nozzle, the pressure and temperature drop
from 105 kPa and 300 K to 100 kPa and 296 K respectively. Air is considered to be a perfect gas. Take
specific heat at constant pressure C p = 1005 J / (kg K) . Density ρ = 1.15kg/m3 and ratio of specific heats
γ = 1.4 for air. If the inlet kinetic energy is negligible, then the velocity of air (in m/s) at the nozzle exit
(A) 85 (B) 90 (C) 93 (D) 96
Q.79 Water is flowing through a horizontal pipe of constant and the flow is laminar. If the diameter of the pipe
is increased by 50% keeping the volume flow rate constant, then the pressure drop in pipe due to friction
will decrease by
(A) 33% (B) 56% (C) 70% (D) 80%
Q.80 Cold water flowing at 0.1 kg/s is heated from 200 C to 700 C in a counter – flow type heat exchanger by
a hot water stream flowing at 0.1 kg/s and entering at 900 C . The specific heat of water is 4200 J/(kg K)
and density is 1000 kg/m3 . If the overall heat transfer coefficient U for the heat exchanger is 2000
W/(m 2 K) , the required heat exchange area (in m 2 ) is
(A) 0.052 (B) 0.525 (C) 0.151 (D) 0.202
Q.81 Consider steady and incompressible flow of water through a tapered pipe from section 1 to section 2 The
pipe has a diameter of 0.2 m and a center-line elevation of 25 m at section 1 and a diameter of 0.35 m and
a center-line elevation of 20 m at section 2. Consider head loss between section 1 and section 2 to be
negligible small. Pressure at section 1 is 120 kPa. The acceleration due to gravity is 10m/s 2 and density of
water fis 1000 kg/m3 . For a flow rate of 0.2 m3 /s . The pressure at section 2 (in kPa) is
(A) 56 (B) 112 (C) 176 (D) 232
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Q.82 If annual demand, ordering cost and carrying cost become four time of their respective original values,
then the economic order quantity (EOQ)
(A) Remains the same (B) Gets halved (C) Gets doubled (D) Becomes four times
Q.83 Consider steady flow of water in a situation where two pipe lines (Pipe 1 and Pipe 2) combine into a single
pipe line (Pipe 3) as shown in figure. The cross – sectional areas of all three pipelines are constant. The
following data is given:
Pipe number Area (m 2 ) Velocity (m/s)
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 2.5 ?
Assuming the water properties and the velocities to be uniform across the cross section of the inlets and
the outlet the exit velocity (in m/s) in pipe 3 is
Pipe 1

Pipe 3

Pipe 2
(A) 1 (B) 1.5 (C) 2 (D) 2.5
Q.84 Air flows steadily at low speed through a horizontal nozzle, which discharges the air into the atmosphere.
The area at the nozzle inlet and outlet are 0.1m 2 and 0.02m 2 respectively. If the air density remains
constant at 1.0 kg/m 3 , the gauge pressure (in kPa) required at the nozzle inlet to produce and outlet speed
of 50 m/s would be
(A) 0.6 (B) 1.2 (C) 100.2 (D) 101.2
Q.85 A cylindrical tank is filled with water as shown in the Figure below. The force required to close the
discharge tube at the bottom of the tank is
D = 2m
d = 0.02 m

0.3 m
0.3 m

(A) 18.5 N (B) 37 N (C) 45.5 N (D) 74 N

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Q.86 A tank of large cross-sectional area contains water up to a height of 5 m as shown in the figure. The top
water surface is under a pressure of p1 = 0.2Mpa . A small, smooth and round top at the bottom of the
tank is opened to the atmosphere ( p2 = 0.1MPa)
p2 = 0.2 MPa


p2 = 0.1MPa

Use the acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81m/s 2 and the density of water, ρ = 1000 kg/m3 . The velocity
with which the water will exit from the tap under the conditions shown in the figure (rounded off to one
decimal place) in m/s is ______.
: Practice Questions :
Q.87 Let C1 be the velocity of pressure wave travelling along rigid pipe carrying water with its bulk modulus
2.16 × 109 N/m 2 . Let C2 be the velocity of pressure wave travelling along a rigid pipe carrying oil of relative
density 0.600 with its bulk modulus as 1.296 × 109 N/m 2 through a similar pipe. What will be the ratio
(A) 0.01 (B) 0.1 (C) 1.0 (D) 10.0
Q.88 A skater weighing 1000 N skates at a speed of 20 m/s on ice maintained at 0 C . The average skating area

supporting the skater is 0.001 m 2 and the coefficient of friction between the skates and ice is 0.02. What
will be the average thickness of a film of water existing at the interface between the skater and ice?
(μ water = 0.01 Ns/m 2 )
(A) 10−5 m (B) 10−6 m (C) 10−7 m
(D) Not possible to estimate since there cannot be a possibility of formation of thin film of water at the
Q.89 A solid cylindrical needle of density 7800 kg/m 3 may float in water surface at 200 C having a surface
tension of 0.073 N/m. Neglecting buoyancy and assuming a contact angle of 00 , the maximum diameter
of needle able to float on the surface (mm) is ________.
Q.90 What is the absolute pressure at A measured by an open tube manometer as in the figure below? (Assume
atmospheric pressure as 103 kN/m 2 , S A and S B are the specific gravities of the two fluids)

50 cm

SA = 0.8
125 cm

SB = 13.6
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(A) 78.5 kN/m 2 (B) 180 kN/m 2 (C) 1030 kN/m 2 (D) 103 kN/m 2
Q.91 The barometric reading for a wall is given as 511 mm of Hg at the top and 528.5 mm of Hg at the bottom.
For average air density of 1.18 kg/m3 , the height of wall is
(ρ Hg = 13600 kg/m3 ) .
(A) 205 m (B) 202 m (C) 210 m (D) 200 m
Q.92 Three immiscible liquids of specific densities ρ , 2 ρ and 3 ρ are kept in a jar. The height of the liquids in
the jar and at the piezometer fitted to the bottom of the jar are as shown in the figure below.
The ratio H/h is.

3h r

1.5h 2r
h 3r

(A) 4 (B) 3.5 (C) 3 (D) 2.5

Q.93 A dam is having a curved surface as shown in the figure below.

20 m

The height of the water retained by the dam is 20 m, density of water is 1000 kg/m3 . Assuming g as 9.81
m/s 2 , the horizontal force acting on the dam per unit length is
(A) 1.962 × 102 N (B) 2 × 105 N (C) 1.962 × 106 N (D) 3.924 × 106 N
Q.94 Arrange the pressure forces on various plates shown below in the ascending order. (All plates are touching
the fluid surface)
P. Q. 1m

d= 4m

R. S. 2m

2m 2m

(A) S, R, P, Q (B) S, P, R, Q (C) Q, R, P, S (D) Q, P, R, S
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Q.95 A cylindrical tank is filled with water as shown in the figure below. The force (F) required to close the
discharge tube at the bottom of tank is
D = 2m

d = 0.02 m 0.3m

(A) 18.5 N (B) 37 N (C) 45.5 N (D) 74 N

Q.96 The horizontal and vertical components of the hydrostatic force on the quarter – circle face of the tank
completely filled with water as shown in figure are, respectively



(A) 289 kN and 389 kN (B) 309 kN and 289 kN
(C) 309 kN and 389 kN (D) 289 kN and 309 kN
Q.97 A float of cubical shape has sides of 10 cm. the flow valve just touches the valve seat to have a flow area
of 0.5cm 2 as shown in the figure below.




If the pressure of water in the pipeline is 1 bar, the rise of water level ‘h’ in the tank to just stop the water
flow will be
(A) 7.5 cm (B) 5.0 cm (C) 2.5 cm (D) 0.5 cm

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Q.98 A barge 30 m long and 10 m wide has a draft of 3 m when floating with its sides in vertical position. If its
centre of gravity is 2.5 m above the bottom, the nearest value of metacentric height is
(A) 3.28 m (B) 2.78 m (C) 1.78 m (D) zero
Q.99 A 2 m diameter cylinder 3 m high is completely filled with glycerine of specific gravity 1.60 under a
pressure of 245.25 kN/m 2 at the top. What maximum speed in r.p.m. can be imposed on the cylinder so
that the pressure at the bottom may not exceed 1177.2 kN/m 2 .
Q.100 The tank of water is accelerated to the right with the fluid in rigid body motion as shown in the figure.
Calculate a x in m/s2 . Take g = 10 m/s 2 .


28 cm

15 cm
100 cm

(A) 1.27 (B) 1.5 (C) 1.3 (D) 2.0

Q.101 A leaf is caught in a whirlpool. At a given instant the leaf is at a distance of 120 m from the centre of the
whirlpool. The whirlpool can be described by the following velocity distribution:
60 × 103 300 × 103
Vr = − m s and Vθ = ms
2πr 2πr
Where r (in meters) is the distance from the centre of the whirlpool. What will be the distance of the leaf
from the centre when it has moved through half a revolution?
(A) 48 m (B) 64 m (C) 120 m (D) 142 m
Q.102 A nozzle is so shaped that the average flow velocity changes linearly from 1.5 m/s at the beginning to 15
m/s at its end in a distance of 0.375 m. the magnitude of the convective acceleration (in m/s 2 ) at the end
of the nozzle is __________.
−x −2 x
Q.103 The velocity field and density field in a diffuser is given by u = u0 e L ; ρ = ρ0 e L
where L is the length of
diffuser. The total rate of change of density at x = L is given by
−ρ0u0 −3 −2ρ0u0 −3 −ρ0u0 −3
(A) 0 (B) e (C) e (D) e
L L 2L
Q.104 In a certain 2-D potential flow the streamline passing through a point A = (1, 1) has the following equation
xy = 1. In the neighborhood of A, the equipotential line passing through A may be approximated by
(A) x = y (B) x = 2y – 1 (C) 2x = y +1 (D) x = 2 – y
Q.105 A Venturimeter (throat diameter = 10.5 cm) is fitted to a water pipe line (internal diameter = 21.0 cm) in
order to monitor flow rate. To improve accuracy of measurement, pressure difference across the
venturimeter is measured, the angle of inclination being 300 (see figure below). For manometer reading
of 9.5 cm of mercury, find the flow rate. Discharge coefficient of venture is 0.984.

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300 Hg

Q.106 A venturimeter in an oil (sp. gr. 0.8) pipe is connected to a differential manometer in which the gauge
liquid is mercury (sp. gr. 13.6) For a flow rate of 0.16 m3/s, the manometer registers a gauge differential
of 20 cm. The oil-mercury manometer being unavailable, an air-oil differential manometer is connected
to the same venturimeter. Neglecting variation of discharge coefficient for the venturimeter, what is the
new gauge differential for a flow rate of 0.08 m3/s?
(A) 64 cm (B) 68 cm (C) 80 cm (D) 85 cm
Q.107 An incompressible liquid flows steadily along the pipe shown in figure. Determine the direction of flow
and the head loss over the 6 m length of pipe.
0.75 m


6m 3m

(A) Flow is uphill and hL = −0.5 m (B) Flow is downhill and hL = −0.5m
(C) Flow is uphill and hL = 0.5m (D) Flow is downhill and hL = 0.5m
Q.108 A pipeline system carries crude oil of density 800 kg/m3 . The volumetric flow rate at point 1 is 0.28 m3 /s
. The cross sectional areas of branches 1, 2 and 3 are 0.012, 0.008 and 0.004 m2 respectively. All the three
branches are in a horizontal plane and friction is negligible. If the pressures at the points 1 and 3 are 270
kPa and 240 kPa respectively, then the pressure at point 2 is
P2 (2)


(A) 202 kPa (B) 240 kPa (C) 284 kPa (D) 355 kPa
Q.109 A pitot – static tube is used for determining the velocity of a flowing stream of air. The pressure difference
is measured by a U – tube manometer containing light oil (ρ = 760 kg/m3 ) . The accuracy to which an
observer can read the difference in the oil levels on the manometer is ± 0.5 mm. What is the lowest air
velocity which can be measures to an accuracy of ± 20% or better?
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27 Fluid Mechanics : Free Crash Course GATE 2021 [ME/CE/CH/PI] GATE ACADEMY®

Q.110 A pipe of 0.7 m diameter has a length of 6 km and connects two reservoirs A and B. The water level in
reservoir A is at an elevation 30 m above the water level in reservoir B. halfway along the pipe line, there
is a branch through which water can be supplied to a third reservoir C. the friction factor of the pipe is
0.024. The quantity of water discharge into reservoir C is 0.15m3 /s .
Considering the acceleration due to gravity as 9.81m/s 2 and neglecting minor losses, the discharge (in m3 /s
) into the reservoir B is ________.
Q.111 Two water reservoirs are connected by a siphon (running full) of total length 5000 m and diameter of 0.10
m, as shown below (figure not drawn to scale.)


m th
00 ng
20 le
= leg
let 5m

The inlet leg length of the siphon to its summit is 2000 m. The difference in the water surface levels of
the two reservoirs is 5 m. Assume the permissible minimum absolute pressure at the summit of siphon to
be 2.5 m of water when running full. Given : friction factor, f = 0.02 throughout, atmospheric pressure =
10.3 m of water and acceleration due to gravity g = 9.81m/s 2 . Considering only major loss using Darcy –
Weisback equation, the maximum height of the summit of siphon from the water level of upper reservoir,
h (in m, round off to 1 decimal place) is ______.
Q.112 Two long parallel pipes are used to convey water between two reservoirs whose water surfaces are at
different elevations, one pipe has a diameter twice that of the other. If both pipes have the same value of
friction factor (Darcy) and minor losses are ignored, the ratio of the flow rates through the larger pipe to
other pipe is ______.
Q.113 The difference in water surface elevations in two reservoirs A and B is 10 m and the gauge pressure of the
air space in A is 50 kN/m 2 . They are connected by a single pipe 200 m long and 20 cm in diameter. If the
friction factor for the pipe is 0.02, then the discharge is ____ m 3 /sec . (Neglect minor losses)
Air Space
10 cm

20 cm DIA
20 m

Q.114 A vertical, circular cross – sectional jet of air strikes a conical deflector as indicated in figure. A vertical
anchoring force of 0.1 N is required to hold the deflector in place. The mass (kg) of the deflector, if the
magnitude of velocity of the air remains constant and ρair = 1.23 kg/m3 is_____.
Telegram Channel : GATE ACADEMY - CE ME CH XE PI : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwh_qd5g7I88OVr8FM1PnjQ Online Test Series
Gate academy official Live class room: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gateacademy1 http://onlinetestseries.gateacademy.co.in
28 Fluid Mechanics : Free Crash Course GATE 2021 [ME/CE/CH/PI] GATE ACADEMY®

FA = 0.1N


0.1 m

V = 30 m/s

Q.115 The 6 – cm diameter water jet in figure strikes a plate containing a hole of 4 – cm diameter. Part of the jet
passes through the hole, and part is deflected. The horizontal force required to hold the plate is


D1 = 6 cm
D2 = 4 cm
25 m/s
25 m/s

(A) 0 (B) 444 N (C) 980 N (D) 2250 N

Q.116 A tank and a trough are placed on a trolley as shown. Water issues from the tank through a 5 cm diameter
nozzle at 5 m/s and strikes the trough which turns it by an angle 450 upwards. The compression of the
spring if stiffness = 20 N/cm is ______ (cm)


Q.117 A jet water with velocity V is directed in the positive x direction and it is deflected by a flat plate. The
plate is moving towards the oncoming water jet with velocity 0.5 V. If the jet cross – sectional area is A
and a force F is required to maintain the plate stationary then the magnitude of force required to move the
plate towards the jet, as shown in figure below, is

Water jet

(A) ρAV 2 (B) 0.25ρAV 2 (C) 2.25ρAV 2 (D) 2ρAV 2

Telegram Channel : GATE ACADEMY - CE ME CH XE PI : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwh_qd5g7I88OVr8FM1PnjQ Online Test Series
Gate academy official Live class room: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gateacademy1 http://onlinetestseries.gateacademy.co.in
29 Fluid Mechanics : Free Crash Course GATE 2021 [ME/CE/CH/PI] GATE ACADEMY®

Q.118 In a simple concentric shaft-bearing arrangement, the lubricant flows in the 2 mm gap between the shaft
and the bearing. The flow may be assumed to be a plane Couette flow with zero pressure gradient. The
diameter of the shaft is 100 mm and its tangential speed is 10 m/s. the dynamic viscosity of the lubricant
is 0.1 kg/ms. The frictional resisting force (in newton) per 100 mm length of the bearing is _______.
Q.119 A rough pipe of 0.5 m diameter, 300 m length and roughness height of 0.25 mm, carries water (kinematic
viscosity = 0.9 × 10−6 m 2 /s ) with velocity of 3 m/s. Friction factor (f) for laminar flow is given by f = 64 / Re
, and for turbulent flow it is given by
1 r
= 2log10   + 1.74
f k

where, Re = Reynolds number, r = radius of pipe, k = Roughness height and g = 9.81m/s2 .

The head loss (in m, up to three decimal places) in the pipe due to friction is _____.
Q.120 The force F required on the piston to discharge 500 mm3 /s of water through a syringe as shown, taking
into account the frictional loss in the syringe needle only is ________ N. (Assume fully developed lamina
flow in the syringe needle and μ water = 10−3 N-s/m2 )

10f 0.5f

40 mm

Q.121 Consider a constant pressure boundary layer over a flat plate of length L = 3 m. the free stream velocity
is U = 60 m/s and the density and viscosity of the fluid respectively are ρ = 1.23 kg/m 3 and
μ = 1.79 × 10−5 Ns/m 2 . Transition occurs at a distance X cr = 0.1m from the leadings edge. If the free stream
velocity is changed to U = 120 m/s , X cr becomes
(A) 0.2 m (B) 0.1 m (C) 0.05 m (D) 0.005 m
Q.122 Consider steady, laminar constant density flow over a flat plate. If the free stream velocity changes from
4m/ s to 9m/s keeping all other conditions unaltered, the percentage change in wall shear stress at a given
δ 1
distance x is (given that the boundary layer thickness δ scales as  where Re x is the local
x Re x
Reynolds number at an axial coordinate x)
(A) 150 % (increment) (B) 237.5% (decrement)
(C) 150% (decrement) (D) 237.5% (Increment)


Telegram Channel : GATE ACADEMY - CE ME CH XE PI : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwh_qd5g7I88OVr8FM1PnjQ Online Test Series

Gate academy official Live class room: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gateacademy1 http://onlinetestseries.gateacademy.co.in

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