Andreea Tiucu I Motivational Letter

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March 2023

Andreea Tiucu I
Psychiatry Resident at the Neuropsychiatry Hospital of Craiova, Romania

200017 Craiova City, Dolj County, Romania


Dear Professor Norman Sartorius and Professor Sir Graham Thornicroft,

Please accept this Motivational Letter as well as the attached resume as an indication
of my sincere interest in participating in the Leadership and Professional Skills Course for
young psychiatrists which you will be holding from the 8th to 10th of June 2023 at Crowne
Plaza Hotel in Bucharest.
I was made aware of the opportunity to participate by a newsletter of The Romanian
Association of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, which was actively involved in organizing the
event and to which I subscribe.
As you can see in my resume, I graduated from Medical School in late 2017 and I am
currently a 4th-year Psychiatry Resident at the Neuropsychiatry Hospital of Craiova, Romania.
I am also pursuing a PhD Degree in the field of Anatomic Pathology at the Doctoral School of
the University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Craiova.
While reviewing the course information and seeing what the participation entails, I
was pleased to find that my previous academic and workforce experience makes me a
suitable candidate who would surely benefit greatly from such an opportunity.
Both my Graduation Thesis and my continuing PhD work have required academic
writing in specific medical subjects, while at the same time adhering to existing module
descriptions. I have also helped my professors develop course materials whenever it was
asked of me, during both university and medical residency.
Furthermore, I worked as a medical translator/interpreter for 3 years: medical
documents, articles, clinical trials, Patient Medication Information leaflets etc.
As a 4th-year Psychiatric Resident, I have become familiarized with the inner-workings
of Psychiatry as a medical specialty: the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of patients, the
interactions and collaborations of various mental health institutions, the social conditions,
the legal implications and costs of psychiatric healthcare.
I believe that participating in this event will help me develop my personal skills, as
well as solidify my professional knowledge which needs to be constantly adapted to the new
requirements imposed by the global changes at political, economic and social levels. It will
also help me acquire new skills in learning, communication, attitude, reasoning, personal
behavior and mentality, indispensable for my future as a young Psychiatrist.
I hope you will consider my application and allow me to take part in this experience
which would be a great learning opportunity.

Andreea Tiucu I

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