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13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Meeting Integration
with first 2020
years (Facebook
group page)
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
Task #1: Poll game: Deadline of Punishment
GTKY with 2 truths 1 lie task Day
Bear Hugs
27 28 29 30 31 1 2
Task #2: Poll game: Deadline of Punishment
GTKY with 2 truths 1 lie task Day
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Task #3: Poll game: Deadline of Punishment
GTKY with 2 truths 1 lie task Day
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
Task #4: Poll game: Deadline of Punishment
GTKY with 2 truths 1 lie task Day
17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Task #5: Poll game: Deadline of Punishment
GTKY with 2 truths 1 lie task Day
Admin staff
24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Poll game: Poll game: Poll game: Poll game: Poll game:
Favorites Favorites Favorites Favorites Favorites
31 1 2 3 4 5 6
details for
Online D-
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Online D-
GTKY with Freshies
o Introduce yourself – full name, nickname, age, course, school and year graduated, one
unique thing about yourself
o Show your talents or skills – singing, dancing, acting, painting, writing, drawing, spoken
poetry, photography, graphic design, photo/video editing, sports, etc.
o Before ending the video, tell us why you enrolled in law school/why you want to
become a lawyer
o Duration of video should be 1 minute and 30 seconds only
o Videos shall be uploaded by the freshmen on our Integration group page (Facebook)

GTKY with Seniors

 Guess that Senior – baby pictures edition
o Guess 2 Seniors per student based on their baby pictures
o Seniors will send a baby emoji kung tama na, kung mali send a laughing emoji; freshies
will screenshot conversation tapos ipost nila sa comment section with name of Senior

GTKY with Juniors

 Guess that Junior – emoji edition
o Juniors will give out their codenames (dapat adjust sa clarity/availability ng emojis)
o Guess 3 Juniors per student based on the emojis given to them
o Send the emojis to the person; the Juniors will send the same emojis to signify tama sila;
kung mali sila, send a laughing emoji
o Screenshot convo tapos post sa comment section with name of Junior

GTKY with Sophies

 Guess that Sophie – profile picture edition
o Sophies will choose their pictures (sariling strategy nalang kung gusto pahirapan) and
will have that as their profile picture for the entire duration of the task; pictures given to
Freshies will be cropped
o Guess 3 Sophies per student based on the cropped pictures
o Send the cropped pic to the person; Sophies will send a clapping emoji kung tama na
sila, or a laughing emoji kung mali
GTKY with Admin
 Jumbled letters of their names; freshies will rearrange the letters to form their name (correct
o Ma’am Sarah, Ma’am Zsa, Ma’am Val and Ma’am Emi

Poll games
 2 Truths, 1 Lie (per batch)
 Favorites edition (per batch)

Duress code week

 July 31 – September 5

Online D-Day
 As their final task, Freshies must come up with a music video
 Music will be chosen by us (dapat something inspiring ang music, hindi yung pang-party lang)
 Up to the freshies as to the compilation of videos, app/softwares used; own creativity
 Length of video will depend on the music chosen

 Recitations
 Case digests
o Intro/in general lang (Sophies/integ heads)
o Operation Bearhugs (Seniors)

Punishment for non-compliance

 Wheel of dares; the student will do one dare (chosen randomly);
 The dares will be done during online class (para maging deterrent)
 Example:

1. Facepaint/dumi sa mukha during class – dapat screenshot for proof (3)
a. Clown
b. Mime
c. Zombie
2. Background in Zoom – dapat screenshot for proof (3)
3. Post a Tiktok video – post sa group page with a short message (3)

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