Secret Garden

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Chapter 1 The forgotten girl

Mary Lennox was born in India. She was thin, selfish and angry. Her father was a government
and her mother only liked parties. They didn’t lover her. She had an AYAH who did everything
for her. She liked to do flowerbeds. One morning the Cholera arrived to this place. Many
servants of the house died. Mary hid in her room and everyone forgot her. The next day she
left her room and nobody was in the house. A soldier found her. Her parents were dead and
she was alone. She stayed for some days with a clergyman and his family. Then one day, they
told her that she will go to England to live with her uncle Mr. Archibald Craven in
Misselthwaite Manor.

Mary was received on London by Mrs. Medlock, the housekeeper. They didn’t like each other.
Mary felt very lonely. She wanted to belong to a family so, she was curious about her uncle.
The house was long with a huge door and an enormous entrance. Mrs. Medlock showed Mary
the two rooms where she will live. And she must stay there always.

At the next morning Mary saw Martha, a housemaid. Mary thought that Martha was her
servant to dress her and to do whatever she wants. Martha just helped Mary to dress. She had
beautiful and new dresses. Martha told Mary that she has a brother whose name was Dickson
and had a pony.

There were lot of gardens but one was locked. It was Mrs. Craven’s Garden. Mr. Craven closed
it when she died 10 years ago. Mary met an old man whose name was Ben, in the gardens. He
had no friends and had bad temper as Mary. He didn’t want to talk about the locked garden.

Chapter 2 The Key

Mary played outside every day so she started to get stronger and also, she started to eat much
better. One day she saw a robin flying to the top of a tree in the walled garden. She ran after
him and looked the robin lives in the locked garden. Now, Mary looked happy and pretty.

Martha told Mary that Mrs. Craven made the garden when she was married and always were
there with Mr. Craven. One day she was sitting on a branch and it broke. The next day she
died. Mary felt sorry for Mr. Craven.

Mary heard a strange sound like a child crying. Martha said that it was the wind. One day was
raining and Mary went walking by the rooms of the house. She found some portraits and one
of them was of a little girl like her. When she was returning to her room, she listened again
someone crying. Mrs. Medlock arrived very angry and took Mary to her room.

Mary liked hearing Martha about her family. One day Mary was in the garden and saw the
robin. The robin made a hole in the earth and she found a key. Maybe it was of the locked

Mary enjoyed playing with a skipping rope that Martha’s mum sent her. Mary spoke to the
robin. She told him that he helped her to find the key but she didn’t find the door. Suddenly
the wind moved the ivy covering a wall and there was the door.

The garden was full of roses. Mary was the first person in 10 years in this garden. She spent the
whole day working in the garden. She needed a spade and Martha said that she will tell to
Dickson to get one for her.

Chapter 3 New friends

Mary called the locked garden “The secret garden”. She spent a lot of time working there. Ben
noticed some good changes in Mary. She was nicer and didn’t look ill anymore. Ben told Mary
that he learned about roses from a woman that now was dead.

Mary met Dickson in the woods. He was playing music with his pipe and the animals liked to
listen him. He had a spade and some seeds for Mary.
Mary showed Dickson the secret garden. Dickson was surprised when he saw how Mary
worked in the garden. Dickson started to help Mary with the garden.

Mary said that she liked 5 people: Dickson, Martha, Martha’s mum, Ben and the robin. Mary
was happy with Dickson and she knew that he will never tell someone about the secret garden.
One morning Mr. Craven arrived and he wanted to see Mary. Mr. Craven asked her lots of
questions. Mr. Craven always looked very sad. Mary told Mr. Craven that she liked gardens. He
said that she reminded him someone who loved gardens. He looked nice and told Mary that
she can have her garden and can visit Martha’s mum.

Chapter 4 Colin

Mary woke up during the night because she heard someone crying. She found in a room a boy
who looked ill, tired and angry. He had big eyes and his face was ivory. His name was Colin
Craven. He was Mr. Craven son. His mother died when he was born. His father didn’t want to
see him because he felt very sad when he saw his son.

Colin said that he cried all the time because he always felt ill and maybe he will be a
hunchback. He also said that his father hated him.

Mary told her about her life and about India. Colin never study and he never did what a
common child do. Mary and Colin were both 10 years old.

Mary told Collin about the secret garden and the robin. Colin wanted to tell the servants to
open it. Mary said that it must a secret. There was a picture o a girl with a laughing face. She
was Colin’s mother. Finally, Mary sang a song to Colin and he felt asleep.

At the next day, Mary went to visit Colin with Martha. Martha was worried. Colin said that he
wanted to see Mary every day. They talked a lot, enjoyed themselves and had happy
moments. The doctor and Mrs. Medlock arrived to the bedroom. Mrs. Medlock was very
angry, but Colin said that he felt much better since Mary arrived. Mary didn’t tell Colin that she
often goes to the garden, she didn’t know I she could trust him. But she wanted to take Colin
to the garden. It will help him to feel better as she felt now.

Mary saw Dickson in the garden and told him about Colin. Dickson said that he knows about
him. They decided to tell Colin about the secret garden and got him there. Dickson can push
the wheelchair of Colin. They thought that the garden will be better than doctors and
Chapter 5 Spring has come

Mary and Dickson had a lot of work to do in the garden. So, Mary doesn’t go to see Colin until
late. Colin felt very angry because Mary spent more time with Dickson than with him. Mary
told Colin that he was a selfish boy. Mary wanted to tell Colin many beautiful things about the
garden but she didn’t tell anything because Colin was shouting her. The nurse heard
everything and start laughed. It was the best for Colin that someone tell him the truth.

Martha showed Mary a wooden box that Mr. Craven sent to Mary. Mr. Craven sent Mary
some lovely presents: books about gardens, some games and a little writing case with a gold

That night Mary heard Colin shouting and crying. The nurse asked Mary to help. Mary told
Colin that he will die if he continued in that way. Colin stopped shouting. Colin said that he felt
a lump(bulto) on his back. But Mary said that there was nothing. The nurse said that Colin
needed fresh air. Colin wanted to go with Mary and Dickson to the garden. Mary accepted.
Now Colin was calmed.

Mary told Colin that Dickson will see him with his animals. Mary told Colin about the secret
door in the garden. Colin was very happy and the doctor noticed it. He felt much better. The
doctor told Mary to take Colin outside with Dickson. Mary opened Colin’s windows to smell
the flowers of the gardens. It was spring time.

Dickson went to see Colin with his animals. Colin looks shy (tímido). Dickson told Colin about
the animals and the flowers. Colin was really excited to see everything.

Chapter 6: I will live forever

The children planed the visit to the Secret Garden carefully because no one had to know about
it. Colin told the gardener that in the afternoon everyone had to go away. Nobody has to see
them when they entered to the garden. Colin was very happy and excited to visit the garden.

Dickson and Mary pushed the wheelchair of Colin to the garden. Mary showed him everything:
the wall, the door, the key. Colin closed and covered his eyes until he was into the garden,
then he opened his eyes to look all around. The garden was beautiful.

Mary and Dickson noticed how happy was Colin. His face was shining and with lot of color.
Colin wanted to feel good and strong.

Colin asked about an old tree with a broken branch. Dickson didn’t answer. Then Colin saw the
robin and forgot the tree. Mary and Dickson didn’t want to tell Colin about the tree and her
mother. Colin wanted to go every day to the garden and Dickson told him that he will start

There was nothing wrong with Colin’s legs. He just was afraid to walk. Ben told Colin that he
was a cripple (lisiado) Colin got angry and stood up straight. Ben was very happy when he saw
Colin standing up. Ben asked him why he was hidden all these years. Colin answered that he
thought he was going to die soon. Ben wanted to do many things for Colin. By the end of the
day Colin was so different: happy and stood up.
Chapter 7: Magic

Colin was angry and rude (violento) with the doctor when he told him that he must not do too
many activities. Mary explained Colin that the doctor was worried and afraid that Colin could

Colin wanted to change and not been a strange boy anymore. He spent lot of time in the
garden. He always was amazing of everything there. He thought that the magic of the garden
helped him to walk. He wanted to show his father how good he can walk and run. He made a
great effort. He hated that his father was afraid to look at him.

Dickson told his mother about the garden and Colin. Dickson’s mum made some bread and
buns for Mary and Colin because they were always hungry. Colin asked the doctor not to tell
his father that he was eating more and that he was much better. Colin tried to eat less because
he didn’t want anyone to know about his better health.

Colin got stronger and walk better every day. He ate lots of other things in the garden so he
can refuse the food that the servants brought him.

One rainy day, Mary and Colin looked around all the rooms of the house. Colin didn’t cover
the portrait of his mother anymore because he wanted to see her. He thought that she was a
magic person.

Chapter 8: In the Garden

The children believed in the magic of the garden. Ben observed that Colin wasn’t thin
anymore. Dickson’s mother arrived and the children went to her. She was very kind with Colin
and Mary. They loved to be with her. She said that she thought that Colin’s mum was in the
garden because she always loved to be there.

Mr. Craven traveled a lot but he never felt happy. One day he was in a beautiful valley (valle)
and he started to feel well and happy. He couldn’t explain what was it but he felt alive again.
Months later he knew that this was the hour when Colin cried “I am going to live forever”.

One night Mr. Craven dreamed a voice calling him. It was the voice of her wife telling him “In
the garden, in the garden”.

The next morning, he received a letter from Susan Sowerby (Dickson’s mum) telling him to
come home.

Mr. Craven went back home. He thought that he wasn’t a good father. He stopped to talk to
Susan but he didn’t find her in her house.

When he arrived, he went slowly to the secret garden. He listened sounds but he thought it
was impossible. He entered to the garden and saw a boy running. He was a tall and handsome
boy. He did not recognize that he was Colin. Colin took him to the garden and told him the
whole story and how the garden helped him to get better.

Ben told the servants about the story and all of them saw Mr. Craven coming across the grass
with a strong and happy boy: Colin Craven.

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