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1. Which series contains words that are not formed with the prefix dis-?

disarticulate, discrete, disjunction, displacement, dismember

disarticulate, disinfect, disjunction, displacement, dismember

disinfect, discontinue, disjunction, disuse, displacement

discontinue, disarticulate, disjunction, displacement, dismember

disarticulate, disjunction, disinfect, displacement, disuse

2. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

crown = radix

tenth cranial nerve = phrenic nerve

connection = rete

collagen fiber = white fiber

cartilaginous = myelinated

3. The correct plurals are:

cannula, seruma, stenoses, bacillii

cannulae, sera, stenoses, bacilli

cannulata, serata, stenosises, bacillus

cannulora, seratora, stenossis, bacillata

none of the mentioned options

4. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: The resident stopped to write (A) the
medical record because (B) he had to go (C) on the rounds (D).

to write



on the rounds

none of the mentioned options

5. At the bottom of the spinal column is the ..., which connects the vertebral column to the ….

cervix, cranium

medulla oblongata, brain

coccyx, pelvic girdle

sacrum, pelvis

sacrum, coccyx

6. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: If early (A) arrival of the doctor is expected
(B), try not to administering (C) medical assistance on (D) your own.


is expected



none of the mentioned options

7. Which verbs are correctly spelled?

to discharge from, to dispose of, to isolate, to respond

to discharge to, to dispose from, to izolate, to response

to discharge at, to dispose to, to isolate, to respont

to discharge in, to dispose on, to izolate, to respond

to discharge into, to dispose under, to isolate, to response

8. The heart is located within the ... and it is flanked on each side by ...

chest, blood vessels

abdomen, arteries

rib cage, the liver and pancreas

thorax, the lungs

abdomen, the kidneys

9. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: High levels of toxins … in
the rat’s blood.

are measuring

has been measured

is measuring

have been measured

were measuring
10. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Once considered a luxury, the (A) CT scan has
become (B) a necessary (C) even for (D) poor hospitals.


has become


even for

none of the mentioned options

11. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

allergic, fetal, otic, ophtalmic

allergic, fetal, otical, oftalmic

alergic, fettal, otic, ophtalmyc

allergen, fetus, otic, oftalmic

allergical, fetalic, otic, ophtalmic

12. The following combining forms abdomin(o), broch(o), cephalo(o), fibr(o), gastr(o) refer to?

viscera, bronchus, cerebrum, thread, stomach

abdomen, bronchitis, head, fiber, belly

viscera, bronchitis, head, fiber, stomach

abdomen, bronchus, head, fiber, stomach

abdomen, bronchiolus, brain, thread, belly

13. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Not one (A) in one hundred children exposed
to the disease are (B) likely (C) to develop (D) symptoms of it.

Not one



to develop

none of the mentioned options

14. The correct plurals are:

cubiti, bursitides, oculae, melanomae

cubitus, bursititides, oculi, melanomi

cubiti, bursitides, oculi, melanomata

cubituses, bursititides, oculae, melanome

none of the mentioned options

15. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: After he had ran (A) for (B) half a mile, he
passed (C) the stick to the next (D) runner.

had ran



the next

none of the mentioned options

16. The air passes through the larynx (...) and ... (windpipe) into the bronchi and bronchioles.

nasal passages, trachea

voice box, trachea

pharynx, esophagus

vocal cords, gullet

nostrils, os

17. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

tenurred professor, covennant, iathrogenic, gynglymus, raged

tennured professor, covenant, iathrogenic, gynglimus, ragged

tenured professor, covenant, iatrogenic, ginglymus, ragged

tennurred professor, covennant, iatrogenic, ginglymus, raged

tenured professor, covennant, iathrogenic, ginglimus, ragged

18. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: They were having ... a nice
time at the party that they didn't want to leave.





19. Skeletal muscles are called ... because they can be ... controlled.

involuntary, seldom

voluntary, subconsciously

voluntary, consciously

visceral, viscerally

voluntary, regularly

20. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: It (A) can take hundreds (B) of different
experiments to achieve (C) a (D) ultimate solution.



to achieve

none of the mentioned options

21. The following prefixes ambi-, de-, iso-, per-, semi- refer to?

both sides, with, equal, inner, half

together, without, peer, through, middle

together, without, equal, through, half

both sides, with, peer, inner, half

both sides, without, equal, inner, middle

22. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

prophylactyc, hepative, renal, tissular

prophilactic, hepatic, renous, tissular

profilactic, hepatic, rennal, tissular

prophylactic, hepatic, renal, tissular

prophylactic, hepatical, renal, tisular

23. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

enrollment, registrar, mankind, accessory, clamminess

enrolment, registrar, mankind, acessory, claminess

enrollment, registrer, menkind, accesory, clammines

enrolment, registrar, mankind, acessory, clamminess

enrollment, registrer, menkind, accessory, claminess

24. The correct antonyms are:

deactivation, unrrelated, powerfull, desorientation

deactivation, inrelated, powerfulless, dizorientation

disactivation, inrrelated, unpowerful, dysorientation

inactivation, unrelated, powerful, disorientation

dysactivation, non-related, unpowerful, deorientation

25. Group is not a synonym of:






26. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

joint = articulation

corpus = corpse

reluctant = confident

exacerbation = improvement

roughly = hardly

27. The following combining forms fasci-, gloss(o), heter(o), ischio(o), jejun(o) refer to?

band, cheek, other, hip, large intestine

band, tongue, different, hip, jejunum

cluster, tongue, different, thigh, intestine

band, oral cavity, other, hip, jejunum

cluster, tongue, different, thigh, large intestine

28. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

drowsiness = dizziness

esophagus = gut
interplay = side effect

bucca = mouth

back of the neck = nucha

29. The correct antonyms are:

anmyelinated, imovable, irreversyble, dysplacement

amyelinated, imovvable, ireversible, displacement

unmielinated, inmovable, irreverssible, dysplacement

unmyelinated, immovable, irreversible, displacement

unmielynated, immovabil, ireverssible, displacement

30. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS: The QUEST
for the cure for the common cold has continued for decades.






31. The heart is enclosed by a double ... of serous membrane, the ....

sac, pericardium

pocket, endocardium

covering, epicardium

sack, periosteum

pouch, epicardium

32. An inflammation of a tendon (tendonitis), of the protective sac at a joint (...) or of a muscle itself
(...) may occur.

arthritis, myosis

arthritis, myositis

bursitis, myositis

synovitis, myocarditis

tenosynovitis, myosis
33. Hippocrates is referred to as the "... of ... Medicine".

paragon, alternative

model, holistic

parent, Eastern

father, Western

ideal, modern

34. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

nazal, mucous, metabolic, ennzymatic

nasal, mucus, metabolyc, enzymatic

nasal, mucous, metabolical, enzimatic

nazal, mucos, metabolic, enzymatic

nasal, mucous, metabolic, enzymatic

35. Muscles such as the stomach muscles and the heart are ... and are operated automatically by
the …

voluntary, central nervous system

involuntary, central nervous system

automatic, peripheral nervous system

automatic, autonomic nervous system

involuntary, sympathetic nervous system

36. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
Pantothenic acid is ABUNDANT in liver, eggs, white potatoes and peanuts.






37. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS: The
circulatory system helps DISPOSE OF wastes that would harm the body if they accumulated.

catch up with

get rid of
bear up under

run out of

add up to

38. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: The room was full of people
and ... of them were speaking






39. Which pair of antonyms is correct?

toxin - atoxin

to interpret - to uninterpret

tastefull - tasteless

regular – non-regular

to enhance - to decrease

40. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

sillabus, patology, rinorhea, corpolent, wheze

syllabus, pathology, rhinorrhea, corpulent, wheeze

sillabus, pathology, rhinorhea, corpolent, wheze

silabus, patology, rinorrhea, corpulent, weeze

syllabus, patology, rhinorrhea, corpolent, wheeze

41. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Every (A) man and woman should vote (B) for
(C) the candidate of their choice (D).


should vote


their choice

none of the mentioned options

42. The correct plurals are:

herniaea, cecae, calculii, phenomena

herniae, ceca, calculi, phenomena

herniata, cecora, calculus, phenomenons

herniora, cecum, calculora, phenomenata

none of the mentioned options

43. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: The government is opposed
… giving people large pay raises.






44. Which pair of verbs is correct?

to clog = to coagulate

to route = to get rid of

to employ = to utilize

to assimilate = to take out

to breathe in = to exhale

45. Which series of synonyms is correct?

route = path = means

druggist = apothecary = chemist’s

bleeding = hemorrhage = blood lost

backbone = rachis = spinal column

gullet = enteron = intestine

46. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS: GENETIC
components are often responsible for some phases of learning disabilities.





47. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: About (A) one person on (B) ten is a potential
(C) sufferer (D) of hay fever.





none of the mentioned options

48. Which verbs are correct?

to hospitalize, to whithstand, to swalow, to enhance

to hospitalyze, to whitstand, to suallow, to inhance

to dehospitalize, to witstand, to swalou, to anhance

to hospitalize, to withstand, to swallow, to enhance

none of the mentioned options

49. The correct plurals are:

hiluma, otites, nervus, viscera

hilae, ottites, nervora, viscerata

hila, otitides, nervi, viscera

hilata, otitidis, nervum, viscora

none of the mentioned options

50. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

patologic, anafylactic, cellular, epithelial

pathologic, anaphilactic, celular, epithelial

pathollogic, anaphylactic, cellular, epitelial

pathologic, anaphylactic, cellular, epithelial

patologic, anaphylactic, celular, epithelial

51. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

convalescence = aggravation

profession = occupation

outstanding = dull

myalgia = otodynia

scurvy = crossed-eyes

52. The correct plurals are:

sinusora, femurae, funga, alga

sinusi, femora, fungii, algae

sinus, femora, fungi, algae

sinusera, femurata, fungus, algas

none of the mentioned options

53. The Hippocratic School of Medicine ... medicine in ancient ....

founded, Athens

put an end to, Rome

revolutionized, Greece

developed, Europe

had nothing to do with, Egypt

54. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: No one is admitted to the
examination room without … student’s card.






55. Dermis is not a synonym of:




middle layer

56. Functionally, the nervous system can be divided into the ... nervous system, which controls
skeletal muscles, and the ... nervous system, which controls smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, and

central, peripheral

central, peripheric

visceral, somatic

somatic, autonomic

autonomic, central

57. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS: Medical
researchers have made studies of the physical changes that occur when people UNDERGO long
periods of stress.






58. The correct plurals are:

genuses, musculi, bronchii, epistaxis

genera, musculii, bronchus, epistaxes

genura, musculus, bronchae, epistaxises

generata, musculae, broncha, epistaxeses

none of the mentioned options

59. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: The most common (A) form of (B) treatment it
(C) is mass inoculation and chlorination of water sources (D).

The most common



water sources
none of the mentioned options

60. Most drugs produce a ... of effects that range from the ... response to the unexplained and
potentially life-threatening response.

range, adverse

specter, beneficial

spectrum, desired

number, usual

series, good

61. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Neither too much (A) rest nor (B) a (C) diet of
rich food are (D) good for the body.

too much



none of the mentioned options

62. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS: The Greeks
believed that the heart was the SEAT of intelligence.






63. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

neck = collum

larynx = throat

pulmonary circulation = greater circulation

femur = shank bone

hallux = thumb

64. Which series contains words that are not formed with the prefix ante-?

antenatal, anterior, antecubital, anteversion, antebrachium

anteflexion, anterior, ante cibum, antemortem, antebrachium

anteflexion, anterior, antenna, anteversion, antebrachium

anteflexion, antemortem, antenatal, anteversion, antebrachium

antenatal, anterior, anteflexion, antemortem, antebrachium

65. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

alumnus, symptomatology, periferal, odynophobia, overecxertion

allumnus, simptomatology, peripheral, odinofobia, overexertion

allumnus, symptomatology, peripheral, odynofobia, overexertion

alumnus, simptomatology, periferal, odynophobia, overecxertion

alumnus, symptomatology, peripheral, odynophobia, overexertion

66. The heart is ... the size of two ….

doubly, peas

roughly, fists

almost, nuts

rather, apples

often, lungs

67. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: How much (A) times did the doctors have to
(B) do the test before obtaining the results (C) they wanted (D)?


doctors have to

obtaining the results


none of the mentioned options

68. The correct antonyms are:

acompliant, useles, dysjunction, ineficient

decompliant, usseless, dysjunctyon, unefficient

non-compliant, useless, disjunction, inefficient

uncompliant, unuseless, disjunctyon, uneficient

discompliant, inuseless, dizjunction, non-efficient

69. During the contraction phase, called the ..., oxygenated blood is pumped out of the left ventricle
into the …

systole, coronary artery

diastole, right atrium

systole, pulmonary trunk

diastole, left atrium

systole, aorta

70. The following prefixes an-, dia-, medio-, peri-, sub- refer to?

without, through, median, around, under

without, around, half, together, small

with, through, median, around, under

without, around, half, around, small

with, around, median, together, small

71. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: She is ... charming that
everybody likes her.






72. Which pair of antonyms is correct?

widespread – narrow-spread

symptomatic – anti-symptomatic

hydration – dehydration

hyperpigmentation – excess pigmentation

to miss a class – to cut a class

73. Too much ... activity may produce a ....

heavy, headache

difficult, loss of consciousness

physical, fever

strenuous, strain

mental, sprain

74. The presence of food in the patient’s ... can alter drug ....

mouth, metabolism

stomach, absorption

throat, elimination

mouth, distribution

blood, absorption

75. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: It is ... I have to remind you of
calling on them.

the four time

fourth time

four times

the fourth time

four time

76. The following combining forms laryng(o), mamm(o), nephr(o), ophthalm(o), pharmac(o) refer

larynx, breast, nephron, eye, pharmacology

windpipe, chest, ren, ophthalmology, drug

windpipe, breast, nephron, ophthalmology, pharmacist

larynx, chest, ren, eye, pharmacology

larynx, breast, kidney, eye, drug

77. Which series of synonyms is correct?

living body = corpse = cadaver

arthrodial joint = plane joint = gliding joint

multinucleate = mononucleate = plurinucleate

fatigue = tiredness = relaxation

os = osseous = osteal
78. The correct antonyms are:

unsafe, anti-pyretic, endogenous, abnormal

antisafe, anty-piretic, endogenos, anormal

ansafe, anty-pyretic, endoginous, unnormal

unseif, anti-pyretyc, endogen, abnormal

safeless, anti-piretyc, endogenouss, anormal

79. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: Cardiac arrest occurs … heart
muscle stops beating during a heart attack or after a severe accident.


in that


due to


80. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

tooth = dens

cecum = deaf gut

ren = hepar

chewing = ingestion

inspiration = exhalation

81. The following combining forms hydro(o), mast(o), oste(o), pneum(o), sten(o) refer to?

liquid, breast, bone, lung, narrow

water, chest, bone, lung, narrow

water, breast, bone, breath, narrow

liquid, chest, bone, breath, broad

water, chest, bone, lung, broad

82. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

ocullar, necrotic, hipertensive, dietary

ocular, necrotic, hypertensive, dietary

ocular, necrotic, hypertenssive, dietery

ocularic, necrozal, hypertensive, dietary

ocular, necrotic, hipertensive, dietery

83. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: If these tulips were planted this year, they will
be (A) likely (B) to bloom (C) next year (D) and every year thereafter.

will be


to bloom

next year

none of the mentioned options

84. Dentistry (A) is a branch of (B) medicine that (C) has developed very dramatic (D) in the last
twenty years.


branch of



none of the mentioned options

85. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: When I last (A) saw Janet, she hurried (B) to
her next class on the other (C) side of the campus and did not have (D) time to talk.



the other

did not have

none of the mentioned options

86. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

atendance, lectures hall, electrocardiograme, motling, bradicardia

attendance, lecture hall, electrocardiogram, mottling, bradycardia

attendance, lectures hall, electrocardiogram, mottling, bradykardia

atendance, lecture hall, electrocardiograme, motling, bradykardia

attendance, lectures hall, electrocardiograme, mottling, bradicardia

87. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

gastrous, farmacological, therapeutic, liminal

gastric, pharmacologycal, terapeutic, liminal

gastric, pharmacological, therapeutic, liminal

gastrical, farmacological, therapeutic, liminal

gastric, pharmacological, terapeutic, limminal

88. Which pair of verbs is correct?

to oxygenate = to oxygenize

to examine (a patient) = to consult (a patient)

to hamper = to facilitate

to help = to aide

to contact = to merge

89. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

associate professor, compassionate, neurohypophysis, cylinder, systolic

associate professor, compasionate, neurohypophisis, cylinder, systolic

associate professor, compassionate, neurohypophysis, cilinder, sistolic

associate profesor, compasionate, neurohypophysis, cylinder, sistolic

asociate profesor, compasionate, neurohypophysis, cilinder, systolic

90. The organ that ... bile is the ...

secretes, cholecyst

produces, gallbladder

stores, liver

stores, gallbladder

secretes, pancreas

91. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

inability = handicap

anamnesis = amnesia

drug metabolism = biotransformation

housemaid’s knee = tennis elbow

mitral valve = tricuspid valve

92. The following combining forms adip(o), bronchiol(o), copr(o), dactyl(o), enter(o) refer to?

fat, bronchus, feces, pollex, large intestine

fat, bronchiole, faex, hallux, small intestine

fat, bronchiole, feces, finger, intestine

fat, bronchus, feces, finger, small intestine

fat, bronchiole, faex, hallux, large intestine

93. The correct antonyms are:

harmful, unable, to discontinue, immature

harfull, anable, to dyscontinue, imature,

harmfulless, inable, to decontinue, immatur

unharmful, non-able, to dicontinue, immature

unharmfull, antiable, to descontinue, imatur

94. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

nazal, mucous, metabolic, ennzymatic

nasal, mucus, metabolyc, enzymatic

nasal, mucous, metabolical, enzimatic

nazal, mucos, metabolic, enzymatic

nasal, mucous, metabolic, enzymatic

95. Which series contains words that are not formed with the prefix iso-?

isometric, isoallele, isocellular, isoenergetic, isodynamic

isometric, isoallele, isocellular, isodynamic, isogamete

isothermic, isodynamic, isoallele, isocellular, isoenergetic

isokinetic, isometric, isoallele, isocellular, isothermic

isometric, isolate, isoallele, isocellular, isodynamic

96. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Although a doctor may be able to diagnose (A)
a problem perfect (B), he still may not be able to (C) find a drug to which (D) the patient will

to diagnose

be able to

to which

none of the mentioned options

97. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: The vet decided that he had
to operate ... the cat to save its life.






98. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS: If a fever
PERSISTS, a more serious infection may be present.






99. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

allergic, fetal, otic, ophtalmic

allergic, fetal, otical, oftalmic

alergic, fettal, otic, ophtalmyc

allergen, fetus, otic, oftalmic

allergical, fetalic, otic, ophtalmic

100. The body is supported and given shape by the skeletal-muscular system, consisting of
more than … bones and the muscles and ... which are connected to them.

100, joints

250, articulations

150, ligaments

200, tendons

300, aponeuroses
101. The red marrow produces the ... used throughout the body to transport …

erythrocytes, oxygen

leukocytes, antibodies

thrombocytes, thrombi

serum, erythrocytes

plasma, red blood cells

102. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: About (A) one person on (B) ten is a
potential (C) sufferer (D) of hay fever.





none of the mentioned options

103. The correct antonyms are:

anpreventable, hypohidration, ainflammatory, inconscious

unpreventable, hypohydration, anti-inflammatory, unconscious

apreventable, hipohydration, aninflammatory, anconscious

non-preventable, hipohidratyon, anti-inflamatory, aconscious

anti-preventable, hypohidratyon, uninflammatory, anticonscious

The correct plurals are:

atrium, scotomata, laringes, pollixes

atriae, scotomae, larynxes, pollices

atriums, scotomora, larinxes, polleces

atria, scotomata, larynges, pollices

none of the mentioned options

104. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

inability = handicap

anamnesis = amnesia

drug metabolism = biotransformation

housemaid’s knee = tennis elbow

mitral valve = tricuspid valve

105. The following combining forms adip(o), bronchiol(o), copr(o), dactyl(o), enter(o) refer

fat, bronchus, feces, pollex, large intestine

fat, bronchiole, faex, hallux, small intestine

fat, bronchiole, feces, finger, intestine

fat, bronchus, feces, finger, small intestine

fat, bronchiole, faex, hallux, large intestine

106. The correct antonyms are:

harmful, unable, to discontinue, immature

harfull, anable, to dyscontinue, imature,

harmfulless, inable, to decontinue, immatur

unharmful, non-able, to dicontinue, immature

unharmfull, antiable, to descontinue, imatur

107. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

nazal, mucous, metabolic, ennzymatic

nasal, mucus, metabolyc, enzymatic

nasal, mucous, metabolical, enzimatic

nazal, mucos, metabolic, enzymatic

nasal, mucous, metabolic, enzymatic

108. Which series contains words that are not formed with the prefix iso-?

isometric, isoallele, isocellular, isoenergetic, isodynamic

isometric, isoallele, isocellular, isodynamic, isogamete

isothermic, isodynamic, isoallele, isocellular, isoenergetic

isokinetic, isometric, isoallele, isocellular, isothermic

isometric, isolate, isoallele, isocellular, isodynamic

109. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Although a doctor may be able to
diagnose (A) a problem perfect (B), he still may not be able to (C) find a drug to which (D) the
patient will respond.
to diagnose


be able to

to which

none of the mentioned options

110. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: The vet decided that
he had to operate ... the cat to save its life.






111. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS: If a
fever PERSISTS, a more serious infection may be present.






112. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

allergic, fetal, otic, ophtalmic

allergic, fetal, otical, oftalmic

alergic, fettal, otic, ophtalmyc

allergen, fetus, otic, oftalmic

allergical, fetalic, otic, ophtalmic

113. The body is supported and given shape by the skeletal-muscular system, consisting of
more than … bones and the muscles and ... which are connected to them.

100, joints

250, articulations

150, ligaments
200, tendons

300, aponeuroses

114. The red marrow produces the ... used throughout the body to transport …

erythrocytes, oxygen

leukocytes, antibodies

thrombocytes, thrombi

serum, erythrocytes

plasma, red blood cells

115. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: About (A) one person on (B) ten is a
potential (C) sufferer (D) of hay fever.





none of the mentioned options

116. The correct antonyms are:

anpreventable, hypohidration, ainflammatory, inconscious

unpreventable, hypohydration, anti-inflammatory, unconscious

apreventable, hipohydration, aninflammatory, anconscious

non-preventable, hipohidratyon, anti-inflamatory, aconscious

anti-preventable, hypohidratyon, uninflammatory, anticonscious

117. The correct plurals are:

atrium, scotomata, laringes, pollixes

atriae, scotomae, larynxes, pollices

atriums, scotomora, larinxes, polleces

atria, scotomata, larynges, pollices

none of the mentioned options

118. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

examminee, wilow, paralisys, epystaxis, stopage

examinee, willow, paralysis, epistaxis, stopage

examinee, wilow, paralysys, epystaxis, stoppage

examinee, willow, paralysis, epistaxis, stoppage

examminee, wilow, paralisys, epystaxis, stopage

119. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: If early (A) arrival of the doctor is
expected (B), try not to administering (C) medical assistance on (D) your own.


is expected



none of the mentioned options

120. At the ... of the vertebral column is the ..., which surrounds and protects the brain.

left, rib cage

center, thorax

side, cranium

top, skull

apex, cervix

121. Which pair of antonyms is correct?

recommended - unrecommended

recomended - unrecomended

recommended – dysrecommended

recommended – disrecommended

recommended – anrecommended

122. Coarctation is not a synonym of:





any of the mentioned options

123. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

prophylactyc, hepative, renal, tissular

prophilactic, hepatic, renous, tissular

profilactic, hepatic, rennal, tissular

prophylactic, hepatic, renal, tissular

prophylactic, hepatical, renal, tisular

124. The greatest figure in the history of ancient medicine was … of ….

Hipocrates, Rome

Hypocrates, Athens

Hippocrat, China

Hippocrates, Kos

Hyppocrates, Persia

125. Which pair of verbs is correct?

to beat = to wound

to cleanse = to purify

to attend = to nurture

to expel = to drop out

to sweat = to eliminate

126. Bones are composed of minerals, ... matter and water, held together by a cementlike
substance called ….

inorganic, cartilage

organic, collagen

anorganic, cementum

organic, matrix

grey, bone marrow

127. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: After he had ran (A) for (B) half a mile,
he passed (C) the stick to the next (D) runner.

had ran


the next

none of the mentioned options

128. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: How much (A) times did the doctors
have to (B) do the test before obtaining the results (C) they wanted (D)?


doctors have to

obtaining the results


none of the mentioned options

129. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Plant cuttings who (A) are placed (B) in
water will develop roots and can then be (C) planted in soil (D).



then be

in soil

none of the mentioned options

130. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

curriculum, clubbing, stuffiness, drowsiness, diaphoresis

curiculum, clubing, stufiness, drownsiness, dyaphoresis

curicullum, clubbing, stufiness, drownsiness, dyaphoresis

curriculum, clubbing, stuffines, drowsiness, dyaphoresis

curicullum, clubing, stuffiness, drownsiness, diaphoresis

131. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: Psychiatrists spend a
lot of time studying the mind. So ... psychologists.





132. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
Vitamin B1 is water SOLUBLE, as are all the B-complex vitamins.






133. The correct plurals are:

cervyxes, salpynges, enemae, alumna

cervixes, salpinxes, enema, alumnae

cervyces, salpynxes, enematora, alumne

cervices, salpinges, enemata, alumnae

none of the mentioned options

134. The following combining forms phalang(o), rubr(o), spermat(o), trache(o), uter(o) refer

phalanx, red, sperm, trachea, uterus

pharynx, red, spermatozoon, windpipe, uterus

phalanges, rash, sperm, trachea, utriculus

phalanges, red, sperm, windpipe, utriculus

phalanx, rash, spermatozoon, trachea, uterus

135. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
Inflammation of a joint is characteristically symptomatic of some AILMENTS.






136. Which verbs are correctly spelled?

to aleviate, to clott, to heel, to sever

to alleviate, to clot, to heal, to sever

to alleviatte, to cloth, to heale, to severe

to aleviat, to cloht, to hill, to sever

none of the mentioned options

137. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: Not one (A) in one hundred children
exposed to the disease are (B) likely (C) to develop (D) symptoms of it.

Not one



to develop

none of the mentioned options

138. The correct plurals are:

corpora, vertebrae, stimulus, pedes

corpa, vertebrata, stimuluses, pes

corpera, vertebra, stimuli, pedes

corporata, vertebrae, stimuli, pes

none of the mentioned options

139. The ... system converts digestible food to ... and disposes of the rest.

gastric, chyme

gastrointestinal, molecules

digestive, energy

metabolic, energy

digesting, nutrients

140. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS: In
the fetus, cartilage forms a temporary skeleton that will gradually be CHANGED into bone.





141. Muscles control ... and many organic functions by contracting in response to ... signals.

bones, inner

bones, outer

movements, nerve

action, external

action, internal

142. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
Ultrasonic waves are BEYOND the range of sounds a human can hear.






143. The following prefixes a-, di-, intra-, patho-, retro- refer to?

with, two, through, disease, backward

with, double, within, sick, before

without, double, through, sick, backward

without, two, within, disease, backward

with, two, through, disease, before

144. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

extra-murral education, awarreness, lightheadness, flabby, chorium

extra-mural education, awareness, lightheadedness, flaby, corium

extra-murral education, awarenes, lightheadness, flabby, chorium

extra-mural education, awarrenes, lightheadness, flaby, chorium

extra-mural education, awareness, lightheadedness, flabby, corium

145. The ... blood is distributed through the ... system to all tissues.

oxygen, cardiac

oxygen-enriched, cardiovascular

oxygenated, cardiothoracic
oxygen-poor, circulatory

deoxygenated, heart

146. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

respiratory failure = respiratory sufficiency

moist = dry

peritoneum = abdominal membrane

foramen = closure

alveolus = air bag

147. Which series of synonyms is correct?

addictive = habit-forming = compelling

cut = excision = laceration

bone pain = arthralgia = arthrodynia

os = ossicle = osiculum

narrowing = obstruction = occlusion

148. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

digitalis = chamomile

ataxia = dyscoordination

sleepiness = lightheadedness

hypotension = high blood pressure

adverse = negative

149. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

lasting = transient

malaria = cow pox

common cold = coryza

to inspect = to anatomize

small pox = varicella

150. The correct plurals are:

ulnae, edemata, sinus, syringes

ulna, edemae, sinuses, syrinxes

ulnata, edematora, sini, siringes

ulni, edematus, sinusora, sirinxis

none of the mentioned options

151. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: The nurse arrived (A) so late (B) that
she could not find (C) anyone to carry the medical devices she brings (D).


so late

could not find

she brings

none of the mentioned options

152. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS: A
drastic change in BEHAVIOR can indicate that a child is experimenting with drugs.






153. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

cavitar, apexal, vascular, hyaline

cavitary, apical, vascullar, hialine

cavitary, apical, vascular, hyaline

cavitary, apical, vascular, hyalin

cavitary, apic, vasculary, hyaline

154. The correct antonyms are:

non-comunicable, inacurate, non-favorable, mysconduct

uncomunicable, innacurate, infavorable, mizconduct

incommunicable, innacurate, imfavorable, myzconduct

anti-communicable, inaccurat, anti-favorable, missconduct

non-communicable, inaccurate, unfavorable, misconduct

155. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: The first (A) official use of the title (B)
"The United States of America" (C) occurred in Declaration (D) of Independence.

The first

the title

"The United States of America"

in Declaration

none of the mentioned options

156. The following combining forms tempor(o), arteri(o), brachi(o), chondr(o), gangli(o) refer

time, artery, upper arm, cartilage, ganglion

temple, artery, arm, connective tissue, ganglion

temple, artery, hand, cartilage, ganglion

temple, artery, arm, cartilage, ganglion

temple, artery, hand, connective tissue, ganglion

157. A(n) ... drug reaction, also called a side effect or adverse effect, is a(n) ..., undesirable
response, which may result from any clinically useful drug.

therapeutic, toxic

adverse, harmful

desired, nocive

adversarial, sudden

allergic, immune

158. Hippocrates is credited with being the first person to believe that ... were caused
naturally, not because of ....

tumors, curses

infections, germs

illnesses, sins

disorders, devils

diseases, gods

159. Which pair of antonyms is correct?

conscious – inconscious
conscious - unconscious

conscious – inconscios

conscious – uncoscios

conscious - anconscious

160. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

full proffessor, enancement, tonsilitis, ramuos, dyastolic

full professor, enhancement, tonsillitis, ramous, diastolic

full profesor, enhancemment, tonssillitis, ramous, dyastolic

full proffesor, enancement, tonsilleetis, ramuous, diastolic

full professor, enhancemment, tonsilleetis, ramuous, dyastolic

161. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: A progress (A) has been made (B)
toward finding (C) a cure (D) for AIDS.

A progress

has been made


a cure

none of the mentioned options

162. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

bile = gallbladder

vital capacity = respiratory capacity

foot = leg

second tooth = milk tooth

minute = large

163. The correct plurals are:

pectora, radii, pelves, caudae

pectusa, radi, pelvis, caudata

pectorae, radius, pelvises, caudatora

pectori, radiuses, pelveses, caudatera

none of the mentioned options

164. Tendons and ligaments have a ... blood supply, and ... are avascular.

good, bones

rich, some

poor, cartilages

bad, aponeuroses

fine, nails

165. The correct plurals are:

sulcera, oculi, sacra, coxa

sulcora, oculae, sacrata, coxae

sulci, oculii, sacrae, coxata

sulcus, ocula, sacratora, coxi

none of the mentioned options

166. The following combining forms rhin(o), splen(o), thorac(o), ureter(o), vesic(o) refer to?

nose, spleen, chest, urethra, urinary bladder

nose, lien, breast, ureter, bladder

nose, spleen, breast, urethra, gall bladder

nasal septum, lien, chest, ureter, bladder

nose, spleen, chest, ureter, bladder

167. Which pair of verbs is correct?

to pad = to circle

to incise = to excise

to enhance = to debilitate

to hand down = to transmit

to cease = to start

168. The following prefixes antero-, extra-, meso-, poly-, supra- refer to?

before, outside, middle, too many, after

anterior, inside, half, many, after

anterior, outside, middle, many, above

before, inside, half, too many, above

before, outside, half, too many, above

169. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: The oceans (A) contain many forms (B)
of life that has (C) not yet (D) been discovered.





none of the mentioned options

170. The ... carry the protein ..., which carries oxygen to the body cells.

white cells, albumin

lymphocytes, hemoglobin

platelets, hemoglobin

red cells, hemoglobin

leukocytes, albumin

171. Most organs contain ... tissue types, and the arrangement of the tissues determines
each organ’s ... and what it is able to do.

a few, place

several, structure

more, form

plenty of, shape

all, structure

172. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
Adrenalin is a hormone which stimulates the AUTONOMIC nervous system.





173. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: A fifth year medical
student isn't … to perform major surgery.

skilled enough

as skilled enough

enough skilled

enough skilled as

as enough skilled as

174. Choose the one word or phrase which is closest in meaning to the word in CAPITALS:
Mammograms can DISCOVER breast cancers months before they can be observed in a regular






175. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

baccalaureate, mock exam, trephining, disection, hemoptisis

bacalaureate, moock exam, trepining, disection, hemoptysis

bacalaureate, mock exam, trepining, dissection, hemoptisis

baccalaureate, moock exam, trephining, disection, hemoptysis

baccalaureate, mock exam, trephining, dissection, hemoptysis

176. Which series of synonyms is correct?

adverse = positive = beneficial

disease = morbilli = illness

slender = slim = fat

hay fever = spring catarrh = seasonal allergic rhinorrhea

recurrence = relapse = palindromia

177. The … system and the ... system coordinate and control the body.

cardiovascular, respiratory

cardiovascular, nervous
skeletal, reproductive

nervous, endocrine

endocrine, reproductive

178. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: The symptom (A) of (B) leukemia
include weakness (C), a general ill feeling (D), and fever.





none of the mentioned options

179. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

infectius, prognostic, rabic, glandular

infectious, prognostic, rabid, glandular

infectious, prognostical, rabid, glandullar

inphectious, prognostic, rabical, glandular

infectious, pronostic, rabid, glandulary

180. Which series contains words that are not formed with the prefix inter-?

intercellular, interdental, intercalated, interalveolar, interlamellar

intervertebral, internal, intercalated, interalveolar, intercapillary

intervertebral, interlamellar, intercellular, interalveolar, interdental

intervertebral, intercellular, intercalated, intercostal, intercapillary

interdental, interclavicular, interlamellar, interalveolar, intercapillary

181. The cardiovascular system carries ... which are secreted by glands of the ... system
directly into the bloodstream.

cells, circulatory

hormones, endocrine

hormones, exocrine

enzymes, digestive

enzymes, endocrine
182. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: This test is for
students ... native language is not English.



of whom



183. Which line contains only correct adjectives?

pelvyc, paralytic, febril, purulent

pelvical, paralitic, febrile, purulent

pelval, paralytic, febrile, purullent

pelvic, parralytic, phebrile, purulent

pelvic, paralytic, febrile, purulent

184. Platelets in the blood permit ... to take place at the site of a ....

haemostasis, surgery

condensation, scratch

agglomeration, cut

clotting, wound

coagulation, hematoma

185. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: In bacteria and in
other organisms, ... is the nucleic acid DNA that provides the genetic information.






186. Which pair of synonyms is correct?

osteocyte = muscle cell

hinge joint = ginglymus

pharynx = windpipe

humerus = forearm bone

systemic circulation = lesser circulation

187. Drug is not a synonym of:





recreational drug

188. Which series contains words that are not misspelled?

alumna, empyema, pathophysiology, myositis, hydrocephalus

alumna, empyema, patophysiology, miositis, hydrocefalus

allumna, emphyema, pathofysiology, miositis, hidrocephalus

alumna, emphyema, patofysiology, myositis, hidrocefalus

allumna, empyema, pathophysiology, myositis, hydrocephalus

189. Which verbs are correct?

to provise, to admit in, to relief, to mysunderstand

to provice, to admit on, to reliefe, to non-understand

to provide, to admit to, to relieve, to misunderstand

to provision, to admit by, to relive, to mizunderstand

none of the mentioned options

190. The correct antonyms are:

anorganic, anty-tusive, hyperdinamic, to mystreat

anorganic, anty-tussiv, hiperdinamic, to mistreat

inorganic, anti-tusiv, hiperdynamic, to mystreat

anorganic, anti-tusive hyperdinamyc, to mistreat

inorganic, anti-tussive, hyperdynamic, to mistreat

191. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence: Frontier surgeon
Ephraim MacDonald had to perform operations ... anesthesia.


not having


there wasn't


192. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: The statement will be spoken (A) just
one time; therefore, you must listen very careful (B) in order to understand (C) what (D) the
speaker has said.

will be spoken

very careful

to understand


none of the mentioned options

193. Identify the one word or phrase that is incorrect: The pediatrician stopped to read (A)
the case history as (B) he had to go (C) the emergency room (D).

to read


to go

the emergency room

none of the mentioned options

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