Data Migration Step 1

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Page 1: Overview of Data Migration Plan

1. Introduction

- Briefly explain the purpose and importance of data migration.

- Highlight the benefits of a well-executed data migration plan.

2. Current Data Landscape

- Describe the existing data environment, including data sources, formats, and storage systems.

- Identify any challenges or limitations of the current data infrastructure.

3. Objectives of Data Migration

- Clearly state the goals and objectives of the data migration plan.

- Highlight specific outcomes and improvements expected from the migration process.

4. Migration Strategy

- Discuss the selected migration strategy (e.g., direct cutover, parallel migration, phased migration).

- Explain the rationale behind the chosen strategy and its alignment with business needs.

5. Timeline and Milestones

- Present a detailed timeline outlining key migration activities and milestones.

- Provide estimated durations for each phase or task of the migration plan.

6. Risks and Contingency Plans

- Identify potential risks and challenges associated with the data migration process.

- Propose contingency plans and mitigation strategies to address these risks.

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