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Question Paper with Answers & Code

1. The Indriyartha sannikarsha (sense- object contact) that helps in the perception of Maduratva
(sweetness) is?
A) Samavaya
B) Sanyoga
C) Sanyukta- samavaya
D) Sanyukta- samaveta- samavaya
Ans: Sanyukta- samaveta- samavaya (516)
2. Which of the following is ‘Anupravishta Guna’ of Vayu?
A) Rasa
B) Roopa
C) Shabda
D) Sparsha
Ans: Shabda (517)
3. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Karma is an independent cause of Sanyoga and Vibhaga
Statement II: Guna is an independent cause of Sanyoga and Vibahaga
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given
A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
B) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
D) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Ans: Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect (523)
4. Who is the author of the commentary ‘Bruhat- panjika on Sushruta Samhita’?
A) Bhaskara
B) Dalhana
C) Gadadhara
D) Gayadasa
Ans: Dropped*

5. According to Charak, which lakshan is found in Vatala prakriti person due to Ruksha Guna?
A) Bahupralapa
B) Chapalagati
C) Jagaruka
D) Shighra kshobha
Ans: Jagaruka (531)
6. Which is the site of ‘Secretin’ hormone secretion?
A) G- cells of Antrum
B) I- cells of Duodenum
C) L- cells of Duodenum
D) S- cells of Duodenum
Ans: S- cells of Duodenum (536)
7. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: According to Sushruta, function of Purisha is ‘Kledavahana’
Statement II: According to Sushruta, function of Mutra is ‘Bastipurana’
In the light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given
A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
B) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
D) Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Ans: Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct (540)
8. According to Charak in which month of Garbhavakranti ‘Mamsa shonita upachaya’ is
A) Fifth
B) Fourth
C) Sixth
D) Third
Ans: Fifth (543)
9. According to Sushruta, Varna and Sparshagyana are the functions of which Sira?
A) Kaphavaha
B) Pittavaha
C) Raktavaha

D) Vatavaha
Ans: Raktavaha (548)
10. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: According to Sushruta, Moolasthanas of Shukravahasrotasa are Stana and Vrishana
Statement II: According to Charaka, Moolasthana of Medovahastrotasa are Vrikka and Vapavahan
A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
B) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
D) Statement Ii is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Ans: Both Statement I and Statement II are correct (549)
11. Carpel tunnel syndrome is caused by compression of which nerve?
A) Median
B) Musculocutaneous
C) Radial
D) Ulnar
Ans: Median (555)
12. Which of the following Dravya is the synonym of ‘Pachampacha’?
A) Daruharidra
B) Haridra
C) Katuki
D) Nimba
Ans: Daruharidra (558)
13. According to Charak, consumption of Dadhi (Curd) in the night causes which of the
following disease?
A) Gridhrasi
B) Kamala
C) Manyastambha
D) Pakshaghata
Ans: Kamala (567)
14. As per Bhavaprakasha, which of the following is the Abhava pratinidhi dravya of ‘Ativisha’?
A) Chitraka
B) Dadima
C) Kutaja

D) Mustaka
Ans: Mustaka (570)
15. In reference to Charakokta Agraoushadha, which of the following Dravya has Vrishya and
Sarvadoshahara Karma?
A) Erandamoola
B) Gokshura
C) Vidari
D) Vidarigandha
Ans: Vidarigandha (574)
16. According to Charak, which is the appropriate Bhaishajya kala for ‘Samana Vata Vikriti’?
A) Bhojanapurva
B) Madhyabhojana
C) Pratahkala
D) Samudga
Ans: Madhyabhojana (578)
17. As per Sushruta, what is the Panchabautika composition of Virechana Dravya?
A) Prithvi + Agni
B) Prithvi + Jala
C) Vayu
D) Vayu + Agni
Ans: Prithvi + Jala (584)
18. According to Charaka, the drug of choice for a patient suffering from Hikka, Shwasa, Kasa,
Parshwashoola is?
A) Ativisha
B) Erandamoola
C) Kakamachi
D) Pushkaramoola
Ans: Pushkaramoola (588)
19. As per Bhavaprakash, what is the weight of Shreshta Haritaki Fruit?
A) Dwi karsha
B) Dwi masha
C) Karsha
D) Kola

Ans: Dwi karsha (592)
20. Which one of the following is a deliriant poison?
A) Ahiphena
B) Bhallataka
C) Dhatura
D) Kupilu
Ans: Dhatura (595)
21. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT about Postmortem changes?
A) Algor mortis is cooling of body after death
B) Postmortem staining becomes permanent by 03 hours after death
C) Putrefaction is the late Postmortem changes
D) Rigor mortis starts first in the eyelids externally
Ans: Postmortem staining becomes permanent by 03 hours after death (599)
22. Chalky white teeth is the clinical feature of which of the following poisoning?
A) Carbolic acid
B) Nitric acid
C) Oxalic acid
D) Sulphuric acid
Ans: Sulphuric acid (601)
23. According to Sushruta, Phenagama, Vidbheda and Gurujihwata are the features of which
type of Visha?
A) Dhatu
B) Kanda
C) Ksheera
D) Phala
Ans: Ksheera (607)
24. Rasa Vagbhata preferred placing finished products in which direction of Rasashala?
A) Adhasta Kona
B) Ishana Kona
C) Nairitya Kona
D) Vayavya Kona
Ans: Ishana Kona (612)

25. According to Rasaratna Samucchaya, what is the length of cloth required for the
preparation of Gandhaka Druti?
A) Aratni Pramana
B) Dwi Vitasti Pramana
C) Raja Hasta Pramana
D) Vitasti Pramana
Ans: Aratni Pramana (615)
26. As per Sharngadhar, what is the ratio of drug and water for preparation of Tandulodaka?
A) 1: 16
B) 1: 2
C) 1: 4
D) 1: 8
Ans: 1: 8 (619)
27. According to Rasaratna Samucchaya, which of the following Musha has heat bearing
capacity of ‘Two Yama’?
A) Gara Musha
B) Mandooka Musha
C) Vara Musha
D) Yoga Musha
Ans: Gara Musha (622)
28. According to Rasaratna Samucchaya, what is the meaning of Mukha?
A) Mixing of 1/64th parts of Au in Hg
B) Mixing of 1/ 64th parts of Au in Cu
C) Mixing of 1/ 64th parts of Au in Ag
D) Mixing of 1/ 64th parts of Cu in Hg
Ans: Mixing of 1/64th parts of Au in Hg (626)
29. According to Sharngadhara Samhita, which of the following Dravya is an ingredients of
Dashanga lepa?
A) Jatamansi
B) Manjishtha
C) Mustaka
D) Parpataka
Ans: Jatamansi (629)

30. Nischandratva is the feature of which of the following Bhasma?
A) Abharaka
B) Haritala
C) Kasisa
D) Swarna
Ans: Dropped*
31. Pizer instrument is used for knowing which of the following?
A) Coating of tablets
B) Disintegration of tablets
C) Friability of tablets
D) Hardness of tablets
Ans: Dropped*
32. According to Charaka, Surasavavidhanam has been mentioned as one treatment modality
for which of the following?
A) Kapha
B) Pitta
C) Rakta
D) Vata
Ans: Vata (645)
33. According to Charaka, ‘Shariramupachinoti’ has been mentioned as a result of which of the
A) Jirne ashniyat
B) Matravadashniyat
C) Snigdhamashniyat
D) Ushnamashniyat
Ans: Snigdhamashniyat (650)
34. According to Charaka, ‘Dirgha darshinam’ has been mentioned as a characteristic feature of
which of the following Satva?
A) Arsha
B) Eindra
C) Varuna
D) Yamya
Ans: Eindra (654)

35. According to Charaka, which of the following is the correct option in context to Indriya
A) Kshanika
B) Nitya
C) Vikalpa
D) Vyavasayatmika
Ans: Kshanika (657)
36. According to Charaka, ‘Utpindatarunakshata’ is the sign of which type of Unmada?
A) Agantuja
B) Kaphaja
C) Pittaja
D) Vataja
Ans: Vataja (661)
37. ‘Raktaika Lochana’ is a sign of which Shwasa?
A) Chhinna
B) Maha
C) Tamaka
D) Urdhva
Ans: Chhinna (666)
38. A 45 year old male patient reports with complaints of severe pain in Vankshana, Basti,
Medhra and frequent micturition but less quantity of urine. The single drug of choice from
Charaka Agrya Samgraha?
A) Amlavetasa
B) Gokshura
C) Hinguniryasa
D) Pushkaramula
Ans: Gokshura (671)
39. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and other is labelled as
Reason R:
Assertion A: Dwitiyah Kriyakalah- Annadwesha hridayotkledau
Reason R: Kaphasya prakopa lingam
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below?
A) A is false but R is true B) A is true but R is false
C) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A

D) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
Ans: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (673)
40. Given below are two statements
Statement I: According to dictate of Atreya, Doshagni and Malagni are included in the types of Agni
Statement II: Accordint to Dhanwantari, Grahani is Pittadhara Kala
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below?
A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
B) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
D) Statement II is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Ans: Both Statement I and Statement II are correct (677)
41. Which of the following Virus is the causative pathogen of Rabies?
A) Alphavirus- type 2
B) Flavivirus- group B
C) Lyssavirus- type 1
D) Togavirus- group B
Ans: Lyssavirus- type 1 (687)
42. Arrange the Asanas of Suryanamaskara sequentially?
A) Prarthanasana, B) Parvatasana, C) Ashwasanchalasana, D) Padahastasana, E) Hasta utthanasana
A) A, E, B, C, D B) A, E, D, B, C
C) A, E, D, C, B D) B, D, C, E, A
Ans: A, E, D, C, B (692)
43. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and other is labelled as
Reason R
Assertion A: Takra is indicated in Sheeta Kala, Agnimandya, Vatavyadhi, Aruchi and Srotorodha
Reason R: Takra is having Ushna Virya, Dipana, Kashaya, Amla, Madhura Rasa (Bhavaprakasha)
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below?
A) A is correct but R is not correct
B) A is not correct but R is correct
C) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
D) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
Ans: Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A (693)

44. In which of the following disease carrier stage is not seen?
A) Cholera
B) Diphtheria
C) Measles
D) Typhoid
Ans: Measles (697)
45. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other labelled as
Reason R
Assertion A: Pressing naval region towards spine for hundred times is Agnisarakriya
Reason R: This Agnisara Kriya is done to increase Agni and Medas
In light of the above statements, choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below?
A) A is correct but R is not correct
B) A is not correct but R is correct
C) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
D) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
Ans: A is correct but R is not correct (703)
46. Match List I with List II
Match the following Bio- Medical waste disposal with colour coded bags
a. Waste Sharps I. Red
b. Discarded medicine vials II. White
c. Catheters III. Yellow
d. Discarded linen IV. Cardboard box with blue
colour marking
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- I, b- III, c- II, d- IV
B) a- II, b- IV, c- I, d- III
C) a- III, b- II, c- IV, d- I
D) a- IV, b- I, c- III, d- II
Ans: a- II, b- IV, c- I, d- III (706)
47. Which of the following drugs are used for Dhupana (fumigation) to purify air as per
Acharya Sushruta?
a) Laksha, Haridra b) Ativisha, Haritaki
c) Musta, Kushta d) Haridra, Ativisha, Haratala
Choose the correct answer from the options given below

A) a & d only
B) a, b & c only
C) b & e only
D) e & d only
Ans: a, b & c only (712)
48. According to Charaka, arrange the following in ascending order of their severity in reference
to Janapadodhwamsa?
a) Vikruta Kala B) Vikruta Jala
C) Vikruta Vata D) Vikruta Desha
Choose the correct answer from the options given below?
A) a, c, b, d
B) b, c, a, c
C) c, a, d, b
D) c, b, d, a
Ans: c, b, d, a (716)
49. According to Charaka Samhita, external application of ‘Panchakola’ and ‘Kulattha’ over
breasts is indicated for the management of which of the following type of stanya dushti?
A) Guruta
B) Phena samghatata
C) Vairasyata
D) Vaivarnyata
Ans: Vairasyata (717)
50. According to Kashyapa Samhita Vedanadhyaya, the clinical feature ‘Mukha Sweda’ is found
in which of the following condition?
A) Anaha
B) Ashmari
C) Shoola
D) Vibandha
Ans: Shoola (722)
51. Inspite of providing tactile stimulation, the newborn is still apneic or having ineffective
ventilations as evidenced by heart rate of less than 100 per minute; what should be the next
recommended step for resuscitation?
A) Bag and Mask ventilation
B) Endotracheal intubation

C) Epinephrine administration
D) External cardiac massage
Ans: Bag and Mask ventilation (725)
52. As per Kashyapa Samhita, in reference to Danta Nisechana (Teeth insemination), match the
following table?
List I List II
Month Effect
a. 4 month nishikta danta I. Dwiputa danta
b. 5th month nishikta danta II. Ghuna danta
c. 6th month nishikta danta III. Praharshina danta
d. 7th month nishikta danta IV. Aashu kshayee danta
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- II, b- I, c- III, d- IV
B) a- II, b- III, c- I, d- IV
C) a- IV, b- I, c- II, d- III
D) a- IV, b- III, c- II, d- I
Ans: a- IV, b- III, c- II, d- I (732)
53. As per Ashtangahridaya, ‘Snigdha Shukla Mukhekshanah’ is the clinical feature of which of
the following Vyadhi?
A) Balashosha
B) Ksheeralasaka
C) Parigarbhika
D) Ulvaka
Ans: Balashosha (735)
54. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: As per Kashyapa Samhita, 04 types of Charmadala has been described
Statement II: Mandala (skin lesions) resembling ‘Dagdha Guda’ is the feature of Paittika Charmadala
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
A) Both Statement I and Statement II are correct
B) Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
D) Statement II is incorrect but Statement II is correct
Ans: Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect (743)

55. Match the factors to be avoided during Basti treatment and their Vyapada (results) as per
Charaka Samhita:
List I List II
Factors Vyapada
a. Uchchairbhashyatibhashya I. Hridayendriyoparodha
b. Raktakshobha II. Badhirya
c. Vishamahitashana III. Manyastambha
d. Vyavaya IV. Kandu- Pama
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- I, b- II, c- III, d- IV
B) a- II, b- III, c- IV, d- I
C) a- III, b- I, c- IV, d- II
D) a- IV, b- II, c- I, d- III
Ans: a- III, b- I, c- IV, d- II (748)
56. According to Charaka, ‘Avasthika Chikitsa’ is mentioned in context of which of the
following disease?
A) Gulma
B) Rajayakshma
C) Unmada
D) Urustambha
Ans: Dropped*
57. According to Charaka Samhita Kalpasthana 4th chapter, the total Yoga of Dhamargava is ---
------and out of which -------------- are Kalka Yoga?
A) 18, 05
B) 18, 09
C) 60, 09
D) 60, 10
Ans: Dropped*
58. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as
Reason R:
Assertion A: Snehana, Basti, Virechana and Vamana should not be conducted in Urustambha
Reason R: Urustambha is Asadhya Vyadhi and no treatment is indicated for Asadhya Vyadhi
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) A is false but R is true
B) A is true but R is false
C) Both A and R are true and R is NOT correct explanation of A

D) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
Ans: A is true but R is false (759)
59. As per Charaka, which of the following Lakshana is NOT a purvaroopa of Shotha?
A) Antarayama
B) Davathu
C) Sirayam
D) Ushma
Ans: Antarayama (763)
60. As per Charaka, ‘Leenam pakvashayastham vaapyamam sravyam sandeepanaih |
Shariranugate same rase langhana pachanam’ || is the chikitsa sutra of which of the following
A) Amajeerna
B) Arsha
C) Atisara
D) Grahani
Ans: Grahani (767)
61. According to Charaka, how many types of Agni are responsible for causing Grahani roga?
A) Five
B) Four
C) Three
D) Two
Ans: Three (771)
62. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other labelled as
Reason R
Assertion A: Unilateral pulsating and throbbing headache most likely indicates underlying vascular
Reason R: Most of the time, it is migraine headache
In light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) A is false but R is true
B) A is true but R is false
C) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
D) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
Ans: Dropped*

63. ‘Kinakhara sparsha’ is the specific feature of which of the following Kushta?
A) Dadru
B) Ekakushta
C) Kitibha
D) Shataru
Ans: Kitibha (779)
64. Which of the following Jwara is Sukha Sadhya?
A) Greeshma- varsha udbhava
B) Hemanta- shishira udbhava
C) Sharada- hemanta udbhava
D) Vasanta- sharada udbhava
Ans: Vasanta- sharada udbhava (786)
65. Which of the following is NOT FOUND in the clinical features of Mridbhakshanaja Pandu
A) Haritam yoatisaryate
B) Malam sashrika
C) Shuna gandakshikutabhruh
D) Shunapannabhi- mehanah
Ans: Haritam yoatisaryate (792)
66. According to Charaka, clinical features of Agantuka atisara namely Bhayaja and Shokaja
have a resemblance with the clinical features of which of the following disease?
A) Vataja atisara
B) Vataja Grahani
C) Vataja Gulma
D) Vataja Shula
Ans: Vataja atisara (794)
67. According to Charaka, which of the following is Anupana of Darvyadi leha described for the
treatment of Kamala and Pandu?
A) Dugdha- Mamsarasa
B) Jala- Dugdha
C) Madhu- Gomutra
D) Madhu- Sarpi
Ans: Madhu- Sarpi (797)

68. Given below are two statements:
Which of the following statement is correct regarding management of Vatarakta?
Statement I: ‘Raktamarga nihantyashu shakha sandhishu marutah’
Statement II: ‘Tatra munchedasrika shringa jalaukah suchyalabubhih’
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
A) Both statement I and II are correct
B) Both statement I and II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect
D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct
Ans: Both statement I and II are correct (801)
69. Match List I with List II according to their Chikitsa sutra:

List I List II
a. Navajwara I. Langhana
b. Krisha pramehi II. Brimhana
c. Tamaka shwasa III. Vamana
d. Adhoga raktapitta IV. Virechana
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- I, b- II, c- IV, d- III
B) a- I, b- IV, c- III, d- II
C) a- III, b- I, c- II, d- IV
D) a- III, b- II, c- IV, d- I
Ans: a- I, b- II, c- IV, d- III (805)
70. According to Charaka Samhita, which of the following sneha is specifically indicated for
‘Bhrishta Yoni’?
A) Ghrita
B) Majja
C) Taila
D) Vasa
Ans: Vasa (811)
71. According to Charaka Samhita, which of the following sneha matra is indicated in Jwara,
Atisara and Kasa for Snehana?
A) Hrasiyasi Matra
B) Hrasva Matra
C) Madhyama Matra
D) Uttama Matra

Ans: Hrasva Matra (815)
72. According to Charaka, ‘Moorchha cha sharira sadanam’ is lakshana of which of the
following Atiyoga?
A) Niruha Vasti
B) Snehana
C) Swedana
D) Virechana
Ans: Swedana (818)
73. The sequence of administration of following therapies in Amavata as per Chikitsa sutra
a) Deepana
b) Swedana
c) Snehapana
d) Virechana
e) Basti
A) a, b, c, d, e
B) a, c, b, d, e
C) b, a, d, c, e
D) c, b, d, e, a
Ans: b, a, d, c, e (822)
74. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion A and the other is labelled as
Reason R
Assertion A: Vamana karma is contraindicated in Sukumara
Reason R: Because it leads to Hridayapakarshana
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
A) A is false but R is true
B) A is true but R is false
C) Both A and R are true and R is NOT the correct explanation of A
D) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
Ans: Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A (825)
75. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Virechana karma is contraindicated in Kshataguda
Statement II: Verechana karma if given to a patient having Kshataguda causes atipravrutti

Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) Both Statement I and Statement II are False
B) Both Statement I and Statement II are True
C) Statement I is Correct but Statement II is False
D) Statement I is Incorrect but Statement II is True
Ans: Statement I is Correct but Statement II is False (831)
76. According to Sushruta, which of the following karma is NOT mentioned for stopping
A) Dahana
B) Pachana
C) Sandhana
D) Vimlapana
Ans: Vimlapana (835)
77. Match List I with List II (According to Charaka):

List I List II
a. Gurugatrata I. Snehana ayoga
b. Grathita purisha II. Vamana ayoga
c. Mutra sanga III. Virechana ayoga
d. Tandra IV. Niruha basti ayoga
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- IV, b- II, c- I, d- III
B) a- I, b- III, c- IV, d- II
C) a- II, b- I, c- IV, d- III
D) a- III, b- IV, c- II, d- I
Ans: a- II, b- I, c- IV, d- III (839)
78. As per Sushruta, which of the following dose is for Sneha basti?
A) 1/ 16th of Niruha basti dose
B) 1/ 4th of Niruha basti dose
C) 1/ 6th of Niruha basti dose
D) 1/ 8th of Niruha basti dose
Ans: 1/ 4th of Niruha basti dose (843)
79. As per Sushruta, ‘Alpa sophata’ is a feature of which stage of Vrana sopha?
A) Ama and Pachyamana
B) Ama and Pakwa
C) Pachyamana

D) Pachyamana and Pakwa
Ans: Ama and Pakwa (847)
80. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other
is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: While suturing, needle should not be pierced very far from skin margin,
nor very near to skin margin
Reason R: Piercing very far causes Pain, and piercing very near results in ‘cut­through’ of suture
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
A) A is correct but R is not correct
B) A is not correct but R is correct
C) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
D) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
Ans: Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A (849)
81. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Bandage should be opened on third day in Hemanta, Shishira and Vasanta Ritu
Statement II: Bandage can be opened at any time (or at once) in condition of Emergency
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
A) Both statement I and statement II are correct
B) Both statement I and statement II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect
D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct
Ans: Both statement I and statement II are correct (853)
82. ‘Murphy’s Triad’ is related to which of the following condition?
A) Appendicitis
B) Cholecystitis
C) Colitis
D) Gastritis
Ans: Appendicitis (858)
83. As per Sushruta, Paniya- kshara is indicated in which of the following disease?
a) Timira
b) Raktapitta
c) Udara roga
d) Arsha

e) Ashmari
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a and b only
B) a and c only
C) b and d only
D) c, d and e only
Ans: c, d and e only (863)
84. According to Sushruta, which of the following is a ‘Nirvisha Jalauka’?
A) Indrayudha
B) Karbura
C) Samudrika
D) Savarika
Ans: Savarika (866)
85. As per Sushruta, ‘Manya stambha’ results due to Karna-Vedhana of which Sira?
A) Daivakrit
B) Kalika
C) Lohitika
D) Marmarika
Ans: Lohitika (869)
86. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Kshara, Udaka and Taila- are the three methods of Payana
Statement II: ‘Taila Payana’ is indicated for Mansa-Chhedana
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
A) Both statement I and statement II are correct
B) Both statement I and statement II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect
D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct
Ans: Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect (875)
87. As per Sushruta, patient is kept nil orally before surgery in which of the following disease?
a) Bhagandara b) Arsha c) Vidradhi d) Mukha roga e) Kanda-bhagna
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a and b only

B) a, b, and d only
C) c and e only
D) e only
Ans: a, b, and d only (878)
88. According to Sushruta, which of the following is used for Dhoopana Karma to reduce
the Foul smelling Karnashrava?
A) Bilva
B) Guggulu
C) Kapittha
D) Laksha
Ans: Guggulu (883)
89. According to Sushruta, ‘Vaktram vakram’ is the clinical feature of which Dantaroga?
A) Bhanjanaka
B) Krimidanta
C) Shyavadanta
D) Upakushta
Ans: Bhanjanaka (885)
90. ‘Ghranashrite marmani sampradushte yasyanilo nasikaya nireti’- the above reference has
been quoted for samprapti of which Nasa roga?
A) Bhranshathu
B) Kshavathu
C) Nasapratinaha
D) Pratisyaya
Ans: Kshavathu (889)
91. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other
is labelled as Reason R
Assertion A: After the Chhedana Karma of Parvani, mixture of Madhu and Krishna
Maricha is used for Pratisarana
Reason R: After the Chhedana Karma of Parvani, mixture of Saindhava Lavana and
Madhu is used for Pratisarana
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below
A) A is correct but R is not correct
B) A is not correct but R is correct
C) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A

D) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
Ans: A is not correct but R is correct (896)
92. According to Sushruta, which doshas are vitiated in Akshipakatyaya?
A) Kapha rakta
B) Pitta kapha
C) Tridosha
D) Vata pitta
Ans: Tridosha (899)
93. Soft contact lenses are made from which material?
A) Glass
B) Hydroxyl Ethyl Methacrylate (HEMA)
C) Plastic
D) Poly Methyl Methacrylate (PMMA)
Ans: Hydroxyl Ethyl Methacrylate (HEMA) (901)
94. Match List I with List II:

List I List II
a. Type A Tympanogram I. Seen in ossicular fixation
b. Type B Tympanogram II. In retracted Tympanic membrane
c. Type C Tympanogram III. Flat graph
d. Type AS Tympanogram IV. Normal Tympanogram
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- II, b- I, c- IV, d- III
B) a- I, b- IV, c- III, d- II
C) a- III, b- II, c- IV, d- I
D) a- IV, b- III, c- II, d- I
Ans: a- IV, b- III, c- II, d- I (908)
95. ‘Chedayenmandalagrena jihwopari tu samsthitam’- the above reference has been mentioned
in context of which Talugata roga?
A) Galashundika
B) Kachchhapa
C) Kanthashalooka
D) Upajihva
Ans: Galashundika (910)

96. Arrange the process of Research:
a) Selecting Sample
b) Data analysis
c) Formation of research question
d) Data collection
e) Conceptualizing design
A) a, c, e, d, b
B) c, a, e, d, b
C) c, e, a, d, b
D) c, e, d, b, a
Ans: c, e, a, d, b (914)
97. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Chi square test is a non-parametric test
Statement II: As a test of goodness to fit, Chi squared test enables us to see how well the assumed
distribution fits the theoretical data
Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
A) Both statement I and statement II are correct
B) Both statement I and statement II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect
D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct
Ans: Both statement I and statement II are correct (917)
98. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Cross sectional studies are known as one shot or status studies
Statement II: Longitudinal studies are also useful when you need to collect factual
information on a continuing basis
A) Both statement I and statement II are correct
B) Both statement I and statement II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect
D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct
Ans: Both statement I and statement II are correct (921)
99. Given below are two statements:
Statement I: Test of significance is used to test hypothesis in quantitative studies
Statement II: Hypothesis testing is dependent on theory of probability

A) Both statement I and statement II are correct
B) Both statement I and statement II are incorrect
C) Statement I is correct but statement II is incorrect
D) Statement I is incorrect but statement II is correct
Ans: Both statement I and statement II are correct (925)
100. Which Acharya has mentioned Vipluta yonivyapada?
A) Charaka
B) Kashyapa
C) Sushruta
D) Vagbhata
Ans: Dropped*
101. Acharya Charaka has indicated Katukadi ghrita for management of which of the following
A) Paripluta yonivyapada
B) Raktapradara
C) Shleshmala yonivyapada
D) Yonikanda
Ans: Raktapradara (935)
102. According to Acharya Charaka, how much Angula long pushpa netra should be used for
giving Uttarabasti in females?
A) 10
B) 11
C) 12
D) 13
Ans: 10 (937)
103. Match List I with List II:

List I List II
Artava dushti Involved dosha
a. Granthibhoota I. Sannipataja
b. Pootipooya II. Vata Pitta
c. Ksheena III. Kapha Vata
d. Mutra purisha Gandhi IV. Kapha Pitta
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- I, b- III, c- IV, d- II
B) a- II, b- I, c- IV, d- III

C) a- III, b- IV, c- II, d- I
D) a- IV, b- I, c- II, d- III
Ans: a- III, b- IV, c- II, d- I (944)
104. One end of round ligament is attatched to uterine cornue and the other end is attached to
which of the following structure?
A) Anterior third of labia majora
B) Fallopian tube
C) Supravaginal part of Cervix
D) Vertebral column
Ans: Anterior third of labia majora (948)
105. According to Ashtanga Hridaya, what is the correct sequence of Regimen for Asanna
Prasava Paricharya?
a) Abhyanga- Mardana
b) Jrimbhana- Chankramana
c) Ushna Jala Snana
d) Peya with ghrita for pana
e) Uttana shayana with sakthi flexed
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) b, e, d, a, c
B) c, a, d, b, e
C) c, d, e, a, b
D) e, d, b, c, a
Ans: c, d, e, a, b (952)
106. Acharya Charaka has indicated which formulation for the females who suffer from
miscarriages and desire conception?
A) Abhaya Modaka
B) Panchama Sarpi Modaka
C) Triphala Modaka
D) Tritiya Sarpi Guda
Ans: Panchama Sarpi Modaka (955)
107. Given below are two statements, one is labelled as Assertion A and the other
is labelled as Reason R:
Assertion A: Navneeta is indicated to be given to a pregnant woman in the fourth month of pregnancy
Reason R: Pregnant woman is Dauhridini in fourth month and fresh Navneeta is Hridya

Choose the most appropriate answer from the options given below:
A) A is correct but R is not correct
B) A is not correct but R is correct
C) Both A and R are correct but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
D) Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A
Ans: Both A and R are correct and R is the correct explanation of A (961)
108. According to Ashtanga Hridaya, moordhini taila is advised in which of the following Ritu?
A) Hemanta
B) Sharada
C) Varsha
D) Vasanta
Ans: Hemanta (965)
109. According to Ashtanga Hridaya, which of the following Ambu is advised in Vasanta Ritu
for drinking?
A) Chandanambu
B) Marichambu
C) Shringaverambu
D) Ushnambu
Ans: Shringaverambu (971)
110. Match List I with List II according to Ashtanga Hridaya?
List I List II
Ambu Pana Prabhava
a. Bhukta Madhya I. Krisha
b. Bhuktante II. Sama
c. Bhukte prathama III. Shrama
d. Sheetambu IV. Sthoola
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- I, b- II, c- III, d- IV
B) a- II, b- IV, c- I, d- III
C) a- III, b- IV, c- II, d- I
D) a- IV, b- III, c- II, d- I
Ans: a- II, b- IV, c- I, d- III (974)
111. ‘Nihsukhatvam sukhaya cha’ is the principle of treatment for which of the following?
A) Kapha
B) Pitta

C) Sannipata
D) Vata
Ans: Kapha (979)
112. According to Ashtanga Hridaya, which of the following is having Vatanulomana effect?
A) Manda
B) Odana,
C) Peya
D) Vilepi
Ans: Manda (981)
113. Which of the following is an example of ‘Madhyama padalopi’ samasa?
A) Devabramhana
B) Gyanapradanam
C) Panaukritya
D) Vyaghri
Ans: Devabramhana (985)
114. What is the bahuvachana rupa of ‘Bhu’ Dhatu Lot Lakare Uttama Purusha?
A) Bhavani
B) Bhavamah
C) Bhavama
D) Bhavavah
Ans: Bhavama (992)
115. Match List I with List II:

List I List II
a. Arkadi gana I. Shukradoshahara
b. Virataradi gana II. Kaphamedo vishoshana
c. Shalasaradi gana III. Ashmari sharkarahara
d. Mushkakadi gana IV. Vrana shodhana
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- I, b- II, c- III, d- IV
B) a- II, b- III, c- IV, d- I
C) a- III, b- II, c- I, d- IV
D) a- IV, b- III, c- II, d- I
Ans: a- IV, b- III, c- II, d- I (2468)

116. Match List I with List II
List I List II
Author Rasagrantha
a. Acharya Govindapada I. Rasatarangini
b. Acharya Govinda Das Sen II. Ayurveda Prakasha
c. Sadananda Sharma III. Rasa Hridaya Tantra
d. Acharya Madhava IV. Bhaishajya Ratnavali
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- III, b- I, c- II, d- IV
B) a- III, b- I, c- IV, d- II
C) a- III, b- II, c- I, d- IV
D) a- III, b- IV, c- I, d- II
Ans: a- III, b- IV, c- I, d- II (2470)
117. Match List I with List II:

List I List II
a. Bastau hrit parshwa prishteshu sashoola I. Kapha Paittikah
b. Kukshau hrinnabhi madhyeshu sashoola II. Kapha Vatikah
c. Daha jwarakaro ghoro III. Parinamajam
d. Bhukte jeeryati yat shoolam IV. Vata Paittikah
Choose the correct answer from the option given below:
A) a- II, b- IV, c- III, d- I
B) a- II, b- I, c- IV, d- III
C) a- II, b- III, c- I, d- IV
D) a- III, b- II, c- IV, d- I
Ans: a- II, b- I, c- IV, d- III (2474)
118. In the reference of Balagraha described by Ashtanga Hridaya, match the following:
List I List II
Balagraha Features
a. Skanda graha I. Eka netra sopha
b. Skandapasmara graha II. Chakshurnimilanam
c. Naigamesha graha III. Saraktobhaya lochanam
d. Swa graha IV. Urdhweksha
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- I, b- III, c- II, d- IV
B) a- II, b- IV, c- I, d- III
C) a- III, b- I, c- IV, d- II
D) a- III, b- IV, c- I, d- II
Ans: a- III, b- IV, c- I, d- II (2479)
119. According to Charaka, which Kashaya is specifically advised in different types of Jwara?

Match List I with List II:

List I List II
Kashaya Jwara
a. Nimba, Patola, Triphala, I. Santata
Mridwika, Musta, Vatsaka
b. Patola, Sariva, Musta, Patha, II. Anyedyushka
c. Guduchi, Amla, Musta III. Triteeyaka
d. Kiratatikta, Amrita, Chandana, IV. Chaturthaka
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- I, b- IV, c- II, d- III
B) a- II, b- I, c- IV, d- III
C) a- III, b- II, c- I, d- IV
D) a- IV, b- III, c- II, d- I
Ans: Dropped*
120. Match List I with List II according to Yoni vyapada and Garbhashaya Mukha Dushti?
List I List II
Yoni Vyapada Garbhashaya Mukha Dushti
a. Antarmukhi I. Shosha
b. Suchimukhi II. Vakra
c. Shushka III. Vishtambha
d. Mahayoni IV. Samvritta
Choose the correct answer from the options given below:
A) a- I, b- II, c- IV, d- III
B) a- II, b- IV, c- I, d- III
C) a- III, b- IV, c- I, d- II
D) a- IV, b- III, c- II, d- I
Ans: a- II, b- IV, c- I, d- III (2486)

N.B: *Deleted Questions


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