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Republic of the Philippines

Region III- Central Luzon

Department of Education
Tarlac City Schools Division
Tarlac West A District
Suizo, Tarlac City


Learning Competencies:
a. To read and interprets electric and water meter reading (M6ME-IVd-100)

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to
a. read and interprets electric meter readings M6ME-IVd-100
b. apply knowledge of meter reading in mathematical problems and real-life situations and
c. solves routine and non-routine problem involving electric consumption M6ME-IVd-100



C. Material/s: Powerpoint Presentation
D. Value/s Integration: Accuracy , Saving Electricity and Cooperation



A. Greetings
“Good morning class!” “ Good morning Ma’am”
“ Good morning classmates”

“Before we start our lesson let us pray

first. (play the video prayer)

C. Classroom Management
“ To have a smooth flow of interaction let
me remind you of our classroom Rules

1. Sit Properly and pay attention

2. Raise your hand if you want to speak
3. Do not talk to your classmates during
the discussion
D. Checking of Attendance

“Is there any absent today?” “None Ma’am.”

“That’s good to hear that you are all
present today.

“Are you ready to listen now?” (student will respond)

“If you are all ready and excited to “ I love math”

explore Mathematics, say I love Math”

“Good so let’s start”

E. Review
“ Before we proceed to our new lesson, let’s
have first a short review of our topic

“Who can tell me what is our previous “ Constructing a Pie Graph Based on a Given Set of
lesson?” Data”

“ Very good, so what is a pie graph?” “ Pie graph also known as circle graph is often used to
describe sets of data.

“ Look at this pie graph

“Which sport is the most popular? “basketball”

“Which sport is the least popular? “tennis”
“Which two sports received the same number of
“soccer and swimming”
“Which two sports when put together have the
same number of votes as volleyball? “soccer and swimming “
“Which two sports when put together received “basketball and swimming”
about half of the votes? “basketball and soccer”

“ Good job, give yourself a pakbet clap”

F. Motivation
“ Let’s play a game for those students that will
be able to answer the game will receive a

“I will flash a letter and, what you need to do is

to think of an appliance that starts from the
letter that I’m going to flash on the screen. The
fastest one who has the correct answer will be
given a reward.
G. Lesson Proper

“Now I have some questions, do you have these

appliances at home?”

“What makes these appliances work?

“ yes Ma’am”
“Alright, electricity makes our appliances work.
For today’s lesson, we are going to talk about “because of Electricity”
how to properly read and compute the
electricity we consumed at home because our
topic for today is reading and interpreting data
in an electric meter.

(flashed a picture of an electric meter)

Are you familiar with this picture?

“This is an electric meter, this is a device “ No Ma’am”

that we used to measure electric

“What is electric consumption? Anne, can

you please read the meaning of electric “Electric Consumption is measured in kilowatt-
consumption” hours (kwh) and represent the amount of electricity
that has been consumed over a certain period of
“Thank you, Anne, so electric consumption time.”
is the amount of how much electricity we
consume/used for a period of time.”

“Let’s take a look at Mr. Tan’s electric


Mr. Tan is computing his monthly electrical

consumption. Based on his digital electric
meter shown below, how many kilowatt-
hours did Mr. Tan consume this month?

“ So before we can compute Mr. Tan electric

consumption, let us learn first how to read
an electric meter. There are rules in reading
electric meter.

(Show a picture of Electric meter). What “They are not pointing on the same direction”
have you notice?

“ Electric meter has five dials, and they are

not pointing on the same direction because
those dials are alternately rotating counter
clockwise and clockwise.”

“Here are the rules in reading an electric “Read all the dials from right to left starting from
meter, will you please read the first rule?” dial E to dial A”

“Thank you, so remember we are going to

read first from dial E to A.”

“Who would like to read the second rule in “Read the numbers by the pointer of the dial. When
reading electric meter?” the pointer is between the two numbers the lower
the number is recorded
“Very good, so let’s look at Mr. Tan’s
electric consumption, let’s try to read his
electric meter.

(call someone who will answer each dial)

*Note: If the pointer appears to be exactly pointing at

a number, check the dial to the right to find out
the correct reading.
Ø If the dial on the right has passed 0, then used the
number the pointer is pointing to on the dial you are
Ø If the dial has not passed 0, then make use the
smaller number on the dial you are reading.

Notice that Dial A is directly pointing at 1 so you

have to look at Dial B, since the pointer has passed
through 0, the reading in Dial A is 1.

To find out the total kilowatt-hours that Mr. Manuel

used from one period to another, simply subtract the
previous reading from the present reading.

The higher consumption that we have the higher

bill we are going to pay, so it is very important
that we know how to conserve energy not just
because of our bill but also for us to help our

Directions: Give the reading shown by the dials of
the electric meter below. One is done for you

Ask the student to prepare the electric bill they have at home
1. What is the present and previous reading of your electric bill?
2. Do you have the same as the kWh used found on your electric bill?
Directions: Read and solve the following problems. Choose and encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is the correct reading of the dials?

A. 5147 B. 5428 C. 6149 D. 6789

2. Mrs. Gonzales read their electric meter last month and recorded 4235. If their present reading is 4567, how
many kilowatt-hours did they consume?
A. 332 kWh B. 335 kWh C. 432 kWh D. 545 kWh
3. What is the electric meter reading shown by the dials below?

A.2497 B. 1386 C. 6789 D. 1234

4. What is the energy consumption for this month if the previous reading was 6180?
A. 562 kWh B. 427 kWh C. 277 kWh D. 169 kWh
5. The present electricity reading of a house is 8978 and the previous reading was 8063. How much electricity
was consumed?
A. 915 kW B. 827 kWh C. 576 kWh D. 369 kWh
Directions: Read the problem then answer the questions that follow. Mark’s record of his family’s
electric consumption is reflected below.

1. What month had the greatest electricity consumption?

A. April B. May C. June D. July
2. What month had the least electricity consumption?
A. April B. May C. June D. July
3. How many kilowatt-hour did they consume for the month of May?
A. 32 kWh B. 42 kWh C. 52 kWh D. 62 kWh
4. How much electricity did they consume for four months?
A. 265 kWh B. 266 kWh C. 267 kWh D. 268 kWh
5. What was their average monthly consumption?
A. 65 kWh B. 66 kWh C. 67 kWh D. 68 kWh





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