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Workers within nanotechnology related industries have the potential to be exposed
to uniquely engineered materials with novel sizes, shape, and physical and
chemical properties. With the use of nanotechnology, it is common to examine or
use nanoparticles, however, an exposure to this kind of particles may lead to lungs,
brain, and digestive system damage.

Nanotechnology engineering allows people to alter materials at their most basic
level. Organic and inorganic products can be improved using this technology, but it
takes an advanced education to gain an actionable understanding of the
fundamental aspects of nano science. The employment of nanotechnology also
helped to create more efficient and sustainable materials in engineering such as
self-cleaning and self-repairing concrete and windows.

Other examples of nanomaterials used in structural engineering are Nano-silica

which affect the density property of cement paste microstructure with improved
porosity leads to a decreased in water penetration. The nano-alumina that leads to a
more compacted microstructure of Cementous composites, decreases their porosity
and increased its compressive strength. And the last is the nano-titania that leads to
enhancement of compressive and flexural strength as well as to the improvement in
the resistance to chloride penetration due to a refined pore structure of the

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