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You Are Not Alone If You Have


Mental health affects the physical health and the

vice-versa holds the truth too.
We regard mental illness as a taboo to be called mentally weak or
sick. We prefer to keep our thoughts to ourselves rather to express
and talk about it. We always brag about our strong points, our
achievements but what about the times when we are at our
vulnerable state? Who is going to take care of us if we continue to
remain hidden in the four walls of the room?

In our initial years, we are taught to become strong and resilient. But
what to do and where to go when we want to talk about our
emotions, nobody taught us that. At the end, what we do is to keep
things to ourselves, hidden inside our heart and locked till we are
ready to open ourselves to someone. But that’s when it is unbearable
to hold onto it.

Things will keep us haunting till we aren’t aware of our situation and
the need to help ourselves should be our priority. Before making
other’s aware, make yourself aware that this is not something that
for you to be ashamed of. So many people suffer psychologically, just
because they can’t talk in public spaces.

Our twisted thoughts are not important to others

but they are for you, for your own mental peace
that needs to be sorted.

After being through this phase of anxiety and stress I have realized
how important it is to take care of ourselves. Just like everybody
else, it didn’t occur to me that anxiety can be a serious issue. I didn’t
realize until it got worse.
My health started to deteriorate around December 2018 with simple
viral. But when it became the cause of concern, I didn’t even know. I
was stressed about my health a lot. I couldn’t share it with anyone,
because they wouldn’t understand what I was feeling. It happens
with everyone, right? How one experience anxiety is different from
the other. It is not just limited to the way we feel before exam and
result or due to the stress at work. But it is much more.

Anxiety is something, if not recognized on time, could live inside

your mind forever. I still remember the nights where I could not
sleep and suffer panic attacks. Due to my illness, I could not study
and didn’t perform well in my competition exams. I just used to sit
alone in my room; I have never been so silent. I had to quit my job. I
changed as many doctors just to be treated well. But the root cause
was my mind such that it started messing with all the thoughts. I
was feeling all locked and stuffed inside.

Things were just kept on happening and nothing was getting any
better. I went to my sister’s place to spend some time with her and
for a change of environment. I am glad that I went there. I was on
my own, independent to do things the way I wanted. I needed that

When I came back, I decided to make few changes in my lifestyle. I

switched from allopathic medicines to Ayurveda. I started Yoga and
meditation to keep myself focused on things which are necessary.
There is no therapy such as personal
development and improvement.

Even a therapist won’t be able to help you if you are not willing to
get better. The will to live can bring new vibes and new energy
within you. But, it’s perfectly okay to take professional help when

It’s okay to be anxious; it’s natural. It is okay to

feel like an odd-one-out in a room full of people.
It’s okay to be frustrated.
You cannot always fix things. You don’t always have to show the
stronger version of yourself. It is important to spend time with
oneself, to sort things and thoughts out. We are not alone unless you
don’t want to be helped.

Once we start understanding ourselves, it when our journey for our

self- development begins. The best company one can have is
themselves. The moment you feel suffocated or messed up, take a
break to think and appreciate the beautiful things, that God have
bestowed you with. Then you will always feel thankful and happy to
your heart.

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