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Assignment No: 7

To count total characters in file, total words in file, total lines in file and frequency of
given word in file
To count total characters in file, total words in file, total lines in file and frequency of
given word in file.
Counting the number of characters is important because almost all the text boxes that rely on
user input have a certain limit on the number of characters that can be inserted.
Step1: Start
Step2: Input the file name to be used for calculation
Step3: a) char_count #This counts all the characters in given file including in and \t
Print char_count
b) word_count = len(contents.split())-1 # Here contents will be split on all white
spaces including \n, \t
Print word_count
c) line_count = len(contents.split("."))-1 #Each sentence ends with . so split on. will
give sentences
Print line_count
Step4: match = input("Enter word to be found in the contents..")
contents = contents.lower() # make all words in lowercase so that match is not case sensitive
match_count = len(contents.split(match)) - 1 #split contents based on the given word...
print("No of time",match, "occurs is ", match_count)

Step5: Stop
By using char_count, word_count, line_count we calculated the number of lines, words,
characters and word present or not in a sample text file by using python programming language.

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