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1. Executive Summary 2

2. MyENT Registration 3

3. Project Description 4-7

4. Business Model Canvas 8

5. Experiential Learning 9

6. Conclusion 10

7. Appendices 11


In order to satisfy the requirements of the Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship

(ENT 300) course, I must do a case study in which I research my chosen firm, the
methods by which I may keep it afloat, and the personal qualities that an effective
entrepreneur should possess. After finishing this case study, I feel like I have a much
better understanding of how businesses operate in the real world. In addition, I learned
through this research what kinds of business acumen are essential for every
entrepreneur to have in order to keep their company afloat through the inevitable ups
and downs of running a firm. In addition to that, I was able to learn a lot more about the
many kinds of cakes that are sold in the pastry sector, which is directly relevant to my
field of study, thanks to the research I conducted for this case study.

Nur Jeha Rohalim, a Malaysian entrepreneur, is the proud owner of the Double
UN Bakery, a Bumiputera brand of ethnically Malaysian baked goods. Two years ago,
Double UN Bakery was just starting out and working hard to earn the loyalty of
consumers and vendors. Double UN Bakery has boosted its market presence and ability
to compete with other bakeries with this venture. The popularity of Double UN Bakery's
cakes across Malaysia has led to the company's expansion. The bakers at Double UN
have created a cake that can satisfy everyone's sweet tooth. Our analysis indicates that
the majority of potential buyers are between the ages of 20s and 50s. We pool our
expertise to create consumer goods that are reliable, useful, and risk-free for all users.



On the market, the business is best recognised by its name, which is Double UN
Bakery. It is quite clear that this item originated in the bakery. The brand has released a
new line of Kek Tapak Kuda to the market in Malaysia, along with a selection of
delectable fillings such as Nutella, Red Velvet, and Kinder Bueno. These fillings can be
found within the Kek Tapak Kuda. First up, we got Kek Tapak Kuda Original Nutella. One
of the most trendy components that may be added to baked foods.

Double UN Bakery is a booming business that operates only online. It is situated

in the city of Batu Pahat in the state of Johor. The business provides a broad selection of
exquisite sweets and baked goods. It is hoping that the growing number of customers
who are seeking for high-end sweets and outstanding service would be drawn in by the
extensive variety of cakes that it offers. The mission of Double UN Bakery is to meet the
requirements of the Malaysian middle class by offering products of superior quality at
competitive costs.

At Double UN Bakery, our number one priority is to provide our clients with
mouthwatering baked products that are prepared fresh daily. We provide a diverse range
of cakes, some examples of which are the Red Velvet Nutella Cake, the Original Biscoff
Cake, the Original Nutella Cake, and the Tapak Kuda Kinder Bueno Cake.
Word-of-mouth, advertisements on social media and the internet, as well as
attention-grabbing marketing, will all work together to bring customers to Double UN

The fact that baked goods have a market that will always be there was one of the
primary reasons I decided to become an agent to sell cakes online. Because cake is
everyone's go-to indulgence when they're feeling down, a bakery is the kind of shop
that's almost impossible to say no to. Cake is enjoyed by people of many ages and
ethnicities. Therefore, they give the bakery in their neighbourhood their business. As a
direct result of this, you are able to cultivate devoted consumers who, via word of mouth,
help to spread the word about how great your items are.

The 4Ps of Marketing Strategy;

1. Product

The marketing strategy of Double UN Bakery includes a product strategy and mix
that may be stated as follows: Double UN Bakery offers a broad variety of cakes that are

rich in flavour. The Original Biscoff Cake, the Original Nutella Cake, the Tapak Kuda
Kinder Bueno Cake, and the Red Velvet Nutella Cake. Our ideal clients are families living
in semi-urban and urban areas, as well as those who have a need for sweets.
Additionally, the age range of the possible customers for the company is between 20 and
50 years old. Customers who are intending to host any kind of event, whether it be a
formal or informal one, are another consumer demographic that Double UN Bakery is
trying to attract. This is so that we can always give cakes as appetisers.

2. Price

The following is the price plan that is used in the marketing strategy for Double
UN Bakery: Products from Double UN Bakery may be purchased for anywhere between
RM22 and RM35. There are several of them. It served as a benchmark that all the other
businesses in the baking industry based their costs on. The pricing of the goods are
within reasonable limits for the clients who are the primary focus of our business.

3. Place

The following is the distribution plan that is included in the marketing mix for
Double UN Bakery: The Double UN Bakery operates out of the owner's house. It is
situated in Batu Pahat, in the state of Johor. I will run advertisements for the items on the
internet in an effort to drum up business, and after clients have placed their orders, J&T
Express will deliver the goods to them for a fee of RM10.00 each parcel. On the other
hand, if I ever have any clients from regions that are practically near to the sales centre,
we will do the transaction using cash on delivery.

4. Promotion

The following is an explanation of the promotional and advertising strategy that is

included in the marketing strategy for Double UN Bakery: The Double UN Bakery does a
superb job of promoting itself both online and by word of mouth. In most cases, the
promotion is carried out virtually, mostly via the Whatsapp platform and other social
media tools like Instagram.

I acquire financial support to start the business activity via bank loans, which are
often considered as the most essential source of finance for launching a new company
start-up. Source where I obtain financial assistance to start the business activity is

through bank loans. It is necessary for the founders of the company to communicate all
of the objectives and goals of the startup companies in order to submit an application to
commercial banks for bank loans.






NEW LOANS (RM) 1500 0

SUBTOTALS (RM) 1500 150


CAKE BOXES 150 150



TOTAL SPENT (RM) 1220 1260

CASH FLOW (RM) 280 240



Key Partners Key Activities Value Customer Customer

Propositions Relationships Segments
Creditors such as: ● Events
● Baking ● Celebratio "It's like starting Self-delivery and The core client
institutions ns over every time. internet ordering demographic is
● suppliers of ● Festivals Each and every strengthen working-class
products ● Birthdays day, without fail." consumer persons 20-50
● distributors interactions. years old,
that Five-day delivery parents with 1-2
distribute guarantees children, and
cakes to the clients' deliveries those with hectic
consumers throughout the lives who can't
of the week. bake at home.
bakery. The company
Key Resources Channels targets female
college students
● Mixers Gains clients via who want variety,
● Oven personal quality, and
● Refrigerati connections, delivery.
on word-of-mouth,
● Dry and social media.
storage Word-of-mouth
and social media
are the best ways
to reach

Cost Structures Revenue Structures

Ingredients and consumers are a bakery's The business sells all kinds of flavours, so it will do
most important costs. Sourcing the greatest as many as it can.
components for the best flavour and pricing is


Only a few short months after starting as a dropshipper for Double UN Bakery, I
have already encountered a broad range of consumers, but mostly pleasant. Early on in
my company's existence, I inferred that the large bulk of my clients were all fine.
Because of that, it's easy for me to feel bombarded whenever consumers call or chat to
place purchases. Because of this, I now have greater energy and optimism.

In addition, I can say with gratitude that I have never had to deal with
unsatisfactory behaviour on the part of a consumer. I have taken the time to write up a
product description in great detail in order to make it simpler for them to comprehend all
of the many characteristics and cautions prior to placing a purchase.

I grow from my own mistakes. That is the essential recipe for success in the field
of passive income. All business setbacks may be turned into successes if I see them as
learning opportunities. My success or failure depends on how well I handle situations
when you have to pay a high price to learn a lesson. The most inspiring comeback tales
have a dark past as a precursor to their eventual triumph. I shouldn't dwell on how
distant I am from success right now. Also, I should not second-guess success in
reaching my objective because of a few difficult roadblocks. No matter how many times I
fail, what counts is that I keep trying until you achieve.

Focus on premium and free channels. When I'm new, I want to try everything.
Plan backfired. Instead of one paid channel, I should have two. Facebook
advertisements and Instagram or Google Shopping Ads and Pinterest are two main
routes. Focus helps me become a master. Advertising charges might reduce my
margins. If I market in free channels every day, I'll make sales without ads. Paid support
is short-term. Long-term, I'll want to keep marketing expenditures minimal.


I shouldn't worry about the things that I don't yet know or the things that may
possibly go wrong. I am well-equipped with the skills and willpower to victory over
whatever challenge I encounter. There are going to be certain lessons that are going to
be more difficult than others, but those lessons are going to truly open my eyes to how to
start a dropshipping company the right way. It is essential to keep in mind that just
because one advertisement fails to perform as expected or just because one of my
suppliers lets me down, this does not always indicate that I am heading in the wrong
direction. Sometimes errors happen. All I can do is take what I can from them and learn.

My self-assurance has increased as a result of the lessons I've learned about

taking calculated risks and growing as a result of my mistakes as an entrepreneur.
Taking calculated risks is one of the most effective strategies for growing one's
self-assurance. This does not imply you should act irresponsibly; however, it does mean
you should challenge yourself to go outside of your comfort zone. Failure is a natural part
of the entrepreneurial process; nonetheless, it is critical that you grow from your setbacks
and improve your business as a result. Every time I fall short, I become one step closer
to doing what I set out to do.

Lastly, It aided me by broadening both the span of my job and the information I
had. Reading books or articles about successful entrepreneurs and their businesses is
another approach for me to boost my confidence in the business world. This not only
helps me acquire new topics but also provides me with a fresh viewpoint. Additionally, I
may listen to podcasts or view videos pertaining to business ownership. There are a lot
of wonderful resources that may assist me in boosting my self-assurance.


Cake ordered by customer Cake ordered by customer

Parcel delivered to customer Parcel delivered to customer


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