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Story opens in Sana’a, where Shoolin, a mercenary of Indian origin

working for a government organization of mercenaries called
Country Rangers Academy (CRA), gives a chase to a Chinese agent,
first by the motorbike and then by car across the grand bazar,
until finally the two men end up crashing their car on a building.
Shoolin is shot in the left ear by Chinese agent... Deaf Shoolin
wakes up with jolt in his Mumbai penthouse, realizing it was a
nightmare. He senses something is going wrong. Immediately puts
the hearing machine in ear and runs to the window to see- three or
four wrecked buildings from the sky are pouring down to ground. On
streets, civilians are running for their lives.

Three years prior to the present--

In space, just as an Astronaut would jump out of his mini

spacecraft for a dive, sees a spaceship coming out of darkness is
approaching earth. He immediately informs ISRO. ISRO connects to
the government authorities - Defence Minister Sharda Pillai.

With the possibility of aliens coming to earth, Sharda deploys

security arrangements. Soldiers, mercenaries, air force establish
their positions in town. Soon, spaceship descends to ground. A
small group of humans lead by Capt. Lara, a soldier look alike
lady, walk out of spaceship revealing they are not aliens; just
humans with advanced technology. They attack human soldiers with
an unknown intention. At first the mysterious people overpower the
human soldiers but Shoolin and his fellow CRA mercenaries sneak
into their spaceship and takes all the hi-tech weapons they need,
then retaliates. Realizing their strength (weapons) is getting
used against them by human soldiers, mysterious people climb back
into their spaceship. Shoolin sees them getting back into their
spaceship. Before spaceship is about to take off, Shoolin sprints
to the skyscraper terrace, leaps into spaceship, grapples Lara,
and jumps out of the spaceship back to terrace. Meanwhile, few
more soldiers reached at the terrace, drag Lara to their gunpoint.

In army HQ, Lara has been placed in an elaborate cell. Sharda

confronts about her attack. Lara reveals her identity to be
hailing from parallel India and confesses came here to purloin
antimatter particles from Research Centre which only Indian
scientists have been able to generate (Antimatter which can be
used to create destructive nuclear weapons). She also reveals, in
her India, the tyrant President KK has annulled all the human
rights enforcing dictatorial system and a revolutionary named by
Luthra has assembled an army of revolutionaries declaring civil-
war against the government. And they need antimatter to develop
weapons to perform well against KK’s countless soldiers.

Sharda imagines the situation if KK wins the war, he will not

hesitate to turn to real India. She calls for an urgent board
meeting and locks the decision to supply antimatter to Luthra’s

army. CRA joint secretory Col. Karale comes with a proposal to

tail Lara by Shoolin for his surveillance on antimatter activities
as a safety matter of real India, if the deal is backfired by
Luthra. First, Sharda argues with Col. Karale for his idea that
its a risk to appoint Shoolin for an another universe’s assignment
but when he recalls the deadly assignments accomplished by Shoolin
in a snap, Sharda is convinced.

Shoolin is called in to meet Col. Karale. Col. Karale tells

Shoolin not to screw up assignment coz he is deaf by left ear,
like every-time he lectures him.

Thereafter, Shoolin goes through painstaking activities in ISRO to

learn to survive in space. Meanwhile in BEML, engineers designs
and develop a special spaceship for Shoolin and Lara to travel
into space and names it Kepler-10.

Soon, the Kepler-10 takes off to the space. While travelling,

Shoolin asks Lara about parallel India’s scenario, she explains,
In 1940, Prof. Brahmananda got fed up with tyranny of British
rules and created parallel India for common people in which only
Indian existed. But now democracy has been destroyed there
emerging dictatorship at it’s peak. At the same time, the
depletion of natural resources has led to the politics of rich
people in which poors are getting toasted in it.

Cutting through rocky route in space, the spaceship finally enters

a dark area and teleports into parallel India. Shoolin sees the
cyberpunk Mumbai and the filthy Arabian sea infiltrated in city...

Flying over the city, spaceship directly descends at the

revolutionaries’ base located in city’s outskirts. The spaceship
lands at base. Revolutionaries unload the antimatter crates,
importing them to a science lab for further development. Lara
introduces Shoolin to Luthra who acknowledges him for his help.
Time soon flies in the war preparations. Shoolin and Lara comes
close bounding a good friendship. And finally the day of war
dawns. Shoolin also volunteers to stand against hostile.

A fierce battle is fought on the battlefield in which Luthra

kisses the victory with newly developed weapons. Shoolin has also
played a crucial role in battle. And KK is thrown in prison. Cut

Luthra is elected unopposed as president. Shoolin attends Luthra’s

oath-in ceremony. And then leaves for real India in his Kepler-10.

Back to the present--

Shoolin runs from his penthouse to streets where buildings are

pouring. Meanwhile, the security agencies are alerted and take
their positions there. At the same time a spaceship descends from
which some of Luthra's soldiers walks out with a message to bring
down the city as soon as possible because civilians of parallel

India now want to settle here. In addition, conveys a blind

message about Shoolin that he has correlated with parallel world.
The spaceship leaves. Shoolin himself falls in confusion. Upon
hearing the message, furious Sharda orders Shoolin to be arrested
immediately. A detachment of soldiers present at the scene drag
Shoolin on edge. Shoolin wrestles for his escape. After a short
struggle Shoolin disappears under cover of dust wind created by
pouring buildings.

The hopeful stay in real world is not to be, initially. Shoolin is

an outcast now, traitor. He’s alone in his fight; no companion no
colleague. So he makes a bold decision: he realizes to regain the
trust of real India, he has to take things to higher levels. His
strategy is simple but can easily result in death. He sneaks into
ISRO, steals Kepler-10, and travels back to parallel India with a
the mission to drag Luthra in real India for his disclosure over
Shoolin’s innocence.

In parallel India, Shoolin sees the history has repeated. The

situation is more worse than before, after Luthra becoming the
president. The dictatorship has announced once again. Riots for
independence are ragging but the numbers people involved in riot
are very low. Shoolin realizes Luthra used real India only for his
personal ends. He immediately rushes to Lara's house for an answer
but it’s too late. Shoolin hears screaming and noises upstairs
when he reaches the top, two gun shots go off and Lara screams.
Two men come out from room and Shoolin confronts them. He finds
Lara is lying dead with gun shots, on bed.

While walking down a street, Shoolin spots Ryan, who had become
his friend during the war preparation, and interrogates him
Luthra’s next plan. Possessed with less information, Ryan reveals,
Luthra was a gangster before he pretended to be a revolutionary.
He was desired to become a president, that’s why he raised his
voice against government, provoking illiterate civilians to take
system in his hands. Now he is controlling his empire in hiding
somewhere. Before Shoolin can make another plan, Ryan is shot to
death by an unknown assassin in front of his eyes. With nothing to
do to save him, Shoolin escapes thinking Luthra’s men must have
done the job to kill Ryan. Despite this setback, Shoolin continues
his quest to crack conspiracy.

Sitting at Luthra’s hotel waiting for him to show up, Shoolin

finds Screwvala, a local mobster and Luthra’s right-hand man who
runs his hotel. Screwvala gets an unknown call that makes him
aware Shoolin is out for vengeance. Until Shoolin reaches
Screwvala's office, Screwvala grabs his gun and fires off a shot
at Shoolin. Shoolin dodges, chases Screwvala over rooftops and
alley ways until they reach a dead end. Shoolin interrogates
Screwvala on where to meet Luthra and Screwvala gives up telling
he's at Thunder-bird, an another night club he owns.

Shoolin drives to Thunder-bird but finds no ones there and smells

floor a bit petrollic. A lighter is thrown onto floor of hotel and

the place gets engulfed in flames, trapping Shoolin inside. He

goes through the back ways towards the kitchen until he reaches
sewer entrance and escapes to the street. A woman comes out from
darkness draws a gun at Shoolin. Shoolin aims back and learns the
woman is Dhriti, Lara’s twin sister and Luthra's wife. Dhriti
tells Shoolin it is Bulldog, Luthra’s younger brother who had
trapped him in conspiracy as he is knowledgable how to access
parallel India and wanted to keep the access secret until he
doesn't execute a mysterious plan he had in his head; Luthra is
just a puppet in politics and Bulldog has churned poison in real
India’s civilians’ mind to eliminate Shoolin from his way. Shoolin
and Dhriti lower their guns and she offers him and drink. She
tells him that she too wants to teach a lesson to Bulldog for his
persecution towards Luthra and revenge for her sister’s death. She
tells Bulldog is a main culprit who had arranged Lara and Ryan’s
death as they were associated with him. Shoolin downs the whisky
and passes out on the floor. Despite their common enemy, Dhriti
drugged Shoolin to ensure that Luthra won't get hurt during
Shoolin's rampage.

After Shoolin has a horrible dream showing him killing Lara and
now Ryan, he wakes up tied to a chair with a Torturer holding a
hockey-stick. After Torturer leaves, Shoolin breaks free out of
the chair and goes through the basement looking for his guns to
continue his quest. Shoolin reaches first floor of hideout and
makes his way to where Torturer is. He overhears a mobster talking
on the phone. Shoolin kills the man and hears the rest call
explaining his body was found by "reliable sources" and finds a
note written to Torturer by Bulldog to take good care of him.
Shoolin enters in a bar and sees Torturer having a drink. They go
through a fierce combat fight with Torturer having his last swing
at stick.

Meanwhile, Dhriti heads to Bulldog’s HQ and attempts to kill him,

but is overpowered and caught by his bodyguards. Soon she manages
to escape and kill mobsters along the way.

Shoolin builds up his rage and gets ready for what he has to do.
Shoolin arrives at Luthra’s manor assuming Netra must be telling
lie. He makes his way to entrance. Finds the door had already been
unlocked. He then finds a room with dead bodies on the table with
knives through chests. However, Shoolin hears Luthra on a phone in
his locked office begging for help. Shoolin kicks down door and
Luthra begs him not to kill him. He confesses that he abused
system as he was told by Bulldog. Suddenly Bulldog, a humanoid-
dog, and three suited men carrying assault rifles enters Luthra's
office and kills him. Shoolin fights off the hitmen and manages to

The men and Bulldog leave after commanding them "Take Me to Arth
Laboratory!" Shoolin remembers Bulldog's last words before
storming out of the manor, and remembers Arth Laboratory being in
middle of city. He drives to lab to find out whats going on. He
infiltrates the laboratory. Shoolin finds a computer explaining

"Project Arth". The project is a top-secret operation to merge the

parallel India with real one as natural resources in parallel
India have been depleted and most important is Bulldog himself
wants to get called as a supreme president of the entire universe
(real and parallel). With the self-destruct countdown winding down
fast, Shoolin escapes and heads back to the city.

Shoolin goes to an all drinking coffee to replenish his energy

when he has another horrible dream, even worse than last one
showing two cities (one is real and second one is cyberpunk) are
crashing onto each other and he is unable to save it. He also
remembers the day before war, Lara was trying to explain something
important but suddenly got interrupted by Luthra who called her
for an urgent meeting and Shoolin could not heard anything because
he had a technical issue in his hearing-machine. Again, during the
lunch in canteen, Shoolin noticed nervous Lara, same at between
the war and during oath-in ceremony too. He revisits the memories
trying to understand her lipsing and realizes she was actually
telling him about “Project Arth” that she had found a file abot
project. Till Dhriti arrives and asks for mercy over her wrong
deeds. She tells him she need his help to avenge Luthra and Lara's
murder. Shoolin explains her the same plan, unless Bulldog clears
the confusion against him in real India, he won't let her kill
Bulldog. Then she can take her revenge. Dhriti nods and agrees for
his help.

The two finally heads into Bulldog’s HQ. They take elevator up to
the penthouse where Bulldog is hiding. While in an elevator,
Shoolin loads himself and takes the time to think about his real
India and Dhriti about Luthra and Lara, before making the kill.
The elevator doors open on the floor and finds Bulldog is standing
out the elevator waiting for Shoolin. A fight is carried out in
which Bulldog tries to escape. Dhriti moves on killing Bulldog's
hitmen while Shoolin chases Bulldog to the terrace. Then a
helicopter shows up and sweeps the floor, missing Dhriti. Shoolin
makes his way up towards terrace until he finds Bulldog at the top
of the stairs. He throws a grenade at him to stop him from coming
after him. Shoolin reaches terrace and sees Bulldog getting into a
mini-craft behind a locked gate. With less than a minute before
take-off. Shoolin sees a large antenna of the building has snapped
two cables because of the stormy winds. With the other two cables
holding it up, Shoolin shoots out the cables with a machine-gun
lying nearby. The Antenna comes loose and Shoolin shoots it down.
The antenna snaps off the terrace and comes crashing down on the
mini-craft but misses. Unfortunately Bulldog escapes. As Bulldog
drives away from the scene, Shoolin calls Dhriti and tells her
they must need to travel real India.

Shoolin and Dhriti boards into Kepler-10 and leaves for real India
asap. When they get teleported from darkness into real world’s
space, they face India’s hi-tech armored army specially
established to monitor space waiting for Shoolin. Shoolin finds
himself in their clutches. He tells them he wants to meet Sharda.
But as ordered by Sharda, soldiers bring Shoolin and Netra back to

Earth, bounding their hands.

Upon landing in real India, Shoolin meets Sharda at her office and
explains the whole conspiracy. He tells her the scenario in
parallel India with Bulldog’s devilish plan. Sharda declares it’s
time to send a message to the parallel India that this is their
land, real India. But to do so, they first must go to each of the
human to ask them to come and fight as one for real India which is
not today. Sharda broadcasts her appeal to the civilians to stand
against the foes. Influenced by the appeal, people of all
religions and castes, age, genders think for their freedom and
come together on streets. Meanwhile, hi-tech weapons goes in mass
production, using antimatter. Every civilian gets entrusted with
the newly developed weapon.

In parallel India, Bulldog realizes it’s very difficult to carry

out his plan easily. He immediately mobilizes his army of slaves;
the whole parallel India and march towards real India. Ultimately,
Bulldog and his army enters the real world.

Bulldog’s force begins to arrive from the sky and on the ground
and the war between the real India versus parallel India commence
ferociously. Shoolin with his fellow mercenaries and Dhriti, IAF
soldiers in their fighter jets, and ground zero soldiers covered
by armed civilians engage in battle. Casualties mount on both

Shoolin is pursued and shot at by Bulldog. Col. Karale arrives and

opens fire at the Bulldog but he retaliates and he is too shot
down and killed. Shoolin gets mortally wounded. Meanwhile, a giant-
magnetic device descends on ground.

Shoolin remembers the design of this device mentioned in “Project

Arth”; the device is called “Cosmos Creator”, with the help of
Cosmos Creator Bulldog is going to pull entire parallel India into
real India. The destruction seems endless. Dhriti communicates
someone through her communicator, and, Suddenly, through what's
left in, a battalion of heavily armored civilians in parallel
India arrives from sky by Dhriti’s side and engage the Bulldog’s
forces. Overjoyed by Dhriti’s master move, Shoolin rejoins the

Now Shoolin’s plan is to destroy the target - Cosmos Creator. He

believes that if they destroy the device, Bulldog's plan will be
shattered. Shoolin attempts to contact aircrafts successfully.
Aircraft closes in on the Cosmos Creator. Approaching from above,
aircrafts grenade the Cosmos Creator. It crashes in flames. It
begins to burn and go down. Meanwhile, Bulldog finds Shoolin.
Bulldog march towards Shoolin in rage. Engaged in battle, Shoolin
loses his hearing-machine somewhere. Unaware he, Bulldog attacks
from behind. The two engage in a hand to hand combat. The fight
leads the both near-to-death situation. Still, the battle resumes.
Bulldog moves closer to Shoolin and reaches for his gun, intending
to finish Shoolin by unloading all ammos in his chest. Suddenly,

Shoolin notices and snatches Bulldog’s knife, impaling him through

the center of his chest. Bulldog, reeling, is unable to continue
his attack on Shoolin. Shoolin impales three more shots killing
Bulldog finally. All the brave soldiers in the battle sigh with
relief, while Bulldog's soldiers flee away. And Story Fades To

To Be Continued...

***THE END***

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