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I used to be overweight.

At that time I weighed up to 90 kilos, looking very heavy and

ugly. I usually feel breathless, chest pain whenever I'm strong movement. This is
also a sign makes me release that I have high blood pressure. Then I realized that
my health was in danger and I had to change immediately. After two years of hard
work at the gym, I have lost 15kg. And now I not only have better appearance, but
also my health is very good. Those things helped me to answer the question: what
should I do to have a better health? I have built myself a specific plan for each day
 Do exercise daily: The daily exercise does not only make you stronger and
more active, but also gives you a better appearance, more attractive body
shape. We can do light exercises to breathe fresh air in the morning and go to
the gym to practice more intensive exercises.
 Drink a lot of water: According to experts, you should drink from 1,5 to 2 liter
of water per day. To drink water more easily, you should divide the water into
several parts. Every two hours you drink about 200ml of water.
 Healthy eating mode: You must have a healthy eating mode. The most
important things is don't miss the breakfast because it provides energy for a
whole day of working. The other meals you should have a reasonable diet.
Don’t eat too much or too little.
 Get enough sleep: According to experts, the adults should sleep from 7 to 9
hours per day. Sleeping too little and staying up late is also a great influence
on the efficiency of your work. In the long term, it affects too much to your
 Refuse the stimulant: Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, which helps
to be sober quick, but it can cause brain irritation and insomnia. You should
only take one or two mouthfuls in the morning and shouldn’t use after lunch.
Health is a valuable asset. Keeping and improving your health is very important.
Therefore, each person must have a specific plan to have a better health.

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