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I/IV B.Tech
List of Questions forClass Test-I Examination

Questions CO K
CO1 K2
Describe the features of python
2 What are identifiers? List the rules to CO1 K2
name an identifier
3 Explain Identity operators and CO1 K2
membership operators in python with
an example.
4 Write short notes on data types in CO1 K3
5. What is type conversion? Explain the CO1 K2
need for type conversion with the help
of example.
6 a. Write short note on conditional CO1 K3
branching statements supported by
python K4
b. for loop is usually known as
determinate or definite loop. Justify
the statement with example
7 A video library rents a new video for CO1 K3
rupees 75/- a day , and old movies for
rupees 50/- a day. Write a program to
calculate the total charge for
customer’s video rentals. The
program should prompt the user for
the number of each type of video and
output the total cost.

8 List out different String built-in CO1 K1

methods supported by python
9 Write a program that removes all the CO1 K3
occurrences of a specified character
from a given string
10 What is a slicing operator? How can CO1 K2
you extract a substring from a given

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