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Aggressive video game usage and stress level Questionnaire

Part I. Demographic Profile

Gender: Female, Male, Non-Binary, Prefer not to say
Program and Year Level:

What type of aggressive video game do you usually play?

-COD, PUBG, others:

Part II. Aggressive video game usage

How often do you play video games?

o Almost every day
o Several times a week
o Once a week
o Rarely
o Never

What motivates you to play aggressive video games? (Select all that apply)
o Competition and winning
o Thrill and excitement
o Social interaction with friends
o Storyline and immersion
o I don't play aggressive video games

On average, how many hours per week do you spend playing aggressive video games?
o Less than 1 hour
o 1-5 hours
o 6-10 hours
o 11-20 hours
o More than 20 hours

How do you balance your time between playing video games and other activities (e.g.,
studying, socializing)?
o Video games take priority over other activities
o I allocate specific time for video games without neglecting other responsibilities
o I prioritize other activities over playing video games
o I don't play aggressive video games

Have you ever received negative feedback or criticism for playing aggressive video
o Yes, frequently
o Yes, occasionally
o No, never
o Not applicable

Part III. Stress levels on video game usage

Do you believe that aggressive video game usage affects your stress levels?
o Yes
o No
o Unsure

Have you noticed any changes in your stress levels based on the frequency of playing
aggressive video games?
o Yes
o No
o Unsure

How do you feel after playing aggressive video games?

o More stressed
o Less stressed
o No change in stress levels

How do you feel when you are playing and the internet/data went off?
o More stressed
o Less stressed
o No change in stress levels

How do you feel when you are playing aggressive video games together with friends?
o More stressed
o Less stressed
o No change in stress levels

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