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De La Cruz, Eleonor A.

SCIE 125: GENERAL ZOOLOGY May 15, 2023

BSPsych 1A
1. In a short bond paper, list down ways on how to practice of being mindful and intentional in our daily
choices to reduce our impact on the environment.
2. Write explanation on how those actions reduce environmental impact
3. Paste actual picture of yourself (if necessary and applicable) as photo
4. documentation performing the practices that you have listed.

1. Reduce single-use plastic consumption: Bring reusable bags, water bottles, and coffee cups. Avoid
buying products with excessive plastic packaging, instead, use single use paper bag or bring cartons or bags
when buying groceries
Explanation: Single-use plastic items often end up in landfills, oceans, and waterways, where they can harm
wildlife and ecosystems. By reducing our consumption of these items, we can reduce the amount of plastic waste
that enters the environment.

2. Conserve water: Fix leaks, take shorter showers, and turn off the faucet when brushing your teeth or
washing dishes. If there are clean rivers, you can enjoy taking a bath in there to reduce water usage.
Explanation: Water is a precious resource that is often taken for granted. Conserving water helps to reduce the
strain on water supplies and can help to prevent water shortages in areas with limited water resources.
3. Reduce energy consumption: Turn off lights and appliances when not in use, use energy-efficient light
bulbs and appliances, and consider using renewable energy sources.
Explanation: The production of energy often requires the burning of fossil fuels, which contributes to greenhouse

gas emissions and climate change. By reducing our energy consumption and using renewable energy sources, we
can help to reduce our carbon footprint.

4. Eat a plant-based diet: Reduce consumption of meat, dairy, and eggs, and choose plant-based options.
Explanation: The production of animal-based foods requires a significant amount of resources, including water,
land, and feed. Additionally, the transportation of these products often results in greenhouse gas emissions. By

reducing our consumption of animal-based foods and choosing plant-based options, we can reduce our impact on
the environment.
5. Reduce car usage: Walk, bike, use public transportation, or carpool.

Explanation: Cars are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions, and they also contribute to air pollution
and traffic congestion. By reducing our car usage, we can help to reduce our impact on the environment and
improve air quality.

6. Reduce food waste: Plan meals ahead of time, store food properly, and compost food scraps.
Explanation: Food waste is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, as it generates methane when it
decomposes in landfills. By reducing our food waste and composting our food scraps, we can help to reduce our

impact on the environment and support healthy soil.

7. Reduce water pollution: Use eco-friendly cleaning products, avoid pouring chemicals down the drain, and
dispose of hazardous waste properly.
Explanation: Chemicals and pollutants that enter our waterways can harm wildlife and ecosystems and impact
human health. By reducing our use of harmful chemicals and properly disposing of hazardous waste, we can help
to reduce water pollution and protect our water resources.

8. Reduce paper waste: Use digital documents and receipts, recycle paper products, and choose products
made from recycled paper.

Reuse paper docs for

drafting instead using
new one
Explanation: The production of paper products often requires the use of trees and energy, and it generates a
significant amount of waste. By reducing our paper usage and recycling paper products, we can help to conserve
resources and reduce waste.

9. Use natural cleaning products: Use vinegar, baking soda, and other natural cleaning agents instead of
chemical cleaners.
Explanation: Chemical cleaning products can be harmful to human health and the environment, as they often
contain harsh chemicals and pollutants. By using natural cleaning products, we can reduce our exposure to harmful
chemicals and minimize our impact on the environment.

10. Reduce meat consumption: Consider having meatless meals or reducing the portion sizes of meat in your

more less

Explanation: The production of animal-based foods requires more resources than plant-based foods, including
water, land, and feed. Additionally, the production of meat generates more greenhouse gas emissions than plant-
based foods. By reducing our meat consumption, we can help to reduce our environmental impact.
11. Unplug appliances when not in use: Turn off and unplug electronics when they're not being used,
including chargers, appliances, and electronics.
Explanation: Electronics and appliances that are plugged in and not in use still consume energy, which can add up
over time. By unplugging these items, we can conserve energy and reduce our impact on the environment.
12. Use reusable containers: Use reusable containers for storing food and leftovers instead of disposable
plastic bags or wrap.
Explanation: Disposable plastic bags and wrap contribute to plastic pollution and can take hundreds of years to

decompose. By using reusable containers, we can reduce our plastic waste and minimize our impact on the

13. Plant a garden: Grow your own food and herbs, and plant native plants in your yard or community spaces.
Explanation: Growing your own food can help to reduce your carbon footprint and support sustainable agriculture.
Additionally, planting native plants can help to support biodiversity and provide habitats for local wildlife.

14. Reduce gas and/or oil fuel consumption/ Reduce air and noise pollution: If doing simple works at field,
better to use manpower than technologies using fuels.
Explanation: Using manpower instead of fuel-consuming technologies can help reduce environmental impact by

decreasing carbon emissions, air pollution, resource consumption, noise pollution, and other negative effects
associated with fossil fuel use. Many fuel-consuming technologies, such as heavy machinery, generate significant
noise pollution that can disturb wildlife and human communities. By using manpower instead, we can reduce the
amount of noise generated and minimize these impacts.

15. Reduce air travel: Consider alternative modes of transportation or reducing the frequency of air travel.
Explanation: Air travel is a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and can have a significant impact
on the environment. By reducing our air travel, we can help to reduce our carbon footprint and minimize our
impact on the environment.
16. Support local businesses: Support local businesses and farmers markets to reduce the carbon emissions
associated with transportation and shipping.
Explanation: Buying local products can help to reduce the carbon emissions associated with transportation and
shipping, as well as support local businesses and communities.
17. Buy in bulk: Buy products in bulk to reduce the amount of packaging and waste associated with individual
Explanation: Buying in bulk can help to reduce the amount of packaging and waste associated with individual
packaging, and it can also save money in the long run.
18. Use a clothesline: Use a clothesline to dry clothes instead of a dryer.
Explanation: Clothes dryers use a significant amount of energy, and using a clothesline can help to conserve
energy and reduce your carbon footprint.
19. Practice mindful consumption: Consider the environmental impact of your purchases and avoid buying
products that contribute to environmental degradation.
Explanation: Being mindful of the environmental impact of our purchases can help to reduce our consumption and
minimize our impact on the environment.
20. Reduce your carbon footprint: Use online carbon footprint calculators to track your emissions and
identify areas where you can reduce your carbon footprint.
Explanation: Understanding your carbon footprint and identifying ways to reduce it can help to minimize your
impact on the environment and support sustainable practices.
21. Participate in local environmental initiatives: Join local environmental initiatives or organizations to get
involved in community-based efforts to reduce environmental impact.
Explanation: Participating in local environmental initiatives can help to raise awareness of environmental issues
and support community-based efforts to reduce environmental impact.

Practicing mindfulness and intentionality in our daily choices to reduce our impact on the environment can have a
profound impact on both the planet and our own lives. As we become more aware of the impact our choices have
on the environment, we can begin to make conscious decisions to reduce our consumption and waste, support
sustainable practices, and live more eco-friendly lifestyles.
One of the most significant benefits of practicing mindfulness and intentionality in our daily choices is the sense of
empowerment it can bring. By taking control of our consumption and waste, we can feel more in control of our
lives and our impact on the world around us. We can begin to see the interconnectedness of all things and our role
in shaping the world we live in.
Additionally, practicing mindfulness and intentionality in our daily choices can lead to a greater sense of purpose
and connection. When we choose to support sustainable practices, reduce our waste, and live more eco-friendly
lifestyles, we are aligning our actions with our values and contributing to a larger collective effort to protect the
Of course, practicing mindfulness and intentionality in our daily choices can also be challenging. It requires us to
break out of our old habits and comfort zones and make conscious decisions that may be inconvenient or
uncomfortable at first. However, with practice and commitment, these choices can become second nature and even
enjoyable as we begin to see the positive impact they have on the environment and our own well-being.
In conclusion, practicing mindfulness and intentionality in our daily choices to reduce our impact on the
environment can bring many benefits, from a sense of empowerment and purpose to a greater connection to the
world around us. By taking small but intentional steps every day, we can contribute to a more sustainable and
equitable world for all.

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