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‎cell wall synthesis

‎peripheral neuropathy, hepatitis, rash

‎DNA transcription
f‎ ebrile reactions, hepatitis, rash,
‎gastrointestinal disturbance
‎drug moa and adr
‎transforms into
r‎ ecruitment of macrophages and l‎angerhans and epitheloid cells which gives
‎hepatitis, gi disturbance, hyperuracemia ‎Pathology ‎inhalation of aerosols
‎lymphocytes ‎the typical tuberculous granuloma
‎ghon focus

‎cell wall synthesis

‎E ‎latent tb infection ‎control and prevention
‎rash, photosensitization, gout ‎primary pulmonary tb

‎pulmonary ‎miliary tb
‎daily ‎HRZE- 2 ‎intensive
‎post primary tb ‎person who has been sensitized earlier
‎HR -4
‎chemotherapy  ‎Management
‎continuous phase ‎lymphadenitis ‎matting and formation of collar stud abscess
i‎n countries w/ high level of resisance to
‎HRE - 4 ‎clinical features ‎ leural fluid analysis reveals - lymphatic
‎pleural tb
‎exudate with low glucose and ph

‎gastrointestinal ‎right iliac fossa mass

‎Tuberculosis ‎extrapulmonary ‎pericardial
‎brochoscopy w/ washings or BAL ‎pulmonary

‎central nervous system

‎gastric washing (mainly for children)

f‎ luid examination (csf, ascitis, pleural, ‎bone and joint disease ‎pott disease
‎pericardial, joint)
‎extrapulmonary ‎genitourinary
t‎ issue biopsy - bone marrow or liver may be
‎used as diagnositic in disseminated disease
‎chest xray
‎stain - auramine fluoresence, zn staining
‎early morning
‎nucleic acid amplification ‎diagnosis ‎direct sputum smear ‎2 samples
‎on spot
‎ ulture - solid (loweninstein jensen,
‎diagnostic tests done
‎middlebrook), liquid (MGIT) ‎Investigations ‎light emiting diode fluoroscent microscopy

‎pleural fluid - adenosine deaminase ‎zheil neelson

‎respomse to empirecal anti tubercular drugs ‎culture ‎naat ‎Cephid GeneXpert MTB/Rif

‎cbc ‎drug sensitivity testing

‎Baseline blood tests
‎urea and electrolytes


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