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______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________


LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2010-2011 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2010-2011 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
OB Int. Updated upto 31/03/2010 30,705 22,183 0

Mar-2010 No Cont. for Due-Month 042010

Apr-2010 No Cont. for Due-Month 052010

May-2010 No Cont. for Due-Month 062010

Jun-2010 No Cont. for Due-Month 072010

Jul-2010 No Cont. for Due-Month 082010

Aug-2010 No Cont. for Due-Month 092010

Sep-2010 No Cont. for Due-Month 102010

Oct-2010 No Cont. for Due-Month 112010

Nov-2010 No Cont. for Due-Month 122010

Dec-2010 No Cont. for Due-Month 012011

Jan-2011 No Cont. for Due-Month 022011

Feb-2011 No Cont. for Due-Month 032011

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2011 2,917 2,107 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2011 33,622 24,290 0

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 1 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2011-2012 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2011-2012 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2011 33,622 24,290 0

Mar-2011 Cont. For Due-Month 042011 01-04-2011 20,649 6,500 2,478 1,937 0 0 541

Apr-2011 Cont. For Due-Month 052011 01-05-2011 21,256 6,500 2,551 2,010 0 0 541

May-2011 Cont. For Due-Month 062011 01-06-2011 21,256 6,500 2,551 2,010 0 0 541

Jun-2011 Cont. For Due-Month 072011 01-07-2011 21,256 6,500 2,551 2,010 0 0 541

Jul-2011 Cont. For Due-Month 082011 01-08-2011 21,256 6,500 2,551 2,010 0 0 541

Aug-2011 Cont. For Due-Month 092011 01-09-2011 21,903 6,500 2,628 2,087 0 0 541

Sep-2011 Cont. For Due-Month 102011 01-10-2011 21,903 6,500 2,628 2,087 0 0 541

Oct-2011 Cont. For Due-Month 112011 01-11-2011 22,618 6,500 2,714 2,173 0 0 541

Nov-2011 Cont. For Due-Month 122011 01-12-2011 22,618 6,500 2,714 2,173 0 0 541

Dec-2011 Cont. For Due-Month 012012 01-01-2012 22,618 6,500 2,714 2,173 0 0 541

Jan-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 022012 01-02-2012 23,317 6,500 2,798 2,257 0 0 541

Feb-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 032012 01-03-2012 23,317 6,500 2,798 2,257 0 0 541

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2012 3,943 2,928 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2012 69,241 52,402 6,492

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 2 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2012-2013 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2012-2013 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2012 69,241 52,402 6,492

OB Adjustment- ( AUTO APPENDIX BACK PERIOD )- Back Period Appendix - 2010-2011 34,046 26,713 0 0 6,492

Mar-2012 No Cont. for Due-Month 042012

Apr-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 052012 20-06-2012 23,317 6,500 2,798 2,257 0 0 541

May-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 062012 20-06-2012 23,317 6,500 2,798 2,257 0 0 541

Jun-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 072012 14-12-2012 23,317 6,500 2,798 2,257 0 0 541

Jul-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 082012 03-01-2013 24,031 6,500 2,884 2,343 0 0 541

Aug-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 092012 30-10-2012 24,758 6,500 2,971 2,430 0 0 541

Sep-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 102012 31-10-2012 24,758 6,500 2,971 2,430 0 0 541

Oct-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 112012 03-01-2013 25,647 6,500 3,078 2,537 0 0 541

Nov-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 122012 02-01-2013 25,647 6,500 3,078 2,537 0 0 541

Dec-2012 Cont. For Due-Month 012013 30-08-2013 25,647 6,500 3,078 2,537 0 0 541

Jan-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 022013 12-04-2013 26,291 6,500 3,155 2,614 0 0 541

Feb-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 032013 22-03-2013 26,291 6,500 3,155 2,614 0 0 541

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2013 9,908 7,642 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2013 1,45,959 1,13,570 18,935

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 3 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2013-2014 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2013-2014 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2013 1,45,959 1,13,570 18,935

Mar-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 042013 02-05-2013 26,291 6,500 3,155 2,614 0 0 541

Apr-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 052013 03-09-2013 26,812 6,500 3,217 2,676 0 0 541

May-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 062013 25-06-2013 26,812 6,500 3,217 2,676 0 0 541

Jun-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 072013 18-07-2013 26,812 6,500 3,217 2,676 0 0 541

Jul-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 082013 27-08-2013 27,425 6,500 3,291 2,750 0 0 541

Aug-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 092013 01-10-2013 28,248 6,500 3,390 2,849 0 0 541

Sep-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 102013 24-10-2013 28,248 6,500 3,390 2,849 0 0 541

Oct-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 112013 27-11-2013 29,290 6,500 3,515 2,974 0 0 541

Nov-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 122013 01-01-2014 29,290 6,500 3,515 2,974 0 0 541

Dec-2013 Cont. For Due-Month 012014 27-01-2014 29,290 6,500 3,515 2,974 0 0 541

Jan-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 022014 10-03-2014 30,080 6,500 3,610 3,069 0 0 541

Feb-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 032014 30-04-2014 30,080 6,500 3,610 3,069 0 0 541

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2014 14,355 11,260 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2014 2,00,956 1,58,980 25,427

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 4 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2014-2015 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2014-2015 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2014 2,00,956 1,58,980 25,427

OB Adjustment- ( OTHER_INTEREST )- IPR(Back Period) (2012-2013)-Int ( Type A ) calculated 482 389 0

upto 0

OB Adjustment- ( AUTO APPENDIX BACK PERIOD )- IPR(Back Period) (2012-2013)-Contribution 2,798 2,257 541

Mar-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 042014 01-05-2014 30,080 6,500 3,610 3,069 0 0 541

Apr-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 052014 21-05-2014 29,748 6,500 3,570 3,029 0 0 541

May-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 062014 27-09-2014 29,748 6,500 3,570 3,029 0 0 541

Jun-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 072014 24-07-2014 29,748 6,500 3,570 3,029 0 0 541

Jul-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 082014 19-09-2014 30,206 6,500 3,625 3,084 0 0 541

Aug-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 092014 18-09-2014 31,125 6,500 3,735 3,194 0 0 541

Sep-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 102014 19-11-2014 31,125 6,500 3,735 3,194 0 0 541

Oct-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 112014 27-11-2014 32,231 6,500 3,868 3,327 0 0 541

Nov-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 122014 07-01-2015 32,231 15,000 3,868 2,618 0 0 1,250

Dec-2014 Cont. For Due-Month 012015 02-02-2015 32,231 15,000 3,868 2,618 0 0 1,250

Jan-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 022015 16-03-2015 32,589 15,000 3,911 2,661 0 0 1,250

Feb-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 032015 26-03-2015 32,589 15,000 3,911 2,661 0 0 1,250

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2015 19,630 15,610 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2015 2,68,707 2,12,749 35,296

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 5 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2015-2016 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2015-2016 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2015 2,68,707 2,12,749 35,296

Mar-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 042015 26-05-2015 32,589 15,000 3,911 2,661 0 0 1,250

Apr-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 052015 02-06-2015 32,621 15,000 3,915 2,665 0 0 1,250

May-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 062015 01-07-2015 32,621 15,000 3,915 2,665 0 0 1,250

Jun-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 072015 29-07-2015 32,621 15,000 3,915 2,665 0 0 1,250

Jul-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 082015 28-08-2015 32,963 15,000 3,956 2,706 0 0 1,250

Aug-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 092015 24-09-2015 33,956 15,000 4,075 2,825 0 0 1,250

Sep-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 102015 16-10-2015 42,727 15,000 5,123 3,873 0 0 1,250

Oct-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 112015 24-11-2015 35,884 15,000 10,389 9,139 0 0 1,250

Nov-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 122015 14-12-2015 35,884 15,000 4,306 3,056 0 0 1,250

Dec-2015 Cont. For Due-Month 012016 15-01-2016 35,884 15,000 4,306 3,056 0 0 1,250

Jan-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 022016 18-03-2016 36,660 15,000 4,399 3,149 0 0 1,250

Feb-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 032016 15-03-2016 36,660 15,000 4,399 3,149 0 0 1,250

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2016 25,802 20,273 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2016 3,51,118 2,74,631 50,296

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 6 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2016-2017 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2016-2017 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2016 3,51,118 2,74,631 50,296

Mar-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 042016 12-04-2016 36,660 15,000 4,399 3,149 0 0 1,250

Apr-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 052016 14-05-2016 36,660 15,000 4,399 3,149 0 0 1,250

May-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 062016 29-06-2016 36,660 15,000 4,399 3,149 0 0 1,250

Jun-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 072016 14-07-2016 36,660 15,000 4,399 3,149 0 0 1,250

Jul-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 082016 13-08-2016 37,074 15,000 4,449 3,199 0 0 1,250

Aug-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 092016 15-09-2016 38,191 15,000 4,583 3,333 0 0 1,250

Sep-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 102016 23-10-2016 38,191 15,000 4,583 3,333 0 0 1,250

Oct-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 112016 16-11-2016 39,169 15,000 4,700 3,450 0 0 1,250

Nov-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 122016 18-12-2016 39,169 15,000 4,700 3,450 0 0 1,250

Dec-2016 Cont. For Due-Month 012017 19-01-2017 39,169 15,000 4,700 3,450 0 0 1,250

Jan-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 022017 13-02-2017 39,027 15,000 4,683 3,433 0 0 1,250

Feb-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 032017 15-03-2017 44,705 15,000 4,683 3,433 0 0 1,250

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2017 32,503 25,292 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2017 4,38,298 3,39,600 65,296

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 7 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2017-2018 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2017-2018 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2017 4,38,298 3,39,600 65,296

Mar-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 042017 13-04-2017 93,415 15,000 4,683 3,433 0 0 1,250

Apr-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 052017 12-05-2017 44,664 15,000 4,632 3,382 0 0 1,250

May-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 062017 15-06-2017 44,664 15,000 4,632 3,382 0 0 1,250

Jun-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 072017 14-07-2017 44,664 15,000 4,632 3,382 0 0 1,250

Jul-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 082017 08-08-2017 45,197 15,000 4,673 3,423 0 0 1,250

Aug-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 092017 13-09-2017 85,990 15,000 7,219 5,969 0 0 1,250

Sep-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 102017 13-10-2017 42,574 15,000 5,109 3,859 0 0 1,250

Oct-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 112017 14-11-2017 43,604 15,000 5,232 3,982 0 0 1,250

Nov-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 122017 14-12-2017 43,604 15,000 5,232 3,982 0 0 1,250

Dec-2017 Cont. For Due-Month 012018 10-01-2018 43,604 15,000 5,232 3,982 0 0 1,250

Jan-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 022018 14-02-2018 44,109 15,000 5,293 4,043 0 0 1,250

Feb-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 032018 15-06-2018 44,109 15,000 2,268 1,018 0 0 1,250

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2018 39,829 30,803 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2018 5,36,964 4,14,240 80,296

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 8 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2018-2019 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2018-2019 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2018 5,36,964 4,14,240 80,296

Mar-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 042018 15-06-2018 44,109 15,000 5,293 4,043 0 0 1,250

Apr-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 052018 15-06-2018 44,168 15,000 5,300 4,050 0 0 1,250

May-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 062018 15-06-2018 44,168 15,000 5,300 4,050 0 0 1,250

Jun-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 072018 13-07-2018 46,848 15,000 5,622 4,372 0 0 1,250

Jul-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 082018 16-08-2018 45,668 15,000 5,480 4,230 0 0 1,250

Aug-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 092018 14-09-2018 45,668 15,000 5,480 4,230 0 0 1,250

Sep-2018 No Cont. for Due-Month 102018

Oct-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 112018 16-11-2018 47,191 15,000 5,663 4,413 0 0 1,250

Nov-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 122018 15-12-2018 47,191 15,000 5,663 4,413 0 0 1,250

Dec-2018 Cont. For Due-Month 012019 15-01-2019 92,859 15,000 11,143 8,643 0 0 2,500

Jan-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 022019 14-02-2019 47,832 15,000 5,740 4,490 0 0 1,250

Feb-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 032019 15-03-2019 47,832 15,000 5,740 4,490 0 0 1,250

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2019 48,918 37,735 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2019 6,52,306 5,03,399 95,296

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 9 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2019-2020 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2019-2020 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2019 6,52,306 5,03,399 95,296

Mar-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 042019 15-04-2019 47,832 15,000 5,740 4,490 0 0 1,250

Apr-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 052019 16-05-2019 48,352 15,000 5,802 4,552 0 0 1,250

May-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 062019 14-06-2019 49,801 15,000 5,976 4,726 0 0 1,250

Jun-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 072019 11-07-2019 49,801 15,000 5,976 4,726 0 0 1,250

Jul-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 082019 14-08-2019 50,894 15,000 6,107 4,857 0 0 1,250

Aug-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 092019 13-09-2019 50,894 15,000 6,107 4,857 0 0 1,250

Sep-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 102019 15-10-2019 50,894 15,000 6,107 4,857 0 0 1,250

Oct-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 112019 15-11-2019 51,988 15,000 6,239 4,989 0 0 1,250

Nov-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 122019 14-12-2019 51,988 15,000 6,239 4,989 0 0 1,250

Dec-2019 Cont. For Due-Month 012020 15-01-2020 51,988 15,000 6,239 4,989 0 0 1,250

Jan-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 022020 15-02-2020 53,081 15,000 6,370 5,120 0 0 1,250

Feb-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 032020 13-03-2020 53,081 15,000 6,370 5,120 0 0 1,250

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2020 58,245 45,004 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2020 7,83,823 6,06,675 1,10,296

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 10 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2020-2021 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2020-2021 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal
osru ekg / fnukaWd / vU'knku /
osru / osru / deZpkjh fu;ksDrk fu;ksDrk
Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of deZpkjh Pension
Month Credit / / vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contribu
Wages Wages vU'knku
Employee Employer /Employee Employer
Withdra tion
Share Share Share Share
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2020 7,83,823 6,06,675 1,10,296

Mar-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 042020 14-04-2020 53,081 15,000 6,370 5,120 0 0 1,250

Apr-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 052020 14-05-2020 53,782 15,000 6,454 5,204 0 0 1,250

May-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 062020 15-06-2020 53,782 15,000 6,454 5,204 0 0 1,250

Jun-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 072020 15-07-2020 57,016 15,000 6,842 5,592 0 0 1,250

Jul-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 082020 14-08-2020 55,399 15,000 6,648 5,398 0 0 1,250

Aug-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 092020 15-09-2020 55,059 15,000 6,606 5,356 0 0 1,250

Sep-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 102020 15-10-2020 55,229 15,000 6,627 5,377 0 0 1,250

Oct-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 112020 13-11-2020 55,229 15,000 6,627 5,377 0 0 1,250

Nov-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 122020 15-12-2020 55,229 15,000 6,627 5,377 0 0 1,250

Dec-2020 Cont. For Due-Month 012021 15-01-2021 55,229 15,000 6,627 5,377 0 0 1,250

Jan-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 022021 10-02-2021 55,229 15,000 6,627 5,377 0 0 1,250

Feb-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 032021 17-03-2021 55,229 15,000 6,627 5,377 0 0 1,250

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2021 69,692 54,050 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2021 9,32,651 7,24,861 1,25,296

--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04

--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 11 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2021-2022 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2021-2022 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal vU'knku
osru ekg fnukaWd / osru / osru / /
/ Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk
EPF EPS Pension
Wages deZ
Credit / Wages pkjh vU'knku / Employee vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contrib
Withdra Share Employer /Employe Employer
Share e Share Share ution
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2021 9,32,651 9,32,651 0 7,24,861 1,25,296

okf"kZd lap;h 'ks"k

ekfld Cumulative Balance
for the year
Monthly u‚u&VSDls
cy / Non- VSTaxble
Cont. Dlscy /
Mar-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 042021 55,229 15,000 6,627 6,627 0 5,377 0 0 1,250

Apr-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 052021 64,362 15,000 6,627 13,254 0 5,377 0 0 1,250

May-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 062021 56,892 15,000 6,827 20,081 0 5,577 0 0 1,250

Jun-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 072021 56,892 15,000 6,827 26,908 0 5,577 0 0 1,250

Jul-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 082021 56,892 15,000 6,827 33,735 0 5,577 0 0 1,250

Aug-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 092021 61,532 15,000 7,383 41,118 0 6,133 0 0 1,250

Sep-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 102021 59,212 15,000 7,105 48,223 0 5,855 0 0 1,250

Oct-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 112021 59,212 15,000 7,105 55,328 0 5,855 0 0 1,250

Nov-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 122021 65,235 15,000 7,830 63,158 0 6,580 0 0 1,250

Dec-2021 Cont. For Due-Month 012022 61,139 15,000 7,337 70,495 0 6,087 0 0 1,250

Jan-2022 Cont. For Due-Month 022022 76,588 15,000 9,191 79,686 0 7,941 0 0 1,250

Feb-2022 Cont. For Due-Month 032022 65,148 15,000 7,818 87,504 0 6,568 0 0 1,250

Int. Updated upto 31/03/2022 78,640 78,640 0 61,253 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2022 10,98,795 10,98,795 0 8,58,618 1,40,296

In case taxable interest is less than Rs. 5,000/- then TDS will not be deducted.
--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04
--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 12 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 13 of 14
______________________________________lnL; iklcqd / Member Passbook______________________________________
LFkkiuk vkbZMh@uke | Establishment ID/Name GHAZIABAD
lnL; vkbZMh@uke | Member ID/Name MRMRT00309190000000059 / YOGENDRA PRATAP SINGH
tUe frfFk | DOB 01-JUL-1981
;w , u | UAN 100415606127

bZih,Q iklcqd foRrh; o"kZ 2022-2023 EPF Passbook [ Financial Year - 2022-2023 ]
tek fudklh /
fudklh tek / Deposit isU'ku
bZih,Q bZih,l Withdrawal vU'knku
osru ekg fnukaWd / osru / osru / /
/ Wage fooj.k / Particulars Date of fu;ksDrk deZpkjh fu;ksDrk
EPF EPS Pension
Wages deZ
Credit / Wages pkjh vU'knku / Employee vU'knku / vU'knku vU'knku / Contrib
Withdra Share Employer /Employe Employer
Share e Share Share ution
Opening Balance as on 01-04-2022 10,98,795 10,98,795 0 8,58,618 1,40,296

okf"kZd lap;h 'ks"k

ekfld Cumulative Balance
for the year
Monthly u‚u&VSDls
cy / Non- VSTaxble
Cont. Dlscy /
Mar-2022 Cont. For Due-Month 042022 64,065 15,000 7,688 7,688 0 6,438 0 0 1,250

Apr-2022 Cont. For Due-Month 052022 64,335 15,000 7,720 15,408 0 6,470 0 0 1,250

May-2022 Cont. For Due-Month 062022 66,275 15,000 7,953 23,361 0 1,250 0 0 6,703

Jun-2022 No Cont. for Due-Month 072022

Jul-2022 No Cont. for Due-Month 082022

Aug-2022 No Cont. for Due-Month 092022

Sep-2022 No Cont. for Due-Month 102022

Oct-2022 No Cont. for Due-Month 112022

Nov-2022 No Cont. for Due-Month 122022

Dec-2022 No Cont. for Due-Month 012023

Jan-2023 Claim: Against PARA 57(2) 0 0 0 23,361 0 0 12,05,159 9,37,424 0

Feb-2023 No Cont. for Due-Month 032023

Int. given against Claim : MRMRT230250023106 83,003 83,003 0 64,648 0 0 0

Closing Balance as on 31-03-2023 0 0 0 0 1,49,499

In case taxable interest is less than Rs. 5,000/- then TDS will not be deducted.
--fooj.k dh lekfIr-- eqfnzr 02-05-2023 09:50:04
--End Of Statement-- Printed On
izfr[;ku & mij nh xbZ tkudkjh dsUnzh; loZj ij nh xbZ tkudkjh ds vk/kkj ij gSA ;g tkudkjh dkuwuh iz;kstu ds fy, mi;ksx ugha dh tk ldrh gSaA
Disclaimer - Information shown above is based on available data on central server.This information may not be use for legal purpose.
* Please never respond to any call for sharing any personal details like Aadhar, PAN, Bank details, OTP or request for any payment.
* EPFO never calls members/ pensioners to deposit any amount.
* Please do not make any payment based on any such call.

MRMRT00309190000000059 Page 14 of 14

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