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B.A.N.T Process

Identification and Nurturing of Quality Leads
1. The lead management process begins with the generation of inquiries.
2. Once generated, inquiries will flow through a qualification and nurturing process to
identify qualified leads.
3. The process will assure maximizing the conversion of these qualified leads into sales.
4. Here is a system for ranking leads based on the B.A.N.T. criteria.
5. This is a method of assessing the quality of prospects and tracking them through the
sales qualification process.

The following table describes one version of the B.A.N.T. process used to determine the
quality/stage of a prospect.
The four categories are standard. What may change is the how a company breaks out time frame
for making the purchase decision and how they contact the prospect.

Proposal Evaluation Demonstration Information

Defined and fits your
Budget Defined Not defined Not defined
solutions specs
Decision Specifier, Influencer,
Decision maker is maker, specifier influencer, specifier
Authority involved in selection involved in decision maker involved in
process selection involved in gathering
process selection process information
Problem identified, Problem identified, Problem not
identified, need
Need need for solution need for solution necessarily
for solution
established being explored identified
Time Purchase in 1 – 3 Purchase in 3 – Purchase 6
Not identified
frame months 6 months months and out
Meets 3 of 4
Meets all 4 of B.A.N.T. B.A.N.T. criteria Meets 2 of 4
criteria Final B.A.N.T. criteria
Meets 1 or none
Ready to buy, have evaluation, Evaluation,
of B.A.N.T.
Status been through full on- have requested possibly requested
site demonstration and full / intro
have requested customized demonstration
proposal demonstration

pg. 1
B.A.N.T Process
B.A.N.T : (System for Lead Scoring and Ranking) led Status based Contact and
B = Budget
A = Authority (Decision maker, Specifier or Influencer)
N = Need (Active, Passive, Neutral, Requirement to Product variance)
T = Time Frame (Immediate, Undefined, Long Term)

BANT qualification questions

1. Budget:

- What do you currently spend now on this problem or need?

- We’ve calculated your team is losing X amount per [week, quarter, year] on this problem. How
does that compare to the budget you’ve set aside?
- We’ve calculated your team could potentially gain X amount per [week, quarter, year] by
making this [change, investment]. How does that compare to the budget you’ve set aside?
- Whose budget is this coming out of?
- How much would it cost to build the system by yourself?
- How much would it cost if you haven’t fixed this issue in five years?
- How heavily will price factor into the decision?
- Have you identified a budget range for this purchase?
- What’s the ROI you’re hoping to see?

2. Authority:

- Who will be using the product?

- What was the last time you bought a similar product? How did the decision-making process
- This is normally the stage where my customer brings in [the head of Finance, the other
stakeholders, their manager] to [discuss X, get their perspective on Y]. Do you want to invite
[Z person/people] to our next meeting?
- Will anyone else be involved in this decision?

3. Need:

- When did you identify [problem, opportunity]?

- What steps have you already taken to address it?
- How important is addressing this to your personal goals at [company]? Career goals? Your
- What happens if you don’t address this?

4. Timing:

- Are there any upcoming events/deadlines that you’d like to have a solution in place by?
- Are you planning any [insert relevant project here, i.e. lead generation campaign, major hiring
spree, program overhauls, etc.)?

pg. 2
B.A.N.T Process
- What’s your [lead generation, revenue, retention, etc.] goal for [next quarter, half of the year]?
Will you be able to meet that goal without some sort of change?
- Working backward from the date you gave me, we’d need to finalize our agreement by [earlier
date]. Is that sounding doable?

Proposal, Evaluation, Demonstration, Information (P.E.D.I)

Please absorb the sample questions to gauge the BANT process. Going forward instead of Hot
Warm and Cold we will be using 4 ratings of customer stage in follow up

SFDC Tagging
- Proposal - Customer who qualifies BANT 100% and need to be given final proposal and ready
to buy
- Evaluation Rating - 3 out of 4 with budget intact. Already evaluating, need demonstration and
will tend to buy
- Demonstration - 2 out of 4 met, budget might be undefined. will want to detail then will
evaluate. as good as above cold but below warm
- Information - 1 out of 4, seeks information but not potent to move to evaluate, asked for call
back without any details shared over the need especially. budget here also is not defined

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