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‫وزارة التعليمالعالي والبحث العلمي‬


UNIVERSITE MOULOUD MAMMERI DE TIZI-OUZOU ‫ تيزي وزو‬-‫جامعة مولود معمري‬

N° d’Ordre : ……………
N° de série : ……………

DOMAINE : Lettres et Langues Etrangères

FILIERE : Langue et Littérature Anglaise
SPECIALITE : Littérature et Arts Dramatiques

Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of Master in English


Fantasy and Conspiracy in J.R.R Tolkien ‘The

Lord of the Rings’

Presented by : Supervised by :

Board of Examiners:

President : M. CHERIFI Ahcene


Promotion : 2018-2019

[Laboratoire de domiciliation du master: ………………………………………………………...……….


I would like to thank my supervisor, Mr Khelifa, for his time and patience all along the
academic year.

My special thanks also to the members of the Jury, Mr Rafik Laceb and Cherifi Ahcene for
their efforts to evaluate my work.

To my parents who provided me with moral support and

encouragement to achieve this work.
The present dissertation deals with the legendary Fantasy Trilogy of J.R.R. Tolkien: “The
Lord of the Rings”(1954-1955), one of most successful literary works of the 20th century. As a
supporting theory, my dissertation relies on William Guy Carr’s “Pawns in the Game” and
also “Satan, Prince of this World”. The aim of this work is to show the conspiracy within the
novel and to understand the different assimilations between the characters, the sittings and
the applied theories of William Guy Carr.

Following the IMRAD method, my dissertation started with a presentation of the Fantasy
as a literary genre. In Method and Materials, I explained the two conspiracy theories I
applied with a long summary of each of the three tomes of Tolkien’s trilogy: “The Fellowship
of the Ring”, “The Two Towers” and “The Return of the King”.

My discussion is divided into two chapters. Chapter I focuses on the theory of war in the
novel, especially World War II, during the reign of Hitler and Mussolini over Nazi Germany
and fascist Italy. Chapter II focuses on the Luciferian doctrine in The Lord of the Rings. It is
about occultism, symbolism and the esoteric dark side of Tolkien’s trilogy. The major results
of my research are the similarities between the antagonists in Tolkien’s trilogy and some
historical figures of World War II. Moreover, the incarnation of Satan, Prince of Darkness,
into the evil character Sauron, the lord of Mordor. There is also the influence of the ring of
power on its owner, in the same way that Satan has mind control over the human beings on
 Acknowledgement
 Dedication
 Abstract

 Introduction………………………………………………………………01

 Methods and Material…………………………………………………….09

 A- ‘Pawns in the Game’ Main Theories: The World Wars………………10

 B- The Luciferian Conspiracy in ‘Satan, Prince of this World”………….12

 2-Materials………………………………………………………………...15

 Tome 1 : The Fellowship of the Ring……………………………………..16

 Tome II : The Two Towers……………………………………………......18

 Tome III : The Return of the King………………………………………...19

 Results……………………………………………………………………..22

 Discussion………………………………………………………………….23

Chapter I: “War Conspiracy theory” in J.R.R Tolkien’s Trilgy “The Lord of the Rings”

Mordor, Tolkien’s “Germany” in the Lord of the Rings

 The Aryan German Race and the Superior Orc Race……………………..25

 Saruman and Mussolini……………………………………………………28
 Palestine and the Helm’s Deep……………………………………………30
 The Secret Power Behind the Wars in Middle Earth……………………...32
 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………36
 Chapter II………………………………………………………………….38
”The Luciferian Conspiracy” in J.R.R Tolkien’s Trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”
Tolkien and the Luciferian Doctrine.
 The influence of Lucifer over the Ring of Power…………………………..40
 The Power of Magic………………………………………………………...42
 Occultism in the Trilogy…………………………………………………….44
 Conclusion…………………………………………………………………..47
 General Conclusion…………………………………………………………49
 Bibliography………………………………………………………………...50

This study will emphasize on the literary conspiracy theory in the Fantasy Trilogy

The Lord of the Rings, using William Guy Carr’s theory Pawns in the Game and Satan,

Prince of This World. Its objective is to explain the conspiracy in Tolkien’s fiction,

identify the esoteric symbols and the subliminal messages. Thus, this dissertation will

attempt to shed light on occultism, the secret societies, the Illuminati, the apocalypse, the

New World order and the theological side in The Lord of the Rings.

Fantasy comes from a Greek word meaning "a making visible."1 Perhaps more than

any other form of literature, Fantasy refuses to accept the world as it is, so the readers

can see what could have been, rather than what was or what must be. The most well-

known Fantasy writers are from the Anglo-Saxon world, or from English-speaking

countries, such as the UK, the US, Canada, Australia and South Africa. It is almost the

same genre that the “Fantastique”, from French literature, but it has its own nature and


The most famous best-selling authors of Fantasy are: J.R.R. Tolkien (“The Lord of

the Rings”), JK Rowling (“Harry Potter”), Stephenie Meyer (“Twilight” saga), Stephen

King (“The Eye of the Dragon”), C.S. Lewis (“The Chronicles of Narnia”).

. Fantasy is characterized by imaginary and unrealistic elements. Fantasies typically

involve supernatural powers, like magic and magical creatures. Fantasy stories often

contain elements of Medievalism, such as castles, knights, kings, magical swords, and

references to ancient spells2.

In terms of literature, Fantasy is described as “imaginative fiction” dependent for

effect on strangeness of setting (such as other worlds or times) and characters (such as

supernatural beings)3. In view of its representation, Fantasy is called “the literature of

unreality” or “literature which does not give priority to realistic representation”4.

Like all fictions, Fantasy is able of expressing truth: metaphorical, symbolic and

emotional truths. Reality may not be Fantasy, but Fantasy is usually expressing reality.

There are often characters with unusual ability or supernatural power, often involving

magic. The world and its rules are, basically, the creation of the author.

The Fantasy literature is rich with a myriad of subgenres, each has its own

conventions and trends. New contemporary subgenres are forming every few years and

old ones updated in with other genres. Here a master list of the most important and

common subgenres of Fantasy (nowadays, there are more than 60 subgenres):

High Fantasy: High Fantasy is a subgenre in which the story is set in an imaginary

world. The readers would expect to find magical creatures with powers and rules of their

own, such as elves, dwarves, orcs, dragons, etc. The language is generally elegant and

eloquent. High fantasy sometimes refers to epic Fantasy, but it can be its own subgenre.

Example of High Fantasy: The Lord of the Rings.

Low Fantasy: Low Fantasy is another important subgenre in which the story is set

in our real world and, in parallel, in a fictional world. Example: Harry Potter and The

Chronicles of Narnia. The focus tends to be mainly on the characters and the plot rather

than the fantastical elements.

Epic Fantasy: It is the most popular type of Fantasy today. Usually associated with

High Fantasy, Epic fantasy includes a life or death struggle between good and evil, a

large cast of characters and multiple books. In Epic Fantasy, the readers are looking for

stories with large scope, where events and actions affect entire populations or the world.

These are often always series titles. There may be a quest. Examples of this subgenre:

The Wheel of Time, A Game of Throne and, again, The Lord of the Rings.

Dark Fantasy: Dark Fantasy is a subgenre that is close to horror in terms of

emotion. It is often used to refer to horror Fantasy and include stories about demonic

creatures, mummies and vampires. But then, it doesn’t involve horror tropes such as

ghosts. Example of Dark Fantasy: Vampire Chronicles, Vampire Diaries and Black Sun

Rising (The Cold Fire Trilogy)

Urban Fantasy: One of the most recognizable categories, where the story takes

place in a real contemporary setting, most of the time in a town or city on Earth, rather

than in some fantastical world. These stories also contain supernatural elements and

creatures. Example of Urban Fantasy works: “Magic For Nothing”, by Seanan McGuire.

Young Adult Fantasy: The Young Adult Fantasy targets readers between the ages

12 to 18 and typically feature a young adult as the main character of the story. These

characters tend to have something special, like a supernatural ability, power or an object.

The uniqueness of a character is often a point of identification for the reader. Examples

of this sub-genre: “Throne of Glass”, written by Sarah. J. Maas, “Harry Potter”, by J.K.

Rowling and also “Eragon”, by Christopher Paolini.

As Charles Elkins comments, genre Fantasy creates worlds which “contrast with

and implicitly criticize our taken-for-granted world. Against rationalism and the

antiheroic, it posits enchantment, the marvellous, and the heroic.5”

The Lord of the Rings is one of the best-selling epic Fantasy books of all times, with

over 150 million copies sold in all over the world. It has been reprinted numerous times

and translated into 38 languages. J.R.R. Tolkien is the author of the Trilogy. For many

critics and writers, Tolkien is the founder of modern Fantasy literature. He is considered

as the “Father” of High Fantasy as well. Therefore, most of Fantasy authors; and many

authors of other genres are greatly influenced by Tolkien’s works.

Our real world today is surrounded to the New Universal System of Globalisation.

Its parallels in the Trilogy of “The Lord of the Rings” is the Middle-Earth that is

surrounded to the New Order of Sauron, the lord of Darkness. Through his fiction,

Tolkien warns the readers and the population of the world about the conspiracy, the

coming of a New Order that aims to create a one world government, one world religion

and one world political and economic system (The Globalisation). Then, it is no wonder

that this is seen as a direct prediction of the New World Order.

Although the parallels with today’s war-filled world are obvious, there has been

much debate about whether “The Lord of the Rings” was written as an allegory. Tolkien

himself stated once that he “dislikes allegory in all its manifestations.” Later, however,

Tolkien wrote: “Of course, Allegory and Story converge, meeting somewhere in Truth”6

Many articles, critiques and works have been carried on “The Lord of the Rings”

trilogy, exposing their different conspiracy theories by reading between the lines to

discover the occult messages. In fact, in a web article entitled: ”10 Crazy Literary

Conspiracy Theories”, (from, published in October 27, 2013), Nolan

Moore, a teacher and freelance writer, says that several conspiracy theorists claim

Tolkien’s work was heavily involved in the occult and was priming its readers for a New

World Order, the one conspiracy to rule them all.

In The Lord of the Rings, the eye of Sauron supposedly represents the mythical eye

of Horus from Egyptian mythology. Some theorists claim that Gandalf symbolizes the

famous magician Aleister Crowley, and that Frodo is an “aspirant,” someone hoping to

be initiated into Gandalf’s illuminated brotherhood of black magic. The infamous John

Todd preached that Tolkien actually copied his novels from The Book of Shadows, a

Wiccan text, and that his runes are really the witches’ alphabet 7.

The critic above contains some incoherent points. First, the use of the expression”

The eye of the Illuminati” is grammatically incorrect. In fact, the critic wanted to say:

“The eye of the Providence” or “The eye of Horus” which is on the top of the Illuminati

Triangle symbol. Besides, the theorist claims that Gandalf symbolizes Aleister Crowley

the Magician, because the first one is a good character in the Novel, while the second

one is an evil sorcerer. Moreover, Frodo cannot be someone hoping to be initiated to an

evil black magic brotherhood since he fights against the Darkness of Mordor.

Fritz Springmeier in his: “The Significance of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings As It

Relates to the Illuminati”7, has written about John Wayne Todd, an American speaker

and conspiracy theorist who said that Tolkien had asked the Rothschilds if he could

incorporate their story into The Lord of the Rings, and it does appear to be the case…the

5 sons of Mayer Amschel Bauer (Rothschild) were called the 5 wizards. Likewise The

Lord of the Rings has 5 wizards, one of which (Gandalf) seems to be Nathan Rothschild.

Three of the wizards are prominent (like James & Nathan), two insignificant.

In this critic, like the precedent review, Gandalf is assimilated to an evil personality

(Nathan Rothschild who is connected to the evil Illuminati family), whereas in The Lord

of the Rings, he is a good character who stands against evil people and darkness, often

assimilated to the Christ by Tolkien. This is the paradox of John Todd’s review. In

another review, Jeffrey. L. Morrow, a professor of Undergraduate Theology in America,

claims in his new book: “Seeking the Lord of Middle-Earth” (2017), that there is a link

between “The Lord of the Rings” as a Fantasy work and Christianity. Tolkien’s work

emerges as a rich source for understanding the deep value of Fantasy, fairy tales in

particular. Fantasy literature, like beautiful drama or artwork, can help us recover a

vision to see God’s creation more clearly9.

Tolkien’s stories have been enjoyed by many, Christian and secular alike. The

beauty of the stories is compelling to diverse peoples, and no Christian knowledge is

necessary to appreciate his writings. Nonetheless, Tolkien’s Christianity saturates his

fiction beyond merely his own exercises of various virtues. One may not think first of

theology, the study of God, when discussing Tolkien, let alone Catholic or Christian

theology, and yet, Tolkien’s stories of Middle-Earth are, in some sense, about the real

world, that is about the world God created and in which He is active10. However, Jeffery

Morrow’s did not mention that Tolkien has never named God directly in his fiction,

never described him as the Creator of the Universe. But then, some words are used in

reference to God like “Fatality” and “Destiny”.

Bradley J. Birzer, the co-founder of The Imaginative Conservative and Russell

Amos Kirk Chair in History at Hillsdale College, compares Tolkien with one of his most

influent personalities, Saint Augustine. Despite the fifteen centuries separating the lives

of the two men, Tolkien’s own world view closely paralleled that of St. Augustine’s, and

the attentive reader finds much in common between the City of God and Tolkien’s larger

mythology of Middle-earth. Tolkien would have received his understanding of St.

Augustine from his boyhood upbringing in the Birmingham Oratory, founded by the

most famous nineteenth-century convert to Roman Catholicism, John Henry Newman.

The mythology that Tolkien created—or “discovered” as he preferred—contained

numerous Augustinian theological insights. But, unlike St. Augustine’s more platonic

two cities, Tolkien posited three cities: the City of God (as represented by The

Fellowship of the Ring); the City of Man (Orthanc under Saruman); and, because it is a

mythical rather than historical time, a third city, that of the devil (Barad-Dur under

Sauron).11 By contrast, Birzer in his review did not mention Saint Augustin thesis on

Evil. Tolkien seems to be influenced by Saint Augustine’s book “The Confessions” in

which he talks about the conflict between the “Good” and the “Bad”.

It appears from the literary review above that though some studies dealt with

Tolkien’s fantastic work, none has been concerned with demonstrating explicitly

whether the author of the famous Trilogy belongs to a secret society, since his novel is

full of esoteric symbolism. It is not clear if he is Freemason, Illuminati, or neither this

nor that, he is a pure Christian trying to reveal the conspiracy through his fiction.



Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature

Charles Elkins, “An Approach to the Social Functions of Science Fiction and Fantasy”,
in The Scope of the Fantastic: Culture, Biography, Themes, Children’s Literature
(Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1985), p. 28.

The Lord of the Rings The Deeper Meaning
meaning revealed/

“10 Crazy Literary Conspiracy Theories”

The Significance of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings As It Relates to the Illuminati by
Fritz Springmeier


Jeffrey. L. Morrow“Seeking the Lord of Middle-Earth” Introduction (Cascade Books,
An Imprint Of Wipt and Stock Publishers, 2017), p.18

Jeffrey. L. Morrow “Seeking the Lord of Middle-Earth” Introduction (Cascade Books,
An Imprint Of Wipt and Stock Publishers, 2017), p.16

Bradley J. Birzer “St. Augustine and J.R.R. Tolkien”

II. Methods and Material
As a theoretical framework, I tend to rely on two conspiracy theory books that best

fit my problematic. The first one is “Pawns in the Game” and the second one is “Satan,

the Prince of this World”, written by William Guy Carr.

Commander William James Guy Carr (2 June 1895 – 2 October 1959) was an

English-born Canadian naval officer and an author. Though he first came to prominence

with books about his military experiences as a submariner, Carr later turned to writing

about a vast conspiracy theory which he alleged to have uncovered. “The international

conspiracy explained. The best single work available on the conspiracy that has been

responsible for the devastating wars and continuing conflicts of the past century. They

are now close to its ultimate goal of total world domination through a dictatorial one

world government. In this work of shocking revelations, William Guy Carr, who had a

distinguished career as a Canadian naval officer, including outstanding service during

World War II, shows how the conspiracy of atheistic-materialistic men have

manipulated world events to secure ultimate control of wealth, natural resources and

man power of the entire world” 12

Though his accounts of wartime naval experiences found a general audience, he is

best remembered today as a conspiracy theorist, “the most influential source in creating

the American Illuminati demonology”, according to the American folklorist Bill Ellis. In

the 1950s, he was the leader of the anti-Communist National Federation of Christian

Laymen of Toronto, Canada.

Two of his most important conspiracy works are: ”Pawns in the Game” and “Satan,

Prince of this world”. Commander Carr is determined to inform as many people as

possible regarding the Evil Forces which adversely affect all our lives, and the lives of

our children. Therefore, his works are such eye-openers to parents, to clergymen,

teachers, students, statesmen, politicians, and labour leaders.

A. “Pawns in the Game” Main Theories: The World Wars

One of the most lasting contributions of William Guy Carr to the contemporary

conspiracy theory was his discussion of an alleged plan for three world wars which he

believed was developed by Confederate General and 33 degrees of Masonic scholar

Albert Pike. Carr claims that Pike’s plan was as simple as it has proved effective. He

required that Communism, Nazism, Zionism and other International movements be

organized and used to foment the three global wars and three major revolutions.

The First World War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to overthrow

the powers of the Tsars in Russia and turn that country into the stronghold of Atheistic-

Communism. The differences stirred up by agenda of the Illuminati between the British

and German Empires were to be used to foment this war. After the war ended,

Communism was to be built up to destroy other governments and weaken religions.

World War Two was to be fomented by using the differences between Fascists and

Political Zionists. This war was to be fought so that Nazism would be destroyed and the

power of Political Zionism increased so that the sovereign state of Israel could be

established in Palestine. During world war two, International Communism was to be

built up until it equalled in strength that of united Christendom. At this point, it was to

be contained and kept in check until required for the final social cataclysm.

As for World War Three is to be fomented by using the differences the agenda of

the Illuminati stir up between Political Zionists and the leaders of the Moslem world.

The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the Arab World including

Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of Israel) will destroy

themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more divided against

each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of complete

exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically13.

To sum up, William Guy Carr’s conspiracy theory is focused on the role the secret

societies play in order to foment wars and revolutions all over the world. By using the

international Jewish bankers as their agents, the Grand Orient Masonry as partners in

crime, the Illuminati, a dark and secret brotherhood created by Adam Weishaupt in

Germany, in 1776, are behind most European and world revolutions. As it is mentioned

in “Pawns in the Game”, the Illuminati fomented the English revolution (1640-1660),

the French revolution (1789), they planned Napoleon’s wars as well, the American and

Russian revolutions, the Spanish civil war and the Russian-American cold war that

opposes two of their own totalitarian ideologies: communism vs capitalism, both are

parts of the dark Luciferian ideology.

The Secret Power, that refers to the Illuminati in “Pawns in the Game”, controls all

governments, monarchies, national and international institutions and the media of the

whole world. The plan required the destruction of all existing governments and

religions. This objective was to be reached by dividing the masses, whom he termed

Goyim (meaning human cattle) into opposing camps in ever increasing numbers on

political, racial, social, economic and other issues. The opposing sides were then to be

armed and an ‘incident’ provided which would cause them to fight and weaken

themselves as they destroyed National Governments and Religious Institutions 14. Carr

claims that the aim of the Secret Power is to create a one world government, one world

religion, one world totalitarian dictatorship to achieve the New World Order.

B. The Luciferian Conspiracy in “Satan, Prince of this World”

Many historians, including such outstanding students as Mrs. Nesta Helen Webster

(1876-1960) who was an English author and conspiracy theorist; Viscount Leon De

Poncins (1897-1975) who was a French catholic journalist and essayist specialized in

Judeo-Masonic conspiracy theories. Paul Copin Albancelli (1851-1939) who was a

French journalist, nationalist and conspiracy author. There is also Dom Paul Benoit

(1893-1979) who was a French Benedictrine monk, organist and music composer;

Eduard Emil Eckert (died in 1866) who was a German anti-masonic author, essayist and

lawyer; Arthur Preuss (1871-1934) who was a German-American journalist, editor and

writer. Add to this, Domenico Margiotta (born in 1858) who was an Italian freemason

and essayist; Jose Maria Caro Rodriguez (1866-1958) who was a Chilean Cardinal of the

Roman Catholic church; and many others seem to have been unable to connect the wars,

revolutions and general chaos prevailing in this world today, with the fact that the Holy

Scriptures, the inspired Word of God, tell us clearly and plainly that when God decided

to inhabit this earth of ours with humans, Satan arrived in the Garden of Eden to cause

our first parents to defect from God.

Study of the history of comparative religions proves that even the most primitive

nomads and Sephardic tribes not only believed that other worlds existed before the

“Supreme Being” created this world, but proves positively that what some of us call the

“uncivilized” tribes (who existed by hunting, fishing, and gathering wild fruits of the

Earth, before human beings began to cultivate the soil and breed animals so they could

be used for productive purposes), believed that at some time, in some place, before God

decided to create this Earth, there had been a revolution originated because one of the

creatures God created challenged His right to exercise Supreme authority over the entire


According to the Holy Scriptures, the creature who challenged the RIGHT of God

the Creator to exercise supreme authority over the entire Universe was Lucifer. Lucifer

was so named because he was and still is the brightest and most intelligent of all God’s

creatures. His name is “Prince of the Dawn,” “Holder of the Light.” He is a pure spirit.

As such he is ageless and indestructible. He has abilities and capabilities beyond the

understanding of the human brain. He uses these for selfish and evil purposes 16.

The world ruler of darkness, is the Synagogue of Satan that is basically inspired by

“the spiritual forces of wickedness on high” to put the continuing Luciferian conspiracy

into effect. Thus, we are able to understand exactly what we are up against 17. The “idea”

of a One World Government can be presented in a manner which makes it sound

reasonable, practical, even desirable. Clever agentur of Illuminati, belonging to clubs

and secret societies, serve the purpose of the Synagogue of Satan by presenting what

appear to be sound arguments in favor of a One World Government to those they can

persuade to listen.

Few members of the clubs and societies suspect that beyond the end of liberalism,

and social security that leads to a One World Government is a precipice over which we

are to be tumbled into the absolute slavery of body, mind, and soul. Generally speaking,

the majority of these One Worlders were Satanists. They ducked attending church

services. They ridiculed religion. They accepted the Freudian code of morals which

means they didn’t care what they did, or with whom they did it, provided they satisfied

their own carnal pleasures and desires. 18

In his work “Satan, Prince of this World”, William Guy Carr has figured out that

there is one only occult Supreme who is behind the evil “Occult Power” of this world.

He said :

Although I continued studying and reading it was not until

1956, AFTER Pawns and The Red Fog had been

published, that I finally realized that the Illuminati, whose

secret plot and intentions I had exposed, were controlled

AT THE TOP by the Synagogue of Satan. It wasn’t until I

was given information regarding Pike’s dual personality,

that I was able to dig up proof that the Synagogue of

Satan is controlled by the High Priests of the Luciferian

Creed. Once I had penetrated this secret it became

obvious that the wars and revolutions which plague the

world today are part and parcel of the Luciferian

conspiracy, and that ALL aspects of the World

Revolutionary Movement are part of that conspiracy.19

The Fantasy epic novel, “The Lord of the Rings”, tells a story of a battle between

good and evil, set in the fictional Middle Earth, in which a brotherhood of Humans,

Elves, Hobbits and Dwarves against a mighty force of evil, Sauron and his minions to

protect the free world from destruction and slavery. In my dissertation, I tend to

demonstrate the world conspiracy in Tolkien’s trilogy, because the story appeals to me

with its different themes, aspects and characters of conspiracy.

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was born in Bloemfontein, South Africa on January 3,

1892. He is author, poet, linguist and an internationally renowned Fantasy writer. While

teaching at Oxford University, he published the popular Fantasy trilogy “The Lord of the

Rings”. The work has had a devoted international success. After his parents died, he was

sent to live with a Catholic priest assuming guardianship in Birmingham, England.

Tolkien went on to get his first-class degree at Exeter College, specializing in

Anglo-Saxon and Germanic languages and classic literature. He also studied Greek,

Latin, Old English, Icelandic, Welsh, Finnish and he ended up creating languages on the

basis of these languages, e.g. Quenya and Sindarin used by the Elves in his stories about

Middle-Earth. The books he wrote concerning Middle-earth were originally written for

his own amusement to show how the languages he created developed during the

centuries. In 1912, he went to Oxford, where he studied language and literature in the

Department of English.

Tolkien enlisted as a lieutenant in the Lancashire Fusiliers, served in World War I,

but just after four months, he got trench fever and was sent back home. Over the years,

while working on scholarly publications, he developed the work that would come to be

regarded as his masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings series, partially inspired by ancient

European myths, with its own sets of maps, lore and languages. He released part one of

the trilogy, “The Fellowship of the Ring”, in 1954; “The Two Towers” and “The Return

of the King” followed in 1955. The Lord of the Rings is also full of magic and occultism.

There is a sorcerer king, monstrous towers, magical rings, dwarfs and Elves, trees and

rocks that talk, snakes, wolves, evil bats and spiders. Tolkien died in 1973 in England.

Tome I: The Fellowship of the Ring

The Fellowship of the Ring is the first Tome of The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Each

of the three tomes is divided into two books. There are six books in the entire trilogy.

The most important character is Frodo Baggins, a hobbit. Other important characters

belong to a group that accompanies Frodo on his quest. This group is known as the

Fellowship of the Ring and it is made of nine volunteers: Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas,

Gimli, Gandalf and four hobbits, Frodo and his three friends. Both Aragorn and Boromir

are human. The identity of the previous is known only to a few: he is the heir to the

throne of the Kingdom of Gondor that has had no King for almost a thousand years.

Boromir is the son of the Steward of Gondor, which is the title for the man who rules in

the place of the king while waiting for his return.

Gandalf the Grey and Saruman the White are from the order of Wise Wizards.

Saruman is the head of the order. Legolas is an Elf of the woodland realm of Mirkwood

and although Elves and Dwarves usually hate each other, Legolas and Gimli, who is a

dwarf, are the best friends. Gollum is a creature that had the Ring for nearly 500 years

before he lost it, and because of this he cannot live without it anymore. The story is set

in the world of Tolkien's invention, known as Middle Earth. Sauron, a specter of evil, is

the Dark Lord who lives in Mordor. He seeks to consolidate his power by reclaiming the

One Ring that he has lost. Most of his power is held in this ring.

A hobbit called Bilbo has stolen the ring from a hideous creature called Smeagol

(Gollum). Somehow, this ring ends up with Frodo, Bilbo's nephew and all of a sudden,

Frodo is at the center of this epic drama involving the ring that he knows very little

things about. Gandalf the Wizard, who knows exactly how dangerous the Ring really is,

urges Frodo to leave his home, the Shire, for his own good. Thus Frodo, accompanied

with his three best friends, Sam, Merry and Pippin, leaves on a journey full of peril as

they try to reach Rivendell, one of the last havens of the world that is now in the brink of

war; the battle between good and evil is about to begin once more.

On the way they already meet many perils and receive assistance from many people,

especially Aragorn, then known as Strider, among them. They traveled together to the

country of the Elves. At the Council of the Elf Elrond, it is decided that the ring must be

destroyed by casting it into the fires of Mount Doom, a volcano that is situated in

Mordor, the land of the Dark Lord. Thus, the Fellowship of the ring is established.

Gandalf meets his end on the Bridge of Khazad-dum, attempting to defend the

company from the monster Balrog. The group must continue without him, heading

South into Lorien, a forest of Elves. In the end, Frodo knows that he must fulfill his duty

but he does not want to endanger his friends any further. Then he decided to continue his

dangerous mission alone, but later he accepted Sam to accompany him to Mordor.

Tome II: The Two Towers

The Tome II, “The Two Towers”, is composed of Books 3 and 4, recounting the

deeds of the company after the breaking of the Fellowship of the Ring. The story begins

with the death of Boromir who has tried, unsuccessfully, to wrest the ring away from

Frodo. Merry and Pippin, two Hobbits, are kidnapped by Orcs and taken to Isengard,

while Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli are in pursuit. The Hobbits escape and meet Treebeard,

the Ent, in the forest of Fangorn. Meanwhile, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli cross paths

and meet Gandalf again, who is returned from death. With Gandalf, they advance to the

halls of King Théoden and Gandalf heals the king and rescues him from the spells of

Wormtongue, an evil counselor who is in secret league with the enemy. Saruman and

Wormtongue are trapped in the tower of Orthanc. Saruman will not repent so Gandalf

the White breaks his staff and removes him from the council of wizards.

Book Four focuses on Frodo and Sam who are lost in the somber war-torn region of

hilly Emyn Muil. The hideous creature Gollum, also called Smeagol, is spying them and

following their trail. Here in Emyn Muil, Frodo tames Gollum and Gollum becomes his

servant. He leads Frodo and Sam through the Dead Marshes until they reach the

Morannon, the Black Gate of Mordor in the North. They are unable to pass through the

gate, so Frodo accepts Gollum's advice to seek a secret entrance which is at the western

walls of Mordor in the Mountains of Shadow.

Gollum guides the two Hobbits to a secret path and they reach Cirith Ungol. Here,

Gollum betrays the Hobbits, intending to lead them to a monster called Shelob, who

would devour them. Gollum's plan is frustrated by Sam's bravery: he chases Gollum

away and wounds Shelob. Frodo is stung by Shelob and he appears dead. Sam concludes

that he must continue the quest alone and abandon his friend, but as he is about to cross

into Mordor, Sam overhears the orcs. He learns that Frodo is not dead but drugged.

Tome III: The Return of the King

The third novel begins with Gandalf and Pippin heading towards Minas Tirith

(Book Five). To keep Pippin out of further trouble, Gandalf rides with him to Minas

Tirith, the city that Sauron's armies will soon attack. They meet with Boromir's father

Denethor, the Ruling Steward of Gondor, and in gratitude for Boromir's sacrifice, Pippin

pledges his service to the steward as a Guard of the White Tower. Denethor does not

trust Gandalf, and he knows that the wizard has brought Aragorn to reclaim the throne.

His son Faramir returns to the city and reports his encounter with Frodo. Angry that his

son did not bring the Ring to Gondor, Denethor sends him back into the field to lead an

action against the oncoming army of Sauron. But he falls at the gates of his city.

The Riders of Rohan gather their forces to ride to the aid of Minas Tirith. Although

the battle for Minas Tirith has been won, the real and true victory lies with Frodo's quest.

To distract Sauron from any attempt to reach Mount Doom, and to give Frodo a chance

to accomplish his mission, Aragorn gathers all the men he can to make a last stand

outside the Gates of Mordor. The idea is to draw the Eye of Sauron away from his own

country so that he would not see the peril of losing his precious Ring until it is too late.

Their gamble is not for nothing since Gollum accidentally destroys the Ring by dropping

with it into the lava of the Doom Mountain.

All of Lord Sauron’s power and his armies are destroyed, when Sauron’s will is not

there to command them anymore. Frodo and Sam are saved by the Eagles that carry

them away before the whole mountain explodes. Aragorn is crowned king. The Hobbits

leave for home and returned to their beloved Shire. The story ends as Frodo, Bilbo,

Gandalf and a few others leave the Middle Earth to go to Valinor, the land where

nobody ever dies.


William Guy Carr “Pawns in the Games”, International Conspiracy, Introduction,
page 10/11, 2006

William Guy Carr “Pawns in the Games”, International Conspiracy, Introduction,
page 5, 2006

William Guy Carr “Satan, Prince of this World”, “The Devil, the World and the
Flesh”, page 8

William Guy Carr “Satan, Prince of this World”, “The Devil, the World and the
Flesh”, page 10

William Guy Carr “Satan, Prince of this World”, “Satanism before and after the
advent of the Christ”, page 38

William Guy Carr “Satan, Prince of this World”, “How the Synagogue of Satan
Works in High Places”, page 55

William Guy Carr “Satan, Prince of this World”, “How the Synagogue of Satan
Works in High Places”, page 57


Two conspiracy theories are applied in this dissertation: the theory of war in

chapter one and the Luciferian doctrine in chapter two. Both are the works of William

Guy Carr. Some Tolkien characters are assimilated to different historical figures

mentioned in William Guy Carr’s works. Occultism, symbolism and esotericism are the

main themes that I have found in this dissertation.

Thus, Lord Saruman is sometimes represented as Adolf Hitler, Mussolini, Adam

Weishaupt, sometimes as the international Jewish bankers, it depends on the context in

the story. The Orcs are represented as the German Aryan race, while Mordor is

assimilated to Nazi Germany, Sauron is both Satan and the Illuminati, Wormtongue is

an Illuminati agent, while Helm’s Deep is the Jewish home refuge in Palestine. Barad-

Dur reflects the Synagogue of Satan. On the top of Dark Tower is the All-Seing-Eye of

Lucifer that influences the owner of the ring and put it under its control.

In another hand, one of the most important results in this dissertation is the concept

of “Good” Magic used by the Elves and the “Bad” Magic used by Sauron to influence

over the ring of power, as well as Lucifer influences the mind of the humans.

Chapter I: “War Conspiracy theory” in J.R.R Tolkien's

Trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”

The Lord of the Rings is a big allegory for World War I and World War II. The

focus in this chapter will be on the exploration of war conspiracy theory in Tolkien’s

Fantasy Trilogy, basing on William Guy Carr’s view through his work “Pawns in the

Game”. I will discuss the similarities between the events in the novel and World War I,

World War II and demonstrate Tolkien’s influence over the two wars.

Mordor, Tolkien’s “Germany” in the Lord of the Rings

I start my analysis of War Theory in “The Lord of the Rings” with Albert Pike’s

plan of world wars that he has fomented in the 19th century to destroy Europe and

establish the New World Order. Pike (1809-1881) was an American soldier, writer,

attorney and 33 degree of Freemasonry (the highest degree, members of the Scottish

Rite can be elected to receive the 33° by the Supreme Council). He says:

Most of his work was done in the 13 room mansion, he

built in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1840.
When the Illuminati, and the lodges of the Grand Orient,
became suspect, because of Mazzini’s
revolutionary activities in Europe, Pike organized the
New and Reformed Palladian Rite. He
established three supreme councils; one in Charleston,
S.C., another in Rome, Italy and another
in Berlin, Germany. He had Mazzini establish twenty
three subordinate councils in strategic
locations throughout the world. These have been the
secret headquarters of the world
revolutionary movement ever since. Long before Marconi
invented wireless (Radio), the

scientists who were of the Illuminati had made it possible
for Pike and the Heads of his councils
to communicate secretly. It was the discovery of this
secret that enabled intelligence officers to
understand how apparently unrelated ‘incidents’ took
place simultaneously throughout the
world which aggravated a situation and developed into a
war or revolution.
Pike’s plan was as simple as it has proved effective. He
required that Communism, Naziism,
Political Zionism, and other International movements be
organized and used to foment the three
global wars and three major revolutions. The First World
War was to be fought so as to enable the Illuminati to
overthrow the powers of the Tzars in Russia and turn that
country into the stronghold of Atheistic-Communism. The
differences stirred up by agentur of the Illuminati between
the British and German Empires were to be used to
foment this war. After the war ended, Communism was to
be built up and used to destroy other governments and
weaken religions.

He also says:

World War Two was to be fomented by using the

differences between Fascists and Political Zionists. This
war was to be fought so that Nazism would be destroyed
and the power of Political Zionism increased so that the
sovereign state of Israel could be established in Palestine.
During world war two International Communism was to
be built up until it equalled in strength that of united
Christendom. At this point it was to be contained and kept
in check until required for the final social cataclys19.

After the First World War, Germany was defeated by the group of England, France,

Russia and the other allied forces with the help of the United States of America. The

Allied Forces made Germany sign the Treaty of Versailles, which was harsh and

limiting Germany in many aspects and in a way it was suspending the country. The

treaty had extreme limitations that made Germany explode later and caused the Second

World War, but it never completely destroyed the country.

This is similar to the case of Sauron, in The Lord of the Rings, and his evil minions

who were defeated in the Second Age by the coalition that was formed between the

Elves and Men. Sauron and the ring had no more power but they were never completely

destroyed, just like post-war Germany. Both Germany and Mordor recovered, leading

the whole world to destruction. One of the similarities between World War II and the

events that are going on in the Third Age of Middle-Earth is the presence of an evil

power in both sides. In fact, Mordor is assimilated by the author to Nazi Germany.

Sauron is assimilated to the leader of Nazi Germany, Hitler. The Orcs are assimilated to

the atrocious Nazi soldiers, while Saruman is assimilated to the Italian Fascist leader,

Mussolini, Hitler’s acolyte in crime.

Both Hitler and Mussolini claimed that the only way to establish peace in the world

was by military conquest. That reminds us of the evil armies of Sauron coming from

Mordor and Saruman coming from Isengard, marching together towards Helm’s Deep,

the great stronghold of Rohan (Tome II : The Two Towers). The parallels that are drawn

between Adolf Hitler and Lord Sauron is that the first one wanted to wipe out everyone

who wasn't part of his Aryan race, while the second one wants everyone to follow him

and to worship him.

The Aryan German Race and the Superior Orc Race

There is another similarity between the Nazis and the Orcs in the Novel. The word

Orc means “Demon” in Old English. Hitler was obsessed with the creation of an Aryan

race and encouraged a multitude of genetic experiments, mostly on concentration camp.

The Nazis launched a campaign to sell their Pagan ideology to the German people.

W.G. Carr says about the Nazis:

They launched a campaign to sell their Aryan Pagan

ideology to the German people.

They taught the superiority of the Aryan Race. They

advocated war to establish the undisputed supremacy of
the Aryan State. They made it a fundamental principle
that all men and women of Aryan blood should give
unlimited obedience to the Head of the Aryan State and
acknowledge no mortal as above him. This campaign was
attributed to Hitler, and the anti-Fascist press throughout
the world cried to high heaven that Hitler was a pagan,

and a Black-shirted totalitarian-minded Nazi War Lord.

Thus started the clashes between both Catholic and

Protestant clergy and the state. The clergy condemned the
Nazi ideology on the grounds that
those who preached it were preaching the deification of
The Nazi leaders charged that both Catholic and
Protestant clergy were breaking the laws and
defying the authority of the state. The Roman Catholic
and Protestant bishops replied by stating
the extreme Nazi doctrines were antagonistic and
contrary to the Divine Plan of Creation. The
Nazi leaders countered with the argument that the Church
had no right to interfere in matters of
Hitler tried to pacify the clergy by banning the Grand
Orient Lodges which were known to be
the headquarters of the Aryan extremists throughout
Germany. The Nazi leaders rendered this
step abortive changing them over to “Orders of German
Hitler, in order to maintain a united front against
Communism, tried to pacify the Nazis by
issuing an edict that any clergyman preaching against the
laws of the state, or questioning its
supremacy, would be subjected to the full process of the
law and, if found guilty, would suffer
the penalties provided for such ‘crimes’.20

Similarly, in The Lord of the Rings trilogy, the Lord Saruman conducts genetic

experiments in order to create Orcs of the white hand very powerful and better fighters.

They are the slaves of Saruman the Magician and also the Lord Sauron. They were Elves

once, taken by the Dark Powers. They were corrupted, cruelly tortured and mutilated by

Morgoth, a semi-god fallen into evil. These new strong creatures coming from eastern

Middle Earth are much feared, there are countless companies of gruesome men of a new

sort. It can be argued that due to the fact that Lord Saruman is occupied with genetic

manipulation, it is possible to interpret his character as a metaphorical symbol for Nazi

scientists, for example Dr Joseph Mengele, who were obsessed with the thought of

creating powerful forces to carry out the aims of the higher power. Thus, the Uruk-Hai

(sort of Orcs) can be compared to the SS whose function was to ensure the success of

Adolf Hitler who claimed that the German people were descendants from a great race

called the Aryans. These latter are supposed to be tall, strong, noble slender and athletics

with blue eyes and blond hair.

In the novel, the Riders of Rohan match this description, they were “tall and long-

limbed; their hair, flaxen–pale, flowed under their light helms, and streamed in long

braids behind 28 them; their faces were stern and keen” (Chapter II: Page29). The

people of Rohan are worshipped and according to Faramir they are “tall men and fair

women, valiant both alike, golden-haired, bright-eyed, and strong, they remind us of the

youth of Men, as they were in the Elder Days” (Chapter II: Page 355). Also the guards of

king Théoden are depicted as Aryan-like: “Their golden hair was braided on their

shoulders; the sun was blazoned upon their green shields, their long corslets were

burnished bright, and when they rose taller they seemed than mortal men” (Chapter II:

Page 133). A Prince Imrahil is mentioned and he was “of high blood, and his folks also,

tall men and proud with sea-grey eyes” (Chapter III: Page 10). Also Éowyn, Lady of

Rohan is Aryan-like in her appearance: “Very fair was her face, and her hair was like a

river of gold. Slender and tall she was in her white robe girt with silver; but strong she

seemed and stern as steel, a daughter of kings” (Chapter II: Page 140). It is interesting to

note that when the war of the rings is over a kind of paradise-like time comes, and new

fair children were born: “All the children born or begotten in that year, and there were

many, were fair to see and strong, and most of them has a rich golden hair that had

before been rare among hobbits” (Chapter III: Page 368).

Parallels can be drawn between the hierarchical world of Middle-earth and Nazi-

Germany which placed the white Aryan at the top with Jews, gypsies and homosexuals

at the bottom. Regarding the world of Middle-earth elves, men and hobbits are at the top

while trolls, monsters and orcs are at the bottom. However, all beings in this world have

different qualities and the description of them is utterly stereotypical. The elves are

considered the fairest and wisest of all beings, much like the Aryans. Furthermore, they

are immortal, in tune with nature and have often a gift of foresight. They do not get on

very well with the dwarves who might represent the Jews in relation to the Aryan

ideology. However, not only the Aryan ideology made a scapegoat of the Jews. In fact,

stereotypes and prejudice of the Jewish creed still occurs

Saruman and Mussolini

The Alliance between Hitler and Mussolini during World War II has given birth to

the third Roman-German Empire, the Reich III. The two Nazi and Fascist leaders aimed

to dominate all Europe and the entire world as well. When Hitler and Mussolini first

rose to power they advocated the moderate Fascist policy which demanded that the

wrongs done their countries be rectified; that they contain communism; and curb the

powers of the Illuminati who controlled finance and industry. But as time went on, both

Hitler and Mussolini came under the influence of the leaders of the hard core of Nazi

War Lords who claimed the only way to establish a permanent peace in the world was

by military conquest. The immediate plans of the War Lords were to first, defeat the

Stalin-controlled Empire, wipe out Communism in Europe, invade Britain and France;

invade and conquer the United States. Japan was to invade the west coast of Mexico in

the South. Germany was to invade Canada by air in the North and the German-Italian

forces were to jump the Atlantic from Africa, attack the U.S.A from South America and

the Gulf of Mexico22.

However, in the end of war, Hitler and Mussolini are defeated by the Allies (the

United States, United Kingdom and the Soviet Union), their global domination plan has

failed. In The Lord of the Rings trilogy, Saruman, at first well intentioned, succumbs to

the authority of Sauron and uses his powers to wage war on Men of Rohan. Saruman is

the leader of the Istari, wizards sent by Elves to Middle-Earth in human form. He is sent

to fight the great evil Sauron, but he is corrupted by the power and, therefore, becomes a

puppet of the stronger Sauron. Saruman burns trees in his headquarters in Isengard and

creates a strong army of Orcs, wolves and wages war on Rohan. However, his glory is

short lived as his army is defeated by the riders of Rohan, and Isengard is destroyed by

the Ents led by two brave Hobbits from the Shire, Merry and Pippin. Unfortunately, his

plan of domination over Rohan and the entire Middle Earth has failed. Later, the Lord of

Darkness, Sauron, is defeated by Men and lost all his territories. His dark city in the

depth of Mordor is eradicated after the destruction of the ring of power in the Mont of

Doom by Frodo.

Palestine and the Helm’s Deep

During World War I, the Jews were persecuted in almost all the Europe. This was

due to the existence of a large concentration of Jews within the European countries,

living in small communities. The success of Jewish leaders in influencing the policies of

major powers during the war deepened the hostile attitudes towards the Jews in general,

particularly in Germany and Eastern Europe. The racist Nazi believed that they were

extremely dangerous, and therefore, they had to be executed.

In 1914, the war on the Eastern front between Russia in a side, Germany in another

side, was conducted on territories that were home to almost four million Jews. Under the

Russian rule, the Jews were suspected of collaboration with the enemy, and 600,000 of

them were banished from the front by the czarist army. The Jews were also blamed by

many for the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917. Almost 100,000 of Jews were killed in the

anti‑Bolshevik campaigns in Russia. By consequence, once the war was over, hundreds

of thousands of Jewish refugees began leaving Europe. They have created the Zionist

Movement by Benjamin Theodore Herzland the “Committee for the East”, preparing

their immigration movement to Palestine.

On July 18th, 1917, Lord Rothschild wrote Mr. Balfour as follows:

Dear Mr. Balfour:

At last I am able to send you the formula you asked for. If

His Majesty’s government will send me a message in line
with this formula, and they and you approve it, I will hand
it to the Zionist Federation at a meeting to be called for
that purpose.

The draft declaration was as follows:

His Majesty’s government accepts the principle that

PALESTINE should be reconstituted as a national home
for the Jewish people.”“His Majesty’s government will
use its best endeavours to secure the achievement of this
object, and will discuss the necessary methods and means
with the Zionist organization.22

In the Book Three of Tolkien’s trilogy, chapter 7, “The Two Towers”, the Rohan

refugees to the Helm’s Deep reminds us of the Jewish refugees during the Great War in

Europe. The Power of Isengard stretches across most of Rohan, with the Wild Men and

Orcs acting as rulers under Saruman’s (Fascist) lordship, and the remaining vanquished

Eorlingas (people of Rohan) as slaves in the fields.

Determined to save his people from Saruman, Theoden, the King of Rohan, sends

the Eorlingas to the mountain fortress of the Hornburg, in the green valley of Helm's

Deep (Northern Gondor) where many people from Westfold were also taking refuge.

Thus, thousands of people from Rohan, men, women and children, flee Saruman’s

massacres and his cruel army constituted of Orcs and wild Men. They abandoned their

homes, their villages and lands to become refugees on the Eorling Marches.

This is similar to the millions of European Jews who fled the Old Continent to find a

refuge in Palestine after World War I massacres and also after the Jewish historical

Holocaust during the World War II. King Theoden is assimilated to Lord Rothschild

who asked the British Majesty’s government to accept the principle that Palestine should

be a “National Home” for the Jewish European refugees. Therefore, the Helm’s Deep is,

in parallel, the “Palestinian” National Home for people of Rohan.

The Secret Power Behind the Wars in Middle Earth

William Guy Carr, in his work “Pawns in the Game”, has defined what he calls

“The Secret Power” as being a dark international organisation under the name of

“Illuminati”, founded in Bavaria, Germany, in 1776. The Illuminati work behind the

scenes in a perfect discretion. This secret society controls all governments using the

International Jewish Bankers who put the economy of every country under their mercy.

The Secret Power of the Illuminati has planned a global control over the world since

1776. They have fomented every revolution and war in Europe, including the English

Revolution, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution and the two World Wars.

According to Carr’s conspiracy theory, the World War Three is being fomented in the

East and in the Middle East. The war is to be directed in such a manner that Islam (the

Arab World including Mohammedanism) and Political Zionism (including the State of

Israel) will destroy themselves while at the same time the remaining nations, once more

divided against each other on this issue, will be forced to fight themselves into a state of

complete exhaustion physically, mentally, spiritually and economically.

Albert Pike (Boston 1809- Washington 1891), in a lecture given to the Masonic

Grand Orient Lodge of Paris, said:

Under our influence, the execution of the laws of the

Goyim has been reduced to a minimum. The prestige of
the law has been exploded by the liberal interpretations
introduced into this sphere. In the most important and
fundamental affairs and questions judges decide as we
dictate to them: see matters in the light where with we
enfold them for the administration of the Goyim, of
course through persons who are our tools though we do
not appear to have anything in common with them. Even
Senators and the higher administration accept our

The quotation above argues that “The Secret Power” controls the Goyim (the rest of

Humans that are not members of the Jewish Illuminati race) and almost all governors in

the world are under their Order. They are just tools, dolls, or simply pawns in the game.

The Secret Power in The Lord of the Rings is presented by the main character of the

Trilogy, Lord Sauron. In fact, Sauron is the lord of the nine rings of power forged in the

Mount of Doom in Mordor. Although he is the responsable of all wars against Gondor

and the Humans in the Middle Earth, Sauron remains a hidden character in the Novel.

He increases his dark power of Mordor over the Middle Earth in a total secrecy.

The Great Eye of Sauron, the Lord of Darkness, keeps watching over all the Middle-

Earth. He has control over almost everything around him. He corrupted and brainwashed

Saruman, the Lord of Isengard. He manipulated the Men in the East and the South in

order to join him against the army of the West. He also enslaved the Easterlings,

Haradrim and Corsairs using his power of domination, the Nazgûl and his other minions

as kings. He wanted to rule over the “Goyim”, over Men, Elves and Dwarves. Many of

them surrounded to him. In the Book 4 of the Trilogy, chapter 10: “The Voice of

Saruman”, Gandalf says about Saruman:

“I have now a last task to do before I go: I must pay

Saruman a farewell visit. Dangerous, and probably

useless; but it must be done. Those of you who wish

may come with me – but beware! And do not jest!

This is not the time for it.”

Peppin asks him:

“What’s the danger? Will he shoot at us, and pour fire
out of the windows; or can he put a spell on us from a

Gandalf replies:

“The last is most likely, if you ride to his door with a light
heart. But there is no knowing what he can do, or may
choose to try. A wild beast cornered is not safe to
approach. And Saruman has powers you do not guess.
Beware of his voice! 24”

Theoden, king of Rohan, fell under Saruman's spell, Saruman's spell was his Voice.

Mind-affecting abilities are the most common in Tolkien's trilogy. Wormtongue was an

agent, Saruman’s spy in Rohan. Saruman works for Sauron. Of course, Sauron manages

to corrupt Saruman and drive Theoden to despair through manipulation.

Suddenly another voice spoke, low and melodious, its

very sound an enchantment. Those who listened unwarily

to that voice could seldom report the words that they

heard; and if they did, they wondered, for little power

remained in them. Mostly they remembered only that it

was a delight to hear the voice speaking, all that it said

seemed wise and reasonable, and desire awoke in them by

swift agreement to seem wise themselves. When others

spoke they seemed harsh and uncouth by contrast; and if

they gainsaid the voice, anger was kindled in the hearts of

those under the spell. For some the spell lasted only while

the voice spoke to them, and when it spoke to another they

smiled, as men do who see through a juggler’s trick while

others gape at it. For many the sound of the voice alone

was enough to hold them enthralled; but for those whom

it conquered the spell endured when they were far away,

and ever they heard that soft voice whispering and urging

them. But none were unmoved; none rejected its pleas and

its commands without an effort of mind and will, so long

as its master had control of it.25

In the chapter “The voice of Saruman”, the King of Rohan is basically assimilated to

the corrupted governors, especially in Europe during World Wars I and World War II.

These governors have been manipulated by the International Jewish Bankers and also

the Illuminati secret organisation through the power and they money they provided

them. Hence, Lord Saruman is assimilated to the Bankers, while Sauron is assimilated to

the Illuminati. As for Wormtongue, he is an allegory; referring to the Illuminati secret

agents that were infiltrated in almost every government in the world to foment wars and

revolutions. Therefore, the three evil characters represent “The Secret Power”.


The chapter One: “War conspiracy theory” connects some historical leaders and

places during World War II to some characters and fictional places from Tolkien’s

trilogy, The Lord of the Rings, basing on William Carr’s theory : Pawns in the Game.

Mordor, the kingdom of Darkness in the novel, is assimilated to the evil Nazi Germany.

Helm’s Deep, that was the refuge of Rohan’s people, is compared to Palestine, the home

refuge for thousands of Jewish families during and after the World War II.

Moreover, Saruman, the evil white wizard, lord of Isengard, symbolizes both the

Nazi and fascist leaders, Hitler and Mussolini, while the frightful Orcs represent the

German Aryan race. Saruman is also assimilated to the international Jewish Bankers.

Sauron, his demonic Master, the lord of Mordor, reflects the power of the Illuminati,

while his perfidious server, Wormtongue, is an Illuminati agent in the story. The three

antagonist characters represent “The Secret Power” in The Lord of the Rings.


William Guy Carr “Pawns in the Games”, International Conspiracy, Introduction,
page 10/11, 2006

William Guy Carr “Pawns in the Games”, Chapter Sixteen, The Events Leading Up to
World War Two, page 166, 2006

William Guy Carr “Pawns in the Games”, Chapter Sixteen, The Events Leading Up to
World War Two, page 162, 2006

William Guy Carr “Pawns in the Games”, Chapter Sixteen, The Events Leading Up to
World War Two, page 98, 2006

William Guy Carr “Pawns in the Games”, Chapter Nine, Political Intrigue 1914-1919,
page 99, 2006

The Lord of the Rings, Book III, Chapter 10 “The Voice of Saruman”.


Chapter II: “The Luciferian Conspiracy” in J.R.R Tolkien’s

Trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”

The focus in this chapter will be on the exploration of the Luciferian conspiracy

theory in Tolkien’s Fantasy Trilogy, basing on William Guy Carr’s view in his work:

“Satan, Prince of this World”. I will argue that Tolkien was an eye-opener, inspired by

the dark side of the Evil Forces and secret societies, even though he was devout catholic.

My discussion deals with different concepts that are, basically: occultism, Satanism and

also Christianism, all involved in Tolkien’s trilogy: The Lord of the Rings.

Tolkien and the Luciferian Doctrine

William Guy Carr considers Luciferianism as an evil doctrine that goes against the

principles of Christianism and God’s will on Earth. According to him, what is darkness

for the Luciferians is light for Lord. What is light for the Luciferians is in fact darkness.

They believe that Satanism is a heresy and the true religion is the belief in Lucifer, god

of Light, struggling for humanity against Adonay (God of Christians), Lord of Darkness.

Carr claims that the Luciferian Dogma teaches the contrary of what the Holy Bible

teaches to the Christians since many centuries. At this point, he says:

It teaches ‘inversion’ of the Commandments of God. It

teaches the exact opposite to what the Holy Scriptures tell
was God’s plan for the rule of the Universe before Lucifer
led die Heavenly revolt. How do we know this statement
to be the TRUTH? 25

J.R.R Tolkien involved the concept of the Luciferian doctrine in his Fantasy trilogy

through, mainly, his evil character Sauron. Sauron is mostly assimilated to Satan, he

represents Lucifer who wants to enslave all the creatures, Elves, Dwarves and Humans

by struggling against Illuvatar ( mostly assimilated to the God of Christians by Tolkien).

Another similarity, Sauron, like Lucifer, is not able of material creation in Middle Earth.

Both are the embodiment of all evil, often associated with fire and power of darkness.

What is Hell in the Bible is actually Mordor in The Lord of the Rings.

In another concept, William Guy Carr believes that those who direct the Luciferian

Conspiracy are able to hold the control over people in high places in politics and

religion. It means they accept to sell their souls to Lucifer in order to share with him the

power on Earth. This is evoked by Tolkien in two of his most important antagonists:

Sauron and Saruman. In fact, Sauron, the Lord of Isengard, was the Head of both the

wizards and the White Council, a league of all those who opposed to the Lord Sauron.

Initially, Lord Saruman was a good character. But his deep study of the One Ring of

Power and also Sauron’s great magic corrupted his spirit. Then, he betrayed the White

Council’s mission and advocated an alliance with his old enemy Sauron. He betrayed

everyone in an attempt to save himself. He feared Sauron and thought that the Dark Lord

would eventually destroy all who opposed him in Middle Earth.

In the opposite side, Sauron used both promises and threats when dealing with

Saruman in order to convince him to join his Dark Power and become his ally. That’s

the way Lucifer behaves in dealing with people in high places in politics and religion in

order to join his evil conspiracy, his plan to rule the world against God’s will on Earth.

The influence of Lucifer over the Ring of Power

In his: “Satan, Prince of this World”, William Guy Carr claims that Satan, the Lord

of Darkness, is the spiritual incarnation of the celestial Evil Angel Lucifer. He says:

When Lucifer, working through one of his Princes of

Darkness, whom we have named Satan, caused our first
parents, Adam and Eve, to defect from God, they and their
progeny automatically belonged to Lucifer and remained
children of the flesh until they, of their own will and
accord, prove they desire to re-establish their Satan
friendship with God by being born again spiritually.26

In his description of Lucifer, Carr also claims:

Lucifer was so named because he was and still is the
brightest and most intelligent of all God’s creatures. His
name is “Prince of the Dawn,” “Holder of the Light.”He
is a pure spirit. As such he is ageless and indestructible.
He has abilities and capabilities beyond the
understanding of the human brain. He uses these for
selfish and evil purposes.27

Carr explains the concept of Satan who is concerned with the evil control of every

human mind on Earth. The purpose of Satan is to corrupt all the Human Beings by

attracting them, seducing them, by making them sell their souls for money and

materialism. This concept reminds us of the influence of the Ring of Power over

Gollum’s spirit, also Boromir, Frodo, Bilbo, the nine Nazgûl and many other characters

in Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.

All these characters become extremely possessive of the ring and do all their best to

maintain ownership of it. Actually, the ring of power is trying to get back to its master.

If its current possessor wants to keep it forever, it’s going to hinder the ability of it to

return to the Lord Sauron. Therefore, Sauron influences indirectly the possessor of the

“One Ring of Power” using his evil supernatural powers. To be more explicit, I quote

the conversation between Gandalf and Frodo, from the second chapter of the book one:

“The Shadow of the Past”. Gandalf says:

A Ring of Power looks after itself, Frodo. It may slip off

treacherously, but its keeper never abandons it. At most
he plays with the idea of handing it on to someone else’s
care – and that only at an early stage, when it first begins
to grip 28.

Gandalf also says:

There was more than one power at work, Frodo. The Ring
was trying to get back to its master 29.

The quotations above argue that the “One Ring” is a device of power, and power is

its only means of influencing and manipulating the mind of people. The Ring inspires

the person who bears it to become pathologically possessive of it, because it has a better

chance of being found by its evil Master if someone has it. But then, as soon as the Ring

realizes that its current keeper is no longer useful to its goal of returning to Lord Sauron,

it abandons him and finds its way to a new keeper. The author of the trilogy, in his

epigraph to “The Lord of the Ring”, says:

Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky. Seven for
the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone. Nine for Mortal
Men doomed to die. One for the Dark Lord on his Dark
throne. In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One Ring to rule them all. One Ring to find them all. One
Ring to bring them all and in the Darkness bind them. In
the Land of Mordor when Shodows lie.30

Thus, more powerful possessors of the ring are likely to become corrupted by the

Ring of Power, and then try to use that power to rule the world. This will draw the

attention of Sauron, the Lord of Darkness, and the ring will eventually betray whoever

possesses it. In this concept, the ring represents the materialistic power offered by Satan

in order to seduce all the Humans looking for money and wealth.

The Power of Magic

In his famous trilogy, J.R.R. Tolkien may think that there are two kinds of magic: a

“Good” one and an ”Evil” one, although he was a pure and devout Catholic believer.

Thus, in his writings, he suggests that good magic is of the Elven kind where they

glorify the world for beauty and art. He calls this: “Enchantment” more precisely. The

magic of the Elves, or their “Enchantment”, is one that does not desire to manipulate the

Middle Earth for power and domination.

In order to better explain this kind of Elven magic called Enchantment, I will clarify

by quoting a passage (from the chapter “Many Meetings”, The Fellowship of the Ring)

in which Frodo, held in a spell, encounters the beauty of music at Rivendell, an Elven

realm in Middle Earth. Here what the author says:

At first the beauty of the melodies and of the interwoven

words in elven-tongues, even though he understood them
little, held him in a spell, as soon as he began to attend to
them. Almost it seemed that the words took shape, and
visions of far lands and bright things that he had never yet
imagined opened out before him; and the fire lit hall
became like a golden mist above the seas of foam that
sighed upon the margins of the world. Then the
enchantment became more and more dreamlike, until he
felt that an endless river of swelling gold and silver was
flowing over him, too multitudinous for its pattern to be
comprehended; it became part of the throbbing air about
him, and it drenched and drowned him. Swiftly he sank
under its shining weight into a deep realm of sleep.31

This kind of “Good” magic is different from that of “Bad” magic in that it is the

surrender of the soul to the art and to the pure beauty of nature. By contrast, the “Bad”

magic is directed by the enemy of the Elves and Humans toward the nature by power.

Indeed, the magic of the wizards and sorcerers in The Lord of the Rings is one that seeks

to change the world around them for their own purposes (mostly for evil purposes) and

is inherently a magic of power.

For the Christians, it is believed that the only magic in the primary world is that of

the Devil and is used in the Occult religion like Satanism. The Christians actively

condemn any form of magic as satanic, holding that it opens the way for demonic

paranormal possession. Anyone who casts spells, anyone who consults the dead or the

supernatural Spirits, anyone who deals with such practices is a dangerous sinner and is

despised by the God and by the Christ. At this point, William Guy Carr in “Satan,

Prince of this World”, claims that for the Catholic Doctrine, Magic, Witchcraft and

Satanism are all connected together and they are all evil. He says:

The Bull “Summis Desiderantes” of Pope Innocent VIII

issued December 6, 1484, was for a long time considered
to be the papal declaration of war against witchcraft,
which is only another word for Satanism. Why the
ordained ministers of the Christian religions won’t call a
spade a spade when dealing with Satanism, and its
ultimate purpose, is difficult to understand. Is it that they
too are controlled AT THE TOP by Satanists who insist
that they use the words “witchcraft” and “Sorcerers”?
But when we study thoroughly what this Pope said, we
find he added nothing new to the subject of Satanism. He
certainly made no dogmatic ruling. I am supported in this
opinion by Emile Brouette in his “Sixteenth Century and
Satanism,” and a dozen other Catholic priests and
authors. This papal Bull first recalls that the care of souls
ought to be the ceaseless concern of pastors. The Pope
expresses his sorrow that neglect on the part of pastors
caused many of the faithful in the dioceses of the Rhine to
defect from their religion and accept Satanism, including
carnal relations with devils. The second part treats with
witchcraft in detail; the third part authorizes the
inquisitors, Sprenger and Institoris, to prosecute
offenders with “the rigours of ecclesiastical justice. 32

Thus, both William Guy Carr and J.R.R Tolkien believe that Magic is basically

”Bad”, used for evil purpose. Both of them condemn it in their views. However, Tolkien,

in his fiction, thinks that there is “Good” Magic which is legally used by good guys in

order to struggle the Darkness. He calls it: “Enchantment”.

Occultism in the Trilogy

The theorist William Guy Carr thinks that the Luciferian Conspiracy is secretly

financed by the International Bankers such as the House of Rothschild. These Bankers

are initiated to the Secret Societies, or “Secret Power” that rule the World behind the

scenes. One of these shadowy international Organisations are the Illuminati of Bavaria.

William. G. Carr, about Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati Order, says:

Weishaupt organized the Illuminati to put his revised

version of the conspiracy into effect. He also established
the lodges of Grand Orient Masonry to be the secret
headquarters of the Illuminati. When members of the
Illuminati infiltrated into other secret organizations,
including Continental or Blue Freemasonry, they
organized their own secret society within the lodges of the
secret society into which they infiltrated.33

Carr also suggests that Adam Weishaupt was retained by the Bankers to revise and

modernise the age old conspiracy to bring about a “One World Government”. In May 1,

1776 he finished the revision and gave the name of “Illuminati” to those selected to

direct the Luciferian Conspiracy and control the World. The dark hand of the Illuminati

is obviously present within Tolkien’s Fantasy trilogy ”The Lord of the Rings”. Saruman

is Tolkien’s “Adam Weishaupt” who organized the great army of Sauron, essentially

constituted of the Orcs (Illuminati soldiers) in Book Three and Book Four. One of the

main methods the Illuminati use to establish their ultimate goal is to reprogram people to

use as slaves. Apparently, the use of rings is a part of this controlling process. In fact, in

the ritual of the Illuminati Brotherhood, rings are used to signify what the activity

Satan’s slave is doing, what rank, level they are in the occult.

In The Lord of the Rings, Sauron is the lord of the rings and also the main character

in the trilogy, whereas the heroes and the good guys are labelled fellowship of the ring.

They depend of the ring that symbolises slavery for the Illuminati. In addition to this, the

Great Eye of Sauron, symbol of power and fear, represents the Eye of Horus. Horus is an

old Egyptian divinity. He is the son of the goddess Isis and the god Osiris. After Osiris

was murdered by his brother Seth, Horus fought with Seth for the throne of Egypt. In

this battle, Horus lost one of his eyes. The eye was restored to him and then it became a

symbol of protection for the ancient Egyptians. After this battle, Horus was chosen to be

the ruler of the world of the living.

The Eye of Horus is also called the “All-Seeing-Eye” or the “Eye of Providence”,

one of the most esoteric and sacred Illuminati Symbols. In The Lord of the Rings, the

Eye of Sauron is on the top of his Dark Tower in Mordor, in the same way that the Eye

of Horus is on the top of Illuminati Pyramid or Triangle. The Dark Tower, also known

under the name of “Barad-Dur”, was Sauron's primary fortress in Mordor, serving as his

base of operations in the Middle Earth during the Second and Third Ages. It was held by

dark magic and was the greatest fortress in all the Middle-earth of its time. It was

originally built in the Second Age and leveled after Sauron's defeat in the War of the

Last Alliance between the Men and the Elves.

Sauron rebuilt his Barad-Dur during the Third Age as he regained his power, but the

Tower was forever destroyed immediately following the destruction of the “One Ring”,

as it was constructed and held together using the Ring's dark magic. Barad-Dur, the Dark

Tower of Sauron in Middle Earth, represents “The Synagogue of Satan” that is discussed

by W. Carr in his: “Satan, Prince of this World”. Carr suggests that the Synagogue of

Satan is so powerful that even the strongest Secret Society is under its control. He says:

I finally realized that the Illuminati, whose secret plot and

intentions I had exposed, were controlled AT THE TOP
by the Synagogue of Satan. It wasn’t until I was given
information regarding Pike’s dual personality, that I was
able to dig up proof that the Synagogue of Satan is
controlled by the High Priests of the Luciferian Creed.
Once I had penetrated this secret it became obvious that
the wars and revolutions which plague the world today
are part and parcel of the Luciferian conspiracy, and that
ALL aspects of the World Revolutionary Movement are
part of that conspiracy34.

He also says:

Then a strange thing happened. I was lying flat on my

back on a fracture board. I had read everything within
reach; I was tired thinking; I was bored. Then a thought
entered my mind. I had read all the history 1 could get my
hands on except BIBLE HISTORY I asked for a Bible and
a King James version was brought to me. I glanced
through the pages wondering if I had the will power and
intestinal fortitude to wade through such an imposing
volume. Then, after I had read a verse which threw light
on present day conditions another thought entered my
mind: “why don’t you use the Bible as a yardstick to
measure the correctness of the TRUTH or ERROR in the
evidence you have gathered and particularly as regards
the projections you are going to make, and the
conclusions you are going to draw?” That seemed a
really good idea. It would save me the time it would have
required to read both the Old and the New Testaments.
From then on I used the Bible, the inspired word of God,
to help me separate the wheat
from the chaff as I browsed through the evidence which
filled several trunks and filing cabinetsIbid


In chapter Two:” The Luciferian conspiracy in J.R.R Tolkien’s trilogy: The Lord of

the Rings”, I exposed William Guy Carr’s theory about Satanism and its influence over

Tolkien's literary work. The discussion is mainly about the impact of Lucifer in the

trilogy who is assimilated to Lord Sauron; and how the owners of the Ring became

mentally slaves of its supernatural power.

However, the author of the trilogy thinks that there is “Good Magic”, called

“Enchantment”, which is used by the Elves to admire the beauty of the nature. Saruman

in this chapter is assimilated to Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Illuminati secret

society. The “One-Seeing-Eye” on the top of the Dark Tower in the story is assimilated

to the Eye of Satan, while Sauron’s Barad-Dur tower is assimilated to the Synagogue of

Satan. Chapter Two emphasized on the moral and spiritual side of the novel through

William Guy Carr conspiracy theory: “Satan, Prince of this World”.


William Guy Carr “Satan, Prince of this World”, The Devil, The World And The
Flesh, page 8

William Guy Carr “Satan, Prince of this World”, The Devil, The World And The
Flesh, page 10


J.R.R. Tolkien “The Lord of the Rings”, The Fellowship of the Ring, The Shadow of
the Past, page 55


J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring, Epigraph, page 4

J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring, Many Meetings, page 233

William Guy Carr “Satan, Prince of this World”, The Devil, The Luciferian Doctrine,
page 32.

William Guy Carr “Satan, Prince of this World”, Secret Societies and Submersive
Movements, page 42.

William Guy Carr “Satan, Prince of this World”, How the Synagogue of Satan Works
in High Places, page 57.

General Conclusion

The aim of my dissertation has been to study the literary conspiracy theory in J.R.R

Tolkien’s trilogy “The Lord of the Rings”. My hypotheses in this work are based on the

theories of William Guy Carr. I divided my discussion into two chapters. The first

chapter dealt with the theory of war in “Pawns in the Game” and the second chapter

dealt with the Luciferian conspiracy in “Satan, Prince of this World”.

In the first chapter, I related the theory of war of William Guy Carr within the wars

in Middle Earth in Tolkien’s trilogy. Thus, basing on different concepts, I reached out

the similarities between the two World Wars (the causes and effects) and the wars

between Sauron, Saruman and the Men in all the Middle Earth. Besides, I tended to

show the common points between Tolkien’s characters (mostly antagonists) and the

leaders of the two World Wars, Hitler and Mussolini.

In the second chapter, I applied another theory of William. G. Carr within J.R.R.

Tolkien’s work “The Lord of the Rings”. I reached out the dark side of Tolkien’s trilogy

by exploring Fantasy underworld of the Middle Earth. I then introduced the Luciferian

conspiracy theory. Occultism, Satanism, Luciferianism and also symbolism are the main

concepts I dealt with in this second part of my discussion.


a) Primary sources

 J.R.R. Tolkien: The Lord of the Rings, (HarperCollins e-books, 2010)

 Wiliam Guy Carr: Pawns in the Game, (Ontario, Third edition, 1958)
 William Guy Carr: Satan, Prince of this World

b) Secondary sources

 Bradley J. Birzer “St. Augustine and J.R.R. Tolkien”
 Charles Elkins, “An Approach to the Social Functions of Science Fiction and
Fantasy”, in The Scope of the Fantastic: Culture, Biography, Themes, Children’s
Literature (Westport, CT and London: Greenwood Press, 1985), p. 28.
 “10 Crazy Literary Conspiracy Theories”
 Jeffrey. L. Morrow “Seeking the Lord of Middle-Earth” Introduction (Cascade

Books, An Imprint Of Wipt and Stock Publishers, 2017)

 J.R.R. Tolkien: Artist and Illustrator. Wayne G. Hammond and Christina Scull.

HarperCollins, London, 1995

 J.R.R. Tolkien Author of the Century. T.A. Shippey. HarperCollins, London,


 J.R.R. Tolkien: The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings ed. by Peter Hunt
(review), West Virginia University Press, 2014
 Journeys of Frodo: An Atlas of JRR Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. Barbara
Strachey. Unwin Paperbacks, London, 1981
 Meditations on Middle-earth. Ed. Karen Haber. Earthlight, 2003. Contains
contributions by the famous, e.g. Le Guin, Martin, Pratchett
 Merriam-Webster’s Encyclopedia of Literature
 News from the Shire and Beyond - Studies on Tolkien, Peter Buchs and Thomas.
M. Honegger, 1997
 Root and Branch: Approaches towards Understanding Tolkien, Thomas. M
Honegger Edition, 1999.

 The Art of the Hobbit by Tolkien. Wayne G. Hammond & Christina Scull,
HarperCollins, London 2011.
 The Lord of the Rings a Reader’s Companion. Wayne Hammond & Christina
Scull. HarperCollins, London, 2005.
 The Lord of the Rings Book Review
 The Lord of the Rings The Deeper Meaning
deeper meaning revealed/
 The Lord of the Rings Wikipedia https: // en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ The_ Lord _ of
 The Maps of Tolkien’s Middle-earth. Brian Sibley & John Howe. HarperCollins,
London, 2003
 The Ring of Words: Tolkien and the Oxford English Dictionary. Peter Gilliver,
Jeremy Marshall, Edmund Weiner. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2006
 The Significance of Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings As It Relates to the
Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier
 Tolkien and the Great War, John Garth. HarperCollins, London, 2002
 Tolkien Criticism Today by Norbert Schurer!
 Tolkien: Man and Myth. Joseph Pearce. HarperCollins, London, 1998
 Tolkien the Medievalist. Ed. Jane Chance. Routledge, New York, 2003


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