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ServiceNOW Tutorial

01 Developer platform introduction - Module 1 - Platform basics

Introduction to an instance

Learn about the main sections of the ServiceNow UI.

The ServiceNow UI has four main sections:

 Application navigator 
The Edge

Figure 1. ServiceNow user interface

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The banner contains the logo and global navigation controls. Some controls require permission to use. For example, only system administrators can
impersonate a user.

The banner has the following components:

Global search:  Search for text in all ServiceNow applications

Impersonate a user:  Lets system administrators view the UI (for example, lists and forms) as the selected user. Impersonating is useful when
permissions or customizing the UI for a user’s role.
Elevated security:  Lets system administrators apply the admin security role for the current session. Some features require this role.
Log out:  Log out of the instance.
Gear icon:  Let users define their system preferences.

The application navigator provides access to all ServiceNow modules and applications.

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Figure 2. Application navigator 

Users only see applications they are authorized to use. The system administrator role used to develop applications can see all applications and modul
Selecting a module opens the page, list, or form in the content frame. You can use either the filter or mark favorites to quickly locate applications an
modules. When you use a module it is marked as a favorite. Click the star to toggle favorite status on and off. Click the star next to the filter to show al
favorites in the navigator.

The content frame displays the page that is selected in the application navigator, for example:

Homepage widgets
Lists that display records in a table
Forms that display a single record
Service catalog of items that can be ordered
The Live Feed social application with posts and other shared content
Knowledge base articles

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ServiceNow basics
Learn how to perform basic tasks in the ServiceNow application.

In a series of exercises, you will practice the following basic tasks:

Impersonating a user
Using the Edge
Configuring and personalizing

To perform these exercises, log in to the developer site and access your developer instance, or log in to another instance where you have admin acce

Exercise 1: Impersonate a user 

In this exercise you will impersonate a user. Impersonating a user is useful to test changes to a user’s role.

Ensure that you are logged in as the system administrator. You do not need the user’s password to impersonate.

In this exercise, you will impersonate a user named Abel Tuter.

1. Click the Impersonate User icon in the banner.

2. Enter Abel in the search field and press Enter.
 Abel Tuter appears in the search box.
3. Click OK.
The application navigator displays the modules and applications to which Abel’s role has access.
4. Return to the administrator role by impersonating the System Administrator.

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Use the Edge

The Edge contains a number of functions.

Toggle Navigator: shows or hides the application navigator

List and Form View: splits the content frame into two panes (the list pane on the left and the form pane on the right)
Tagged documents: displays the Tagged Documents page
 All bookmarks: displays a list of all bookmarks in the Edge
Home displays the user’s home page, which varies depending on role

 Adding and removing bookmarks

 Adding elements that you work with frequently improves your e !ciency in ServiceNow. To add bookmarks, drag applications, modules, filters, lists,
pages to the Edge. The exact form, list, or record that you dragged to the Edge is opened when you click the bookmark.

To remove a bookmark, hover over the bookmark and click Edit Bookmark, then click Delete.

Using flyouts
Flyouts open forms, lists, and other pages in a pop-up window without closing the pane in which you are currently working. Flyouts are useful for test
changes when you are developing an application. Click away from the flyout window in an active pane to close the flyout.

Figure 1. Flyout window

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You can configure a flyout by hovering over the bookmark and clicking Edit Bookmark, and then selecting the Flyout check box. To open a bookmark
flyout when it is not configured to b e a flyout, use Cmd+click (Mac) or Ctrl+click (Windows).

Exercise 2: Use favorites and bookmarks

In this exercise you will use favorites and bookmarks to quickly return to places that you frequently access.

Favorites are marked in the application navigator with a blue star . In this exercise, you will create and access a favorite page and learn how to use
he Edge to set bookmarks.

1. Navigate to Incident > Create New and click the blue star.
Create New is marked as a favorite.
2. Clear the application navigator filter text box.
3. Click the blue star to the left of the filter text box.

The list refreshes with the modules and associated applications that are marked as a favorite.
4. Drag Create New to the Edge and drop it.
Incident > Create New is added to the Edge as a bookmark.
5. Configure the Create New bookmark on the Edge.
1. Hover over the bookmark until the Edit Bookmark pop-up appears.
2. Click Edit Bookmark.
3. Change the title to Create New.

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4. Click Image, select a new image, and click Update.

5. Click Update.
6. Add Incident > Open to the Edge.
7. Click Toggle Navigator at the top of the Edge to hide the application navigator.

8. Edit the Incidents > Open bookmark to make it a flyout and add the word Flyout to the title.
When you click a flyout bookmark the list or form opens in a pop-up.
9. Use the bookmarks you created on the Edge to switch between the Create New Incident form and the Open Incident list.

Work with lists

Lists display information from a data table. Users can search, sort, filter, and edit data in lists. Lists also may be embedded in forms and may be hierar
(have sublists).

Editing table fields directly inline

In most tables, you can double-click a field to edit its value directly without having to navigate to a form. Administrators can define which tables and col
editable in the list editor. Some field types are never editable inline. For more information, see  Administering the List Editor .

Figure 1. Editing a field value

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Opening and editing records

Click the underlined value in the first column or the info icon to open a record.

Note: Other underlined fields are references to other tables. Click those values to open the associated record. For example, click the name listed in
he Callercolumn to open the user record.

You can also select multiple records and edit them to, for example, change several resolved issues to closed status.

Sorting records

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Click a column label to sort the records in descending order. Click the label again to sort in ascending order. The blue up or down arrow indicates the cu
sort field and order.

Configuring and personalizing lists

Lists can be configured for all users or personalized by the current user.

To configure, right-click in the column header and select Configure > List Layout.
To personalize, click the gear icon in the top left.

Searching lists

The Go to search above the list lets you select a field and a string to search for. Wild cards include:

Contains: *mySearchString
Starts with:  mySearchString
Ends with: %mySearchString
Does not contain:  !*mySearchString
Equals: =mySearchString
Does not equal:  !=mySearchString

Figure 2. Search with wild card

Using filters and breadcrumbs

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Click the Show/hide filter icon above the column labels to open the condition builder. You can modify the existing conditions or add conditions using
he ANDand OR buttons. AND means all conditions must be met for a record to be returned. OR means either condition may be met for a record to be

hen you run the filter, the condition builder collapses automatically. To keep it open, click the pushpin button before you click Run.

Figure 3. Pushpin button

The breadcrumb is updated to show the conditions, and the list refreshes with matching records. Remove a condition by clicking > next to the condition

Searching by column

Right-click in any cell to show matching values or to filter out the value. Date fields also let youShow Before and Show After. Alternatively, you can click
looking glass icon to open the column search fields.

Figure 4. Search by columns and right-click menu

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