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I n November 2001, ISO Secretary-

General Dr. Lawrence D. Eicher
said that the conformity assessment
or set of standards, is a prime cause
of some key problems with its
community was “ facing a serious
challenge caused by a certain num- Problem : too much emphasis

Is ISO 9000
ber of certification bodies which
acted without integrity ”. He
on conformance
warned that “ ISO 9000 certification We have bred a generation of

bodies and the accreditation bodies quality managers, consultants and
that approve them need to do a bet- auditors which believes that ISO
ter job of policing their community 9000 is mainly about conforming to

a standard?
to weed out malpractice and dis- the requirements (now in clauses
honest operators ”. Dr. Eicher’s 4 through 8 of ISO 9001:2000).
statement caused quite a reaction. If you do not believe this, take a
More precisely, it caused two quite close look at ISO 9000-related
separate types of reaction. training programmes and at the
The first was that if such things BY J IM WADE Web sites offering “ QMS solu-
are happening, it is mainly tions ”. They focus almost
because of organizations that entirely on ISO 9001:2000, and
operate outside recognized usually on the requirements
formal structures and rules clauses. Why ? Because, when
(certification bodies which are we get right down to it, on the
unaccredited, “ alternative ” street where the money
accreditation schemes, and so changes hands, the ISO 9000
on). The “ official ” ISO 9000 “ standard ” is contained only in
conformity assessment com- those clauses.
munity has rigorous methods What a waste of an oppor-
to preserve integrity. So no tunity ! A review of the ISO
real problem there, then. 9000:2000 series will confirm
The second type of reac- that only a small part – about
tion, however, is much more 12 % of its content – is
intriguing and deserves our “ auditable ”. Several hundred
deeper attention. It raises fun- smart and hard-working people
damental questions about the from more than 60 countries
integrity of the official chan- around the globe laboured
nels by which ISO 9000 is within ISO technical commit-
developed, promoted and tee ISO/TC 176 during at least
deployed. six years to create the 100+
In the debate which fol- pages that make up the new
lowed the ISO Secretary- ISO 9000 concept. They created
General’s claims of malprac- “ the consistent pair ” and they
tice, Frank Steer, Director Jim Wade is a director of Advanced told us, “We strongly recom-
General of Britain’s Institute of Training and founder of mend that you read the new stan-
Quality Assurance (IQA), makes a The Business Improvement dards, particularly ISO 9004 in con-
critically important point. He says Network, a group of United junction with ISO 9001, and ensure
that to refer to ISO 9000 as a stan- Kingdom-based managers interested that your quality management sys-
dard “ carries with it the taint of an in sharing information about tem effectively adds value to your
old engineering dogma, concerned continual business improvement. organization’s activities ” 1).
with little more than the perfection His views, not only on ISO 9000, but
of a finished, manufactured prod- also on other models such as the
uct ”. He prefers to view ISO 9000 Excellence Model and the Balanced 1) FAQ 036 – one of 48 answers
as a model – “ a root and branch Scorecard, have been shaped and formulated by ISO/TC 176 (and last
means of developing quality across honed by the practical inputs offered revised in March 2001) to Frequently
its full breadth and throughout the by members of the network, of which Asked Questions on the ISO 9000:2000
complete depth of management ”. membership is free. series. The FAQ’s and numerous other
Isn’t this simply a question of documents to assist in the transition
terminology ? No, it is not – it is Tel. + 44 118 987 5120. to the revised standards and in their
much more important than that. Fax + 44 118 987 2683. implementation are posted on ISO’s Web
Promoting ISO 9000 as a standard, E-mail site :

ISO Management Systems – May-June 2002 17


And what do we do ? Because required by its customers or regula- tion)? Or, bearing in mind the cur-
of our training and our bad habits, tory authorities – one of the three rent starkly contrasting advice also
we ignore the expert advice and external quality assurance models : from ISO/TC 176 – that we use ISO
we largely ignore 88 % of the ISO ISO 9001, ISO 9002 or ISO 9003 .” 9004 in conjunction with ISO 9001
9000:2000 series. We focus almost Even as recently as 1998, we were to add value – are we simply wit-
the whole massive international still advised (source : Selection and nessing a system in disarray ?
machine of consultancy, accredita- use of ISO 9000, 1998) to “ use ISO
tion, certification, training, quality 9004-1 as a basis ”.
management and internal auditing Problem : lack of incentive
on the 12“require- to set own standards
ments ” pages of
The purpose of a quality man-
ISO 9001:2000 !
agement system is to help us
This encour-
achieve objectives. The objectives,
ages the belief
in essence, define an organization’s
that conforming
quality standards. If, however, we
to the require-
believe that “ meeting the ISO 9000
ments of ISO
standard ” equates to “ quality ”, it
9001 means we
removes the motivation to set
have a manage-
meaningful objectives.
ment system that
somehow repre-
sents a desirable
level of quality. We mainly
This is “ the root
cause of the ignore 88 % of the
problem ”, says
Joe Goasdoué, ISO 9000:2000
Chief Executive
of the British Quality Foundation.
In short, ISO’s excellent advice
“ Many companies… have been led was that we should first build our-
to believe that an ISO 9000 certifi- selves a system that will get us con- And this is exactly what has
cate guarantees a high standard of tinually improving business results. happened in many – I suspect most
quality and service. This is mani- Only then might we choose to seek – ISO 9000 implementations to
festly untrue.” a certificate (using a model). date : objectives are, typically, com-
But what happened ? Having pletely absent. This means the sys-
Problem : ISO 9000 implemen- been advised by the experts that it is tem has no purpose and that the
inappropriate to use an external organization, having no clear qual-
tation not true to concept quality assurance model to set up a ity standards, cannot measure
Some companies appear to have quality management system, we whether or not it is improving.
been misled quite deliberately. The went ahead and encouraged users It also means that a majority of
relentless promotion of certifica- to do exactly that. We shifted the organizations have been issued
tion flies directly in the face of the whole emphasis away from setting with a certificate for a system with
advice given by those responsible up an effective system as a founda- a major nonconformity ! ISO 9001:
for ISO 9000. In 1994, for example, tion for continuous improvement, 2000 should help redress this situa-
ISO/TC 176 laid out the correct and we focused blindly on the meas- tion, provided that its requirement
sequence for using the various doc- ure of success being the number of for the newly rediscovered concept
uments in the ISO 9000 family : nonconformities to the “ standard ”. of measurable objectives is taken
“…first consult ISO 8402 for a And now, in the latest guidance seriously.
grounding in quality terminology, from ISO/TC 176 (source : ISO 9000
then turn to ISO 9000-1 and ISO – Selection and use, 2001) 2) we are
9004-1 for guidance on how to set advised to make a choice: either to 2) The full text of the ISO 9000 – Selection
up an effective quality management use ISO 9001 or, if we want “ to pre- and use brochure is available as an
system as a foundation for continu- pare for a national quality award ”, electronic version on ISO’s Web site :
ous improvement. to use ISO 9004. Has this change in Hard copies of the brochure
“ It is only after the organization approach been made as an may be ordered from ISO’s national
has implemented an internal quali- improvement, and if so to what? member institutes (a list with contact
ty managemen t system…that it Has it been made reluctantly to details is available on the ISO Web site) or
becomes appropriate to employ – if reflect what is happening in prac- from ISO Central Secretariat
desired by the organization, or tice (the rigid focus on certifica- (

18 ISO Management Systems – May-June 2002


ISO’s excellent responsible for assessing organiza- require it (he was correct in so far
tions against the more stringent as the relevant subclause, 8.2.1,
advice was that requirements of ISO 9001:2000. requires the organization to moni-
The IQA’s Frank Steer says, tor customer satisfaction). But he
we should first “ We all know it will be difficult for was apparently oblivious to the fact
auditors to come to grips with the that ISO 9004:2000 advises us
build ourselves new model ”, and Linda Campbell unambiguously that “ management
confirms that the new model poses should use measurement of cus-
a system that will “ a very real challenge to the com- tomer satisfaction as a vital tool ”.
get us continually petence of the certification bodies
and their auditors ”.
improving business These concerns are certainly
justified. ISO 9000:2000 – even its We focused blindly
results ISO 9001 subset – takes us firmly
out of traditional conformance-
on the measure
related quality assurance territory of success being
into a world more interested in the
application of management princi- the number of
Problem: malpractice... ples and best practice.
or lack of competence? One wonders to what degree the nonconformities to
attitudes and skills of auditors are
Most reactions to the ISO able to keep pace with the change? the ‘standard’
Secretary-General’s claims have A recent letter to the editor of a
been along the lines that any lack of leading quality journal, by a Fellow
integrity is mainly due to the non- of the Institute of Quality
official bodies. However, it looks as Assurance, is an example of current Problem : misplaced emphasis
if there is at least some concern attitudes. He was at pains to explain on Lead Auditor qualification
about the official channels also : why there is no need to measure A key factor that has surfaced in
z “ It would appear that there is customer satisfaction, pointing out Business Improvement Network
cause for concern. There is that ISO 9001:2000 does not ( discussions is the
enough smoke to suggest fire. In poor behaviour encouraged by pro-
particular, we hear of allegations moting a belief that “Lead Auditor”
that certification bodies mix cer- is the pinnacle of “ quality ” qualifi-
tification with the provision of cations.
consultancy in such a way Again, this locks us into narrow
as to undermine the inde- compliance thinking. This is partic-
pendence of the certifica- ularly true when you consider the
tion process ” – Linda value that we assign to this qualifi-
Campbell, Chief Exe- cation, not only when it is held by
cutive of UKAS (the the people whose job is to do third
official United Kingdom party audits, but also when it is on
accreditation body) the CV of consultants who advise
organizations on the con-
z “ IAF is aware of the commercial
struction of their manage-
pressures on certification/regis-
ment system, or when it has
tration bodies and the sup-
been achieved by internal
pliers they certify that may
lead them to act
Even more disastrous-
ly, the belief in the
ately” – Noel
superior value of the
Lead Auditor quali-
Secretary of
fication applies to
the Internatio-
quality managers,
nal Accreditation
whose job, involv-
ing leadership in
A specific sub-theme the principles
which has also emerged and habits of
is concern about the continual
competence of those improvement,

ISO Management Systems – May-June 2002 19


is vastly more important and chal- Adopting the party line that Fewer certifications –
lenging and difficult than that of ISO 9001: 2000 is a first step and a positive sign ?
an auditor. that continual improvement comes
later with ISO 9004:2000 is a huge Finally, consider this : the ISO
cop-out. An ISO 9001:2000 certifi- 9000:2000 series claims to be a
Promoting ISO 9000 cate is supposed to confirm to the much tougher principles-driven set
outside world that an organization of standards, requiring new behav-
as a standard is continually improving both its iours and knowledge from senior
effectiveness and its process per- management. Taking on board this
is unhelpful. formance. knowledge and making such behav-
Let’s take seriously the fact that ioural changes will, as we all know,
It focuses us too ISO/TC 176 emphasizes the impor- take a long time. Does it not then
follow that some significant per-
narrowly and tance of using ISO 9004:2000,
centage of currently registered
Quality management systems –
incorrectly on the Guidelines for performance improve- organizations will initially fail to
ments, in conjunction with ISO qualify for an ISO 9001:2000 certifi-
requirements 9001:2000, Quality management sys- cate ?
tems – Requirements, as a “ consistent
clauses pair ”. Let’s put much more emphasis
on the eight quality management
principles 3) and other basics in ISO
9000:2000, Fundamentals and vocab- We need to think
There are so many cases of mis- ulary.
placed and misleading emphasis on about what happens
Preferably, let’s get back to
the Lead Auditor qualification and
so little space here. A typical
ISO’s Plan A, where the guidance between audits,
came first and what has now
example is the promotional materi-
al I received this week from BSI
become the “ standard ” was intend- which is where
ed to be of secondary importance !
Business Solutions Ltd. (part of We cannot rely solely on auditors all the work of
the same group as the major inter- and on those bearing auditor quali-
national certification body and fications to help organizations continual improve-
using the same logo). They offer properly implement the ISO
“ training services supplemented 9000:2000 series. We need to think
ment is done
with bespoke consultancy to help about what happens between
you achieve your business objec- audits, which is where all the work Therefore, we must expect that
tives and implement plans success- of continual improvement is done. the proper, good practice deploy-
fully ”. Their concept is a “ Ladder ment of ISO 9001:2000 will result in
of Learning… ultimately leading a (hopefully temporary) marked
to business improvement ”. The top reduction in the number of ISO
rung of the ladder is – you guessed 9000 certificates issued. But will the
it – Lead Auditor ! We must expect facts reflect this expectation ?
that the proper, And what conclusions must we
Solution: back to ISO’s Plan A ? draw if they do not ?
good practice
From the information gathered
during Business Improvement deployment of
Network workshops over the past
five years, user experience (certain- ISO 9001:2000 will
ly in the United Kingdom) supports 3) These principles have also been pub-
the opinions expressed above. result in a (hope- lished by ISO as a separate brochure,
Promoting ISO 9000 as a stan- Quality management principles, with addi-
dard is unhelpful. It focuses us too fully temporary) tional explanations from ISO/TC 176. Hard
narrowly and incorrectly on the
requirements clauses, it helps to
marked reduction copies of the brochure may be ordered
from ISO’s national member institutes
mislead companies into thinking in the number (a list with contact details is available on
that certification means better the ISO Web site – or from
quality, and it undermines the need of ISO 9000 ISO Central Secretariat (
for an organization to set its own The full text of this brochure is available
quality standards. certificates issued as an electronic version on ISO’s Web site.

20 ISO Management Systems – May-June 2002

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