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Heisenberg uncertainty principle:

Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that it is impossible to measure or calculate exactly,
both the position and the momentum of an object. This principle is based on the wave-particle
duality of matter. Another implication of this principle is that it is impossible to accurately
measure the energy of a system in some finite amount of time.

In the field of quantum mechanics, Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle is a fundamental

theory that explains why it is impossible to measure more than one quantum variable
simultaneously. This principle states that it is impossible to measure, both the position and
momentum of an object. Although Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle can be ignored in the
macroscopic world but it holds significant value in the quantum world.

Now, let us see the Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle formula.

If, Δx is the error in the position measurement and Δp is the error in the measurement of
momentum, then,

Since, momentum p = mv,

Therefore, this principle can be alternatively written as,

Or, Δx×Δm×Δv⩾h/4π, where, Δv is the error in the measurement of velocity

where,h== Planck’constant
However, the more precise our measurement of position is, the less accurate will be our
momentum measurement and vice-versa.

Explaining Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle with an example

Electromagnetic radiations and microscopic matter waves exhibit a dual nature of mass/
momentum and wave character. The position and velocity/momentum of macroscopic matter
waves can be determined accurately and simultaneously. For example, the location and speed
of a moving car can be determined simultaneously with minimum error. But, in microscopic
particles, it will not be possible to fix the position and measure the velocity/momentum of the
particle simultaneously.

An electron in an atom has a mass of 9.91 × 10 -31Kg. Naked eyes will not see such small
particles. A powerful light may collide with the electron and illuminate it. Illumination helps
in identifying and measuring the position of the electron. The collision of the powerful light
source, while helping in identification increases the momentum of the electron and makes it
move away from the initial position. Thus, when fixing the position, the velocity /momentum
of the particle would have changed from the original value. Hence, when the position is
exact, the error occurs in measuring velocity or momentum. In the same way, the
measurement of momentum accurately will change the position.

Hence, at any point in time, either position or momentum can only be measured accurately.

Simultaneous measurement of both of them will have an error in both position and
momentum. Heisenberg quantified the error in the measurement of both position and
momentum simultaneously.

Application of Heisenberg Uncertainty principal

1. Non-existence of electron inside the nucleus

The quantum physics-based Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle explains several

things that classical physics could not explain. One of the applications is to
demonstrate that an electron cannot exist within a nucleus. 

It goes like this:

Let us suppose that there are electrons present in the nucleus. The nucleus’s
diameter is about 10-14 metres. If the electron is to exist inside the nucleus, the
position of the electron must be uncertain.
If the uncertainty in the electron’s momentum is the above value, then the electron’s
momentum should be at least of this order, p=0.52x10 -20 kg m/sec. With such a large
momentum, an electron’s velocity must be similar to that of light. As a result, the
following relativistic formula should be used to compute its energy:

E=  √ mo2c4 + p2c2

E =  √(9.1*10-31)2 (3*108)4 + (0.52*10-20)2(3*108)2

= √(6707.61*10-30) +(2.42*10-24)

E= 1.56*10-12 J

Or, E= 1.56 MeV

Consequently, if the electron happens to be in the nucleus, its energy should be in

the span of 1.56 MeV. Nonetheless, electrons released from the nucleus have an
energy of around 3 MeV, which differs considerably from the value obtained of 1.56
MeV. The other reason an electron cannot exist inside the nucleus is that no electron
or particle in the atom has an energy greater than 4 MeV, according to experimental
evidence. Hence, it has been established that electrons do not exist within the

Apart from the explanation of non-existence of electron inside nucleus certain

important phenomena like Ground state energy of Quantum Mechanical
System, Calculation of first Bohr radius, Calculation of spectral width and
Calculation of lifetime of elementary particle can be done with help of the
Heisenberg uncertainty principal.

Q1. The uncertainty principle was enunciated by

a.) Einstein
b.) Heisenberg
c.) Rutherford
d.) Pauli
Correct Answer- (b) Heisenberg
Q2. If uncertainty in the position of an electron is zero, the uncertainty in its momentum
will be-
a.) <h/4𝜋
b.) >h/4𝜋
c.) zero
d.) infinite
Correct Answer- (d) infinite
Q3. If the uncertainty in the velocities of two particles A and B with masses of 1.0 × 10 -27 kg
and 1.0 × 10-31 kg, respectively, is the same, what will be the ratio of uncertainty in their
a) 1/10
b) 1/100
c) 1/1000
d) 1/10000
Answer. ΔxAmAΔvA = ΔxBmBΔvB
Given, ΔvA = ΔvB
Therefore, ΔxA mA = ΔxB mB
ΔxA1.0 × 10-27 kg = ΔxB1.0 × 10-31 kg
ΔxA / ΔxB = 1.0 × 10-31 kg/1.0 × 10-27 kg = 1/10000.
Q4. Which of the following statements are correct?
a.) The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle applies to electrons but not protons.
b.) It is impossible to determine simultaneously both the position and time of an electron with
c.) It is impossible to determine simultaneously both the time and mass of an electron with
d.) It is impossible to determine simultaneously both the time and energy of an electron with
Correct Answer- (d) It is impossible to determine simultaneously both the time and energy of an
electron with accuracy
Q5. The possibility of finding an electron in an orbital was conceived by
a.) Rutherford
b.) Bohr
c.) Heisenberg
d.) Schrodinger
Correct Answer- (c) Heisenberg
Q6. Uncertainty principle gave the concept of
a.) Probability
b.) An orbital
c.) Wavelength
d.) displacement
Correct Answer- (a) Probability

Q7. A microscope using suitable photons is employed to locate an electron in an

atom within a distance of 0.1 Å. The uncertainty of its velocity is

a.) 5.79 x 105 m/s

b.) 8.79 x 105 m/s

c.) 5.79 x 104 m/s

d.) 3.79 x 105 m/s

Correct Answer- (c) 5.79 x 104 m/s


Q.8 Heisenberg’s Uncertainty principle is applied to explain

a.) Calculation of ground state energy of quantum mechanical system

b.) Calculation of first Bohr radius

c.) Calculation of spectral width and lifetime of elementary particles

d.) All of above

Correct Answer- (d) All of above

Q.9 Heisenberg uncertainty principle is not valid for

a.) Moving electrons

b.) Stationary particles

c.) A motor car

d.) b and c both

Correct Answer- (d) b and c both

Solution: According to Heisenberg ΔP×Δx=2πh. Where ΔP= change in momentum Δx = change in

position and h = Planck's constant. For motor car mass will big enough to observe anything because h
(Planck's constant) is very small. And for stationary particles momentum will be zero.

Q. 10 The error in measurement of lifetime of an atom is 2x 10 -2 sec. What is the minimum

uncertainty in its energy in eV

a.) 2x10-15 eV

b.) 8x10-15 eV

c.) 1.6x10-14 eV

d.) 4x10-15 eV

Correct Answer- (c) 1.6x10-14 eV


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