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Initial Problems Faced by Pakistan

1. Death of Muhammad Ali Jinnah

Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was the main towering figure responsible for
creating Pakistan. He was a source of motivation and inspiration to the nation. He
could lead the nation in the right direction. Unfortunately, Quaid died shortly after the
creation of Pakistan, and his untimely death left a huge political gap in the country that
any other political leader couldn’t fill. Had Quaid-e-Azam been alive for some time, the
history of Pakistan would have been changed.

2. Linguistic Problem
At the time of independence, more than 70 languages were spoken in Pakistan. But in
the 1956 constitution, only Urdu was given the status of the national language. This
sparked hatred in the hearts of Bengalis living in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh),
which resulted in many riots and, in the end, the formation of Bangladesh. The leaders
mishandled the whole situation, and the riots resulted in deaths.

3. Constitutional Problem
The constituent assembly failed to frame a constitution even in eight years. Lack of a
permanent constitution created, chances of unscrupulous interference in democratic
progress of Pakistan. It was on 23 March 1956 that the first Constitution was
implemented. During this period, the state of Pakistan was run through the
Government of India Act 1935, which was adopted with some changes as a temporary

4. Canal Water Dispute

Most of the river flowing in Pakistan have their origin in India. In 1948, India stopped
water supply to Pakistani canals to damage the Pakistani agriculture. However, on 9th
September ,1960 on agreement called "Indus Basin Treaty" was signed between the
two countries.

5. Choosing the capital of the country

One of Pakistan’s biggest and list problems after independence was that it did not have
many developed cities like India. So Pakistani leaders have only a few choices of cities
as capital. Karachi was chosen as the capital, and the officers and officials came from
Delhi to Karachi to set up the government capital. There was a lack of records, offices,
furniture. Some of the government offices were also established in military barracks
during that hard time. Later precisely, after 20 years of partition, on 14th august 1967,
Islamabad became the second capital of Pakistan under the rule of Ayub khan.

6. Kashmir Problem
The Kashmir dispute is one of the worst problems in Pakistan till now. It is an alarming
and unsolved problem yet. Due to the majority of Kashmir’s population is Muslim so it
is the part of Pakistan naturally. The Hindu Dogra with the Indian Government declares
Kashmir the part of India. But due to noncooperation of India, this problem is still

7. Economic problems
When Pakistan became independent, India refused to give Pakistan a fair share of
national wealth. Also, the areas coming under the Pakistan section were mostly
agricultural areas with very few industries. Due to which Pakistan faced a lot of
economic problems.

8. Refugees’ Problems
After creating the two states, millions of Muslims whose areas became part of India
migrated to Pakistan. Muslim properties were set on fire and they were compelled to
leave Bharat for Pakistan with nothing but their lives. Millions of refugees were killed
before they reached Pakistan. Many migrants were looted and had to be provided
boarding immediately as they reached Pakistan.
9. Financial Problems
The full financial share of Pakistan was not transferred. Initially rupees 200 million
were transferred that were not sufficient to meet the expenditures of the newly born
state. The Indian government that was so reactionary that it tried its level best to block
these funds to suffocate the newly born Muslim state as they expected foolishly that
Pakistan would collapse and rejoin India soon after its existence.

10.Military Assets
When Pakistan came into being, its military was under-resourced. India did not provide
Pakistan’s share of military equipment as per the agreement. Any equipment supplied
to Pakistan by India, not in proper condition, it was rather obsolete, worn, and of no
use. Moreover, whatever military supplies reached Pakistan did not reach in time.

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