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Canada the Story of Us Episode 6

● Watch the Canada Story of Us video:
● Make a copy of this doc and answer the questions below.
● Turn this in to the link provided in google classroom in Classwork.

WW1 Service and Sacrifice

1. Why did Canada enter WW1? Give 2 reasons.

the British joined the war, we had to join because we were part of a dominion so we automatically
had to join. war broke out in europe.

2. How was WW1 different from any other war before it?

technology had moved forward so we had much better ways to kill each other

3. In the Battle of Ypres II, there were 2000 Canadians killed. So why was this battle considered a
Canadian success?

The Canadians hold the Germans back on European soil. canadians survived the first gas attack.

4. How many Canadians enlisted after the Battle of Ypres II?


5. What were Canadians particularly good at in the war?

sneaking thru nomansland, going into trenches and getting military intelligence

6. Why was Vimy Ridge strategically important?

because there's a clear view of anyone coming to attack you.

7. Why was Vimy Ridge so hard to re-capture from the Germans? List several reasons.

they have 16 km of tunnels to sneak around, barbed wire, they could see anyone coming,
8. How did the Canadians capture the ridge?

Arthur Currie studied what worked and what didn't. He understood that you can't just throw all of their
soldiers in. creeping barrage=bombardment first then sent soldiers.

9. How was it different from the ways in which other countries had tried to do it? List several ways

made sure everyone knew what was happening, trained them for 3 months, gained intelligence
beforehand so they knew where all of their tunnels and weapons where. he made sure every single
person knew the attack plan.

10. What physical and mental obstacles soldiers face as the battle for Vimy began?

very loud cannon fire, start to see friends die next to you, PTSD,

11. How many dead and wounded were there at Vimy Ridge?

11,000 wounded 3600 dead

12. Why did Britain ask Canada for more wheat? Why couldn’t they supply their own?

because their fields were completely destroyed.

13. Who worked the fields? What motivated them?

school boys and women, patriotism motivated them. Since everyone they knew was fighting
they wanted to help and do there share.

14. How did this help shape Canada’s modern economy?

war- time production of wheat helped transform a small wheat industry into a global force.

15. What kinds of situations did women nurses face on the front lines? List at least 3.

thousands of patients a day, PTDS, constantly having to improvise, being a target.

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