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2020F-BSE-262 Sayed Naday Abbas Shah HS-201 Communication Skills


Q1: Define Grapevine Communication and its origin. Also explain and discuss the types
of Grapevine Communication in detail.

Grapevine Communication is an unofficial, unauthorized and unchecked form of

communication. It spreads through rumors and groups. It is an informal channel of
communication. Grapevine communication takes place in horizontal channel of communication
which means that the members of same status do the grapevine communication.

Gossips and chit-chat are the examples of grapevine communication. Colleagues at lunch can
share their personal and professional problems with each other. Basically the term grapevine
communication originated during early Civil War days when the telegraph wires strung
through the trees and resembled like grapevines.

Following are the four types of Grapevine Communication:

1. Single Strand Chain

2. Gossip Chain
3. Probability Chain
4. Cluster Chain

1. Single Strand Chain:

When the information/communication flows from one person to another person and from
another person to another person and so on that is known as Single Strand Chain. The
information that passes in the Single Strand chain is unauthentic and passes in a linear way
means in a line like (A passes information to B and B passes information to C and so on)

For Example: A student receives an information about school holiday than he will pass to
another student and he will pass it to another person and so on.

2. Gossip Chain:
When the information/communication flows from one person to a group that is known as
Gossip Chain. The information that is passed from single person to whole group is the Gossip
Chain type of communication. Like A can share the information to B, C, D, E, F.
2020F-BSE-262 Sayed Naday Abbas Shah HS-201 Communication Skills

For Example: A group of students are sitting in the canteen area in the lunch break time and a
student from them tells any information to that group.

3. Probability Chain:
When the information/communication passes information to everyone to whom they come into
contact with is known as the Probability Chain. The information or message passed on may be
interesting but unimportant.

For Example: If a student came to know about a Coaching Center, He may share this
information with his friends when they met. Who then tell this to other friends who study in
other colleges.

4. Cluster Chain:
When the information/communication flows from one person to the only person who he or she
trusts is known as the Cluster Chain. A passes the information to C whom he trusts and then C
passes the information to B and F who then passes it to others whom they trust.

For Example: If a friend shares a secret information to his trust worthy friend and then his
friend shares that information to the friend he trusts and in this way the information would be
received by almost everyone.

Q2: What are the advantages and disadvantages of Grapevine Communication? Also
state and explain the reasons for the spread of Grapevine Communication, and the
strategies to overcome it.

Advantages of Grapevine Communication:

 Grapevine Communication gives you an outlet for your emotions and feelings to flow.
This can be a positive thing, as it allows employees to release their pent-up emotions
and avoid bottling them up. This can lead to a more positive work environment overall.

 Grapevine Communication releases our stress level. Having problems in your life
makes you stressful and Grapevine Communication helps you to reduce it.

 Grapevine channels carry information rapidly. As soon as an employee gets to know

some confidential information, he becomes inquisitive and passes the details then to
his closest friend who in turn passes it to others. Thus, it spreads hastily.
2020F-BSE-262 Sayed Naday Abbas Shah HS-201 Communication Skills

Disadvantages of Grapevine Communication:

 Grapevine Communication creates an untrustworthy environment. When grapevine

communication is constantly happening, it can lead to mistrust. This is because people
are not always sure if what they are hearing is true, and this can make it difficult to
trust others.

 Another problem with grapevine communication is that it can often create an

environment of fear. This is because people are constantly talking about what others
are doing, and this can make people feel like they need to watch their back.

 The main issue with grapevine communication is that it can often lead to rumors and
gossip. When people communicate through this method, they are not always accurate,
and this can cause problems.

Grapevine communication spreads through rumors and gossips. Grapevine communication

occurs through face-to-face conversations, email, text messages, chats. This type of
communication spreads rapidly and likely touches each person throughout the organization.
The social and personal interactions of employees determine the frequency and reach of
grapevine communication.

Strategies to overcome Grapevine Communication:

 The best way to prevent or reduce grapevine communication is to always

provide credible and easily accessible sources of important information. Yet, many
organizations, especially large enterprises, struggle to achieve that.

 Employees are dealing with an extensive information overload in both their private and
professionals lives, especially during the past few months. Sometimes, it can be
extremely hard to filter through that information and consume only the content that
comes from credible sources. Therefore, it is the employer’s responsibility to share the
most relevant information from credible sources with the employees.

 Make sure that all employees understand the company’s policies and procedures, so
that there is no room for misunderstanding or misinterpretation of information.
2020F-BSE-262 Sayed Naday Abbas Shah HS-201 Communication Skills

 Ensure that all staff are aware of any changes or updates in the organization, as soon
as possible after they occur, through official channels such as newsletters, emails, and
official meetings.

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