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a) Explain how gold changed canada's borders :

From just victoria and vancouver, once james douglas changed law in order
british government decided to unite all of fraser valley and is now bc. The gold
was found in the fraser valley. When Gold was found in dawson they where
worried that the 30000 americans where gonna take yukon gold, the put police to
enforce rules.

b) National identity:- (how we viewed ourselves as a nation.) : Canada wanted to

unite mainly because we wanted to protect our gold resources. Our national
identity, therefore, was highly tied to not wanting to become american. We
became multicultural due to many people coming from many different places due
to the gold we had.

c) Population (size, consistency, classes):

20-30 thousand miners from San Francisco came north.

100000 from around the world came to a town called Dawson in yukon. Australia
greece every state every province

d) Social activities + norms + racism:

The whites would cherry pick the gold and accuse the Chinese of stealing when
they found the other gold. White people complained that the Chinese were taking
their jobs. They thought that they were better than chinese because they were
christian. Always getting accused of stealing, white people would make mean
news reports about chinese spitting on clothes. Social norms. Drinking beer.
Could pay a girl to take a bath in wine.

e) Infrastructure + landscape:

Sluice boxes
Gold rush ruined the landscape, cut down trees which created landslides,
blocked creeks and large rock deposits . no roads, the yukon river was basically
destroyed from digging for gold.
Cariboo wagon road, was built to more easily transport goods. Before they had
bad roads.

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