Motivation Letter For TU Dresden

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Motivation letter for TU Dresden.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am writing to express my strong interest in the Bachelor program in Maschinenbau at the Technical
University of Dresden. As a passionate and highly motivated individual, I am eager to pursue my
academic journey in a field that aligns perfectly with my career aspirations and personal interests.

Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mohamad Al Kadiri, an 18-year-old Lebanese student with
an insatiable curiosity for engineering and technology. From a young age, I have been fascinated by
how machines and mechanical systems work, which has fostered my desire to delve deeper into the
realm of Maschinenbau.

Having completed my Lebanese Baccalaureate of Life Science certificate, I am equipped with a solid
foundation in scientific principles and critical thinking skills. I have always excelled in mathematics
and physics, where I have consistently achieved outstanding grades. These subjects have shaped my
analytical mindset and logical reasoning abilities, which I believe are essential qualities for success in
the field of engineering.

To further enhance my academic profile, I have also undertaken intensive German language training.
I currently hold a B1 Goethe certificate, and I am currently enrolled in a C1 course. Learning German
has been a priority for me, as it allows me to immerse myself in the rich academic and cultural
environment of Germany. I am committed to continually improving my language proficiency to
ensure effective communication and integration within the academic community.

The Technical University of Dresden has garnered an outstanding reputation for its comprehensive
and cutting-edge programs in engineering. I am particularly drawn to your Maschinenbau program
due to its emphasis on practical training, research opportunities, and its strong industry connections.
I believe that the hands-on experience offered by your esteemed institution will not only
complement my theoretical knowledge but also equip me with the skills and competencies necessary
to tackle real-world engineering challenges.

In addition to my academic pursuits, I am eager to participate in the renowned Formula Student

program at the Technical University of Dresden, particularly as a member of "Team Elbflorace." This
program offers a valuable opportunity to apply my knowledge and skills in a practical setting, working
with a dedicated team to design, build, and race a Formula-style vehicle. It will enhance my technical
expertise, foster teamwork and leadership skills. Looking ahead, my long-term goal is to become a
mechanic in Formula 1, where I can contribute to the pinnacle of motorsports by optimizing race car
performance. Engaging with the Formula Student program will help pave the way towards achieving
this aspiration.

In conclusion, my passion for engineering, coupled with my academic achievements and language
proficiency, make me a strong candidate for the Bachelor program in Maschinenbau at the Technical
University of Dresden. I am confident that my dedication, adaptability, and unwavering commitment
to excellence will enable me to excel in the program and make meaningful contributions to the field
of engineering.

Thank you for considering my application. I would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss my
qualifications and aspirations further. I have attached all the required documents, including my
academic transcripts, language certificates, and a copy of my resume, for your convenience.
I eagerly anticipate a positive response and the chance to commence my academic journey at the
Technical University of Dresden.


Mohamad Al Kadiri

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