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Name: Hannah Mae E.

Year/Course: 3rd – BPED

Activity 5: Twenty–first Century Skills: A needs assessment of school–bases agricultural

education teachers.

1. Analysis: How can 21st Century Skills prepare students to enter the workforce and
higher education?
 It is critical for educators or teachers to prepare themselves on how they will be
able to impart knowledge on the students about the field they have chosen.
Participating in a seminar or any organization that provides prior knowledge
about the field they are about to teach to the students will allow them to better
utilize the skills they can impart to the students.
2. Implication: Why do you think professional development on teaching 21 st Century
skills is needed by teachers in the field?
 It is required because you cannot teach students about topics about which you
are unfamiliar. Preparing educators first will allow them to provide students with
skills that they should be able to obtain at the end of the school year.

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