General Vocabulary

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Topic: General Vocabulary.


Vocabulary. Meanings.

Narcissist Someone who is excessively self-

Tautology Repetition.

Benevolent Showing or motivated by

sympathy and understanding

Vanity feelings of excessive pride.

Plausible apparently reasonable, valid, or
Bombastic ostentatiously lofty in style
Abstruse Difficult to understand.
Nostalgia A longing for something past.
Sundry Of different kinds.
Lexicon A reference book containing an
alphabetical list of words
Plague Any large-scale calamity
Concern Something that interests you because
it is important
Approach Move towards.
Establish Set up or found.
Policy A plan of action adopted by an
individual or social group.
Appoint Assign a duty, responsibility, or
obligation to.
Constitute Compose or represent.
Appeal Be attractive to.
Grant Allow to have.
Entertain 20 Provide amusement for.
An ability that has been acquired by
Assert Declare or affirm solemnly and
formally as true.
Crew The people who work on a vehicle
Despair A state in which all hope is lost or
Justify Show be reasonable or provide
adequate ground for.
Attribute A quality belonging to or characteristic
of an entity.
Toil Work hard
Heed Pay close attention to.
Kindle Catch fire.
Vacate Leave behind empty; move out of.
Impart Transmit, as knowledge or a skill.
Rhetoric Using language effectively to please or
Symmetry Balance among the parts of
Parable A short moral story.

Dint Force or Effort.

Zenith The highest point of something.
Inimitable Matchless.
Invocation The act of appealing for help.
Idiosyncrasy Traits peculiar to particular person
Absence Lack, unavailability
Characteristic Typical.
Embrace Accept.
Foreign Overseas
Incorporate Include
Justify Defend, maintain.
Obligation responsibility
Weather climate
Absence The lack or unavailability of something
or someone.

Amount A mass or collection of something.

Dialogue A conversation between two people.
Delusion False impression or belief.
Imminent A situation that is about to occur.
Imperative An action that is necessary.
Jovial A cheerful person.
Jubilant A person or crowd that is of high spirit.

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