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Personal Relationships, 22 (2015), 536–549. Printed in the United States of America.

Copyright © 2015 IARR; DOI: 10.1111/pere.12094

Linking financial distress to marital quality: The

intermediary roles of demand/withdraw and spousal
gratitude expressions


University of Georgia

This study investigates demand/withdraw communication and spousal expressions of gratitude as intervening variables
in the association between financial distress and marital quality. With a sample of 468 married individuals,
dual-mediation models revealed demand/withdraw transmitted the effect of financial distress onto 3 different marital
outcomes; in most instances, this indirect effect occurred through total couple demand/withdraw and not one
spouse-specific pattern. In moderated mediation models, spousal gratitude exerted main effects on all marital outcomes
and, for a subset of outcomes, protective effects for couples with high levels of demand/withdraw. Results elucidate how
demand/withdraw patterns link financial distress to marital outcomes and highlight spousal gratitude expressions as a
promising, yet understudied, process within couples that promotes and protects marital quality.

The deleterious effect of financial distress on research activities increasingly focus on eluci-
spouses and their marriage is well documented, dating (a) mediators that function as pathways
with higher levels of financial distress com- through which financial strain affects marital
monly associated with lower levels of observed quality, as well as (b) moderators that account
and self-reported marital interaction and mar- for why the links between financial distress,
ital quality (see Conger et al., 1990; Falconier negative couple interactions, and lower marital
& Epstein, 2011a; Williamson, Karney, & quality occur for some but not all couples.
Bradbury, 2013). With this effect established, This study investigates such mediation and
research attention shifts to understanding moderation questions in relation to two couple
the mechanisms and contingencies for this processes—demand/withdraw communica-
phenomenon (Hayes, 2012). In other words, tion and spousal expressions of gratitude. First,
using a series of parallel mediation models,
we examine the roles of husband demand/wife
Allen W. Barton, Center for Family Research, Univer-
sity of Georgia; Ted G. Futris, Human Development and withdrawal and wife demand/husband with-
Family Science, University of Georgia; Robert B. Nielsen, drawal as mediating the association between
Financial Planning, Housing and Consumer Economics, financial distress and three indicators of
University of Georgia.
This research was supported by funding provided by marital quality. Second, in moderated medi-
the University of Georgia Office of the Vice President for ation models, we analyze the direct effect of
Research and College of Family and Consumer Sciences
awarded to the second and third authors as well as the
expressions of gratitude from one’s spouse on
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences individual’s marital quality as well as its ability
Jewell L. Taylor National Graduate Fellowship awarded to protectively buffer marital quality from the
to the first author. Generous in-kind support was also
provided by the University of Georgia Survey Research negative effects of financial distress and/or
Center. demand/withdraw. In doing so, we aim to (a)
Correspondence should be addressed to Allen Bar- refine previous research on demand/withdraw
ton, University of Georgia, Center for Family Research,
1095 College Station Road, Athens, GA 30605, e-mail: communication as a mechanism linking finan- cial distress to marital quality as well as (b)

Demand/withdraw and spousal gratitude expressions 537

introduce spousal gratitude expressions as a intermediate pathways, namely, that of exter-

promising, yet rarely studied, couple process nal stress on spousal behaviors (e.g., Masarik,
that fosters positive marital outcomes. Martin, Ferrer, & Conger, 2012) and spousal
behaviors on marital quality (e.g., Caughlin &
Huston, 2002). This study explores the ability
Financial Distress and Marital Quality of spousal expressions of gratitude to function
Theoretical framework in a similarly protective manner.

Multiple theories have been developed to

Mediating processes—demand/withdraw
account for how financial strain and other
contextual stressors affect marital and fam-
ily functioning (see Randall & Bodenmann, In this study, demand/withdraw interactions
2009). Although highlighting different areas are investigated as an intervening couple
of emphasis, such models uniformly “share process that links financial distress to aspects
the assumption that the relation between of marital quality. This communication pat-
stress and marital outcomes is mediated by tern, which has been supported by decades
intradyadic variables” (Ledermann, Boden- of research in romantic relationships, is char-
mann, Rudaz, & Bradbury, 2010, p. 195). acterized by one partner criticizing, nagging,
Aspects of couples’ communication patterns or making demands of the other, and the
often receive attention as intervening this partner responding by avoiding the confronta-
association, including fluctuations in levels tion, becoming defensive, or withdrawing
of hostility, warmth, constructive commu- (Eldridge & Christensen, 2002). Multiple
nication, and demand/withdraw interactions studies have documented the negative effects
(Conger et al., 1990; Falconier & Epstein, of this communication pattern on concurrent
2011b; Ledermann & Macho, 2009). In this marital satisfaction (Caughlin & Huston,
study, we focus our attention on the mediating 2002; Eldridge & Christensen, 2002). Previ-
role of demand/withdraw. ous research has also specifically implicated
In addition to operating as mechanisms demand/withdraw as a couple process that
accounting for how stress shapes marital out- increases under conditions of financial distress
comes, other intradyadic variables may func- and operates as a mechanism that accounts for
tion to shape when this association appears. the association between financial distress and
That is, certain couple processes may protec- lower marital quality (Falconier & Epstein,
tively buffer relationships from stressors aris- 2011b; Wilmarth, Nielsen, & Futris, 2014).
ing from events both internal (e.g., negative The frequency of demand/withdraw behav-
partner behavior) and external (e.g., financial iors appears to vary by gender, with wife
distress) to the relationship (see Fincham, Stan- demand/husband withdraw occurring more fre-
ley, & Beach, 2007; Neff & Karney, 2007). quently than husband demand/wife withdraw
Hill’s (1958) original ABC-X model of stress (Eldridge & Christensen, 2002). However,
illustrated this basic tenet, describing how the despite these gender asymmetries, little
impact of a stressor on the degree of crisis sub- research to date has comparatively examined
sequently experienced by a family depended on whether this intervening effect of demand/
the family’s coping resources and perceptions withdraw between financial distress and mar-
of the stressor. In essence, certain couple inter- ital quality is accounted for primarily through
personal processes can ameliorate, and others one particular spouse-specific demand/
amplify, the mediating pathways proposed in withdraw pattern (e.g., wife demand/husband
couple stress models (Neff & Karney, 2007). withdraw) or is more centrally accounted for
Such protective couple factors can conceiv- by the total couple demand/withdraw within
ably intervene at various stages in this path- the dyad. We identified only one study linking
way, such as altering the direct effect of exter- economic strain to relationship quality that
nal stress on marital outcomes (e.g., Conger, tested a two mediator model with both forms of
Rueter, & Elder, 1999) or altering the effects on demand/withdraw behavior between spouses;
538 A. W. Barton, T. G. Futris and R. B. Nielsen

results found support for the intervening effect appreciative1 ), a smaller body of research has
for wife demand/husband withdraw but not begun to devote attention to perceiving and
husband demand/wife withdraw (Falconier & receiving gratitude from one’s partner (i.e.,
Epstein, 2011b). The aforementioned study feeling appreciated). Gordon et al. (2012), for
by Falconier and Epstein (2011b) did not, instance, found individuals’ sense of feeling
however, quantify the significance of the appreciated by their partner was associated
actual indirect effects occurring through each with greater appreciation for their partner
path or compare these specific effects to the and greater responsiveness to partner needs.
overall indirect effect through total couple Greater perceived appreciation for household
demand/withdraw. Thus, in order to identify labor contributions has also predicted higher
the nature of demand/withdraw that appears relationship satisfaction (Klumb, Hopp-
most explanatory for transmitting the effect mann, & Staats, 2006). Nevertheless, despite
of financial strain onto marital quality, further the recent growth in research on gratitude
analyses appear warranted that test the indi- (whether for or from one’s partner), studies
rect effects occurring through spouse-specific have predominantly focused on the direct
demand/withdraw pathways separately as well effects of gratitude on relationship well-being.
as collectively. Consequently, comparatively little research
has considered the potential moderating, or
protective, effect of gratitude in relationships.
Moderating processes—spousal Emerging findings, however, lend support
expression of gratitude for gratitude in romantic relationships—
In addition to examining the intervening including that of perceiving spousal
effects of demand/withdraw, we also consider gratitude—to alter the effects of financial
distress and negative partner behaviors on
whether perceptions of spousal gratitude and
individuals’ marital quality. First, perceptions
appreciation moderate any of the associations
of partner gratitude have been identified as
between financial distress, demand/withdraw,
promoting positive cognitions, behaviors, and
and marital outcomes. The scientific study
appraisals within individuals toward their
of gratitude in interpersonal relationships has
partner and relationship (Fincham & Beach,
increased substantially in the last decade, with
2013; Gordon et al., 2012). These correlates
emerging findings indicating gratitude to be
of gratitude would be expected to counter-
highly important and advantageous for the
act the negative cognitions and appraisals
well-being of romantic unions (see Algoe,
of one’s partner and relationship that arise
2012). To illustrate, individuals with higher when spouses experience above-average lev-
levels of gratitude for their partner feel closer els of stress (Neff & Karney, 2004, 2009).
to their partner, engage in more relationship In addition, gratitude has been associated
maintenance behaviors, and have greater with fostering a greater communal (rather
relationship commitment, satisfaction, and sta- than exchange-based) orientation to relation-
bility (Algoe, Gable, & Maisel, 2010; Gordon, ships (Algoe, 2012; Lambert et al., 2010). As
Impett, Kogan, Oveis, & Keltner, 2012; Joel, communal relationships are characterized by
Gordon, Impett, MacDonald, & Keltner, 2013; partners having less of a focus on the relative
Kubacka, Finkenauer, Rusbult, & Keijsers, costs incurred and benefits received from the
2011). Individuals who express gratitude to
their partner also report more comfort voicing
relationship concerns and, over time, greater 1. Conceptual clarity remains a lingering issue in the study
communal strength in the relationship (Lam- of gratitude (Fincham & Beach, 2013), both in terms
of defining gratitude (i.e., generalized vs. benefit trig-
bert, Clark, Durtschi, Fincham, & Graham, gered) and differentiating it from appreciation. Gor-
2010; Lambert & Fincham, 2011). don et al. (2012) note that scholars often use the words
appreciation and gratitude interchangeably, and indeed,
Along with the aforementioned salutary in most measures of gratitude (Algoe et al., 2010; Gor-
effects of individuals’ being grateful for don et al., 2012; Lambert & Fincham, 2011) apprecia-
their partner and relationship (i.e., being tion is included in item language.
Demand/withdraw and spousal gratitude expressions 539

relationship (Clark & Mills, 1979), negative To examine how spousal expressions of
partner behaviors and communication patterns gratitude interact with external and internal
are not expected to exert as strong an influence events to shape marital outcomes, the sec-
on subsequent appraisals of marital quality for ond analytic model investigated the direct and
those with higher levels of perceived spousal moderating effects of spousal gratitude on this
gratitude. Thus, in line with other forms of pathway (see Figure 1b). For direct effects,
positive engagement, perceptions of spousal gratitude expressions from one’s partner were
gratitude may help foster a general climate expected to predict favorable levels on all three
of positivity and appreciation within a mar- indicators of marital quality. The moderating
riage, so conflicts and stressors that do appear effect of spousal gratitude expressions was
are less consequential to marital outcomes investigated for the associations between (a)
(see Bradbury & Karney, 2004, for similar financial distress and demand/withdraw (line 1
discussion regarding positive affect). in Figure 1b), (b) financial distress and mari-
tal outcomes (line 2), and (c) demand/withdraw
and marital outcomes (line 3). These analy-
Present Study
ses were also considered exploratory due to
Figure 1 depicts the conceptual models minimal previous research into the moderating
tested in this study. In each model, marital effects of spousal gratitude and hence no a pri-
quality is assessed across three different out- ori hypotheses were formulated.
comes: satisfaction, commitment, and divorce
proneness. In the first model (Figure 1a),
husband demand/wife withdraw and wife Method
demand/husband withdraw were examined Participants and procedures
as parallel mediators transmitting the effect
of financial distress onto each indicator of Adult residents residing in a Southeastern state
marital quality. This expands on previous were contacted by phone in 2011 using a
research, involving both the current sample random-digit dial sample of numbers and asked
(Wilmarth et al., 2014) and many others (e.g., to participate in a study on financial manage-
Ledermann et al., 2010), which has focused ment behaviors and relationship quality. To be
on single-mediation models with couples’ eligible, individuals had to be 18 years or older,
general negative communication as mediating married, and sharing a residence with their
the relation between stress and marital quality. spouse. Consenting individuals then completed
Given the limited prior research testing multi- a survey via a computer-assisted telephone
ple mediation models of demand/withdraw, no interview instrument. Selection of whether the
specific a priori hypotheses were stated regard- husband or wife would complete the inter-
ing whether total couple demand/withdraw view was randomized in an attempt to obtain
or a spouse-specific pattern would be more equal percentages. Rural numbers were over-
explanatory. Although wife demand/husband sampled to increase geographic diversity. All
withdraw appears more frequently (Eldridge & procedures were approved by the institutional
Christensen, 2002) and has been found to link review board of the sponsoring research uni-
financial distress to marital distress (Falconier versity.
& Epstein, 2011b), the potential for indirect A total of 9,170 phone numbers were dialed,
effects through both mediators is nevertheless with 1,008 successful contacts made (i.e., entry
supported from previous studies that have stored in database). From this, 540 individu-
found husbands and wives to both report more als were eliminated from the sample due to
anger and withdrawal following more stressful being unmarried (n = 257), refusing to pro-
days at work (Story & Repetti, 2006) as well as vide marital status (n = 4), ending the phone
both husband demand/wife withdraw and wife call before any information was obtained
demand/husband withdraw being concurrently (n = 235), or ending the call before informa-
linked to lower marital satisfaction (Caughlin, tion was obtained on the variables used in this
2002). study (n = 44). Thus, the final sample included
540 A. W. Barton, T. G. Futris and R. B. Nielsen

a b
Wife Demand / Demand /
a1 b1 b
Husb Withdraw a Withdraw

Financial Marital
Marital Financial c Marital
Well-being c Quality
Quality Well-being Quality
(1) (2) (3)
a2 Husb Demand / b2
Wife Withdraw

Figure 1. Models analyzed in study: (a) multiple mediation and (b) moderated mediation.

468 married individuals, ranging in age from find yourself just getting by financially and
21 to 86 years (M = 51.41, SD = 14.00) and a living paycheck to paycheck”) and subjec-
majority of whom were female (63%). Marital tive (e.g., “How stressed are you about your
duration ranged from less than 1 year to 66 personal finances in general”) indicators of
years (M = 23.09, SD = 16.02) and 35% of PFW. Higher scores reflected greater financial
the unions reflected remarriages for one or well-being/lower financial distress, consistent
both spouses. The majority of individuals with usage and reporting guidelines of the
(79%) reported having children. About one PFW Scale™.
fourth (22%) of the sample resided in a rural
area. Concerning race, 74% of the sample Demand/withdraw communication
self-identified as White, 22% as Black/African
American, 3% multiracial, and 1% Asian The Communication Patterns Questionnaire–
American. Only 2% reported being Latino/a. Short Form (CPQ–SF; Christensen & Heavey,
Highest level of education completed ranged 1993) was employed to assess respondent’s
from grade school to advanced/professional perception of their own and their spouse’s typ-
degree, with median completion level being ical communication behaviors when issues or
a bachelor’s degree. Twenty percent of par- problems arise. Following recommendations
ticipants had household incomes of less by Caughlin and Huston (2002), four items
than $50,000, 40% had household incomes from the CPQ-SF were utilized to assess the
between $50,000 and $90,000, and 41% had likelihood (1 = very unlikely, 9 = very likely)
household incomes greater than $90,000. All of particular demand/withdraw patterns occur-
demographic characteristics reflect multiply ring in the dyad. Two items reflected husband
imputed estimates from five implicates. With demand/wife withdraw patterns and two items
the exception of income (32% missing), all reflected wife demand/husband withdraw;
demographic characteristics were missing couple demand/withdraw represented all four
responses from less than 2% of participants. items. Mean scores were computed for hus-
band demand/wife withdraw (males, α = .59;
females, α = .68), wife demand/husband with-
Measures draw (males, α = .71; females, α = .68), and
Financial well-being/financial distress couple demand/withdraw (males, α = .77;
females, α = .81).
Individuals’ reports of financial well-being/
financial distress were assessed via the Per-
Spousal expression of gratitude
sonal Financial Wellness (PFW) Scale™
(Prawitz et al., 2006). This eight-item measure Reports of spousal expression of gratitude were
(10-point Likert scale) assessed the level of assessed via an adaptation of the Expression
stress and well-being individuals felt regard- of Gratitude in Relationships scale developed
ing their financial situation (males, α = .92; by Lambert and Fincham (2011). The origi-
females, α = .90). The PFW Scale™ identifies nal three-item measure gauged respondents’
both objective (e.g., “How frequently do you expressions of gratitude for their partner (e.g.,
Demand/withdraw and spousal gratitude expressions 541

“I express my appreciation for the things that levels of marital satisfaction (Sweeney, 2010;
my partner does for me”). The adapted scale Twenge, Campbell, & Foster, 2003; VanLan-
asked respondents to report the frequency ingham, Johnson, & Amato, 2001; Wilcox,
(1 = never, 5 = always) of gratitude expres- 2010). Classification of higher order marriages
sions from their partner (i.e., “My spouse reflected couples in which either spouse had
expresses appreciation for the things I do been previously married.
for him/her”; “My spouse lets me know that
he/she values me”; “My spouse acknowledges
me when I do something nice for him/her”). Plan of analyses
Higher scores reflected greater levels of per- Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 21
ceived spousal gratitude expressions. The (IBM SPSS, 2012) and the statistical macro
adapted measure demonstrated strong internal package PROCESS (Hayes, 2012). Indirect
reliability (males, α = .91; females, α = .89) effect significance levels were tested via boot-
similar to the original measure (α = .92; see strapping, given the non-normal distribution
Lambert & Fincham, 2011). of the product term comprising the indirect
effect (Hayes, 2013). Financial well-being,
Marital quality demand/withdraw, and spousal gratitude
Three dimensions of marital quality were expressions were all mean-centered prior
assessed: satisfaction, commitment, and to moderation analyses to permit better inter-
divorce proneness. Selection and measurement pretability of results (Dalal & Zickar, 2012). To
of these items aligned with approaches utilized account for low levels of missing data, multiple
in previous studies of marriage (e.g., Wilcox imputation was conducted from five implicates
& Dew, 2012). First, marital satisfaction via NORM software (Schafer, 1999). Pooled
was assessed via a single item that asked, estimates of regression coefficients and their
“All things considered, how happy are you standard errors followed procedures outlined
with your marriage” (1 = extremely unhappy, by Rubin (1987) to account for within- and
10 = perfectly happy). Second, relationship between-imputation variances.
commitment was assessed via a four-item
index from The Commitment Inventory (Stan-
ley & Markman, 1992), in which individuals
reported on items such as their desire for Preliminary analyses
the relationship to continue (1 = strongly
Table 1 presents the descriptive statistics for
disagree, 7 = strongly agree; males, α = .64;
the variables involved in the analyses. Males
females, α = .70). Lastly, divorce proneness
and females reported, on average, highly
was assessed via a single item that asked
positive levels of marital quality within their
about individuals’ thoughts or discussions of
respective unions. This appeared with respect
separation or divorce (1 = never, 6 = all of the
to all three marital outcomes of interest. For
time). Higher scores reflected greater levels
marital processes, low demand/withdraw
of each outcome. Scores on all three vari-
communication patterns were exhibited as
ables indicated non-normal distributions, and
well as high average levels of spousal grati-
variable transformations were subsequently
tude expressions. Average levels of financial
conducted (square for right-skewed, square
well-being, as classified by PFW Scale™
root for left-skewed) to adjust distributions to
criteria, were low financial distress/good
better approach normality.
financial well-being. Correlations among the
three marital outcomes suggested overlap-
ping, yet clearly distinct, constructs (males,
Control variables in the analyses included rs = .23–.29; females, rs = 0.26–0.53; all
demographic characteristics (i.e., education, ps < .01). Independent-sample t tests found
marital duration, having children, first-order no significant gender differences, indicating
or higher order union) that have been linked to that neither males nor females reported any
542 A. W. Barton, T. G. Futris and R. B. Nielsen

Table 1. Descriptive statistics for study variables

Females (N = 293) Males (N = 175)

Variable M SD Range % Missing M SD Range % Missing
Marital satisfactiona 8.90 1.78 1–10 1.0 9.10 1.64 1–10 1.1
Commitmenta 6.47 0.95 1–7 0.3–2.1 6.56 0.89 1–7 0.0–0.6
Divorce pronenessa 1.46 0.96 1–6 0.7 1.42 1.00 1–6 1.7
Spousal gratitude 4.22 0.90 1–5 0.7–1.4 4.29 0.88 1–5 0.6
Total couple 2.66 1.99 1–7.75 2.0–2.4 2.83 1.86 1–7.75 1.1–2.3
Wife demand/husband 2.78 2.24 1–9 2.0 2.97 2.22 1–9 1.7
Husband demand/wife 2.53 2.11 1–9 2.0–2.4 2.68 1.94 1–9 1.1–2.3
Financial well-being 6.97 2.25 1–10 0.0–2.7 7.34 2.32 1–10 0.0–1.7
Marital duration 22.62 15.32 0–65 0.3 23.71 17.12 0–66 1.1
First marriageb 0.63 0.48 0–1 0.0 0.68 0.47 0–1 0.6
Education 6.19 1.82 2–9 0.7 6.42 1.88 2–9 0.0
Have childrenb 0.79 0.41 0–1 0.7 0.78 0.42 0–1 1.1

a Variable transformed prior to analysis due to positive (marital satisfaction, commitment) or negative (divorce proneness)

skew. Nontransformed values reported here. b 1 = yes, 0 = no. Mean, standard deviation, and range determined from
multiply imputed data (m = 5 implicates). Percentage missing based on original data set. Range of percentage of missing
data (e.g., 0.3–2.1) is reported for composite variables based on levels of missingness for individual items.

particular relationship behavior or cognition to evident on each indicator of marital quality for
greater or lesser degree. Across the entire sam- both males and females.
ple, paired-sample t test comparisons found
wife demand/husband withdraw (M = 2.85,
SD = 2.23), was reported more frequently Demand/withdraw communication
than husband demand/wife withdraw (average Analyses began by testing the multiple medi-
M = 2.59, SD = 2.05), tave (467) = 3.16, all ation model depicted in Figure 1a, with sepa-
ps < .01 across five implicates. rate analyses conducted for females and males
A series of ordinary least squares regres- across each of the three marital outcomes. Tests
sions were also conducted to examine the of parallel multiple mediation can identify
direct effect of financial well-being on each whether an overall indirect effect exists across
of the indicators of marital quality, controlling the set of mediators, as well as the extent to
for sociodemographic variables (i.e., educa- which each intervening variable mediates the
tion level, marital status, marital duration, and effect of X (i.e., financial well-being) on Y (i.e.,
having children). For females, higher financial marital quality), accounting for the presence of
well-being was associated with higher mar- any other mediator(s) in the model. Because
ital satisfaction (B = 2.69, p < .01), commit- of the attenuation of indirect effects stemming
ment (B = 0.66, p < .05), and lower divorce from correlated mediators, result interpreta-
proneness (B = −0.02, p < .05). Similarly for tion in multiple mediation models principally
males, higher financial well-being was associ- focuses on the total indirect effect across the
ated with higher marital satisfaction (B = 2.30, set of mediators; significance levels of spe-
p < .01), commitment (B = 1.13, p < .01), and cific indirect effects receive attention only in
lower divorce proneness (B = −0.03, p < .05). instances when the total indirect effect is non-
Thus, a direct effect of financial well-being was significant (see Preacher & Hayes, 2008).
Demand/withdraw and spousal gratitude expressions 543

Table 2 summarizes the indirect effects expressions on (a) demand/withdraw and

through husband demand/wife withdraw and (b) indicators of marital quality. We first
wife demand/husband withdraw (i.e., spe- examined the effects of financial well-being,
cific indirect effects) as well as through the spousal gratitude, and their interaction on
overall couple demand/withdraw (i.e., total demand/withdraw communication (line 1,
indirect effect). In five of the six models, the Figure 1b). Here, higher levels of spousal grat-
effect of financial well-being on the marital itude expressions were associated with lower
quality indicator was significantly transmitted levels of couple demand/withdraw for both
by total demand/withdraw in the couple and males (BGrat = −0.77, SE = 0.16, p < .01) and
not one specific spousal pattern. The one females (BGrat = −0.64, SE = 0.13, p < .01),
exception involved males’ divorce prone- even after controlling for financial well-being
ness, in which only wife demand/husband and various demographic variables (i.e.,
withdraw demonstrated a significant indi- marital duration, remarriage status, edu-
rect effect. Hence, results indicated that cation, and having children). For females,
demand/withdraw significantly transmitted only financial well-being (BFin = −0.11,
the effect of financial well-being on marital SE = 0.05, p < .05) also predicted lev-
quality, with the dual set of both husband- and els of couple demand/withdraw beyond
wife-initiated demand/withdraw (i.e., couple reported spousal gratitude. Among males,
demand/withdraw)—and not only particular no variables besides perceived spousal
spouse-specific pattern—most commonly gratitude significantly accounted for vari-
transmitting this effect. ability in levels of demand/withdraw. The
interaction term of Financial Well-Being ×
Spousal Gratitude Expressions on demand/
Spousal expression of gratitude
withdraw was nonsignificant for males
As per Figure 1b, analyses then tested the direct (BFin × Grat = −0.10, SE = 0.08, p = .26) and
and protective effects of spousal gratitude females (BFin × Grat = 0.05, SE = 0.05, p = .32),

Table 2. Indirect effects of demand/withdraw for pathway linking financial well-being to marital

Females (N = 293) Males (N = 175)

Marital Divorce Marital Divorce
satisfaction Commitment proneness satisfaction Commitment proneness
Wife 0.298 0.077 −0.003 0.515* 0.190* −0.008*
(M 1 = a1 × b1 )
Husband 0.346 0.159* −0.005 −0.024 −0.003 0.003
(M 2 = a2 × b2 )
Total couple 0.644* 0.236* −0.007* 0.491* 0.187* −0.005
(M Tot = M 1 + M 2 )

Notes. 5,000 bootstrap samples. Results control for marital duration, education, remarriage status, and having children.
a1 and b1 reflect paths depicted in Figure 1a. Boldface values reflect mediating variable included in moderated mediation
model (Figure 1b).
* indicates 95% bias-corrected confidence interval excluded zero (equivalent to p < .05).
544 A. W. Barton, T. G. Futris and R. B. Nielsen

indicating that any effects of financial distress with higher levels of males’ and females’
on demand/withdraw communication did not marital satisfaction and commitment as well
vary based on the amount of gratitude expres- as lower levels of females’ divorce proneness.
sions from one’s spouse (tabulated results Moreover, across all independent variables,
available from first author). reports of spousal expressions of gratitude
We then proceeded to examine the effects of were the most consistent significant predictor
financial distress, demand/withdraw, spousal of all independent variables for marital quality
gratitude expressions, and their interactions indicators for both genders. For females, only
on marital quality outcomes (lines 2 and demand/withdraw also demonstrated a signif-
3, Figure 1b). Results are summarized in icant effect across all three outcomes, and for
Table 3. For main effects, higher levels of males, only financial well-being demonstrated
spousal gratitude expressions were associated a consistent significant effect. A portion of

Table 3. Multiple regression estimates predicting marital satisfaction, commitment, and divorce

Marital satisfaction Commitment Divorce proneness

Predictor B SE B SE B SE
Females (N = 293)
Spousal gratitude expression 8.55** 1.68 2.05** 0.67 −0.05* 0.02
Demand/withdraw (D/W) −2.56** 0.67 −0.97** 0.28 0.03** 0.01
Financial well-being (Fin. 1.51** 0.58 0.25 0.24 −0.01 0.01
D/W × Spousal Gratitude 0.98 0.70 0.83** 0.28 −0.02* 0.01
Fin. Well. × Spousal Gratitude 0.29 0.60 0.19 0.24 −0.01 0.01
Marital duration 0.20* 0.09 0.03 0.04 0.00 0.00
First marriagea 0.66 2.85 2.01 1.18 0.01 0.04
Education −1.48* 0.73 0.48 0.30 0.02 0.01
Have childrena −8.21* 3.39 −2.10 1.41 0.03 0.05
Constant 93.47** 5.70 39.80** 2.37 1.05** 0.08
R2 .292** .216** .162**
Males (N = 175)
Spousal gratitude expression 4.72* 2.35 4.31** 0.96 −0.03 0.03
Demand/withdraw (D/W)b −2.33* 0.92 −0.57 0.38 0.02 0.01
Financial well-being (Fin. 1.64* 0.76 0.78* 0.30 −0.02* 0.01
D/W × Spousal Gratitude 1.05 1.24 −0.46 0.48 −0.03** 0.01
Fin. Well. × Spousal Gratitude 0.59 1.05 −0.17 0.41 0.00 0.01
Marital duration 0.14 0.10 −0.07 0.04 0.00 0.00
First marriagea 6.10 3.77 2.76 1.58 −0.01 0.06
Education −2.26* 0.87 −0.36 0.36 −0.02 0.01
Have childrena −6.53 4.03 1.18 1.68 0.02 0.06
Constant 98.10** 6.58 44.79** 2.73 1.27** 0.10
R2 .236** .246** .218**

a 1 = yes;
0 = no. b For divorce proneness, D/W indicates wife demand/husband withdraw (total couple D/W otherwise).
*p < .05. **p < .01.
Demand/withdraw and spousal gratitude expressions 545

these main effect findings is qualified, however, To more clearly interpret and illustrate
by significant interaction terms, to which we these results, we plotted estimated levels of
now turn our attention. each marital outcome at low (1 SD below
Moderation effects of spousal expres- mean) and high (1 SD above mean) levels of
sions of gratitude on marital outcomes were demand/withdraw and spousal expressions
examined with respect to financial well-being of gratitude (Figure 2). Plots of these inter-
as well as demand/withdraw communication actions appear in Figure 2. As illustrated in
(lines 2 and 3, respectively, in Figure 1b). each plot, higher levels of reported spousal
As shown in Table 3, the interaction between gratitude expressions buffered females’ mari-
financial well-being and perceived gratitude tal commitment as well as males’ and females’
divorce proneness from the detrimental effect
was nonsignificant in all instances, indicat-
of higher levels of demand/withdraw. That is,
ing that spousal gratitude did not moderate
with increasing levels of demand/withdraw
the effect of financial well-being on mari-
communication, individuals with high levels
tal quality. Thus, after accounting for other
of perceived spousal gratitude did not exhibit
variables in the model, the effect of financial
a corresponding decline in commitment or
well-being on each of the marital outcomes increase in divorce proneness as occurred with
did not differ based on levels of spousal grat- individuals reporting lower levels of spousal
itude expressions. However, reported gratitude gratitude expressions.
expressions from spouses did alter the effect For the three instances with significant
of demand/withdraw on particular indicators moderation effects, a final set of analyses
of marital quality. Specifically, a significant investigated the potential of moderated medi-
interaction between spousal gratitude and ation (i.e., that the mediating indirect effect
demand/withdraw appeared in models involv- of demand/withdraw in linking financial
ing females’ commitment and males’ and well-being to marital quality is conditioned
females’ divorce proneness. on the level of perceived spousal gratitude).

Figure 2. Spouses’ marital quality indicators as function of demand/withdraw communication

and spouse expression of gratitude (low = 1 SD below the mean, high = 1 SD above the mean).
546 A. W. Barton, T. G. Futris and R. B. Nielsen

Moderated mediation was supported for out- through its effects on elevating levels of
comes of females’ commitment and females’ demand/withdraw interactions between
divorce proneness. In both instances, the partners. In nearly all instances, the interven-
indirect effect of demand/withdraw no longer ing effect involved demand/withdraw within
reached levels of statistical significance for the dyad collectively and not one particular
females with high levels of expressions of spouse-specific pattern. This finding slightly
gratitude from their spouses.2 This suggests differs from previous research employing sim-
that demand/withdraw communication trans- ilar spouse-specific mediators that found only
mitted the effect of financial well-being onto wife demand/husband withdraw as intervening
females’ commitment and divorce proneness (Falconier & Epstein, 2011b). Speculatively,
only among females with low or average levels the present results may offer a more accu-
of reported gratitude expressions by spouses; rate depiction, as the earlier study did not
at high levels of perceived gratitude, this indi- calculate the total or specific indirect effects
rect effect did not appear, given the diminished associated with the spouse-specific mediators.
effect of demand/withdraw communication on The one instance (men’s divorce proneness)
these outcomes due to high spousal gratitude. in which a spouse-specific demand/withdraw
In moderated mediation models for males’ pattern was the central intermediate path-
divorce proneness, the indirect effect was way suggests the unique role that the wife
nonsignificant across all levels of gratitude, demand/husband withdraw pattern (but not
thus precluding any inferences on conditional husband demand/wife withdraw) has for the
indirect effects and highlighting the ability of association between husbands’ financial dis-
reported gratitude expressions from spouses to tress and their relationship termination. For
interrupt this pathway among males (tabulated marital enrichment and intervention programs,
results available from first author). these associations between financial distress,
maladaptive couple interactions, and marital
Discussion outcomes reinforce the importance of content
in these programs that helps couples under-
This study converges two growing areas of stand how stressful contextual factors can
interest in marital research, namely, pathways spill over and affect marital behaviors and
of influence that link external stress to marital cognitions. Such attention is further under-
outcomes (Neff, 2012) and the importance scored by writing that suggests couples rarely
of interpersonal gratitude in promoting and acknowledge the effects of contextual factors
maintaining relationship well-being (Algoe, on their relationship quality (Berscheid, Lopes,
2012). Collectively, results provide greater Ammazzalorso, & Langenfeld, 2001).
understanding of “how” and “when” financial A series of notable findings also emerged
distress is related to marital satisfaction, with respect to spousal expressions of grat-
commitment, and divorce proneness. In itude. Concerning main effects, reported
particular, new insights emerge concerning gratitude expressions from one’s spouse were
demand/withdraw communication and spousal favorably associated with nearly all marital
expressions of gratitude, both of which appear outcomes, a finding that held for both females
highly influential on marital quality. and males. Thus, positive relationship out-
Results from parallel mediation models comes appear to be associated not only with
revealed that the negative effect of financial being appreciative and possessing gratitude
distress on marital quality was transmitted for one’s partner (Algoe et al., 2010; Gordon
et al., 2012) but also as the current study
highlights, feeling appreciated and perceiving
2. For example, the indirect effects for demand/withdraw
in transmitting the effect of females’ financial gratitude from one’s partner. This salutary
well-being to martial commitment were equal to effect of perceived partner gratitude was found
0.258*, 0.106*, and 0.024 at low (−1 SD), medium across multiple dimensions of relationship
(mean), and high (+1 SD) levels of perceived gratitude.
An asterisk (*) indicates the 95% confidence interval well-being, as previous writing has suggested
for this effect excluded zero. (Fincham & Beach, 2013).
Demand/withdraw and spousal gratitude expressions 547

The protective effect of perceived spousal those of other studies call attention to gratitude
gratitude and appreciation occurred with as a key process related to the development and
respect to demand/withdraw communication maintenance of marital unions as well as a mal-
and various marital quality outcomes (line 3 leable protective factor for emphasis in marital
in Figure 1b), but did not appear with respect enrichment programming.
to financial distress and its associations with Certain limitations of the study merit con-
either negative communication (line 1) or mar- sideration when interpreting its results. First,
ital quality (line 2). In this manner, expressions data are cross-sectional and from a single
of gratitude from one’s spouse appeared to reporter, hindering the ability to make defini-
function in a similar manner as positive affect, tive causal statements as well as introducing
which also has demonstrated an ability to potential confounds of sentiment override
mitigate the negative effect on marital quality and common method variance. Second,
associated with demand/withdraw communi- information was only available from one
cation (Caughlin & Huston, 2002) and poor spouse in the marital union, precluding the
problem-solving skills (Johnson et al., 2005). possibility of dyadic analyses. Third, sample
This protective effect of spousal gratitude size limitations (particularly for males) and
expressions only emerged with indicators measurement error in composite variables
of marital stability (commitment, divorce both increase the likelihood of Type II error,
proneness), but not satisfaction. Such findings particularly for moderating terms (Aguinis,
draw further attention to the distinctiveness 1995), leading some findings to be perhaps
between marital satisfaction and stability that, overly conservative. Cronbach’s alpha for
although related, have only a modest associ- certain demand/withdraw indicators were
ation in meta-analyses (rs = .3–.4; Karney & low, similar to previous research (Caugh-
Bradbury, 1995). As such, efforts to promote lin & Huston, 2002), suggesting a need for
marital satisfaction and marital stability entail improved spousal-specific measures of this
two discrete foci and carry differing practical communication pattern. Levels of gratitude
and ideological implications for researchers, in a relationship are likely to fluctuate over
practitioners, and couples (see Barton & time, and future longitudinal efforts could be
Bishop, 2014). Furthermore, to the degree that devoted to identifying the degree of stability
matters of commitment—and not personal versus change in types of gratitude over time
happiness—are central to defining marital as well as identifying predictors of above-
success (Amato, Booth, Johnson, & Rogers, or below-average levels of gratitude. Future
2007), reinforcing the benefits of spousal efforts could also investigate the “spillover”
gratitude and helping partners express and act effect from gratitude onto other prosocial cog-
in ways that lead each spouse to feel appre- nitions, emotions, and behaviors (see Fincham
ciated appears highly germane for marital & Beach, 2013; Kubacka et al., 2011).
intervention and prevention efforts. Spillover thus far in marital scholarship has
Recent findings also highlight the ability been largely described in relation to external
to increase spouses’ gratitude for their part- stress and hence carried a negative connotation
ner as well as expressions of gratitude to their (e.g., Randall & Bodenmann, 2009). Shifting
partner. One longitudinal study, for example, attention to identifying catalysts for “posi-
demonstrated increases in both partners’ grate- tive spillover”—such as partner expressions
ful mood by having one spouse keep a daily of gratitude—illustrates one of the many
gratitude journal or overtly expressing greater potential avenues for further investigation in
amounts of gratitude to their spouse (Leong, this promising emerging area of research on
2009). Other research suggests that simply marital and romantic relationships.
asking individuals to daily report how often
they express gratitude may lead individuals to References
verbally express more statements of gratitude Aguinis, H. (1995). Statistical power problems with mod-
to their partner (Gordon, Arnette, & Smith, erated multiple regression in management research.
2011). Taken together, the current results and Journal of Management, 21, 1141–1158.
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