7.5 Jennifer Tofan6985

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Instructor: Conrad Perez

Student: Jennifer Tofan

Course: Math 21 Online (52031) - Spring Assignment: 7.5
Date: 04/18/23

A bicycle factory runs two assembly​lines, A and B. 91​% of line​A's products pass inspection and 90​% of line​B's products pass inspection.
30​% of the​factory's bikes come off assembly line B and the rest come off line A. Find the probability that one of the​factory's bikes
did not pass inspection and came off assembly line A.

  Line A Line B
% Passes 91 90
% Produced 70 30

Express the percentages as decimals. These decimals represent the probability of each event.

  Line A Line B
Passed 0.91 0.90
Produced 0.70 0.30

The probability that a bike did not pass inspection given that it came off line A is 0.09.

P(did not pass ​| line A​) = 0.09

The probability that a bike came off line A is 0.70.

P(line A​) = 0.70

Use the product rule of probability to calculate

P(did not pass ∩ line A​).

P(did not pass ∩ line A​) = ​P(line A​) • ​P(did not pass ​| line A​)

P(did not pass ∩ line A​) = 0.70 • 0.09 = 0.063

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