George Boole

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ROLL NO. - 01 & 12
Born on 2 November 1815 in
lincoln, England
Died on 8 December 1864
ln sh ire , En gl an d, th e so n of Jo hn Boole
Boole was born in 1815 in Lincoln, Lin ol
y A nn Jo yc e. H e ha d a pr im ar y sc ho
senior (1779–1848), a shoemaker and
fr om hi s fa th er , bu t du e to a se rio us decline in
education, and received lessons
an d ac ad em ic te ac hi ng . W ill ia m Br ooke, a
business, he had little further formal
he lp ed hi m w ith La tin , w hi ch he may also have
bookseller in Lincoln, may have
in br id ge . H e w as se lf- ta ug ht in m odern
learned at the school of Thomas Ba
lo ca l ne w sp ap er pr in te d hi s tr an sl ation of a Latin
languages. In fact, when a t
un de r th e pr et en ce th at he w as no
poem, a scholar accused him of plag
e 16 , Bo ol e be ca m e th e br ea dw in ner for his
capable of such achievements. At ag
bl in gs , ta ki ng up a ju ni or te ac hi ng position in
parents and three younger si
's Sc ho ol . H e ta ug ht br ie fly in Liv erpool.
Doncaster at Heigham

Augustus De Morgan
In st itu te ,B oo le pa rt ic ip at ed in th e Lincoln
e Mechanic's
Greyfriars, Lincoln, which housed th
co ln , w hi ch w as fo un de d in 18 33 . Edward
rs, Lin
Mechanics' Institute, in the Greyfria
e th ro ug h th e in st itu tio n, he lp ed George Boole with
Bromhead, who knew John Bool
th e ca lc ul us te xt of Sy lv es tr e Fr an çois Lacroix by the
mathematics books and he was give ok him many
Lin co ln . W ith ou t a te ac he r, it to
Rev. George Stevens Dickson of St Sw
years to master calculus. La ne .Fo ur years later he
in Lin co ln : Fr ee Sc ho ol
ed his own school
At age 19, Boole successfully establish h of Ro be rt Hall. In 1840,
co ln , fo llo wi ng th e de at
ton, outside Lin
took over Hall's Academy in Wadding be came involved in the
di ng sc ho ol . Bo ol e im m ed iat ely
ran a boar
he moved back to Lincoln, where he es en tin g a pa per entitled
e co m m itt ee , an d pr
g as a member of th
Lincoln Topographical Society, servin e an cie nt Egyptians and
ism ", es pe cia lly am on gs t th
cies of polythe
"On the origin, progress, and tenden
Persians, and in modern India.

Augustus De Morgan
1) Differentiation

Boole completed two systematic treatises on

mathematical subjects during his lifetime. The
Treatise on Differential Equations appeared in
1859, and was followed, the next year, by a
Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences,
a sequel to the former work.

2) Analysis

In 1857, Boole published the treatise "On the

Comparison of Transcendent, with Certain
Applications to the Theory of Definite
Integrals", in which he studied the sum of
residues of a rational function.
3) Symbolic logic

Boole's original and remarkable general symbolic method of logical

inference, fully stated in Laws of Thought (1854), enables one, given
any propositions involving any number of terms, to draw conclusions
that are logically contained in the premises
4) Universe of Discourse

u n i v e r s e o f
5 4 ) d e f i n e s
B o o l e ( 1 8
e f o l l o w i n g
r s e i n t h
discou s e ,
e r y d i s c o u r
: I n e v
manner v e r s i n g
e m i n d c o n
e t h e r o f t h
wh r o f t h e
t h o u g h t s , o
w i t h i t s o w n
c o u r s e w i t h
l i n h i s i n t e r
in d i v i d u a
a s s u m e d o r
, t h e r e i s a n
o t h e r s h e
h i n w h i c h t
e d l i m i t w i t
exp r e s s
e r a t i o n . a r e
o f i t s o p
5) Probability theory

In probability theory, Boole's inequality,

also known as the union bound, says
that for any finite or countable set of
events, the probability that at least one
of the events happens is no greater
than the sum of the probabilities of the
individual events.
Honours and
In 1844, Boole's paper "On a General Method in
Analysis" won the first gold prize for
mathematics awarded by the Royal Society.
He was awarded the Keith Medal by the Royal
Society of Edinburgh in 1855.
He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society
(FRS) in 1857.
He received honorary degrees of LL.D. from the
University of Dublin and the University of
An Investigation of the Laws of Thought

Studies in Logic and Probability

The Mathematical Analysis of Logic: Being an Essay

Towards a Calculus of Deductive Reasoning

A Treatise on the Calculus of Finite Differences

A Treatise on Differential Equations

A Treatise on Differential Equations

An Investigation of the Laws of Thought [microform]

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