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2023 罗马尼亚小学生中文秀暨布大孔院儿童版结业典礼 主持词


 尊敬的各位来宾,女士们、先生们,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好!
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, dear students, good
afternoon! I am Huang Siwen, a Chinese teacher at the Confucius
Institute at the University of Bucharest, and I am the host of today’s
online event. The whole event will be screen recorded, and please make
sure your microphone is muted during the progress of the event. thank
you for your understanding and support.

 欢迎各位参加本次活动的学生和家长!本次活动共分为两个部分,
I would like to warmly welcome all students and parents who attend this
event! This event is divided into two parts. The first part is the
announcement and award ceremony of the 3rd “Chinese Bridge” ——
Chinese Show for foreign primary school students in Romania, and the
second part is the graduation ceremony of the children's class of the
Confucius Institute at the University of Bucharest.

 请允许我为大家介绍今天到场的嘉宾:
Now please allow me to introduce our honored guests, they are:
Mr. Li Zhengbo, second secretary, head of Educational Affairs of the
Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Romania.
Ms. Wang Jiong, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at Lu'cian
Blaga University of Sibiu.
Ms. Feng Shaozhong, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute at
Babes-'Bolyai [ˈbabeʃˈbɔlʲaj] University of Cluj-Napoca.
Ms. Wangbing, Chinese Director of the Confucius Institute of
Transil'vania University of Brașov.
Mr. Wang Yanjie, head of the independent Confucius Classroom at
O'vidius University of Cons'tanta.
Ms. Luminița Bălan, the Romanian director, Ms. Zhou Jialei, the Chinese
Director of the Confucius Institute at the University of Bucharest.

 今天比赛的现场还有各位参赛选手及其他们的家人朋友们。欢迎
And we also have friends from the media and all the contestants and their
families and friends with us. Warmly welcome to all of you!

 首先,请来自中华人民共和国驻罗马尼亚大使馆教育事务负责人
First, let's warmly welcome Mr. Li Zhengbo, the head of educational
affairs from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Romania to
deliver a speech.

(中华人民共和国驻罗使馆李征博先生进行致辞 Speech delivering


 感谢您的致辞。现在,我将介绍奖项设置及获奖情况。本次罗马
赛设置一等奖 1 名、二等奖 7 名、三等奖 10 名;集体组设置一等奖
1 名,二等奖 3 名,三等奖 5 名。其余为优秀奖。
Thank you for your speech. Now I will introduce the award settings and
awards results. The competition consists of two categories: Individual and
Group. For the Individual category, there is 1 first prize, 7 second prizes,
and 10 third prizes. For the Group category, there is 1 first prize, 3 second
prizes, and 5 third prizes. And all the rest will get excellent awards.

 本次比赛得到了大家的大力支持,我们共收到了 26 个个人组作
品、21 个个人组视频。5 位评委参与了评分,从表演内容、语言表
We have received tremendous support for this competition, with a total of
26 videos for the Individual category and 21 videos for the Group
category. 5 judges participated in the rating and provided scores from the
perspectives of content, language, performance, and comprehensive
effects. Congratulations to all the participants! You have successfully
completed this competition, and you have done a great job! Next, please
enjoy a collection video showing all the participants.

( 播 放 优 秀 参 赛 选 手 视 频 合 集 Playing the Video collection of

outstanding participants)
 感谢观看。现在我们进入在线颁奖环节。
Thank you for watching. Here comes the online award session.

 首先,有请锡比乌卢奇安·布拉卡大学孔子学院中方院长王冏老
Firstly, let's welcome Ms. Wang Jiong, the Chinese Director of Confucius
Institute at Lu'cian Blaga University in Sibiu, and Ms. Feng Shaozhong,
the Chinese Director of Confucius Institute at Babeș-Bolyai University in
Cluj-Napoca, to announce the winners of the third prize in the Individual
(电脑屏幕展示个人组三等奖获奖选手名单 Introducing the 3rd
prize list)

 接下来有请布拉索夫特兰西瓦尼亚大学孔子学院中方院长王冰老
Next, let's welcome Ms. Wangbing, Chinese Director of the Confucius
Institute of Transil'vania University of Brașov, and Mr. Wang Yanjie, head
of the independent Confucius Classroom at O'vidius University of
Cons'tanta, to announce the winners of the third prize in the Group

 祝贺各位获奖选手。接下来,有请布加勒斯特大学孔子学院罗方
Congratulations to all the winners. Next, welcome Ms. Luminita Balan,
the Romanian director of the Confucius Institute at the University of
Bucharest to present the second prize of the individual category. And Ms.
Zhou Jialei, the Chinese director of the Confucius Institute at the
University of Bucharest to present the second prize of the group category.

(电脑屏幕展示个人组、团体组二等奖获奖选手名单 Introducing
the 2nd prize list)

 祝贺他们。下面有请中华人民共和国驻罗马尼亚大使馆教育事务
Congratulations to them. Now, let's welcome Mr. Li Zhengbo, second
secretary, head of Educational Affairs of the Embassy of the People's
Republic of China in Romania, to announce the first prize in the
Individual category and the first prize in the Group category.
(电脑屏幕展示个人组、团体组一等奖获奖选手名单 Introducing
the 1st prize list)

 祝贺他们,现在有请个人组一等奖获得者,和团体组一等奖获奖
Congratulations to them. Now, I would like to invite the first prize winner
of the Individual category,Sofia 琳琳 to deliver a speech.

 谢谢琳琳,现在有请团体组一等奖获奖代表发言。
Thank you for the wonderful speech. Let's welcome the representative of
the first prize winner of the Group category, Ana Popescu to deliver a

 祝贺他们,现在有请布加勒斯特大学孔子学院罗方院长白罗米老
Thank you, Ana. And Congratulations to all the winners. Now, let's
welcome Ms. Luminita Balan, the Romanian director of the Confucius
Institute at the University of Bucharest to deliver a concluding remark.

 谢谢白罗米院长。也再次感谢各位嘉宾能在百忙之中,抽空参加
Thank you, professor. I would like to express my gratitude to those who
attend this event for your time and support. I kindly invite all the guests,
mentors, and contestants to turn on your cameras, let's take an online

 罗马尼亚小学生中文秀决赛到此结束,我们明年见!接下来将会
举行 2023 布大孔院儿童班结业典礼,请布大孔院儿童班的同学和家
This is the end of the 3rd “Chinese Bridge” ——Chinese Show for foreign
primary school students. See you next year! Next, we will hold the 2023
Graduation Ceremony of the Children's Class from the Confucius
Institute at the University of Bucharest. We invite the students and
parents of our Children's Class to stay with us in the following ceremony.

2023 布加勒斯特大学孔子学院儿童班结业典礼 主持词

 欢迎大家来到布加勒斯特大学孔子学院儿童班 2023 的毕业典礼。
Now welcome everyone to the Graduation Ceremony of the 2023
Children's Class of the Confucius Institute at the University of Bucharest.
First, please enjoy the Chinese poetry recitation by Hong Kejia, a
representative student from the Chinese Poetry Class.

 谢谢。接下来有请优秀指导教师代表王迪雅进行发言。
Thank you. Now let's welcome Wang Diya, a representative of the
outstanding mentor teachers, to deliver a speech.

 感谢您的发言。接下来,有请儿童班学员代表林莉、萨巴斯蒂安
Thank you for your speech. Next, I would like to invite the
representatives of the children's class to share their experience of Chinese
learning. So let's warmly welcome Popescu-Milea Caterina 林 莉 , a
student from HSK2 class, who has passed YCT3 exam, to deliver a

 谢谢林莉,有请 Gruia Sebastian 同学发言。

Thank you. Now let's welcome Sebastian, a student from Craiova, who
has been learning Chinese for 6 months, to deliver a speech.
 感谢同学们的发言。祝贺所有儿童班的学生完成本学年的汉语课
Thank you all for the wonderful speeches. Congratulations to all students
in the children's class for completing the Chinese language course in this
year. In addition, students who complete Chinese language study will
receive a Graduation certificate. Next, welcome Ms. Luminita Balan to
announce the list of outstanding students.
 祝贺各位同学!接下来,有请周佳磊院长宣读优秀指导教师名单。
Congratulations to all students! Next, welcome Ms. Zhou Jialei to
annouce the list of outstanding Chinese teachers.

 祝贺各位获奖教师。最后,有请周佳磊院长作总结发言。
Congratulations to the award-winning teachers. Finally, I would like to
invite Ms. Zhou Jialei to deliver a concluding speech.

 感谢各位的参与,现在请所有人打开摄像头,进行在线合影。在
Thank you for your speech. Thank you for participating, and now please
turn on the camera and let's take online picture.
This is the end of online graduation ceremony, hope to see you in the new
school year!

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