Process - Start-Up

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Dream Team Capital (Pty) Ltd

Co Reg: 2006 / 007262 / 07

dreamteam Suite 106 Cowey Office Park(1st floor)

91 - 123 Cowey Road (Problem Mkhize Road)
Essenwood, Berea, Durban, 4000

creating endless opportunity
National Toll-Free Contact Number:
0800 BUSINESS (287463)


Start-up Funding and/or Grant Procurement Process

Step 1: Company Registra�on with MOI, BBBEE & Tax Registra�on

If you do not already have your company registered, we can assist in ge�ng it registered with your memorandum of
incorpora�on documents, BBBEE cer�ficate & tax registra�on. A registered legal en�ty is required by all funders to
submit an applica�on for funding and/or grant procurement.

Step 2: Gather Quota�ons on Setup

You will need to gather quota�ons on all asset acquisi�ons i.e. plant & equipment, motor vehicles, computer equipment
and furniture. The quota�ons should be made out to your registered companies name. You would also need to calculate
how much you would need for working capital – this is usually facilitated as an overdra� facility to assist with running
costs such as guarantees, stock, rental, salaries & wages and other business expenses for the first few months while your
business finds its feet in the market place.

Step 3: Iden�fy a Business Premises

You will need to iden�fy suitable premises to house your new business & get the following informa�on: its loca�on, size,
monthly rental and annual escala�on.

Companies such as: ; ; ; and can assist you in finding suitable premises. If you intend
purchasing a premise, you will need to provide the following informa�on: its loca�on, ERF number or address, size (land
and/or building), zoning and monthly rates amount.

Step 4: Engage Us to Develop Your Funding Proposal

This includes development of your business plan, financial plan, financial projec�ons, applica�on forms and if need be
any other documents that may be required as advised by your finance & grant consultant.

Step 5: Send Through Other Suppor�ng Documents

The other suppor�ng documents that are required for compiling a conforming funding and/or grant applica�on need to
be sent through.

Step 6: Submission & Nego�a�ons

Once your funding and/or grant proposal has been compiled & reviewed by you; we provide you access to our funding
and grant network for you to start the process of submission & nego�a�ons. You simply email your complete
applica�on proposal that has been developed to service providers in our funding directory and nego�ate further with
the ones that provide favourable responses to the applica�on.

© Dream Team Capital (Pty) Ltd 2006 / 007262 / 07 – All Rights Reserved

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