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UNIT 3- EUROPEAN NATIONALISM (1850-1871)- Carla’s audio

The French Revolution and The Napoleonic Wars shook Europe to its foundations… Before
those upheveals, European monarchs reigned supreme , i.e. they had full power over the
nations they ruled. The Rev are going to cause different civil wars and also internationals wars
to finish delimiting the power of each nation over what regions, areas, reigns and kigdoms.
After war, no ruler could safely nor the will of the people. People started to be more powerful,
+ soberain, their voices started to sound in dif forms of demonstrations in society by the non-
payment of taxes, their associations to the new political parties… Empowerment in other areas
of society that before had been silenced.

Napoleon acknowledged as much by conforming the legal rights of French citizens and seeking
their approaval in ples visaids. After he was excilled, European monarchs tried to maintain
absolute power by repressing nationalist movements, because now they knew that the people
had power, and if they held power, they could make changes. In the long run however, the
rulers risked rebellion and defeat if they failed to recond with nationalism and turn it to their

In 1815, the countries that defeated napoleon reached an agreement at the congress of
Vienna. (An important landmark in European Nationalism) wchich was designed to negate the
impact of the French Rev. and led by some foreign ministers of Austria, Prussia, Russia and
Britain and a newly cooperative france, they restored the royal family of king Louis XVIII. That
formed a great alliance that were to put down all the rebellions or nationalist uprisings that
threatened the interests of the monarchies.

In 1820, Austria asserted its authority over the kingdoms of Italy by sending troopes to
Napoles, to crush efforts to establish a constitutional monarchy in Napoles. That same year,
liberals in Spain imposed the constitution of their king, but French troops later iontervenedand
restored it to absolute power. So we see that the intervention of the neighbouring countries
had to do withg this fear of loosing the monarchies and therefore the power of the few.
Thanks to the legacy of the Revolution, France remained a constitutional monarchy despite
efforts to revive autocratic rule. More than autocratic, it was known as despotic . when the
reactionary King Charles X dissolved the chamber of the beauties, Parisians rebelled and swept
him for power in 1830. There was a kind of upheaval coming in and out, going of monarchies
in France. His successor King Louis Filippe plesh to avaid by the constitution. Although France
and Britain had long been rivals, they were now both constitutional monarchies which puts
them a toots with the absolute monarchies of Austria, Prussia and Russia. Belgium succeeded
in breaking from the Never lands, for eg. By the same time in the 30s. Because Britain and
France blocked her for spy other three powers for stole or to promote Belgium independence.
Even absolute power sometimes backed the revolutions abroad for their own interests. Russia
helped to Greece, for eg, win the independence from the Ottoman empire in 1829. German
and Italian nationalists sought unification and independence for their countries, then, they
were split into different kigdoms and states with Prussia dominating the smaller German state
and Austria also dominating Italy. Some reigns or regions that have been govered by
neighbouring kingdomns still remained until full independence of each country as we know
them today was gathered.
The revolutions of 1848 that continued in the French society and around Europe foltered
because they lavt brought support in France, vouters because now it was a constitutional
rejected the radical goals of workers, man in barricades in the streets of Paris, and elected a
conservative government led by Napoleon’s nephew, Louis Napoleon who latter became
Emperor. So in a way it was a kind of monarchic rule but in a shape of a constitution.

By then radicalism had been ruled it out in Prussia and Austria as well, the Austrian empire was
a fast declining and the independence movement in Italy could no longer be supressed so in
1860 Garibaldi of Sertinia established a revolution in southern Italy and so, Garibaldi is more or
less like our San Martin . And they placed all the region that was under the rev of Garibaldi and
then the rule of king Victor Emmanuel II who ruled Sestina and much of northern Italy and the
unification of Italy was not completed until the 70´s when they took control also of the Vatican
states around Rome and then it became the Nations’ capital in 1870. At the same time a
foreign minister Bismarck, succeeded in unifying Germany and the Prussian rule through
industrialization and conquests. So, here we see the indication of the role of the Industrial rev.
in the unification of power and also in the new form of imperialist rule. And so goes on the
different sections of Europe that started to become liberated and they started to delineate
what we see today as the different countries of Europe and they of course started to have
their own identitites that’s why some of them are very similar and some others are different
because they started really during the 19 th century to build their national spirit, of the ideas of
their patriotism of their individual republics and nations.

Pag 6

Making inferences. How do you think industrialization affected people’s attitudes about work?
What specific changes would workers have disliked?

Shift from sitting meetings to walking meetings


A justification we write to introduce betw 2 or 3 theoretical questions of our teaching

The object of the sutyd, the content of teaching? In this activity is Medieval romance-fairy tales

Taking the content: as a narrative it has certain charact. OR we can work with meaning: the
topics,the values, the stereotypes…

Presentation of the final work

Literature is a context of work and as such it becomes an approach to teaching.

We have ddaily and school context, the context of the dif subjects,
We concentrate in the literary axis it appears as an intermediate axzis that can ,ake
connections with for eg everyday context, pick up a particular discipline, literary aspects
genres themes period of literature. This axis embraces a lot of possibilities

The content: romance fairy tales the genre of narrative

The context: literature, within literature: fairy tales.

Why literature/fairy tales?-why this content and why the methodological aspect? These three
aspects have to be included in the tasks

How sts know what is a sultant, where they could find what a sultant is

Why is the info in the pretask useful to continue to do the following tasks

A contextualization of a topic.

An activity can be pedagogical and the task has to do with doing sth in the lge

What the sts will discover, what features we want to take from the medieval of romance

In point 3

What lge sts are going to learn… but the departing point of the lesson is the romantic feature.

Heroic adventures-valuesw-magical powers

Villain, discover who is who.charact of heroes, of dif characters, actions…

These values appeared in medieval romance

Where these features appear, tofind quotations

History is context

Literary history contextual analysis the purposes of genres undersating in a paralle way in a
historyxal dimension that guve birth to dif tezt types. The novel started to appear after the

Literary theory according to the point of view, there is of theory.

The neoclassical period, romantic period and Victorian period. (The hanovverians) these
periods were the periods of the glorious revolution

Genre romance, subgenre fairy tales

Google the definitions of the dif theories that appears as key points in literary theory

Signifier sth you see, catches our attention. Eg a word that is repeated so many times

Signifies something else

Cultural materialism is related w signier and signified.

The working house becomes a symbol. Through sth that is material I relate all the signification

To be observes, to look more closely to ythe symbols,

The textual analysis will be responded w the backup from the text


-Were the rev useful for society?

-What kind of impact they made?

-The stuarts wanted to get rid of the monarchy and they set a kind of republic but it didn’t go
well so it was a useless rev. They could find changes in their societies and more other changes
but in fact no changes that were established on the eng society.

What was the use of the rev? How the societies changes with the rev?

How do you relate those contents we have studied (the historical events that are sopurces of
semiotical studies) how they represented society.the voice of society, a minority of society that
wanted tpo talk, sometimes that voice comes from a minority, sometimes from a group…

The wars of independence in latin am and americans…

The events that you have to study and remember are at the service of giving explanations of
these causes and changes and how many things are symbolic from them: flags, colours,

Couple of lines from books and to make relations with social and political world-

Examples of que in the photocopies she gave us.

Why do we mean by imperialism in THIS era? With the era of the industrial rev.

Is imperialism something of the past or we can see it in society? What is the imperial mind?

Why the societies were so worried about nationalism? What is it?

The English rev- The French Rev- The American rev- the latin am rev-The ind rev.

As cultural manifestation: OLIVER TWIST (a good example of Realism) It shows the conditions
of working class.

What is to be realistic? What is to be romantic?

1st UNIT: The cultural differences between the Argentinian and the British.

The ideological background for literary movements is the Romanticism and Realism.

Realism appeared not only on England.


THE ENLGHTMENT followed the MODERN ERA (the renaissance)

In countries like germany and france, they have baroque style since the buildings have statues,
columns, etc.

LITERATURE as a way of showing the world. Realist literature have a way of writing that people
thought that it was a journalistic way of writing.

Jane Osten the life of the writer

The view of women changed with the industrial revolution because the need for labour in
order to sustain the families. Children also had to work because of the lack of men labour. Also
women could work. + women writers. The introduction of women in universities.

After wars, and the lack of men, women empowered.

Frankenstein by Mary Shelley: Romantic as a reaction of the realistic view. Shelley talked about
technology, scientists. She was in a setting that is realistic.

What happened with Frankenstein is that he couldn’t be human. Theoretical view was
excellent but he hasn’t LOVE and this is a romantic way to see the story. Frankesnstein never
had emotions.

Possible theories that sustain criticism

The importance of understanding the 15 basic concepts:

-They are the approaches we can use in order to develop acitivities.

-WHENEVER lge is used in a way to consume for pleasure or in a way that it is attractive for sts,
whatever we consume in classroom that we consider it as literature: why literature is

When we focus on the lge of the text, that would be working of literature as a text.

-Movements, periods, and how these literary movements (HISTORICAL ASPECTS) is to know
the philosophers. EG when we talk aboput realism, there are philosophers such as Charles
Darwin. In order to understand a text, we have to know the historical aspects, the contextual

-Genre and poetics: the form of the text and the lge

-Discursive dimension of the text: It takes the meaning fo the 1 st approach and the 2nd
approach to go far of what it is explicit. Critical analysis of books try to make an interpretation
of the ideologicaql aspects: the first stage of contextualization is VERY important.

Frankenstein: a gothic novel, the ling characteristics of a gothic novel has? We are finding the
components that make the novel a GOTHIC novel. But apart from that, we describe the
context, the period of when was written, where was written. The age of the scientific rev.
CONTEXTUAL AND HISTORICAL review of the novel. OK, now that we have this and we know it
is a novel… What kind of novel it is? Why a monster? Why a Frankenstein? What does
Frankenstein represent in the society? To think more, doing research, about ideological issues,
the intention of the text, the impact in society, why society accepted or rejected a piece of
work? Build new interpretations, hypothesis.

The T takes the contextual points (industrialization), the ideological views (the man as a centre
of the world, for eg.). I, as T, decide on which aspects we have to work.

E.G. little red riding hood

-Contextual analysis: we try to think the cotext about the fairy tales- the time where it was
written, the role of adults and children. The context of a fairy tale by understanding that it is a
romance, it is mixed with realistic and romantic features. The context is a FANTASTIC SETTING,
there I can see the function of the text. It is appealing to imagination. To let ss imagine sth,
usually by making predictions. The contextualization is the romance period. It has t do with
fantactis, to the unreal, to theiumaginary- What kind of world we’re going to discover

-The text in itself when we talk about genre, the content of a fairy tale, of the romance… The
features of the romance. Who’s the heroe? Who’s the villain? The poetics refers to the
linguistic analysis.

- The discursive analysis: represent the narrative into the real life. To think how the activity we
see can be connected with ourselves. We take the contextualization of the text already has its
ideology, the romance as a genre in itself has its own ideology: an ideal world, fantastic story
the fairy tale: Disney offers the unreal world. Maybe you want to work with the biographical
aspects, with the ideological aspects such as symbolisms (animals, objects, articles of clothing,
particular articles of food, places, that signifies sth else), with genre studies such as feminism
and maybe we can discover sth in literature that is related with nowadays.


-PICK UP A TEXT THAT IS A NOVEL, SHORT STORY, ETC. It can be oral, multimedical, pictures
with texts, or a traditional piece of text. To relate it with the 15 basic concepts.

Whas she responsible? were the parents responsible¡ what does the woolf represents
(symbolism)? Nowadays… which type of text can we use with kids to be relevant for them?
The idea of the innocence of the fairy tales that content very dramatical … princes can be
appealing for them. For e.g. shrek, or king lion, Narnia, versions that break the wonderfull
world into more monsterlike characters and they belong of the classic Diney and they are
based on the fairy tales.

complexity of the text) maybe we want to focus on the voc, re read the 15 concepts specially
on the communication of the _ model. And the complementary material.

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