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Reading and writing are essential for our growth and daily lives, but it comes with advantages

disadvantages that might impact us in various ways.

Reading serves as a provides readers with a range of topics, traditions, and opinions as a link to
knowledge and information, it also helps strengthen our communication skills by enhancing our
vocabulary, language fluency, and reading comprehension, it stimulates our mind by promoting critical
thinking and problem solving skills, it also helps us enhance our understanding and empathy by
increasing our compassion and emotional intelligence by immersing us into different point of views in
the story, and last but not the least, it is a source of relaxation, it helps us escape reality and forget
about our problems.

However, as there is an advantage, there will be a disadvantage as well, first is that Reading takes time
and you might take a lot of your time if you got too immersed in what you are reading and forget about
the things that we need to do, second, some materials have limited access and might not be available to
be read the whole story. Lastly, reading is good, but reading a lot of information might get
overwhelming and makes it difficult to discern reliable sources and biased content.

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