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Malabar Pied Hornbill Indian Grey Hornbill

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Malabar Grey Hornbill

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Great Hornbill ö£¶¯ C¸Áõ]

Malabar Grey Hornbill

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Hornbills are spectacular forest birds known for their horn-like casque atop
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their beaks and strange nesting habits. Four species occur in the Western
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Ghats. Hornbills nest in hollows created by wood-rot or by birds like wood-
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peckers in live, old, and tall forest trees. The female incubates eggs and rears
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her young for up to four months in a sealed-in tree cavity, being fed fruits
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and small prey animals by the male through a slit-like opening. By eating
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fruits and dispersing seeds, hornbills aid in forest regeneration. Today, they
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are threatened by poaching and loss of habitat and large forest trees.
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B£zxUSÒÍõQ²ÒÍÚ. Photos clockwise from top left: 1,3,4: S Ramakrishnan, 2: Divya-Sridhar, 5: Suresh Ganapathiappan

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