Essentials of HRM MS65 - CORRECTED

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Essentials of HRM

Answer 1
Mirage Investments Ltd., a multi-office Indian asset management firm, recognizes the need of a
knowledgeable and efficient human resources department in maintaining strong employee
relationships. Human resources are essential for attracting, retaining, and developing top talent.
HR must prioritize the business plan and company goals in order to achieve this.

Concept and Application

As the company partner in charge of human resources at Mirage Investments Ltd., my major goal
is to treat each employee with dignity. The primary goals of the human resources department will
be to recruit, train, inspire, and retain qualified employees. As a result, please pay attention to the

Individual Acquisition and Selection:

Human resources will be in charge of locating and hiring the finest candidates for open positions.
As Mirage Investments Ltd. expands its business areas, the importance of this mission will grow.
According to human resources, a corporation should be punctual, fair, transparent, and honest
when recruiting new personnel.

Education And Development:

It is the responsibility of the human resources department to give employees with opportunities to
learn new skills and improve their performance. This is a critical objective for Mirage Investments
Ltd. because the sector is highly competitive and there is always room for advancement. The HR
department will meet with the owners of the company to determine the type of training that is
required for each employee.

Methods for Measuring Performance:

Human Resources will use performance management to ensure that each employee's task
contributes to the overall purpose of the firm. The human resources department will devise a
system for tracking how well employees do their duties. To determine its efficacy, the technique
will be analyzed and researched on a daily basis. The goal is to recognize and reward excellent
achievement while simultaneously discovering and resolving the reasons why some people
perform poorly.

Employee Participation:
Human resources is in responsibility of making the workplace pleasant. Mirage Investments Ltd.
must be exceptional in order to compete in its field. To encourage employee participation, the HR
team will organize events and present awards, gratitude, and feedback.

Employee Interactions:
The human resources department is responsible for ensuring that supervisors and coworkers get
along well. Because Mirage Investments Ltd. has the ability to change its behavior, achieving this
goal is crucial. The human resources department will create policies and procedures to ensure that
employee concerns are handled promptly and fairly.

Compensation And Benefits:

Salary and benefits are handled by the human resources department. Mirage Investments Ltd. must
provide competitive wages and benefits in order to retain its employees in a highly competitive
market. Human Resources (HR) will ensure that everyone is fairly compensated and receives the
same advantages.

Legality And Adherence To The Law:

Before recruiting new employees, HR must ensure that all rules are followed. This goal is crucial
since Mirage Investments Ltd. must follow a number of rules. HR and legal will collaborate to
ensure that all employment laws are obeyed.

The human resources department of Mirage Investments, Ltd. works hard to ensure that employees
can interact safely. The HR staff will do all possible to make the office a pleasant place to work.
As a result, employees will be more loyal, engaged, and productive.
To do this, the HR department must establish objectives for a variety of tasks, including hiring,
promoting, developing, managing performance, involving participants, managing relationships,
fairly rewarding employees, and upholding standards. When these objectives are met, the result
will be a workplace where employees are inspired to achieve their best every day.

One aspect influencing a company's performance is its HR department's ability to recruit and retain
great individuals. Staff development and training will be crucial in ensuring that everyone has the
skills necessary to properly carry out their tasks. Work toward the performance management aim
of recognizing people who do well and determining why those who do not do so.

The organization must emphasize safety and legal objectives to ensure that all applicable rules and
laws are followed. HR and legal will collaborate to ensure that all employment laws are obeyed.

Mirage Investments Ltd.'s human resources department strives to achieve the same business goals
as the rest of the company. Human resources has a significant impact on how a firm treats its
employees. In order for the company to flourish and its employees to be happy, the HR department
must be able to meet these objectives.

Answer 2
The Luxe Group, a well-known hotel brand, is known for its outstanding customer service. As a
firm expands, its human resources must adapt to match the increased demand. The organization
will only thrive if qualified candidates fill all open roles. To achieve these objectives, the HR team
must put in significant effort and remain vigilant. It is past time to restructure human resource
operations. As a result, the HR team may be able to work more effectively and efficiently.

This study looks at the HR changes at the Luxe Group. The first section of the report will go over
the HR policy changes. The section that follows will go through the various human resource
functions. Plans will be developed to clarify each HR staff member's responsibilities. The Human
Resources Department at The Luxe Group will have sub-departments for Employee Relations,
Compensation and Benefits, Training and Development, and Learning and Development.
Concept and Application
A company's human resources department is crucial for managing employees and the organization
as a whole. The Luxe Group is a chain of luxury hotels. If the human resources department is
ineffective, the firm will be unable to achieve its objectives. Because I work in human resources,
I believe the following individuals should be included on the HR team:

How To Find Work And Hire People:

Human resources' screening and recruitment teams will be in responsible of identifying and hiring
qualified candidates. Posting job adverts, assessing applications, conducting interviews, and
selecting applicants who share the company's values are all part of the job. To make new staff feel
appreciated and welcomed, our department will provide a comprehensive training program.
The level of service provided is determined by the grade of The Luxe Group’s The Ritz-Carlton
Hotel Company's employees. Because the company believes that personality attributes are innate
and cannot be taught, hiring people with the proper attitude and character is more important than
hiring people with the right technical skills.

Development and training:

The training and development branch of the HR department is in charge of providing employees
with the training and practical experience they need to perform their responsibilities effectively.
The training procedure entails establishing the type of training required, organizing it, providing
support, and assessing its success.

The Luxe Group The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is managed by Marriott International. Marriott
Global Source is a professional development and training program for employees of Marriott
International. It investigates a number of topics. Online coaching videos, seminars, and job-search
advice are available to program participants. Professionals in the food business have praised the
school's teaching methods.

Maintaining a Performance Record:

The HR department in charge of "performance management" is in charge of defining goals,
monitoring performance, providing feedback, and identifying methods to improve things. This
section will go through a variety of topics, such as how to hire, fire, and promote employees.
The Performance Excellence Programme is used by The Luxe Group Four Seasons Hotels &
Resorts to evaluate employee performance. People who excel should be held to higher standards,
given more power, and paid more lavishly.

Receiving Compensation and Benefits:

The human resources department will create and manage a competitive compensation and benefits
system. Labor laws and regulations oblige businesses to provide for their employees. As a result,
they are required to conduct compensation surveys, create pay schedules, and provide benefits
such as health insurance and retirement programs.
The Luxe Group Hilton Worldwide Holdings Inc. offers its employees benefits such as paid time
off and health insurance. Furthermore, the company offers its employees travel and
accommodation discounts.

Employee Interactions:
The goal of employee relations is to make employees feel welcome and to answer their inquiries.
The policies and procedures of the company are developed and implemented by this division.

The Luxe Group The Hyatt Global Care & Cleanliness Commitment is managed by The Luxe
Group the Hyatt Hotels Corporation. During the various phases of this strategy, safety equipment,
as well as cleaning and maintenance tasks, will be required.

The HR department at the Luxe Group has also undergone adjustments to improve personnel
management. The four new HR divisions are Employee Relations, Compensation and Benefits,
Training and Development, and Recruiting and Selection. These divisions will make hiring,
training, and managing employees easier. They will also provide the group with the funds and
other resources it requires to achieve its objectives.
The human resources department will locate and hire the best candidates for the company. This
article examines, lists, and discusses vocations. The candidate with the most qualifications will be
deemed the winner after all candidates have been interviewed. Google is a corporation that knows
how to find and hire the best people. People believe Google is a difficult place to work since the
company values potential above experience.

Answer 3a
Human resource planning must be the most significant aspect of any business. It comprises
estimating how much work will be required in the future and allocating sufficient resources.
Businesses that can forecast future client preferences will be able to attract and retain the best
candidates. Shanghai Food Corporation reviews its HR strategy on a regular basis and experiments
with new techniques to foresee its future HR demands. The demand for human resources is
projected using qualitative methodologies and information that is neither objective nor
quantitative. Instead of evidence, these techniques are based on professional opinions, judgments,
and notions. This article examines significant HR planning strategies that Shanghai Food
Corporation could employ to assess its long-term HR requirements.

Concept and Application

The demand for human resources is projected using qualitative methodologies and information
that is neither objective nor quantitative. Instead of evidence, these techniques are based on
professional opinions, judgments, and notions. The Shanghai Food Corporation can use the quality
metrics listed below to determine whether it needs to hire more employees:

Expert advice:
If you want specialist advice on this topic, speak with persons who are familiar with the group's
operations and human resource requirements. Administrators, government officials, and
community leaders comprise this category. They could inform HR about the qualifications for
various positions within the company. They can also tell Human Resources if the company's goals
or objectives change, allowing HR resources to be reviewed. A sales manager, for example, might
be able to explain how the company's personnel needs will alter when a new product is introduced.
The Delphi procedure:
It can be difficult to locate a trustworthy attorney. To accomplish this, a team of experts conducts
secret polls and then analyzes the data. This strategy will be used again and again until everyone
has reached an agreement. This method is beneficial when it is necessary to analyze the opinions
of different specialists from various regions. Shanghai Food Corporation's local administrators
could use the Delphi technique to determine how many employees they need.

Method of Nominal Groups:

A group of professionals can reach an agreement if they first debate the matter. This is how the
finest communicators in various disciplines communicate. The group then deliberates on the finest
ideas and chooses one. This could be useful when experts disagree and a decision must be made
based on the majority's opinion. When a new product is developed, for example, the human
resources department can use the nominal group approach to determine how many sales and
marketing personnel are required.

Historical Comparison:
We can forecast current and future HR demands by analyzing prior trends and occurrences. The
premise behind this strategy is that patterns will continue to repeat themselves. For example,
Shanghai Food Corporation can make better use of its resources if it can accurately estimate the
market trend for a given product.

Taking the Situation into Account:

When we say we're "scanning the environment," we mean we're looking for anything that could
have an impact on it but isn't mandated by HR. Consider how future changes in society, politics,
and the economy may impact an organization's current activities. For example, if demand for
organic food increases, Shanghai Food Corporation may need to hire more employees.

Shanghai Food Corporation uses a variety of qualitative indicators to calculate the number of
employees it needs to hire. You can get expert advice, track trends, and keep an eye on external
events that may effect your need for HR expertise. The expert opinion technique entails soliciting
feedback from specialists who are knowledgeable about the organization's operations and human
resource requirements. The Delphi method and the nominal group methodology are both
systematic approaches to eliciting expert opinions. Forecasting future HR demands using present
data and trends. looking for anything that might impact HR's decision.

Solution 3b
It is possible to anticipate the number of workers required in the future by analyzing previous
patterns and statistics. You may be able to find patterns and trends in the labor market by analyzing
historical data such as the number of positions, their rate of change, and labor force size.
Companies that monitor these patterns will be able to customize their human resource management
to the types of people they will require in the future. The goal of this study is to determine how
effective trend analysis is for resource planning.

Concept and Application

The initial stage of pattern research is to collect and evaluate historical data on who was employed,
promoted, relocated, or let go. This type of information can be obtained in job files as well as
interviews. To determine future HR needs, we must study trends and patterns.
The collected data will subsequently be analyzed, and trends will be used to estimate future labor
needs. This is accomplished by using mathematical models to forecast labor market statistics such
as the amount of impending employment opportunities, employee turnover rate, and other
variables. Time-series analysis, linear regression, and exponential interpolation can all be used to
detect trends.

Linear regression is a statistical approach for predicting data and identifying trends. Connect the
locations with a straight line with a constant slope to accomplish this. This is the most effective
method for displaying data that changes linearly over time, such as the number of locations.
Scientists use a technique called "exponential smoothing" to forecast the future by looking at the
past. One type of data that may be analyzed using this method is the number of times people leave
their jobs.
"Time-series analysis" is a statistical technique that examines data over time to identify trends and
forecast future trends. The fact that unemployment rates are higher during specific months or
seasons of the year demonstrates the effectiveness of this tactic.

Future forecasts can also be utilized to create human resource (HR) plans and strategies. For
example, if HR data indicates that a large number of employees are likely to depart the company
in the coming year, people management plans and retention strategies could be developed to
address the issue. In addition, if the trend analysis indicates that there will be insufficient
competent people to fill a certain function, the business may launch training programs or hire more
people to fill the gap.

Trend analysis is useful since it provides a number that may be used to determine the amount of
employees required. Employers can build more accurate employment estimates by analyzing past
data statistically. When utilizing this model, human resource planning becomes more methodical
and fact-based.

In contrast, trend analysis may not use all of the available data. This strategy, for example, is
predicated on the assumption that current trends will continue. Changes in the market or in the
organization's operations may make anticipating future HR demands difficult. The data used to
produce a trend analysis also influences its accuracy. Making effective projections may be difficult
if there is insufficient or correct historical data.

Math can be used to foresee future events and estimate how many people will be required. Data
about the labor force from the past can be used to identify trends and forecast future labor demand.
Statistical techniques such as time-series analysis, exponential smoothing, and linear regression
can assist businesses in making more accurate estimates regarding their future human resource
requirements. Despite these disadvantages, this data-driven, systematic approach to HR planning
may still be valuable to businesses.

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