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State of Downstate

Manhattan Brooklyn Queens Staten Island Nassau

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The Downstate1Update September 7, 2011

Volume 1, Issue 1


Letter from the Downstate Vice President

By Ben Yee Dear Everyone, My name is Benjamin Yee, Im the Downstate Vice President of the New York State Young Democrats. In this first ever Downstate Newsletter its my proud duty to issue a State of the Downstate report. However, since the odds are essentially nil that you have any idea what the Downstate Vice Presidency of the New York State Young Democrats is, Im going to let this Newsletter, which delineates the myriad exploits of the chapters better than a one page letter ever could, speak for itself while I explain what that is. I started as the Downstate Vice President a little over a year ago with no idea of what to expect - I had just been VP of Manhattan Young Democrats for a truly turn-around year of growth and activity that had changed it from a middling club into a sprawling, in-your-face activist organization even other Young Democrats chapters resented. Based on my title alone you might think surely electing the ex-VP of that chapter to Downstate VP is a ludicrous proposition; after all, whoever holds that role is in charge of coordinating chapter activity, smoothing over tensions and, hardest of all for a Manhattan guy, convincing the rest of NYC and Long Island hes earnestly trying to work with them and isnt just a pompous jerk. If you thought that you were wrong. Once elected by the chapters I quickly found out the Downstate Vice Presidency was an amorphous position with no set responsibilities and no institutional power; so really, whoever got elected didnt have to do anything. But then, they couldnt really be stopped from doing anything either. Given what I like to view as that lack of constitutional constraint, I pushed very, very hard for something new - for the State Young Democrats to allow a region to hold its own fundraiser and create a cooperative fund. The fund would hold $10,000 for the express purpose of paying for projects that chapters did together. By working together, then, the chapters would learn from each other, they would be able to combine resources and people to accomplish together that which no chapter could alone and they would come to appreciate their differences and the value of cooperation. It was a wild

Letter from the Downstate Vice President Manhattan Young Democrats Update Queens County Young Democrats Update Brooklyn Young Democrats Update Nassau County Young Democrats Update Staten Island Young Democrats Update Downstate Accomplishments Downstate Agenda

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

bet and the magic goal of $10,000 meant the chapters would have to make Keep the Change, the event held to raise the money, the largest ever produced by the Young Democrats in New York. And they did just that; proving that volunteers under the age of 36 can do a lot more than simply phone bank and knock on doors. This year has been full of success for the Downstate region. We didnt slow down after Keep the Change; money in hand we were free to speed up. The remaining pages of this Newsletter will make clear for you why, of all the organizations in New York, the Downstate Chapters, are the future of the Democratic party, the leaders of progressive grassroots organizing and the best investment around in Youth leadership. Our achievements in growth, improving our organizing infrastructure and activating young people have prepared us for the year ahead. In the midterms Young people broke for the Democrats 70-30. If the Democrats are going to win the battle in 2012 its because the Young Democrats are on the field. Our incredibly ambitious plans for 2012 are laid out in this Newsletter but we can only succeed if we have the support we need to continue our work. If youre reading this its because youre the kind of person who knows that individuals can make a difference - help us make one, too. 2012 is around the corner, now is the time to prepare for the Change to strike back. Sincerely, Benjamin Yee Downstate Vice President New York State Young Democrats

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The Downstate Update

Manhattan Young Democrats Update

By Emmy Suzuki Harris, Kim Moscaritolo and Stefan Ringel
MYD President Emmy Suzuki Harris phones banks for marriage equality in June.

MYD has continued to fulfill its place as Americas most dynamic, active and productive Young Democrat chapters. In fact, in back-to-back years MYD has won Best Chapter from the Young Democrats of America. The chapter, like all of the Downstate chapters, proudly played a big role in the battle for marriage equality in New York State. Members canvassed neighborhoods, called at phone banks, attended rallies and posted on social media in the weeks and months leading up to the big vote. The Open Seat Project was also a great victory for MYD this year. This was created to address the concern that hundreds of seats within the New York County Democratic Party structure remained vacant year after year. This year, recruitment for the Open Seat Project was especially focused on recruiting women, minorities and members of the LGBT community who are drastically underrepresented in elected office. 90 people submitted qualifying petitions with their respective democratic clubs to the board of elections for county committee positions. Just this past month, Young Gets It Done, the chapters biggest fundraiser of the year, had over 250 people in attendance, including former city Comptroller Bill Thompson, current city Comptroller John Liu, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer and Council Members Dan Garodnick, Letitia James and Jumaane Williams. Besides enjoying a great evening at Simyone Lounge, the

event honored young progressive leaders impacting New York State. Also in August, MYD hosted a screening of Miss Representation with Queens and Brooklyn, which explores the under-representation of women in positions of power and influence in America, with over 40 attendees. The chapter also held a phone bank for Assembly candidate Dan Quart, where pizza and soda were provided for all volunteers. And, on September 10th, members joined thousands in Lower Manhattan to remember 9/11 with Hand in Hand and Community Board 1. This year, MYD set a goal of 250 paid members. Going into YGID, they were at 227. While they haven't crunched the final numbers, there is no doubt that they have exceeded that number. This month will be no exception to MYDs typically packed agenda. There will be a happy hour fundraiser for the New York City Coalition for the Hungry as well as a trip to the Harlem Lanes for Septembers General Meeting. In addition, issue committees will have their regular meetings to further their policy agendas.

MYD has continued to fulfill

its place as one of Americas most dynamic, active and productive Young Democrat chapters.

Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer enjoys Young Gets It Done with Young Democrats from across the city.

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The Downstate Update

Queens County Young Democrats Update

By Costa Constantinides, Matt Bishop and Stefan Ringel

What was once a small cadre of young progressives has grown by leaps and bounds over the last several years. Today, QCYD is a political force to be reckoned with in the county and around the state as well. At the chapters big summer fundraiser, the fifth annual Summer Bash, QCYD reached the milestone of attaining their 100th dues-paying member. This cements the group as the second-largest Young Democrat chapter in New York State. The occasion was marked by a number of special honored guests, including city Comptroller John Liu, Assembly Member Vivian Cook and Council Member Danny Dromm. Over the last couple of months, QCYD became extremely active in the special election in the Ninth Congressional District. All hands were on deck for the election on September 13th. The chapter organized several canvasses, bringing 15+ volunteers out two weekends in a row, and provided support at debates in Queens and Brooklyn. Several issues have been the hallmark of QCYDs agenda the last few years, including LBGT rights. Members proudly marched in the St. Patricks Day for All Parade as well as Queens Pride, and they were active in lobbying local state senators on their votes regarding marriage equality. Another key concern for the chapter has been labor

QCYD President Costa Constantinides joins other members to celebrate Queens Pride.

rights, particularly in the wake of the events in Wisconsin. The Labor Caucus organized a presence at the big May Day rally at Foley Square and stayed engaged during the budget cut debates on the city and state level. Hydrofracking is a continuing issue for QCYD members, as is immigration, on which members have spoken out against Secure Communities and continue to fight for the DREAM Act. QCYD also has a very active Womens Caucus which organized a successful screening of Fatal Promises of Human Trafficking at CUNY Law School. QCYD is looking forward to celebrating some big wins on September 13th, after which it will move forward with building momentum towards a great 2012.

Today, QCYD is a political force to be reckoned with in the county and around the state as well.

QYCD members partake in a Q and A session with Congressman Joe Crowley at Donovans Pub in March.

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The Downstate Update

Brooklyn Young Democrats Update

By Amanda Pizzuti, Seamus Campbell and Stefan Ringel
BYD Secretary Seamus Campbell addresses Rally for Redistricting Reform in Westchester County.

Brooklyn has long been a hotbed for progressive politics, so it only makes sense that one of New York States fastest-growing Young Democrat chapters should be BYD. As one of the youngest chapters in New York State, BYD has had significant membership growth just by word of mouth and developing relationships with politicos across Brooklyn and the five boroughs; with very little recruitment activities, the chapter has about 50 members. Four of these members represented BYD at this years Young Democrats of America Convention in Louisville. The group was also able to put itself on the map thanks to a strong turnout at the New York State Young Democrats fundraiser at the Brooklyn Brewery in April. Marriage equality was a big focus for BYD this year, and the chapter turned its sights on State Senator Marty Golden for his vocal opposition to LGBT rights, as well as other positions that fail to represent the interests of Brooklynites. In June, a big rally was held to protest Golden, which was attended by progressives from across the city. BYD has also been concentrating on getting the state to pass independent redistricting reform, particularly considering local concerns over minority representation. They were co-sponsors for the Rallies for Redistricting Reform in the State Senate districts of Jack Martins and Greg Ball. In fact, the Brooklyn Young Democrats Secretary, Seamus Campbell, was 'tiger pinned' by Bill

Samuels of the New Roosevelt Initiative, dubbing him a 'Hero of Reform.' Unfortunately, on April 28, BYDs Northern Regional Vice President, Hope Reichbach passed away. The chapter has taken some time to regroup as an organization after the loss of such a young, dynamic political force. In recent weeks, BYD has taken some important strides. They were a noteworthy presence in the Ninth Congressional District in the effort to elect David Weprin to Congress. They have also gotten back to strong advocacy work, including fighting for stronger rent regulations for the 2.5 million tenants of New York State.

BYD President Amanda Pizzuti joins other protestors at the

Brooklyn has long been a hotbed for progressive politics, so it only makes sense that one of New York States fastest-growing Young Democrat chapters should be BYD.

chapters Rally Against Marty Golden.

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The Downstate Update

Nassau County Young Democrats Update

By Halie Meyers, Kyle Strober and Stefan Ringel

There is a burgeoning force in Nassau County politics, and it exists in the form of NCYD. The young chapter has been retooled this year, and under new leadership the future is bright for their impact on local and statewide issues. This year, NCYD has met at least once a month with consistent attendance of 20-30 participants. The chapter has done a strong job of building membership through social media efforts, as well as through involving the existing Democratic leadership in Nassau County. For example, a recent softball game pitting Young Dems vs. Old Dems at Eisenhower Park not only raised funds, it raised the visibility of the organization. Affordable housing has been a big organizing issue for NCYD this year. The chapter teamed up with Action Long Island and County Legislator Judy Jacobs to hold a discussion at Eleanor Rigbys in Mineola. Following that meeting, members followed up by engaging local elected officials about their concerns. NCYD has also been quite active on redistricting reform, both on the county and the state level. The chapter brought in the New Roosevelt Institute and dozens of protestors to picket State Senator Jack Martins office. The rally drew press coverage and increased the pressure on Martins, who has not fulfilled his promise to pass independent redistricting.

NCYD enjoys its Young Dems vs. Old Dems softball game at Eisenhower Park.

2011 is a big election year in Nassau County, and NCYD has been deep in the swing of campaign activities to support David Weprin and swing the balance of power in the county legislature. Candidates the chapter has supported include County Legislators David Denenberg and Judy Jacobs, North Hempstead Town Supervisor Jon Kaiman, the Long Beach City Council and all Democratic candidates opposing incumbent Republicans countywide. From petitioning to GOTV activities, NCYD members have been there in strong numbers. The chapter leadership has many goals for the next few months, including making strides on environmental issues impacting the county. Its clear based on the past few months that NCYD has the structure in place and the energy behind it to see great victories ahead of them.

There is a burgeoning force in Nassau County politics, and it exists in the form of NCYD.

County Legislator Judy Jacobs participates in a discussion on affordable housing at Eleanor Rigbys.

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The Downstate Update

Staten Island Young Democrats Update

By Amy Lavelle, Samantha Giordano and Stefan Ringel

YDRC President Amy Lavelle joins some of the attendees of the chapters Awards Dinner.

When the average person thinks of places for progressive innovation, Staten Island may not be their first thought. Well, that might be close to changing. YDRC has stood strong in a traditionally Republican county, and with their leadership the tide might be turning blue soon enough. The chapter has been involved in a broad range of statewide issues. They supported the leadership of State Senator Diane Savino and Assembly Member Matt Titone on their push for marriage equality. They wrote an open letter to all Staten Island elected officials asking for support on legislation that would permanently ban hydrofracking in New York State; the letter, written by Treasurer Michael OBrien, was printed in the Staten Island Advance. Additionally, YDRC protested Congressman Michael Grimms vote on debt-reduction legislation which was forced through the House in response to the Tea Partys protest to the raising of the debt ceiling. Members have also taken a big stake in significant local matters. YDRC took an active role in the protests against the proposed firehouse closings on the island. They supported the campaign to save the William H. Pouch Scout Camp, a key green space for residents. They marched in the Staten Island Pride Parade and, at the Staten Island St. Patricks Day Parade, they gained renown for withstanding verbal and physical harassment for their support of the LGBT community. When Verizon workers took to the YDRC has stood strong in a traditionally Republican county, and with their leadership the tide might be turning blue soon enough.

picket line, the chapter brought bottled water and other provisions out to keep them going. And, as always, they participated in the annual Bread of Life Food Drive, run by one of their past presidents, Joe Delaney. Their most recent event was their Awards Dinner on September 8th. Over 125 people attended this fundraiser which honored Senator Savino and Assembly Member Titone. They also celebrated local civic leaders like co-founder of SI Stonewall Rosemary Palladino. Not surprisingly, all of this hard work has pulled even more young people in the chapters growing fold. YDRC gets twice as many people to their monthly meeting than they did a year ago, Expanding at a rate like this explains why many New York State Democrats are suddenly looking to the south for its future leaders.

The chapters banner is proudly displayed by members at the Staten Island Pride Parade.

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The Downstate Update

Downstate Accomplishments
By Ben Yee

Biggest Young Democrats fundraiser in New York. Ever. Thats how the Downstate Region, comprised of the five boroughs and Long Island, started the year. A Downstate committee, drawn from chapter members and headed by the Downstate VP raised $10,000 from hundreds of people for the first regional fundraiser for the Young Democrats, making it the fundraiser to end all others. Keep the Change was a bold showing from a generation of Young Democrats ready to get up and take tangible action. Now its my pleasure to tell you how the Downstate region has championed action over the course of the year and is continuing to the change the game in Youth organizing. What have the chapters done with your $10,000? Its our first time having a cooperative fund and, for most chapters, this much money. People were always asking what we were going to do with you know!

painting by YD volunteers working with The White Roof Project - a non-profit that was spun off from Manhattan Young Democrats. Paid for delegates from the Downstate region to attend the 2010 Young Democrats of America convention where they ran training seminars and added support for a moratorium against hydrofracking to the YDA platform.

What has the Downstate Vice Presidency Done for the Chapters? In the past the Downstate VP has done little but vote in the State Executive Board; not so this time. Hey, were trying to elect a President here!

Bussed in Downstate members to canvass for Mike Kaplan with Westchester YD Trained in Manhattan Young Democrats to canvass with Queens YD for Tony Avella. Funded "Comedy Against Evil" in spend money to make money fundraiser held by the Downstate chapters for the Young Democrats high school caucus. A major a net gain. Purchased rights for screenings of Miss Representation held by the Womens Issues Committees/Caucuses of the chapters. Sponsored 20,000 sq ft of white roof

Fought for the creation Downstate Regional Fund. Proposed and organized Keep the Change fundraiser (which raised $10,000). Brought in designers and web builders to provide professional grade branding, graphics and websites to the chapters - for FREE! Held the first ever Downstate Summit to facilitate sharing of best practices and new ideas and to perform SWOT analysis for the chapters and the region. Kept the chapters coordinated and aware of each others actions by creating a clearinghouse of events in a single office. Improved and engendered regular communication amongst the Downstate leadership Started the Bronx County Young Democrats which the County Chair had mentioned in The New York Post.

Page 8 Downstate Agenda

By Ben Yee

The Downstate Update

What can you expect in 2012? We did a lot this year but we have significantly more ambitious plans for next year. Increase Inter-Chapter Activity: Its not hard to imagine: in the last year the chapters have been more active than ever and therefore have more members and money than ever. Bigger chapters mean more leaders, more skills and more passionate youth! Well be focusing more on Issue Campaigns, Cross County Canvassing Trips and Battleground State Trips! New Chapters: With the growth weve had in the existing chapters its time to get the last two counties in the region on board. The Bronx already made news in The Post for initiating the chartering process. In the coming months well be officially chartering that chapter and rolling up our sleeves in Suffolk. Youth Army: Our most ambitious new plan is truly a monumental task. With too many young people out of a job and Democrats struggling throughout the country were realistic that the zeal of 2008 needs a serious booster shot. Thats why well be offering organizing boot camps with the incentive of paid organizing scholarships to work in battleground states for top students. Many will come, some will leave; those that dont go will give us an army of trained organizers to use the Downstate Fund to help clean up our own backyard! Keep the Change II - The Change Strikes Back: Its a hard fact that we cant meet any of our goals without money. The first step will be raising at least another $10,000 for the very specific project of funding our best and brightest to cut their teeth on Presidential Battle and bringing in new organizers. Beyond that, 2012 may seem like a time when Democrats will be seeking cover but there are great gains to be had. The recruitment weve garnered over the last year has been when people arent focusing on politics - with the funding we had in 2011 for 2012 well be tripling memberships and taking back State Senates in no time.

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