Sample Detailed Lesson Plan in English Fiction or Non Fiction

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Grade Level: 3-5

Subject: English Language Arts

Topic: Fiction and Nonfiction Stories

Time: 45 minutes


 Students will be able to define fiction and nonfiction.

 Students will be able to identify the characteristics of fiction and nonfiction.
 Students will be able to compare and contrast fiction and nonfiction stories.


A variety of fiction and nonfiction books

 Whiteboard or chart paper
 Markers

 Worksheets (optional)


1. Introduction: Begin by asking students to brainstorm a list of different types of books.

Write their responses on the whiteboard or chart paper.
2. Definition of Fiction and Nonfiction: Explain to students that there are two main types of
books: fiction and nonfiction. Fiction is a type of writing that is made up. The characters,
events, and settings in fiction stories are not real. Nonfiction is a type of writing that is
based on facts. The characters, events, and settings in nonfiction stories are real.
3. Characteristics of Fiction and Nonfiction: Have students work in pairs or small groups to
identify the characteristics of fiction and nonfiction. They can use the books you have
provided to help them.
4. Comparison and Contrast: Once students have identified the characteristics of fiction and
nonfiction, have them compare and contrast the two types of writing. You can do this by
leading a class discussion or by having students complete a worksheet.
5. Application: Have students choose a fiction and nonfiction book to read. Ask them to write
a short summary of each book and to identify the characteristics of fiction and nonfiction
that they find in each book.


 Observe students during the lesson to assess their understanding of fiction and nonfiction.
 Collect students' worksheets or summaries to assess their ability to identify the
characteristics of fiction and nonfiction.

 Forstudents who are struggling, provide them with more support during the lesson. For
example, you can provide them with a list of the characteristics of fiction and nonfiction or
you can work with them individually to help them identify the characteristics in the books
they are reading.
 For
students who are ahead, challenge them to write their own fiction or nonfiction story.
You can also provide them with additional books to read that are more challenging.


 Have students create a book trailer for a fiction or nonfiction book.

 Have students create a Venn diagram to compare and contrast fiction and nonfiction.
 Have students write a letter to the author of a fiction or nonfiction book that they have read.

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