Subjek Area Simulator Training

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1. Pendahuluan
Pengertian/ Fungsi Simulator dalam Pelatihan. Hal – hal yang penting
dari pelatihan Simulator dalam Pendidikan Maritim.
2. Basic Design dan Tipe – tipe Simulator/ Kelas
3. Simulator Familiarisation
4. Scope of Simulator Training/ Tataran
5. Instructur/ Laboran/ Simulator
6. Konsep – konsep Pelatihan Simulator
7. Scenario Program
8. Briefing and De Briefing
9. Exercise Simulator design
10.Penyajian/ Uraian dalam Simulator Exercise
11.Kecakapan Effectife dalam Komunikasi antar Peserta Pelatihan
dalam Team/ Group
12.Assesment/ Ujian
Traininng Scenario: Manouvre The ship/ Proceding to Anchorage
Referensi to STCW 2010-Table A-II/I

Function & Level Navigation of The Operational Level

Competence Manoeuvre the Ship, Approaching Anchorage
Aim of exercise Ship Handling with ajusments Speed/ Course,
Maintain Safety Navigation, Prform the
Procedure for Anchor.
Objective - Pre Briefing, Explain The Scenario Exercise
- Prepairing The Ship Arrival (One Hour Before)
- One Hour Notice To Engine Room
- Communication by VHF Radio to The Parties
- Take a Position Periodicaly
- Ship Handling/ Manoeuvre the Ship During
Drop The Anchor
- Take Anchore Position and Fixing the Position
- Reporting to the Parties by VHF
Exercise Condition MV Mataram Sailing Tg. Emas to Tg. Priok/ on
Arrival/ Approaching Anchorage Area
Method of Exercise Bridge Simulator Class B
Criteria of Evaluation Approfiate to The Circumstaness and Condition
Time Factor 60 Minutes. Group Assesment.
<60 Minutes=1/ ≥75 Minutes = 0,5/ > 90 m
Total Time: …… minutes; time factor: ………
Total Score: Total Markx Total Factor
Passing Grade = ≥ 70 Pass/ Fail
Briefing Paper

Function & Level Navigational at The Operation Level

Unit of Competence Ship Handling/ Manouvering the ship approaching
acherage area
Competence Task 1. Prepairing the ship arrival
2. One hour notice to engine room/ check all
3. Radio communication use of VHF to the parties
4. Check and fixing ship position periodicaly
5. End off the sea voyage, ajusting speed to
6. Switch off the auto pilot, change to manual
7. Eco sounder/ Radar/ GPS Relay/ OXI
8. Proceed to the anchor area position
9. Manouvre/ Ship handling during progress of
drop the anchore
10.Checking the anchor position and fixing position
report to the parties by VHF Radio
Task Performance Obyective:
Under Pinning STCW 1978, …………….. 2010 Tab.A-II/1
Perform Condition MV Mataram Arrival Tg Priok, Proceed
Anchorage Area
Performance of - One hour notice to engine room
Criteria - Commnunication to the parties
- Fixing ship position periodically
- Switch the steering mode  to manual mode
- Manouvre the ship to drop the anchor
- Fixing ship position/ anchor position report to
the parties
Attitude Action of all students in group during assesment
Evaluation Correctly performance criteria done by group
Evidence - Print of the assesment
- Assesment Paper
- Video/ CCTV
- Logbook, etc


Level : Operational
Student name/ Group : Individual/ Group
Category Weight 4 3 2 1 Mark
Radar stand 5 Radio on/ ready Check all of the Prepairing the Prepairing the radar 20
by on chart for use chart sheet distance range, chart sheet switch to on
sheet ready ready variable range, according to position use radar
bearing line the exercise no.1/2

Determining 5 Target ready for Fixing the targets for Determining Switch the distance 20
targets and use: use: (1/2/3) the target’s and range according to
Fixing the Tg. Krawang Of target fixing target (2 the area (3/6/12
Target’s Danau Besar course/speed or 1 target) mile)
Nyamuk Besar
Take bearing 5 Record the radar Take bearing line’s of Pointing the Check and prepare 20
line’s of target bearing line’s ofthe target’s and EBL to the the EBL no.1/2
by EBL the target’s finding the compass target’s (EBL
Take distance 5 Record the radar Measuring the Turn and Prepaire and check 20
of target’s by distance by VRM, distance target by pointing the the radar distance
using VRM as shown by PPI VRM, as shown by VRM to the variable range
PPI fixing target’s marker
(2/3 target’s)
Drawing and 5 Cross bearing line Drawing on the chart Pripaire the Prepaire the chart 20
plotting the of 2/3 target and sheet of the 2/3 accessories sheet according to
bearing line/ distance range of bearing line and 2/3 Paralel ruler, the exercise arc
distance chart the target’s target’s distance triangle rule, (app. Tg. priok
sheet  compare  is it pencils, divider
position the position fix by
Level : Operational Level
Student name/ Group : Individual/ Group
Category Weight 4 3 2 1 Max. Mark
One hour 5 Fixing the ship Check all Fixing the ship Prepair the 20
notice to ER position. bridge position. ship on
Communicatio Check the Equipment’s. Inform to arrival.
n to the parties echosounder. OHN notice engine room Call the
Fixing ship Radar /GPS on to all Report to the master
position Fixing the parties One hour
periodicly ship positions. VHF notice
Change the 5 Various course Fixing the Change the End of sea 20
steering mode Fixing ship ship position steering mode to voyage
to manual position Steady as she manual mode Telegraph
Helms man Safe navigation goes Helmsman take standby
/quarter master Under master manual mode Fixing the
ready commands steering ship position
Manouvre the 5 Fixing ship Maintain safe Adjusting the Communicat 20
ship with position of navigation course and ion to engine
adjusting Adjusting course Proceeding to speed room for
course/speed to and speed anchorage Fixing ship manouvre
the ancorage area position speed
area Check depth of
Manouverring 5 Fixing the Fixing the Fixing the ship Officer 20
the ship during position of ship position position /crew
maintain anchorage point Check Adjusting the ready/prepai
navigation to Adjusting speed distance to course and r the use of
drop the other ship speed anchor
anchor Keep
Drop the 5 Take the anchor Ship in Take the engine Manouvring 20
anchor ball/light up position at the stop to asteern the ship at

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