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• Demographic Profile.

Instructions: Please supply all the requested information by placing check on the box provided.

Name: (optional)

Sex: Male Female

Age: 17 below 17-19 18-20 20 above

Track/Strand: ABM ICT (Computer Science Servicing, Animation, Technical drafting)

HUMSS HE (Caregiving, Bread & Pastry Production, Tailoring/Dressmaking)

STEM IA (Automotive, EIM)

Daily allowance: Less than 50 pesos PHP 50 - PHP 100 PHP 100 - PHP 150

PHP 150 - PHP 200 More than 200 pesos

Mode of transportation: Private Vehicle Public Transportation

• Increasing Vehicle Fares

Instructions: Indicate your answer by putting a check mark (✓) on the appropriate column. There are no right or wrong
answers. Please be guided by the scale shown below.

5- Strongly Agree 4- Agree 3- Neutral 2- Disagree 1- Strongly Agree

Budgeting SA A N DA SD
5 4 3 2 1
1. I cannot buy meals/snacks whenever I’m hungry to save my budget allowance for
2. My budget for food is decreased because I have to consider my vehicle fare.

I prefer to bring packed meals or snacks than buying meals to save my budget
allowance for fare.
• I have difficulty in budgeting my allowance due to increased fare.

• My budget for my school requirements is decreased because I need to

allocate more of it for fare.
• My budget for buying other neccesities (clothes, school supplies, etc.,) is
decreased to save for fare.
• I have difficulty in budgeting my allowance for my projects or
requirements at school.
• I have difficulty in budgeting my allowance for my access to the internet.
• I frequently ask my parents for additional money for my school projects.

• I prefer to walk the short distance of my travel to save my budget

allowance for fare.

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