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A Coustics - SSP Ae Section eee Solvhon Scanned with CamScanner Sheet 1 1- Determine the decibel rating of the following intensities of sound. a. 1= 2.2.x 104 Wim? b, A sound which is 4 times more intense than the sound in part a. c. A sound which is 10 times more intense than the sound in part a 4. A sound which is 100 times more intense than the sound in part a €. The sound of an orchestra playing a movement pianissimo at 7.5 x 10 © Wim? (very softly) £, The sound of an orchestra playing a movement fortissimo at 2.5 x 10 + Wim? (very loudly) 2- Find the speed of sound in water, which has a bulk modulus of 2.1*109 N/m22.1%109 N/m2 and a density of 1.00103 kg/m3 3- A machine produces a sound with an intensity of 2.9 x 10° W/m*. What would be the decibel rating if four of these machines occupy the same room? 4- The sound in the United Center during a Chicago Bulls basketball game in 1998 was seven times as intense as it is today. If the decibel rating today is 89 dB, then what was the intensity rating in 1998? 5- A sound has an intensity of 8.0 x10° W/m? at a distance of 2.0 m from its source. What is the intensity at a distance of ... 4.0 m from the source? a b. __... 8.0 m from the source? c. 46.1 m from the source? 6A listener is sitting 2.0 m in front of the speakers on the stage at the Twisted Brother concert. The decibel rating of the sound heard there is 110 dB. What would be the decibel rating at a location of .. a, 4.1m from the speaker? b. _... 20.0 m from the speaker? Scanned with CamScanner ae decibel CAB): [x @ logarithmic unit te express a fatio. F aul - Tt is aratio =, climencionless - There is always a reference. value . v | Sound pressure level Sovrd intensity feel cand Padoer leveL Mavi} fs y spt) Cp) eat) (tr) (Sw) CLw) bp=Laalieg T= [ol tog E Lov = He eg i Field quantity ae nergy. R= 20 Pe + % — 2 * quantity T= 40 wim Wo= 10° W Mees ie A Pe UT PC Gia) ee Ly= 10 109 ce) = fo (0 tel i L Pc op de log [4-1- to log Eve 1, 2 lo - £ » Yoo: Po = yxto”? iG ee lps to 19 LR u to Sa c ; = lon 29) uso var br 2 SPL Be ¥ 4oo MKs ab room temp Pk teem tere Scanned with CamScanner T= 2.2 x 104 Win? b. A sound which is 4 times more ¢. A sound which is 19 i 4. A sound which is 100 times more inte ©. The sound of an orchestra Playing * Win? (very softly) The sound of a * Wim? intense than the sound in part a. mes more intense than the sound i part a han the sound in part a @ movement pianissimo at 7.5 x 10° orchestra playing movement fortissimo at 2.5 x 10° (very loudly) Solution: x Sound intensity level (STL) cy) Le to a x =r. (omy ae odB ‘ Note: intensity is an SPE94 quankty so we used "lo version of deaube| equation. xy i Common reference (threshold of hearing ab 4kH2) is the =4 2 a- W- 2x10) Win ot hn JB 22 soe in| 33-42 “tes fe leg, (22K8 whe u ) = 84.44 de It “4 to log / yx 2.2¥10 to (on —sa lo a S The difference in dB Would be lo log (=3) Zi). |e log y= 648 t-te tog ( FA) = le log 4 = 84.44 dB. = 83.4246 dB = ov. p= Ly + 6dB Scanned with CamScanner The diff i erenle in dB = |o [09 ( 2) t lot ‘Jo log ( “= ) = 10 log fo = to dB ] Lr3 = LT1 + 10 dB= 23. yy +10= 93.4248 d- The difference in dB = to log ( foom ). 2o dB G c- Liye= Ls + 20 dB = F3-444 90 = 10344 dB From the Previous examples we can Show ore feature of decibel scale that is useful in dks cussing Sound => Trey can describe very big ratios with numbers of modest size. —6 e- Lr= fo log (28° lows }- 68.45 dB i <4 d- Lyp= fo log (28a2-)= 23-44 4 gy de. 6 ee Note:-dB measures physical quantikies (ex: Pv) - It doesn't measure loudness - se Scanned with CamScanner General WW—> ci. [Te ushere +C is a coefficient of Ge - Shffress . - P is the density °F Sound increases with the Stiffness of ae Material and decreases with the density: % Te Speed % Speed of Sound > Liguide > gasier. IN Solids { Speed of Sound 1 Solids ah ia Speed of sound C 7 7 ; eae Solids” | puis | c= f= -E is Young's Modul ys. + K is adiabake *P is stake fe dens Cae bulk mregules Pressure CNIn, Pa) -P is ensity (kg lo?) fe density *Y iS isentropic 5 : expansion factor Cair = 34o mis 2- Find the speed of sound in water, which of 2.1109 N/m22.1%109 N/m2 and a den: sa bulk modulus y of 1.00%103 kg/m3 fuhion: 3 Saukon® Couuid = = aut tt = 1447 X10 mis +10 | 2 ke 21 ¥10) Nin. p= 1102 _Kglm’. Scanned with CamScanner p—"s SPL of independant Sound Sources : Si ‘Ne SPLe ore based on a log Scale my “they Can't be Sdded cirect ly: ; 7 = us [ 3 1? ] Shi — Tetal Sound Pressure. level. Sele ith Sound Pressure +o be Summed- Notes Adding two Sound Pressure levels of n. = Wel lee la 2 * ea Note: PC vw Yoo Ks Tom eo | Te + 2 Tf hemi- Sphere of Semi Sphere —> Area= 21r™ The sound intensity i¢ one fourth the intensily ot the Source when the distanu is doubled (ar). eee eee Scanned with CamScanner ros. ‘sound has an in Source. What is 4 Y of 8.0 x10 Wim? at a distance of 2.0 m from its ty at a distance of hecho 5 “oO! ™ from the source a ~ M from the soure ~ 46.1 m from the source? Seluhon: 2, . . ae 2s Oo hion ila toe _ distance doubled —+ /4 = =! be £80" BT. 5x18 wind Trew (2) > oe BXIo" | Cay ie. ie X10 Wim. < Tew Cay” a Scanned with CamScanner on the stage at the Twisted Ml heard there is 110 dB, What Sain ee eee ee (2 Yo Lr = fo log = |] = ae SD = 1B" 10° 2 ot what Ol ule aia “Tne (ay : y directly i Trew = 01025 win ( mh disband foubted ). 1225 \_ 193,98 dp dl Lr =z lo lo (Aor = Ge) Lx uw joy dB- 7) n ak 4m -3 (201 =» Trew? 110 = 2 Gp wile 6- Lak 20m = Tow (sae )- qo dB. oe Lr new = lo 109 fo at om ee —sssi—sC=# Scanned with CamScanner

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