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A Coushics Section 2 Cheek 2 Soluhon heer remem Scanned with CamScanner » s ” Sheet 2 . . What is the decibel level of a sound that is a- twice as intense as a 90.0-dB sound? b- is one-fifth as intense as a 90.0-dB sound? . Ten cars ina circle at a boom box competition produce a 120-dB sound intensity level at the center of the circle, What is the average sound intensity evel produced there by each stereo, assuming interference effects can be neglected? . What is the approximate sound intensity level in decibels of a 600-Hz tone if it has a loudness of 20 phons? If it has a loudness of 70 phons? Based on the Fletcher -Munson graph, what is the threshold of hearing in decibels for frequencies of 60, 400, 1000, 4000, and 15,000 Hz? Note that many AC electrical appliances produce 60 Hz, music is commonly 400 Hz, a reference frequency is 1000 Hz, your maximum sensitivity is near 4000 Hz, and many older TVs produce a 15,750 Hz whine Given are the values of average SPLs measured in the different hours of a day at a specific location. Calculate Leg, Lay La , Lin and percent highly annoyed Time [1 ]2 ]3 [4 ]5 ]6 |7 [8 [9 [to |i ]12 am SPL |66 |62 |62 [62 |64 |64 |66 [66 [66 [68 [68 |72 (dBA) Time {1 [2 [3 [4 [5 |6 [7 |8 [9 [10 Jur fiz | p.m sPL |72 [74 |76 [76 |74 |74 |72 [78 |78 [76 |72 | 68 (dBA) Use the following for C(AL): 3 cian =4? 0 Scanned with CamScanner ‘Sound Level (4B) a- What is the loudness in phons of a 100-Hz sound that has an intensity level of 80 dB? bb- What is the intensity level in decibels of a 4000-Hz sound having a loudness of 70 phons? © Atwhat intensity level will an 8000-Hz sound have the same loudness as a 200-Hz sound at 60 dB? 120 phon 110 phon 100 phon 120 100 80 2000 50 80 500 1000 4000 8000 Frequency (Hz) Scanned with CamScanner wes is the decibel level of a sound that is a- twice as intense as a 90.0-dB sound? b- is one-fifth as intense as a 90.0-dB sound? Solution: a- Twice the intense —> difference in AB = fo bLog® 3 AB 2. difference in AB = Go AB + 348 = 13 48. 2. Decibel level Clr), = Ae b. 2. & fe intents > difference dB = te begs —-+ dB 2. Difference in AaB = RB +t dB = 33 dB. qo di Decibel level CLL), = kt Scanned with CamScanner + Ten cars in a circle at a boom box competition produce a intensity level atthe center of the circle, What is the average sound intensity level produced there by each stereo, assuming interference effects can be neglected? ee Soluhon + = \2o dB Cl Vaoreut L= do cars Find Lr of each car, \o 19 ) (Lady = be dB = to beg | — ) ) “~ Ro dB = Jo leg | te * te \ wn bec. to cars Oey ~ Se = Le li + i = Bs = le [te \ (tte) rl Tho : ion jo * lo —» |o= 10 w. Leg lo = et : (La) of each car = 10 log (10) = tHe de. = (Lr) = dio dB. ef each car Scanned with CamScanner 1 co eo aie ! +34 343438 s 4 Id 15 wb 105. = 11S da. * Qa Can't be sowed Like this ih must be Solved USING the rule Scanned with CamScanner , Loudness Perce +100 \ i Vity « Preceived Loudness is Subj echve que 3) - Depends on many factors other than seund pressure level. as —> Sound clurokon. — Frequency - - The unik cf Loudness is Phens dness level ey + to that + Phons are te preceived low uivalen at deoo Ht. The following is Fletcher Munson graph = Sound Level (4B) 8 2 500 1000 4000 8000 Frequency f (Hz) Scanned with CamScanner / ow loudness 18 Measured P Hatching Procedure” Ligheners Makch loudness of tones at Various fresuencies +o deeo We -fone - * By hew many dB does one need to increase Scund Pressure level of a Sole tone by Comparison toa dKWe Bo phon tone such that both willl be precieved & equally Loud ? =p SPL at 1kHe defines phon as a measure & equal Loudness. => 6o Phons means 60 AaB. <= Phons only & applies to Sine Woves- as loudas a 1KH2 Sine tone at presses equal loudness and only w- 8 phons ak AKH2 (from the curve) Gives SPL= BAB to get he same loudness ( for Se H®) means at Gote on Bo Phons Curve. L, SpLe 28 48 eo ak Sells we need & BAB increase te hove the Same loudness (Be phon ). Scanned with CamScanner j 3, What is the approximate sound intensity level in decibels of a 600-Hz tone if it has a loudness of 20 phons? If it has a loudness of 70 phons? Solution: (From the curve) Stand ak x-axis Cfrey) => boo and on 2o phon curve We ~ Lys 22 48. IP Loudness = Jo phon =. ak Gool ® and to phon Ge lps tt dB ee ——s—sess™ Scanned with CamScanner _ Based on the Fletcher Munson graph, whats the threshold of hearing in decibels for frequencies of 60, 400, 1000, 4000, and 15,000 12? Note that many AC electrical appliances produce 60 Hz, music is commonly 400 Iz, a reference frequency is 1000 Hz, your maximum sensitivity is near 4000 Hz, and many older TVs produce a 15,750 Hz whine Soluhon: - The threshold of hearing is © phon (uirve) + Then from the curve the sound intensity at o phon for 60 H2 is 44 dB ooke is NB dB al looo H2 is o dB Yoo He js _4 dB \GoooH® is a1 dB Scanned with CamScanner 6 ve Qype is the loudness in phons of a 100-Hz sound that has an intensity level of 80 dB? be Whats the intensity level in decibels of a 4000-Hz sound having a loudness of 70 phons? ce Atwhat intensity level will an 8000-Hz sound have the same Joudness as a 200-Hz sound at 60 dB? SS Solution: a. at Joo and 048 —> Loudness = 75 phen b_ Far eco and Fe phons —> — Sourd ntorsity s 6B AB <. Xcy oF 18 en Se . Boco WE has Be Pron loudness => ‘Sound Level (4B) Frequency f (Hz) Scanned with CamScanner valent level : ouer aged by Conver to energy units Decibels are then doing she averaging and then Converting benk. 4o decibels. . “ho Pho “ro Ley ae beg | See | n Staiskea (percentile) levels: an Linax i a aia ee ax —__—— Ao | Lao Sa ta a =F Lime Lao => used +o represent ack grcund Noise - (Lae — Lqo) > vse? jo represen dhe range of sound levels in the measurments. Ahoy ore less Lenax 1 Lin > ore Singular events representahve than Lt, ard Lao: mz eee Leq= bso + 60 Scanned with CamScanner nd \evel measurement of daily Noise: Fr Day time average cound level CLa)\: i = Leq C From FAH En 40 PH). 1 Night time average sound level (Ln)? re leq Ce, fee >A). 3] Dey - night overage Bound Level Can) + LYe Lott?) = eo Lun = 10 log [25 [10 *1\5 + [0 wall. TEL_Community response $e ONE” Percent highly annoyed = 010 36 Uy Bt Lyra _ 5, Given are the values of average SPLs measured in the different hours of a day ata specific location. Calculate Ley Ly La» Lax and percent highly annoyed rica ee 2a Ae esos [Oe aoe uh 1 am SPL 166 |@2 [ea [62 [64 [64 [66 [66 | 66 [os os |72 (dBA) Time J) 1213-14 15 16 17 [8 [9 (@lu fiz pm SPL [72 | 74 [76 [76 |74 |74 |72 |78 |78 |76 |72 | 68 (dBA) Use the following for C(AL): Ai AL = 4,5, 3 (AL) = 7 0 AL = 100or greater SPL Scanned with CamScanner jthion : pte ge Ley > firsk Sun all the SPUs Using ee wen q Co4 G2 _, 64.6.» 64 + Gt 4 + Gy arto + Gye HS peed ae OL= 6 BL: 5 oL=6 2 add t to Lisgh : 3 qo 4 Fi 4 66 A24 66 — FB466— TH+ Gy 54 689 16+ 422 ae ALe 6 aLea ai<¢ Led at4 VE FL BBs Fr 314TH — BO PAG» AAA B24 Au 83 bL-5 AL= 6 aL=S ole nes bL=B BB 4 AY —> By 4 TA BY Pa B54 4AR—> BE 4G > B64 aL- 4 acto BL=6 dL= 6 bBL=10 eL='4 add 9 at oe GSB p aL= 18 Sum of oh epiis = 8S Ags 4 ther Te geb average first convert ¥e unit ener ay ther oo opin - n avera qe hen Convert 2 Ley= fo Log [ eC \ 42-19 dB ve +2-2dB 10 ou @ to get bn = Ley (4o PM fo FAN) Sum using CCL) ot Hig interval Woyar = 1+ 68578 466 = FB4CL= TSE (22484 d= Fee Gy = 38464 = 43 ae ea ABo las Leq = lo log [ 3 —\- 6e- 45.4B Scanned with CamScanner Oyly = Lea (4AM te lo PN) Sum SPL in this period 66466 = 61 4 OG= HH 6 = 42 $68 = 346B= TH WY TD = 36 Te HE 4g TY = FV 4 TGs BI FAG BD B24 74 ~ B34. Fy = 8h 24 Py AsHBSrtF= 86 8G se Lys lo log [ ee |= tae ap is a Hy (6245 v10) ® Lan = lo log Es [iss ilo © 4 4% Io 10 \\ Ljn = 46-32 4B 2m - oa Gy, + © percent highly annoyed = 0036 Lin ob (4632) - Bev E32) 4 TVA = ON ce highly annoyed = 3A at ee Scanned with CamScanner

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